When is the best time to take out a loan in December? On what lunar days is it better to take a loan. External factors affecting the dollar exchange rate


Helpful Hints

December is traditionally associated with New Year's Eve running around: you need to not only do everything, finish things, hand in reports and plans, but also think about shopping and preparing for the holiday.

To make your purchases profitable and gifts to loved ones pleasant, you should look into the lunar calendar and go for gifts on good days!

However, this month Mercury will be again retrograde: December 19th it will turn in the opposite direction and begin to move in the opposite direction relative to observers from the Earth. This is not the best time for shopping and spending money, so try to make all the important purchases in the first half of the month, at least until December 15th.

When Mercury retrograde you can go shopping, but you should be very careful: you may be slipped the wrong product, there will not be the right color or style, you may be given change incorrectly, you may accidentally overpay, the product may not be of the best quality and you will have to change it, etc.

Read also:Astrological forecast for the signs of the Zodiac for December 2016

However, bargain shopping good to do in the days of the waning moon. This month the moon will be waning from 14 to 28 December 2016, just in the period of retrograde Mercury, so be especially careful! Even if you come across something interesting at a reduced price, it is not certain that you will not have to change this thing for any reason.

IMPORTANT TIPS for shopaholics during Mercury Retro (starting from December 15, 2016 to January 9, 2017):

Count money well, moreover, several times, you can it's wrong to give up, or you yourself can easily make mistakes in the calculations.

Check carefully quality and shelf life(if any) goods. Even if you do not notice anything, try not to leave the product idle for the next few weeks, use it. Then it will be easier to detect the defect and return or exchange it in the store.

Before you leave with the purchased item, make sure that you are packaged exactly what you wanted. There is a risk that you just might mix up the goods.

Go shopping with clear plan, do not make quick and rash purchases. If you, for example, are looking for a gift, you should think in advance what exactly to give you, and already look for a specific thing.

Do not do it major purchases, if you have even the slightest doubt, or without consulting people you trust.

Sales it is better to engage in the first half of the month, then you will be more lucky: you will be able to sell goods or services at a higher price.

This lunar calendar will take into account mainly the movement of the moon, but do not forget that even on the most successful day on the Moon, the action of Mercury retrograde can spoil your luck in terms of shopping.

At the end of the article you will find a handy listing major cases that relate to money and finance, and the most successful days for them in December 2016.

Other useful articles heading Lunar calendar for December 2016:


♐♑ 1 DECEMBER, Thursday. 3rd lunar day from 09:43.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 11:51, Moon without course until 11:50. Important financial documents can be processed in the afternoon. It is also a good time to ask for the return of a debt. In general, the day can be quite successful and productive if you plan the time correctly and do not waste it.

Purchases : with the Moon without a course, it is better not to go shopping: you will waste time in vain and you won’t really find anything. In the afternoon, you can engage in the purchase of real estate, furniture or various goods for renovation.

♑ DECEMBER 2, Friday. 4th lunar day from 10:32.CAPRICORN. Today is a good day to work and solve various complex issues. And although not everything will turn out perfectly, you can do a lot to advance. Now it is important not to take wishful thinking and not to hover in the clouds, you should not succumb to gloomy thoughts. It is possible to draw up monetary documents, but with caution, since it is easy not to notice a mistake.

Purchases : Do not show excessive generosity, it is better to save. You can buy some things for the house that will last a long time.

♑ DECEMBER 3, Saturday. 5th lunar day from 11:14.CAPRICORN , Moon off course from 13:16. The first half of the day is suitable for solving various issues related to money. You can sign important contracts, work on complex tasks. You have to be patient with everything! You can plan complex long-term money matters.

Purchases : in the morning you can go shopping, after 13:00 the moon will be without a course, so you will waste your time. Today it is better to buy some solid and high-quality things, as well as things that will last a long time. It is also a good time to buy real estate and land.

