Cosmos card how to exchange points. Cosmos debit card with cashback from Home Credit. Debit card "Cosmos" Home Credit: reviews


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From 05/08/2019, the interest rate on the daily balance on the account is 10,000 rubles. up to 500,000 rubles - 5% per annum.

The commission for account maintenance in the first 12 months is not charged for cards issued before 07.12.17. inclusive.. Please note that the calculation of the commission is for the billing period, so the free 12 months ends a few days before the card issuance date (on the billing date).
from 8.12.17 for new users of Cosmos, the unconditionally free GO period is cancelled.
Starting from the second year from the reporting date (for new customers from the date of opening a card account), for the card to be free of charge, you must:
maintain a daily account balance of more than 10 000 rubles ( 10 tr. must be deposited to the card account on the day of signing the contract) or
make purchases of goods and services for at least 5 000 rubles.
In other cases commission 99 rubles per month.

Daily limit on card transactions:
receiving cash - 500,000 rubles
non-cash payment for goods and services - 1,500,000 rubles
5 free card withdrawals per month at ATMs of third-party banks.

Card issue fee: main card - not charged
Fee for reissuing the card at the end of the validity period: the main card is not charged
X additional card - 200 rubles

INTEREST on daily balance from 07.05.2018.
6% per annum with an account balance of 10,000 rubles to 500,000 rubles;
3% per annum with an account balance of more than 500,000 rubles (for an amount exceeding 500,000 rubles),
not charged with an account balance of less than 10,000 rubles.
Even if the account had a balance of 10,000 rubles. one day, interest will accrue in one day.
If the amount on the card approaches 500,000 rubles, it is better to order a second Cosmos card and store the excess amount on it.

The calculation for the calculation of interest includes the amounts on the account at 23:00.
Interest is accrued on the reporting date 04, 14 or 24, each has its own date.
The start date of the billing period is indicated in the contract, clause 10 on page 1. On this date, interest is credited to the card.
Interest in the transaction history is reflected in two amounts, broken down by month:
(from 05 to 30/31 and from 1 to 4), from 15 to 30/31 and from 1 to 14) or (from 25 to 30/31 and from 1 to 24).

is free:
- c2c in the bank's IB in the PRODUCTS / Cosmos card / Top up / fill in the details
from 05/01/2018 to 12/31/2019, Home Credit Bank conducts the campaign "Online payments without commission" and cancels the commission for replenishing debit cards from any cards of payment systems Visa, MasterCard or MIR in internet banking. BUT there are banks that charge a commission for outgoing c2c
Money is credited to the card instantly. Amounts received before 20:00. reflected in the account on the current day.
The maximum amount for which you can replenish the card for free is up to 300,000 rubles per month. The maximum amount of one operation is up to 75,000 rubles. But, there are limits / restrictions on the donor bank and card category.
At Sberbank, cards of low categories make it possible to withdraw up to 30 tr. at a time, up to 50 tr. in a day.
From a Tinkoff card from 3 tr. (less than 3 tr. there will be a commission of 90 rubles from Tinkoff).

Cash through the cashier or ATM/terminal;
- by interbank transfer from another bank, where the interbank is free (Tinkoff, Corn, Beeline, CEB, etc.);
- push c2c out of Tinkoffbank IB within limits up to 20 tr. per month without commission;
- other services where there is a possibility of C2C transfers
with commission:
Replenishment c2c over 300 tr. per month in IB paid. The commission is 0.8% of the transfer amount (minimum 25 rubles for transfers from Mastercard cards, 33 rubles for transfers from Visa cards). The commission is charged from the card of another bank in addition to the transfer amount.
The transfer amount is up to 60 tr. The total amount of transfers from one card is 150 tr. per day, 540 tr. per month.

is free:
-cash withdrawal at the cash desk up to 500 tr. in a day;
- ATMs, incl. 5 free withdrawals per month at ATMs of third-party banks (VTB 100 tr. at a time, Alfa 450 tr. limited by the capabilities of the terminal / ATM, other banks according to their internal restrictions)
- pull out s2 with free services from the IS of other banks, limiting the corresponding services (banks) with limits.
Outgoing interbank with a commission of 10 rubles. up to 500 tr. in a day.
Receipt of cash, interbank to the card account up to 600 tr. do not require resting, you can remove or translate.