♒ 4 DECEMBER, Sunday. 6th lunar day from 11:50.AQUARIUS. Another rather positive day, but unlike several more stressful work days, today is an opportunity to relax. Don't leave things unfinished. Today it is possible to draw up wills or at least prepare documents for this, consult with specialists, if there is an opportunity to do this on Sunday. You can also take loans, lend money. A very good day for advertising campaigns.

Purchases : today you can also buy real estate. Other large purchases for the home are also allowed.

♒ 5 DECEMBER, Monday. 7th lunar day from 12:20.AQUARIUS , Moon off course from 14:23. A better time to resolve various issues related to loans or wills comes from 12:00. In the first half of the day it is better to continue the work started earlier. It is not worth burdening yourself with big troubles and worries today.

Purchases : the first half of the day is not suitable for shopping: it will be difficult to agree on a price. From about 12:00 to 14:30, you can shop for household appliances or computers.

♓ 6 DECEMBER, Tuesday. 8th lunar day from 12:47.FISHES. Today you should be careful about money, as there is a risk of losing money. You should not engage in cash investments, as well as lending money: there may be problems with the return. Today, you can easily be deceived, so signing important documents should be done with great care.

Purchases : there is a risk of financial loss, it is better not to go shopping especially today, or buy only the most necessary things. Do not carry large amounts of cash with you.

Monetary lunar calendar 2016

♓ DECEMBER 7, Wednesday. 9th lunar day from 13:11.FISHES , The second phase of the moon from 12:04, the Moon without a course from 17:05. The change of the lunar phase is an unfortunate time to start important things, so today it is better not to start anything new. In addition, the negative aspect of the Moon and Saturn can bring obstacles. There may be unexpected expenses.

Purchases : it is better to postpone. Today it is better not to go shopping because of the negative aspects of the Moon.

♈ 8 DECEMBER, Thursday. 10th lunar day from 13:34.FISHES , ARIES from 13:15. Moon without course until 13:14. Today it is good to continue the work started earlier. The day is quite positive, you can do a lot. In the afternoon, you can apply to the authorities for a raise, demand the return of a debt, pay off debts.

Purchases : Today you can go shopping, especially from 13:00 to 15:00, when Venus and the Moon will be in a favorable aspect and the Moon will come out of "idle". However, you should not make quick decisions about the purchase, it is better to consult. Commercial activity will be successful, you can quickly sell even stale goods.

♈ DECEMBER 9, Friday, 11th lunar day from 13:57.ARIES. This day can be quite unpredictable, so be careful when signing documents and conducting any financial transactions. It is good to do things that need to be completed quickly. You can run short advertising campaigns: the result promises to come very quickly.

Purchases : not the best day for shopping, but you can go for some small goods.

♈♉ DECEMBER 10, Saturday, 12th lunar day from 14:22.ARIES , TAURUS. Today is not the right day for complex financial transactions, transfer and receipt of money, credits and loans. Do not lend money: there is a risk that they will not return to you soon.

Purchases : a day is not suitable for shopping: you can spend a lot of excess, and then regret it. If you still want to go shopping, go with a clear shopping list and don't deviate from it: there is a risk of buying something completely unnecessary and also overpriced. For sellers, the day will be more successful than for buyers.

♉ DECEMBER 11, Sunday, 13th lunar day from 14:50.TAURUS. A good day to solve various financial issues. You can draw up a will or at least seek advice on this matter. You can engage in capital investments, financial paperwork. Exchange operations will bring profit. Unfortunately, not all cases can be resolved on this day due to the fact that it is Sunday, but in general the day is very positive and promises good luck in many financial matters.

Purchases : a good day for shopping. Today you can buy everything you need for the holiday (Christmas tree, decorations, candles, etc.). One of the most successful days of the month to go shopping for gifts.

♉♊ DECEMBER 12, Monday, 14th lunar day from 15:25.TAURUS , TWINS from 15:40, Moon without course until 15:39. This day is not suitable for starting important business related to money, as the result may be zero. It is quite possible to continue the things started in the past. But when the moon comes out of "idle" after 15:40, there will be a better time for commercial activities and money transfers. You can sign documents, but you should be very careful, as there is a risk of errors. Also in the afternoon you can search new job or new sources of income.

Purchases : A good time for shopping is after 4:00 pm, when the Moon is in the sign of Gemini. True, now it will be more difficult to find something really worthwhile at a reduced price, you have a chance to buy a good thing that will be nice to give and receive as a gift. Be careful, today it will be easy to miscalculate!

♊ DECEMBER 13, Tuesday, 15th lunar day from 16:07.TWINS. Important things that require concentration and composure, special care, it is better not to plan for today. There may be obstacles in the way of solving important monetary issues. You can organize sales and auctions. Today you should not spend the day passively, as the full moon is approaching, but it is better to postpone too important things, as they may not turn out the way you want.

Purchases : small purchases, purchases of books, including electronic ones, are acceptable today.

Money calendar for 2016


♊♋ 14 DECEMBER, Wednesday, 16th lunar day from 17:00.TWINS , CANCER from 15:10. FULL MOON at 03:05. Moon without a course until 15:09. For most of this day, the Moon will be off course, so if the result of a case is important to you, it is better not to start it at this time. For example, you shouldn't do financial investments, you're wasting your time. You should also not post job search ads, the result will be zero. Today you can get new knowledge that you can perfectly use for earnings in the future.

Purchases : in the next two weeks you have a chance to buy something at a favorable price for you, but this is not surprising, because the New Year sales season is coming. An important caveat: Mercury will be retrograde during the holiday period this year, so your purchases may not always be successful, or you will have to change them.

♋ 15 DECEMBER, Thursday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 18:04.CANCER. The moon is starting to wane and today is a good day to pay off your debts. Litigation related to finances is better not to start today, as there is little chance that they will bring you satisfaction. On this day, it is good to help close relatives if they need material assistance. Selfless help will return to you in the future, even if you do not particularly expect it.

Purchases : small purchases for home and family. You can buy gifts for loved ones, but remember that today there is a risk of spending more than planned. Do not make rash purchases.

♋♌ DECEMBER 16, Friday, 17th lunar day.CANCER , A LION from 16:16, Moon without course until 16:15. This day is quite neutral and does not promise you any special problems. However, this day is more suitable for solving small issues. Today is the 17th lunar day, when you want to relax and have fun, it will be difficult to work. However, you can solve some monetary issues in the evening in an informal setting. If the opportunity presents itself, you can even ask for a raise from your superiors (after 4:30 pm). In the evening, you can also try to play the lottery, or buy a lottery ticket.

Purchases : it is better to go shopping in the evening. Today it is good to buy jewelry and various gold items.

♌ December 17, Saturday, 18th lunar day.A LION. After 11:30 you can borrow money: there should be no problems with the return, it will be easier for you to negotiate. The day is suitable for negotiations and agreements, but it is better if you start business in the afternoon, when the Moon leaves the negative aspects with Venus.

Purchases : a more or less good time for shopping is after 11:30, before that it is better not to go shopping, especially for cosmetics, perfumes and clothes. These goods will be good to buy in the afternoon.

♌ December 18, Sunday, 19th lunar day.A LION , Moon without a course from 19:55 to 20:52. Today it is better to rest and not start important issues: there is a risk of succumbing to impulse and making a mistake. If you are offered a profitable investment on this day, think carefully, do not make hasty decisions, as the risks of fraud or failure are very high.

Purchases : There is a risk of falling into the clutches of scammers, so you should not buy things from unverified sellers or in dubious online stores.

♍ December 19, Monday, the 20th lunar day.VIRGO. With the transition of the Moon into the sign of Virgo, mindfulness and concentration increase, you have the opportunity to do the most necessary things. Accounting operations will be good, you can draw up graphs and databases, calculate expenses, incomes, draw up a family budget. However, everything that you will do today is better to double-check a little later, since the risk of making a mistake still exists. You can deal with insurance.

Purchases : there is a risk of money loss, be careful when shopping: you will be easily deceived. You can buy low-quality goods in the morning. After 14:30, the chances of getting a good item at a reduced price will increase significantly.