The card is automatically connected to the BENEFITS PROGRAM upon issuance
Access to the Program Benefit appears after the purchase transaction is processed ((usually 2-3 business days)
Base points are earned on standard purchases 1%. .
Max. the number of Base Points accrued in the current month cannot exceed 2 000 .
For purchases in certain categories ("gas stations", "Cafes and restaurants", "Pharmacy"), 3% .Here is a list of mss with increased KB, courtesy of user Basil.
Max. the number of Points accrued in the current month for purchases in individual categories cannot exceed 3 000 .
Promotion Points- accrued in accordance with the terms of the Promotions.
Points are also awarded for paying for the services of providers listed in the bank's database through IB.
KB 1% is charged on almost all standard purchases and payments for housing and communal services, cellular communications, taxes, fines...
Starting November 19, the amount of accrued CB will be rounded down to the nearest ruble.

The monthly limit on points is calculated by the date of purchase.
A large purchase (over 100 tr. in enhanced categories, 200 tr. in regular categories) should be paid in two payments:
pay the advance at the end of the month, the final payment at the beginning of the next month.
Points appear in the Benefit program after processing the purchase transaction, they can be immediately converted into rubles by pressing the exchange button for any purchase. Partial compensation of the purchase is possible, as well as one purchase can be compensated several times. Points can be exchanged for money at any time, from July 2, spending Points is possible only if there are 100 or more Points on the Bonus Account.
When compensating points up to 20 hours. there is an instant refund in exchange for points.
Questions/Answers on Benefits

other information.

Closing a card/account without commission:
- The balance on the card must be more than 10 tr. ((if there were no purchases for 5 tr.);
- submit an application at the office to close the SCS card and account;
- withdraw the balance at the cash desk, or transfer the balance to another account.

If the account balance is less than 10 tr. (and in the reporting period there were no purchases for 5 tr.), then upon closing the account, commissions of 99 rubles will be written off. for each month of non-compliance with the conditions for the free card (there was no minimum balance of 10 tr. or purchases for 5 tr.).
If there is 0 on the card, then the debt on the card will grow at 99 rubles / month.

4 base update periods - 03.00, 08.15, 16.15 and 20.00.

While the initial outline of information on the map. Gradually I will add important points. If anyone has any suggestions I'd be happy to add them.

The two main advantages that immediately “strike out” are the return of a part of the funds spent on purchases (“Cashback”), and the accrual of interest on the balance of own funds (up to 6% per annum). In other words, you can use the card as a deposit, and use the “Cashback”, returning part of the money back to debit plastic. Interest on the balance is accrued if the amount of at least 10 thousand rubles is permanently stored on your card. Participation in the “Benefit” bonus program is characterized by a return percentage in% of the purchase amount in the form of bonuses. The accumulated bonuses can be withdrawn in the form of cash, or they can be used to pay for any goods (or services).

Requirements for clients. Required documents

The card can be issued by any natural person who has the citizenship of the Russian Federation and is 18 years of age or older. Of the documents, you need to present only the Passport of a Citizen of Russia. The contract is also concluded with minors, on the following conditions:

  • For individuals aged 14 to 16 years (required: identity document and written consent of legal representatives);
  • For individuals aged 16 to 18 years (you must present: an identity document, written parental consent, or a court decision recognizing this person as fully capable).

How to issue a card?

Tariffs debit card "Cosmos"

Cash withdrawal using a card:
At ATMs and cash desks of Home Credit Bank 0 ₽
At ATMs and cash desks of third-party banks (the first 5 withdrawals in the billing period) 0 ₽
At ATMs and cash desks of third-party banks (from 6 withdrawals per period) 100 ₽

Advantages and disadvantages Cosmos cards

Advantages of the Cosmos card:

  • The ability to return part of the money from purchases with a card. I advise you to “catch” the maximum accruals of bonuses on the days of the promotions. All information about the timing of the promotions can be viewed on the official website of the program;
  • Accrual of interest (up to 6% per annum) on the balance of own funds. In our opinion, this is the main advantage of this plastic. But, the percentage is sharply reduced, since most recently they offered 7.5% per annum;
  • Excellent conditions for transactions related to cash receipts and transfers (see tariffs);
  • Free release and maintenance (subject to conditions).

Cons of the Cosmos card:

  • Very long process of crediting points to the card (up to 2 months);
  • Low return on purchases. If you do not take into account promotional offers with large bonus accruals (which are not held very often), then 1-3% of the purchase amount is very small. For example, if we take it for comparison, then it has a return on purchases of up to 20% (by the way, there are a lot of partners there);
  • Large monthly service fee - 99 rubles / month (that's 1188 rubles per year). True, the fee can be avoided if you make purchases with a card for 5 thousand rubles, or keep 10 thousand rubles on your account;
  • Forced service "SMS-Info" - 59 rubles per month. Shutdown is available, but not many people know how to do it.
Reading this article:

The recently introduced debit Cosmos card from Home Credit Bank has a good chance of becoming one of the best deals on the market.