♍ DECEMBER 20, Tuesday, 21st lunar day.VIRGO. This time can be used for commercial activities, but put off especially important things, as the change of the lunar phase is approaching.

Purchases : a bad day for large purchases: the change of the lunar phase is approaching.

Lunar money calendar 2016

♎ December 21, Wednesday, 22nd lunar day.SCALES , The fourth phase of the moon from 04:55. A good day for negotiations and deals. Today it will be easy to agree on something. You can claim a refund. Today it is good to receive and transfer new knowledge. For example, you can read relevant literature, sign up for courses. The knowledge gained on this day, you will soon be able to use to generate additional income.

Purchases : from today and in the coming week (until December 27th), it's good to shop for things that you would like to hide and not advertise. Perhaps this is some kind of secret gift or surprise for someone close to you, or things that you would not want to show anyone.

♎ December 22, Thursday, 23rd lunar day.SCALES. From 10:00 the Moon will be on the "burnt path", so at this time it is better not to lend or borrow money. Also, this time is not suitable for solving very important financial issues. It is still a great time to accumulate knowledge, search for the necessary information, work.

Purchases : from 14:30 to 21:30 there is a chance to make quite bargain purchase, do not miss this time if you have not had time to buy gifts for your loved ones!

♎♏ 23 DECEMBER, Friday, 24th lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 17:33, Moon without course until 17:32. Still a bad time to borrow money: there will be problems with the return. You can deal with some pressing issues, but you should not start important matters.

Purchases : small and insignificant. It is better not to plan large purchases for today.

♏ December 24, Saturday, 25th lunar day.SCORPION. Today also do not borrow money and do not take loans: the time of the weak moon is approximately until 22:00. Still a bad time to start important money business: there is a big risk that they will fail. You can continue to deal with insurance.

Purchases : it is better to postpone large purchases. Buy only the essentials today.

♏ 25 DECEMBER, Sunday, 26th lunar day.SCORPION , Moon off course from 10:22. Today we do not recommend solving any important financial questions: there is a risk that the problem will not be solved, or your task will not be completed, and you will waste your time.

Purchases : today you can shop, but it is better not to buy clothes or beauty products (perfumes, cosmetics, jewelry, etc.)

♐ 26 DECEMBER, Monday, 27th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS. If possible, do not lend money: unexpected circumstances can cause your debtor not to pay you on time or not to pay at all.

Purchases : today is also not a particularly good day for large purchases: there may be quarrels and disagreements with sellers and buyers. Small purchases are not allowed. For example, you can buy sports goods.

♐ 27 DECEMBER, Tuesday, 28th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS. The day is not suitable for solving important issues, as the Moon is weakened by the tension from Saturn. Many issues cannot be resolved at all: unexpected obstacles will arise. However, the day can be quite productive for solving small issues. Everything will be done on time and on time.

Purchases : During the day - not the best time for shopping, especially large ones. There is a risk of wasting money. A good time for shopping is after midnight. If you like to shop online and don't mind surfing the pages of online stores at night, you can visit your favorite stores after 12 at night.

♐♑ December 28, Wednesday, 29th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 18:13, Moon without course until 18:13. Unlucky day, do not plan any important things for today, because at best you will not get the desired result, and at worst, all your actions will only bring losses. Today you can continue and complete the things you started in the past, but it is better to wait with new things. Today it is useful to rest and relax, as there is very little energy, and with new forces it will be easier for you to come up with and find new sources of income.

Purchases : a bad day for shopping, it is better not to go shopping today.

♑ DECEMBER 29, Thursday, 30th lunar day from 08:38,1st lunar day from 09:54.CAPRICORN . NEW MOON at 09:54. On the 1st lunar day, it is customary to make wishes and make plans. This is the magical day of the month when a lot can come your way if you prioritize and work towards your goals. Today you should not plan important things, but you should think about what exactly you want in financial plan. Set realistic plans, think about ways to implement them. This is the last new moon in 2016, so you can think about plans not only for the next lunar month, but also for the next year 2017.

Purchases : from this day the moon begins to grow, so in the next two weeks you can sell something profitably. Of course, due to the holidays, there may be a slight delay in your plans. However, today is a great day for planning things for the next month, use it for planning sales and purchases as well.


♑ DECEMBER 30, Friday, 2nd lunar day from 09:55.CAPRICORN , Moon off course from 11:07. Today in the morning you can do a lot, you can start new business, solve complex financial issues. Today you can not promise anything, as there is little chance that you will be able to fulfill the promise. Also, you should be careful to believe in other people's promises if you hear them. The second half of the day will pass under the moon in "idle", so it's better not to start important things.

Purchases : it is better not to make purchases today, especially large and costly ones.

♒ DECEMBER 31, Saturday, 3rd lunar day.AQUARIUS. The last day of the year is usually not associated with a heavy workload, a holiday is ahead, and everyone is trying to prepare for it. Today there are no special recommendations, solve urgent matters, but do not start completely new ones. Try not to think about any monetary problems, if you have them, so as not to spoil your mood before the holiday, you will think about solving these issues next year.

Purchases : A wide variety of purchases are allowed today, including purchases of household appliances and real estate. However, remember that now the Moon is growing, so it will be more profitable to sell than to buy. Sellers will have good earnings today.

Money and business in December 2016

December 1st. The day is suitable for shopping: buying clothes, accessories, cosmetics. There is a chance to buy great things and save money at the same time!

December 2nd. An ideal moment for financial negotiations, signing agreements, and especially for closing deals.

December 3. Today it is worth solving issues related to banks, taxes, insurance. But starting something new, for example, opening deposits, is not recommended.

December 4. The day favors savings. But remember: the miser pays twice! It makes sense to buy high-quality things designed for long-term use.

5th of December. Unforeseen expenses can take you by surprise. Take a stash with you, but not too big so as not to inadvertently spend too much.

December 7. Carefully check your money documents, keep an eye on your wallet and valuables: the probability of losses is very high!

December 8. The plans and projects that have arisen today are destined to come true! Think of ways that will lead you to wealth, but it is better to wait with real actions.

9th December. Meditate: imagine that a cloud of banknotes is hanging over your head. It grows and, finally, it rains money, and you are charged with the energy of wealth.

December 10. It is possible to replenish the budget, receive dividends. You can get back a debt that you no longer hoped to receive.

December 11th. Soaring in the clouds today is not recommended: your inattention or the malicious intent of others can hit your pocket!

12 December. A good time for signing financial documents, banking transactions. It is possible to make a profit.

December 13th. Today, determination and pressure are your trump cards in money matters. But do not forget about caution and practicality!

December 14. It is better to postpone all important financial transactions, especially those related to banks, loans, inheritance: difficulties are not ruled out.

December 15. The best purchases will be goods for outdoor activities, travel. It is worth buying gym memberships, tickets for sports competitions, fitness clothes, and vouchers.

December 16. day is good for bank deposits, business investment and solid purchases. But be careful with other people's money, they are a potential source of problems.

December 17. "Trust but check!" is today's motto. Extreme practicality and attentiveness will help to avoid financial losses and disappointments.

December 18. It is better to solve current money matters, not aiming at new large projects. Large purchases are also not recommended: they will not last long.

December 19th. Watch your belongings and pockets, especially when traveling: losses are likely. To avoid misunderstanding, be careful with checks and receipts.

20th of December. Today it is appropriate to show generosity, to make donations. Take the opportunity to make good gifts for family and friends on the eve of the New Year 2017!

21 December. The desire to impress or be pampered can hit the budget. And getting into debt, asking for a loan is definitely not worth it.

December 22. Today's investments are practical and promise a decent profit. But overlays with financial documents are possible!

December 23. You should rationally approach spending, give preference to practical and useful purchases (even if they are gifts).

December 24. Unfortunate time for financial transactions, investments, purchases: it is unlikely that it will be possible to increase capital, but losses are very likely.