After all, this is not only a stylish design, but also interest on the balance, a bonus debit program launched for the first time, plus there is also the opportunity not to pay for service and withdraw cash from any ATM.

It's good to know the background of the map.

Until the advent of Cosmos, a debit piggy bank card was available in Home Credit "Good news" from 7-10% per annum. No bonuses were offered on the card, but it was necessary to pay 59 rubles / month if you did not maintain a balance of more than 10 thousand rubles.

In turn, this card has replaced the convenient and profitable “Good News” savings accounts.
Wiki: Good News Card from Home Credit.

Also a year earlier, it became possible to issue a credit card, which is now called on the site as “Card with benefits Platinum”. Review from 11/20/2015: Home Credit: “Successful purchases”.

The platinum “Lucky Purchases” card was free, but meaningless without a paid cashback option with a price of 2990 rubles per year. 2% cashback was credited for purchases, and 5% for selected outlets.

It was not so easy to get a card, even with a zero credit limit, you had to connect social engineering. And it was not clear whether it was a hack of the “hamster” system, or another feature of hobbists who know how to find the right paths.

However, recently the cost of the option was increased to 4990 rubles, and the cashback was reduced by half a point to 1.5%. They also reduced the maximum amount of cashback payouts, which called into question the appropriateness of using such cards.

Thus, only piggy bank cards with bonuses for purchases were missing. And now her time has come.

Update: From 10.03.2017 on the daily balance of own funds on the card from 10,000 to 500,000 rubles is charged 7.1% per annum, was 7.5%.

Tariffs on the Cosmos card

Card service is regulated by “tariffs and conditions”, where the latest pdf of all card tariffs and not only at the time of publication of the article is dated 12/22/2016 (section 4, p. 20) + (6.4 mb). A summary of the rates is provided on the debit card page.

Curiously, this is not the first card with Visa Platinum status. On the left is a photo of a previously issued “Premium” card with similar conditions, i.e. 7.5% per annum, the ability to withdraw up to 500 thousand rubles per day.

But the amount of 2,500 rubles was taken for issuing a card and up to 10 free withdrawals at ATMs / cash desks were provided. Plus, a free SMS-informing service and up to three free additional cards.

The Cosmos bonus program deserves special attention, let's take a closer look at it below.

Bonus program for "Cosmos"

A nice promo site for the Polza bonus program is here: True, in terms of bonus interest, it is true only for credit cards.

1% for purchases and payments in IB and 3% for payment at outlets "Cafes and restaurants", "Gas stations", "Travel".
In the first case, the maximum cashback amount is 2000 rubles / month, in the second case 3000 rubles / month.

Unlike Gold and Platinum credit cards, Cosmos debit card has a bonus program “Benefit” is free, and not 990 or 4990 rubles.

Unlike other bonus programs, bonuses are given here even for paying for mobile communications, utilities and fines, incl. via internet banking! There are no explicit or implicit taxes.

Unlike other bonus programs in Home Credit bonus points are easily and quickly converted into real money and you don't have to wait a month or more. That's why they say that here, in fact, a cashback, disguised as bonus points for a number of reasons.

Usage example: made a purchase for 1000 rubles, a couple of days after the operation we go to view bonuses ...

and these 10 points are either withdrawn to a mobile phone (= 10 rubles) or we compensate for part of this purchase (10 rubles will fall on the card account).

Compare with banks, where they give 1% on regular purchases:

Rocketbank : to use the accumulated bonuses, you need to accumulate 3000 bonuses, which is equivalent to purchases worth 300 thousand rubles! Bonuses will turn into rubles only after making a purchase in the amount of 3,000 rubles and completing a compensation operation in the mobile application.

touch bank, like Rocket, it requires you to first accumulate bonuses, here we are talking about 1000 bonuses. It’s easy to save up in your favorite category with 3% cashback, but there won’t be any bonuses for a communal apartment.

Tinkoff Bank : here you can’t wait for bonuses for paying for mobile communications or communal services. Even for the purchase of an iPhone, you can not wait for bonuses. Moreover, TB clamps down on change, rounding bonuses down, but this is not the case in Home.
Cashback payment on the date of the billing period.

From 08.12.2016 to 08.01.2017 Home Credit launched Action "Miracles for the New Year". During the promotion period, [it was] necessary to make 3 purchases with a Visa card with “Benefit” from 500 rubles, and the bank promises to credit 500 points by the end of the month.