December 25. Perform a wealth ritual. Between the burning candles, place a bowl, behind it - a mirror. Pour water into it and throw 10 coins with the words: “Money, always flow into my house, like water into this magic bowl!”

December 26. The day is favorable for money matters, making a profit. It is likely that you will be repaid the debt or you will have the opportunity to pay off creditors.

27th of December. It is better to spend money on entertainment, presents to loved ones and grand gestures. Try to match the desires with the possibilities!

December 29th. The new moon is a reason to slow down all financial affairs, anyway they will not be successful. Even purchases are desirable to be reduced to the required minimum.

December 30th. The day favors profit, gifts, pleasant spending. However, do not forget about the need to save, otherwise life will remind you of it!

Dec. 31. New Year 2017 - it's time to conjure! Take large bills, wrap batteries in them and put them in a secluded place. Let the money "recharge" for the whole next year!

Auspicious days in December 2016 to take a loan, buy or sell currency, do cash deposits to borrow and repay debts.

December 1, 2016, 3 lunar day (10:39), the growing Moon in Sagittarius / Capricorn. The dynamic energy of the day contributes to career achievements. Reinforce success with the necessary conspiracies and amulets. In the evening, make a personal talisman to attract wealth.

December 2, 2016, 4 lunar day (11:28), the growing Moon in Capricorn. Hard day. There is a high chance of conflict. If possible, refrain from making important decisions and transactions. In the evening, seek advice from money divination.

December 3, 2016, 5 lunar day (12:08), the growing Moon in Capricorn / Aquarius. Today is an opportune moment to lay the foundation for well-being for the next quarter. To do this, perform monetary rites. Slavic magic is especially strong.

December 4, 2016, 6 lunar day (12:40), the growing Moon in Aquarius. Time for major purchases, gifts, meetings. Rejoice and have fun - positive emotions will become a catalyst for successful events. In the evening, count the money by showing it to the Moon.

December 5, 2016, 7 lunar day (13:07), the growing Moon in Aquarius. Do not borrow money and do not enter into loan agreements - otherwise you will scare away financial energy from yourself and wallow in a series of losses. In the evening, read the prayer for prosperity.

December 6, 2016, 8 lunar day (13:28), the growing Moon in Aquarius / Pisces. Today, the likelihood of running into thieves who can steal good luck is increasing. Take advantage of the amulets! Tips from the Higher Powers will help you choose the right magic.

December 7, 2016, 9 lunar day (13:48), the growing Moon in Pisces. A good day for creativity, self-realization. If you make an effort, the hobby will soon bring income. Favorable moment for the conclusion of transactions and contracts.

December 8, 2016, 10 lunar day (14:06), the growing Moon in Pisces / Aries. In no case do not lend - you will get a hole in your personal cash flow. In the afternoon, charge your piggy bank or passbook for an influx of money.

December 9, 2016, 11 lunar day (14:24), the growing Moon in Aries. Don't brag about your accomplishments. Not the right time to spend big. Turn to esotericism to determine the direction of movement, and insight will come to you.

December 10, 2016, 12 lunar day (14:44), the growing Moon in Aries / Taurus. Read a prayer from envious people. Perform a ceremony to return debts. Refuse from large large expenses and purchases, focus on cash accumulation plans.

December 11, 2016, 13 lunar day (15:07), the growing Moon in Taurus. In the morning, turn to oriental magic and the art of feng shui to increase the flow of wealth. Do not quarrel with loved ones - otherwise you will earn a breakdown in the cash flow of energy!

December 12, 2016, 14 lunar day (15:57), the growing Moon in Taurus / Gemini. The word has great power - when reading conspiracies, be careful not to make a mistake. Learn new magical practices, make magical artifacts.

December 13, 2016, 15 lunar day (16:15), the growing Moon in Gemini. Today is a good time to conduct a ceremony for an increase in salary, to lure a new money work. Favorable moment for concluding food locks and contracts.