Of course, in order to participate in this promotion, you had to get a card before the end of 2016. Moreover, bank employees assured that in order to participate in the promotion, you need to wait until you receive a personal platinum visa instead of an instantly issued, temporary MasterCard “Key” card.

However, experiments have shown that bonuses are still given, it is possible that this is just a bank flaw.

Cashback counts by write-off date, if the account was debited on February 1, then it counts towards the February cashback amount:

The period for which the maximum number of points for accrual is calculated is 1 calendar month. Confirmed transactions are counted per month. Thus, it is the transaction confirmation date that determines its accounting in a particular month.

The bonus period is 1 year.

specific list of mcc codes, included in categories with increased cashback or codes that exclude the accrual of bonuses. Therefore, below in the spoiler are mcc codes for gas stations, cafes / restaurants and air / railway, collected manually, and the list “without bonuses” is quoted from the rules of the bonus program.

Cafes and restaurants

5811 caterers
5812 Eating Places,Restaurants (Cafes and Restaurants)
5813 Drinking Places - Bars,Tave
5814 Fast Food Res. (fast food restaurants)

5172 Petroleum/Petrol Products (Oil and oil products)
5541 Service stations (Gas stations)
5542 Automated Fuel Dispenser (automated fuel dispensers)
5983 Fuel dealers - fuel oil (Fuel sales points)


3000-3299 Airlines
3351-3441 car rental
3501-3790 Hotels/Motels/Inns/Resorts
4112 Passenger RailwaysX
4131 bus lines

4411 Cruise Lines
4457 Boat rentals and leases
4468 marinas,marine service/suppl
4511 Airlines, Air Carriers
4582 Airports, flying fields

4722 Travel Agencies and Tour Op
7011 Hotels,Motels,Resorts-Lodgins
7012 Timeshares
7512 Automobile rental & Leasing

4.1.9. None of the types of Points is awarded for withdrawing funds from an account under the Agreement using a Card with Benefits through ATMs, cash desks of the Bank or other credit organizations, for money transfers, for replenishing electronic wallets, for purchasing traveller's checks and lottery tickets, bonds, precious metals in credit institutions, transactions in casinos and other gambling establishments, as well as for other transactions using the Card with a Benefit that are not payment for goods and / or services.

Known and Possible Issues

  • In the office may issue a non-activated card even though they will claim otherwise. It is better to set the PIN code at the office and check the card through an ATM. But it is safer and more comfortable, of course, at home, through the Internet bank

The Cosmos debit card from Home Credit Bank is one of the novelties of last year and the bank's flagship product. Plastic is a highly profitable payment instrument with a connected loyalty program, free service, cashback in partner stores and other additional benefits. To apply for a card, you need to fill out the application below

Debit Card Benefits of Home Credit

What is Cosmos from Home Credit Bank?

Space from Home Credit Bank is a card of maximum opportunities, as it is called in the credit organization itself.

Plastic is profitable and allows the owner to receive monthly up to 7.5% per annum on a positive account balance.

See also: debit income cards. Comparison and selection of the best.
Plus, the card earns cashback in the form of bonus points, which can be exchanged for rubles at the rate of 1 bonus = 1 ruble.

The main advantage of the card is its long validity period, which is 5 years. The card is equipped with a chip and Paypass instant payment technology.

Due to the free annual service and low fees for basic paid services, the card is one of the bank's most popular products.

Basic conditions and tariffs for the Cosmos card

ParametersStandard debit card CosmosSalary card Cosmos
Issue cost0 rub.0 rub.
The cost of the first reissue at the initiative of the client0 rub.0 rub.
The cost of the second and subsequent issues at the initiative of the client200 rub.200 rub.
In the first 12 months, the plastic maintenance fee is not charged. Starting from the 13th month of service, etc. a commission of 99 rubles per month is charged. If during the previous billing month the client made purchases with a card in the amount of more than 5,000 rubles or there was a minimum minimum balance of at least 10 thousand rubles on his account every day, then no commission will be charged.The first 12 months of using the card will be free. In subsequent months, a commission of 99 rubles will be charged. per month. If the borrower's account constantly has a minimum balance of 10,000 rubles, or he makes purchases with a card per month in the amount of at least 5,000 rubles, then no commission is charged.
Interest rate on account balanceIf the borrower's card account contains an amount less than 10,000 rubles, then interest on the balance is not charged. If the account constantly has an amount from 10 to 500 thousand rubles, then interest is charged at a rate of 7.5% per annum. If the card has an amount of more than 500 thousand, then the interest rate will be 3% per annum.The interest rate charged on the account balance depends on the amount that is on the card. 7.5% per annum can be obtained if the card has an amount from 10 to 500 thousand. If the card has an amount over 500 thousand, then the percentage will be 3% per annum. If the amount on the account is less than 10 thousand, then interest on the balance will not be accrued.
Transfer to an account opened in another bank via Internet banking10 rubles regardless of the amount0 rubles
Transfer to cards of other banks1% of the amount, minimum 100 rubles.
Commission for withdrawing cash from bank ATMs0 rub.0 rub.
Commission for cash withdrawals from ATMs of foreign banksNo commission is charged for the first 5 withdrawals per month, but all subsequent withdrawals in the current calendar month will be paid and a fixed commission for cashing out funds will be 100 rubles.0 rub.
Cash withdrawal limit for 1 day500 thousand rubles500 thousand rubles
SMS-Bank59 rub.59 rub.
Commission for depositing cash to the card through ATMs, bank cash desks and cash desksNotNot
Change PINIs freeIs free

Why do you need a Cosmos map?

To answer this question, you must first tell that there are several Cosmos plastic cards.

It could be a standard debit card for everyday use by ordinary citizens. It is convenient for her to pay for purchases and services, especially from partners of a credit institution, because special points are awarded under the Benefit bonus program.

The card is also convenient to use for the purpose of accumulating funds. Every day, an interest rate of 3 to 7.5% per annum is accrued on the positive balance of the account. This indicator is comparable, and in some cases even exceeds the rates on bank deposits of most large banks. And if no one will let you use the money there, otherwise the interest will “burn out”, then on the Cosmos card it is enough to keep a minimum positive balance on the account to calculate interest.

The card is ideal for use by young active people who live in large cities and often use the services of Home Credit Bank partners. The conditions for the Cosmos debit card are so simple and easy to implement that it will be convenient and profitable to use it for all categories of citizens, including students and even pensioners, for whom the card will be a godsend due to profitability, as a contribution.

There is another type of Cosmos debit card from Home Credit Bank - a salary card. Its use and capabilities are no different from a standard card, but the terms of service for the owner are much more profitable.

Salary Cosmos card holders are real lucky ones, because they have free money withdrawals at any third-party ATMs, free transfers to other banks, free annual maintenance and much more.

The card is also connected to the Benefit program, has profitable functions, which makes it a profitable payment and savings tool in the wallet of any owner.

Who can get a card?

The Cosmos debit card from Home Credit Bank is issued according to one document - a passport. Since the card is not a credit card, the bank does not set any special requirements for the owners of plastic.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority can issue a Cosmos. A potential cardholder must have a Russian residence permit, but the region of residence does not matter at all. The client can be registered where there are no bank offices. This will not affect the issuance of the card in any way, as is the case with credit cards, for example.

The process of obtaining a Cosmos card from Home Credit Bank

If you want to become a happy owner of a Cosmos Home Credit Bank debit card, you will need to do just a few simple things. The first is to apply for the release of plastic.

This can be done via the Internet or by calling the bank's hotline. It is enough to introduce yourself, indicate your e-mail address, date of birth and a contact phone number for communication.

In a few minutes, a bank employee will call the phone to make sure that the client is serious about issuing plastic.

After a telephone conversation and confirmation of the conditions, the application for issuing a card will be instantly considered, and the client will be notified about it in an SMS message. There will also be indicated the approximate time for the manufacture of plastic (about 1-2 weeks).

When the card is ready and delivered to the selected branch, the client will be called and informed about it.

To receive a card, the client must personally come to the bank branch with a passport and pick up the finished plastic.

How to activate Space?

You can activate a Cosmos bank card from Home Credit Bank in several simple ways:

  • Directly at the branch, after receiving the card in your hands, you need to ask the manager to activate the plastic in the system through a computer.
  • Call the bank's contact center, having previously prepared a card and passport, connect with the operator and inform about your desire to receive a TPIN code. This is a kind of verification code that is assigned to the client to identify him when calling the hotline. To receive such a code, the operator must identify the customer on the phone by asking a few questions. After that, the client will be connected to an autoinformer, who will name the generated combination of numbers, which will become the TPIN code. It will need to be written down, so it is better to have a pen and notebook ready.

After receiving the code, you can call the bank's hotline again, log in to the system using the TPIN code and press the card activation button.

But that's not all. After activating the card, the client must call the bank's hotline within 72 hours to receive a PIN code for the card. If you do not do this within the specified time, the bank will send the PIN by registered mail.

How can I replenish the card and withdraw money profitably?

You can withdraw money from the card at any Home Credit Bank ATM in your locality. Withdrawals from your own ATMs will be free, but for cashing out from third-party devices, a fee of 100 rubles is charged, regardless of the amount.