December 14, 2016, 16 lunar day (17:06), Moon in Gemini / Cancer, full moon at 03:07. In the morning, start magical influences on financial flows. Great is the power of conspiracies to return debts, charge a business for success, rituals for trade.

December 15, 2016, 17 lunar day (18:10), waning Moon in Cancer. A good time to start the journey, for major acquisitions. Read conspiracies so that the authorities show loyalty to you. Otherwise, you may fall under undeserved sanctions!

December 16, 2016, 18 lunar day (19:24), waning Moon in Cancer/Leo (16:14). Ill-considered magical manipulations - can lead to material losses or loss of strength. Be careful - competitors are plotting you, protect yourself with a talisman!

December 17, 2016, 19 lunar day (20:43), waning Moon in Leo. Any kind of magic aimed at improving life is effective. In the afternoon, make your own amulet for the wallet, perform the ritual-bait of work.

December 18, 2016, 20 lunar day (22:02), waning Moon in Leo/Virgo. The energy of the day is suitable for money rituals. Show generosity, give alms, and in the near future your financial situation will improve!

December 19, 2016, 21 lunar days (23:20), waning Moon in Virgo. You are guaranteed success in business if you show determination. When making deals, use amulets against scammers. In the afternoon, read a prayer for a full wallet.

December 20, 2016, continuation of 21 lunar days, the waning moon in Virgo. In the morning, resolve issues related to real estate and trade. It is favorable to strengthen business ties and acquire the necessary acquaintances.

December 21, 2016, 22 lunar day (00:35), waning Moon in Virgo/Libra. Be careful, focus on work tasks - there is a high risk of making a serious mistake, for which you will then have to incur monetary punishment and lose confidence!

December 22, 2016, 23 lunar day (01:48), waning Moon in Libra. Beware of scammers and envious people - today it is easy to pick up damage for good luck. Use amulets and talismans to protect yourself from theft and loss.

December 23, 2016, 24 lunar day (02:59), waning Moon in Libra/Scorpio. Keep yourself in control so as not to spoil relations with superiors and colleagues. Not the best time to manage money energy - the result is likely to disappoint you.

December 24, 2016, 25 lunar day (04:10), waning Moon in Scorpio. Throw all your strength into solving work issues: the powerful energy of the day will open up new potential in you, your work will return to you a hundredfold. It's good to start looking for a new job.

December 25, 2016, 26 lunar day (05:20), waning Moon in Scorpio. Not the best time to manage money energy - the result is likely to disappoint you. In the evening, tell fortunes to determine a strategy for attracting wealth.

December 26, 2016, 27 lunar day (06:28), waning Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius. Day of negotiations and resolution of important issues, be collected. In the evening, count the cash you have, imagining how it multiplies, how you grow rich.

December 27, 2016, 28 lunar day (07:33), the waning Moon in Sagittarius. Take a charmed coin with you when you go shopping - it will protect you from scammers. Be careful - today the probability of running into thieves increases.

December 28, 2016, 29 lunar day (08:33), waning Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn. Today it is favorable to make large purchases, make transactions related to real estate, and establish new business ties. In the evening, read conspiracies for unexpected profits.

December 29, 2016, 30 and 1 lunar days (09:26/09:53), Moon in Capricorn, new moon at 09:53. On the new moon, conjure a new wallet and piggy bank to increase income and increase savings. In the afternoon, turn to the Slavic magic of prosperity.

December 30, 2016, 2 lunar day (10:10), the growing Moon in Capricorn. Do not leave personal belongings anywhere: today it is especially easy to damage them through them. Do not raise the money found: you risk taking on other people's problems.

December 31, 2016, 3 lunar day (10:45), the growing Moon in Capricorn / Aquarius. Understanding mistakes will help you find the path to prosperity and success. It is important to distribute all debts and not to make new ones. Do not lend money on New Year's Eve 2017. Charge the talisman for good luck.

Fans of astrology compare all their affairs with the lunar calendar, including such questions as what day is best to take a loan. You will learn about this from this article.

What dates do you need to come?