Moreover, the commission is charged only starting from the 6th transaction per month. The first 5 withdrawals will be absolutely free, regardless of the amount.

And according to the Cosmos salary card from Home Credit Bank, withdrawals will generally be free at all ATMs, which is undoubtedly a huge plus.

To save money on withdrawals at other people's ATMs, the cardholder can send money from his plastic to an account opened with any other bank through his personal Internet banking account. The commission for this operation will be only 10 rubles, despite the amount.

Replenishment of the Cosmos Home Credit Bank card will be free only in its own devices and cash desks. If desired, the client can replenish the plastic in any other way:

  1. Through Russian Post offices
  2. Through an interbank transfer from another bank
  3. Partners (Svyaznoy, MTS, Zolotaya Korona, etc.)
  4. Via Internet Banking from your other Home Credit Bank account or from a third-party credit organization
  5. Through card-to-card transfer services, etc.

There are really a lot of options, but almost all of them will be paid. Moreover, the commission will be charged by the sending bank, and not by Home Credit banks.

How to connect an Internet bank and why do the owners of Cosmos need it?

Thanks to Internet banking, the cardholder will always be able to have full access to the account, monitor the card balance, recent transactions, check their correctness, etc. In Internet banking, you can make dozens and hundreds of various payments, transfers, pay bills, utilities, mobile communications, etc. no commission.

Being in the personal account of the Internet bank, the client can submit a quick application for a new product of the bank, for example, apply for a loan or a credit card, open a deposit instantly, etc. To do this, he does not have to go to the office, which is very convenient and saves a lot of time.

You can set up auto payment in your Internet banking account. This will allow you to forget about monthly reminders to pay utility bills, the Internet or a mobile phone. If the client sets up auto payment, then monthly or once a week the specified amount will be automatically debited to pay for the selected service or transfer.

In addition, only through the Internet bank, the owners of the Cosmos card from Home Credit Bank can go to the special Benefit section, which was created only for cardholders with the connected program.

Here you can find information on the bonus account, see the latest bonus accruals, check the correctness of the data provided, etc. Here you can also see current promotions, find the nearest partner stores, see their list and the amount of remuneration.

The client does not have to connect the Internet bank separately. When drawing up an agreement for the provision of banking services, the client is automatically connected to Internet banking. This option is free, so you won't have to pay any commission for it.

Upon registration, the client will be given a temporary login and password for the first login to the Internet banking system. They will need to be replaced immediately.

It is worth remembering that the temporary password is valid only 1 time, so if you do not change the password the first time you use it, it will not be valid for re-entry. In this case, the client will have to call the Home Credit Bank hotline, authenticate in the system via TPIN and ask for a new one-time password to enter the Internet bank.

Comparison of debit cards Cosmos and BLACK from Tinkoff

These two cards of different banks are compared by experts, customers and ordinary consumers for a reason. They are very similar and offer owners the maximum range of possibilities. Let's compare both plastic cards, the conditions for their issuance, use and see which one is better.

Parameters / NamesSpace from Home CreditBlack by Tinkoff
Validity60 months36 months
Annual maintenance costThe first year is free, subsequent years are 99 rubles per month. If the account has a minimum balance of 10 thousand or more, or purchases were made on the card in the amount of 5 thousand rubles or more. - is free99 rub. per month. If the cardholder has an open deposit, credit. Or there is always an amount of at least 30 thousand rubles on the account, then the service will be free for him
Card issue cost0 rub.0 rub.
Interest on account balance7.5% per annum7% per annum is accrued if the client has made debit transactions to pay for goods and services in the amount of at least 3,000 rubles. in a calendar month. If purchases are made in the amount of less than 3000 rubles, then 3% per annum is charged on any balance.
Cashback1%, 3% and 10% in special categories and online stores, respectively1%, 5% or 30% in special categories
PayPass/ PayWaveThere isThere is
Payment systemPlatinumPlatinum
Commission for cash withdrawals from third-party ATMsThe first 5 withdrawals per month are free of charge at any ATM, starting from the 6th withdrawal of funds at a third-party ATM, etc. in the current month, a commission of 100 rubles will be charged from any amountFrom 3000 rubles free withdrawal at any ATM, but for a calendar month you can withdraw no more than 150 thousand without commission. If the amount exceeds 150 thousand, then for each transaction you will have to pay 2%, but not less than 90 rubles. Fixed commission in the amount of 90 rubles. the client will have to pay if he wants to withdraw an amount less than 3000 rubles. at a third party ATM
Fee for card-to-card transfer via internet bank1% of the amount, but not less than 100 rubles.Free up to 20 thousand rubles. per month
SMS-Bank59 rub. per month39 rub. per month

Both cards have very minor discrepancies in each parameter. In some points, the Cosmos debit card from Home Credit Bank wins (the interest on the balance is higher, the service is free, the validity period is longer, etc.), and in some points the Black card from Tinkoff wins (free withdrawals, free transfers, high cashback for special categories, the cost of SMS-Bank, etc.)

It is not possible to single out any of the cards unambiguously. They are both good, which is clearly evidenced by customer reviews about the Cosmos and Black card on the Internet.

What is Benefit and why is it needed?

Use is a bonus program that is connected to the Cosmos debit card from Home Credit Bank for free.

With its help, plastic owners can get guaranteed cashback for any purchases in the form of bonus points that can be easily exchanged for real money.

Bonus points are awarded absolutely for all operations of payment for goods and services, except for cash withdrawals, money transfers, replenishment of electronic wallets, etc.

Moreover, the forbidden list does not include payment for housing and communal services, fines and a mobile phone, which means that bonuses are also accrued for paying for these services.

The bank awards several types of points with different percentages of cashback. There are 3 varieties in total:

  1. Standard points are awarded for all card purchases in the amount of 1% of the transaction amount.
  2. Increased points are awarded for purchases of goods and services in special categories: gas stations, travel, cafes and restaurants. When paying by card in all trade and service enterprises of the city with an MCC code corresponding to these categories, 3% will be charged
  3. Special points up to 10% of the amount of purchases for paying for goods and services in online stores. The fine amount of points in this case will depend on the specific online store of the bank's partner. The owner of plastic can get more detailed information in a special section of the Internet bank dedicated to the Benefit program.

Home Credit Bank limits the maximum amount of bonus deductions per month. It cannot exceed 2000 points. Points are usually credited to a special account within 15-30 days, sometimes there are longer delays, which should not exceed 45 days.

How to exchange bonus points for real money?

Points are exchanged for rubles at a simple and understandable rate: 1 point = 1 ruble. To exchange points for rubles, the client needs to go to the Internet bank, open the special Benefit section and select any purchase operation for which you want to return the money.

The amount of the operation can be absolutely anything: more or less than the sum of points. In the first case, part of the points will be written off and returned in rubles to the client's account, while the unclaimed part will remain.

In the second case, all points will be written off and credited in ruble equivalent to the client's account.

You can exchange points for real money for any transaction. Usually this procedure takes no more than 3-5 days, but the maximum period for converting points into rubles is 15 days.

Simple calculation of cashback on a Cosmos debit card with the Benefit program

Let's calculate the approximate profitability of the Benefit program for Cosmos Home Credit Bank debit card holders, who spend about 25 thousand monthly paying for various services.

For example, for the current calendar month, the cardholder has spent:

  1. 2000 rubles for gasoline (3%)
  2. 2500 rubles in cafes and restaurants (3%)
  3. 2500 rubles for online shopping (10%)
  4. 5000 rubles for housing and communal services (1%)
  5. 13,000 rubles for any other purchases (1%)

To find out the final return, we need to substitute the indicators of each line into a simple formula:

X1 - cashback in rubles in this category

A - purchase amount

B — cashback percentage by category

Let's calculate the cashback in rubles for gas stations by substituting the values ​​into the formula:


It turns out that if you spend 2,000 rubles to pay for gasoline, the cardholder can return 60 rubles in the form of cashback.

Substituting the indicators of other lines into the formula, we get that the cashback for cafes and restaurants will be 75 points per month, for online shopping - 250 points, for utility bills - 50 points, for other purchases - 130 points. To get the final cashback for all transactions for the month, you need to add up all the indicators for each category:

X = X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5

X - cashback for all transactions per month

X1 - cashback for gas stations per month

X2 - cashback for cafes and restaurants per month

X3 - cashback for online shopping

X4 - cashback for housing and communal services

X5 - cashback on other transactions

Substitute the current values ​​into the formula and get:

X \u003d 60 + 75 + 250 + 50 + 130 \u003d 565

It turns out that every month the cardholder will return 565 rubles in cashback for all transactions. For the year, this amount will be 6780 rubles.

Shops Partners Benefits with Cosmos cards from Home Credit Bank

The credit institution really has a lot of partner stores where customers can get up to 10% of the funds spent on the purchase back to their account. A complete list of stores can be found in the Internet bank, and the table shows only a small list of the most popular of them.