If you are going to become a borrower, astrologers recommend doing it on the following days: 2, 8, 24, 27. Keep in mind that this does not mean the date of the month, but the day according to the lunar calendar. But at the same time, some beliefs say that one should not take and give cash on Mondays and Sundays.

And remember!!! Before taking out a loan, think 10 times and apply once once. If today you are offered a loan with a rate of over 17% - this is a clear robbery. Look for the best deals. They are there, you have to look for them. And be sure to read before applying this note, it will help you not to make serious mistakes!

Bank % per annum Filing an application
Oriental is more likelyFrom 9.9%Checkout
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The peculiarity of the days listed in order is that they provide an opportunity to reverse the course of events. The effect is enhanced on the 2nd and 8th lunar days, if you take money for a reason, but with the idea that you are improving your financial situation. To improve your well-being, it is also recommended to "borrow for a young month, and return it for a flawed month."

It is worth being active, that is, taking loans, when the moon is in the signs of Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. And important negotiations have air - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra. Popular wisdom also says that you need to sign a loan agreement or take a credit card with your left hand.

When not to go to the bank for a loan

There are also guidelines for when not to borrow. These are 1, 6 and 11 days according to the above calendar. There are also risks for those who go to the bank on 14, 15 and 23 days. In all cases, you can miss something important in the loan agreement.

According to popular belief, one should avoid borrowing on Tuesdays. It is also said that it is not necessary to issue loans to pregnant women, since "the child will live in debt", and amounts that can be divided by two.

  • Monday is ruled by the Moon and is a hectic day. Not suitable for loans.
  • Tuesday under Mars, no deals recommended.
  • Wednesday under Mercury. This is one of the best days for concluding loan agreements. And on the same day, it is desirable to repay debts.
  • Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, who recommends making plans. One of the money days of the week.
  • Friday is ruled by Venus. You should not do something responsible, especially financially.
  • Saturday ruled by Saturn. Not the best time to borrow, but a great time to think about your plans.
  • Sunday under the Sun. You can't make financial deals, but you can spend money. They'll be back soon anyway.

Numerology of money

  • 2 (20, 200, 2000, etc.), all amounts that contain “2” and “0” leave and do not return, and if they appear, they are not good.
  • 3 - can give good luck, but does not accumulate well.
  • 4- stability.
  • 5 - monetary figure for talismans, roulette, various games (it is spent quite easily, but brings good luck).
  • 6 - promises modest savings.
  • 7 - unfortunate for money.
  • 8 is the number of good luck, "or pan, or gone."
  • 9 - very spiritual, does not contribute to accumulation.

When is the best time to pay according to the lunar calendar?

Astrologers avoid payments on Mondays and in the evening - after 18:00. Best time to pay off debt - 19 and 21 lunar days. Popular wisdom says that money should be given with the right hand. Monday, which is known to be a “hard day”, is not the best for getting rid of debt.

You need to understand that this is only subjective advice. Pay attention to whether you have the funds to repay loans, whether you can trust the bank, whether the offer for the loan you need is profitable - car loan, consumer or housing credit. This is more important than knowing the lunar day.

  • There will be money in the house if you keep some of it under the tablecloth.
  • Money loves an account. But you should never count the funds in the piggy bank.
  • In the evening, they do not count their savings.
  • In the wallet, all banknotes must be in order, without crumpled banknotes. Papers are folded sequentially in accordance with their dignity. The currency is placed in a separate section of the purse.
  • The broom in the house should be kept with the whisk up.
  • To keep your “wealth” from leaking, close the toilet lid.
  • Due to faulty plumbing, money “leaks” out of the house along with water.
  • Buy only brown or silver wallets, as the money element is earth and metal.
  • Put a silver coin at the entrance to your apartment and, returning to the house, say "I go home, the money is after me."
  • Nails should be trimmed on Tuesdays and Fridays.
  • Do not whistle at home, so as not to whistle savings.
  • Money left on the table at night attracts poverty.
  • When you buy something, say "Thank you."
  • You need to sweep houses from the threshold, while you should not clean up after sunset.
  • Don't pick up someone else's.