Online store namePercentage of the purchase amount in the form of cashback
QelleNew customers get 30% and regular customers get 5%
La moda10%
Daughters sons6%
Media Markt3%

There are more than 500 names of stores in the list of partners, so the client can find more accurate and complete information in the special section Benefit in the personal account of Internet banking.

What do the reviews about the Cosmos Home Credit Bank debit card say?

Judging by the reviews of plastic owners, they are almost 100% satisfied with the card. Customers note its advantages and high functionality, comparing it with the most popular Russian products on the debit card market - the Black card from Tinkoff and Beeline.

They especially note the high profitability and simple fulfillment conditions for calculating the maximum interest (7.5% per year).

Many people are pleasantly surprised by the fact that during the first year of service, you do not need to pay money for a Platinum payment system card, while in most other banks servicing premium plastic will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. in year.

In the opinion of customers, even paid service, which starts from the 2nd year, does not spoil the picture, because the conditions for free use of the card starting from the 2nd year are very simple to fulfill and according to Islam for almost everyone. The client is noted that Home Credit Bank has made a truly cosmic card for the people.

There was also a small fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey. A lot of customers complain about frequent failures in the operation of the Home Credit Internet Bank. Often, customers simply cannot get into their personal account due to technical problems.

From Sberbank, I noticed that it is often compared with a debit card from Home Credit Bank - Cosmos. This card also offers a rewards program that will help you get some of your purchases back with points, and which has a large network of partner stores. In this review, I decided to compare the offers on the cards of two banks in order to find out which one will be the most profitable.

I have known Home Credit Bank itself for a long time, but I personally encountered mainly consumer loans from it. Getting money to pay for purchases here has always been quite convenient and simple. The bank also issues cards, debit and credit, but not many people know about them, and they are hardly advertised. One of these cards is Cosmos.

In April 2018, Home Credit began issuing a card called Benefits instead of Cosmos. The only difference of the new product is that you need to make at least five purchases to receive interest. The rest of the conditions remain the same. Therefore, everything that is said about the Cosmos will also be true for the Good.

Brief overview of the map

The card is well suited for frequent payment of purchases.


The card is accepted in any stores, and with active use it will become free

Points are awarded for purchases, which can be returned to the card account


The card is issued for a long time and only at bank offices


  • Inexpensive card service
  • Convenient bonus program
  • High card status


  • The card takes a long time to be made
  • Small network of partners


  • Inexpensive card service

    Space maintenance costs only 99 rubles per month. With frequent spending or a large balance, it will be free.

  • Convenient bonus program

    Points are awarded for purchases with the card, which can be returned to the account. More bonuses can be obtained from bank partners.

  • You can transfer salary to the card

    You can transfer your salary to Space - just fill out an application and transfer it to the accounting department. Then the service will become free and it will be possible to withdraw cash without commission.

  • High card status

    Cosmos is issued in the Visa payment system in Platinum status. Additional services and special offers from the system and its partners are available for it.


  • The card takes a long time to be made

    It takes up to five days to make a card and deliver it to a bank branch. In some situations, the period may be even longer.

  • Small network of partners

    There are fewer stores where you can get more bonuses than similar cards. But among them there are large retail chains that operate throughout Russia, and online stores.

  • Interest is charged only when spending on the card

    In order for the card to earn interest, you need to pay it at least five purchases per month. So, it is not suitable for storing money.

Features and conditions of "Cosmos"

Like the Sberbank card, Cosmos from Home Credit has platinum status in the Visa payment system. It can be issued online with delivery to the bank branch nearest to you. To do this, you only need a passport and the age of 18 years.

The bonus program of this bank - "Benefit" - is similar to "Thank you" from Sberbank. For purchases paid for with this card, the holder will receive bonus points - up to 10% of the amount. Points are accumulated on a special account, and after that they can be spent on purchases or exchanged for rubles and transferred to the main account. "Benefit" is valid for all registered cards of the bank - both credit and debit.

In addition, the card has a savings account - every month, up to 7% per annum will be charged on the balance. Service costs 99 rubles per month, and if you use the card actively, it will become free. There is support for contactless payment PayWave. Cosmos has extended privileges for platinum cards from Visa.

Detailed conditions and tariffs of the Cosmos card from Home Credit can be found in the table:

Payment system Visa
Card type Debit Platinum
Account currency Rubles
Issue cost Is free
Maintenance cost

First year is free

From the second year - 99 rubles per month

If one of the conditions is met - free of charge:

daily balance from 10,000 rubles

the amount of monthly purchases from 5,000 rubles


At Home Credit branches and ATMs

Transfer from another card

Bank transaction

Cash withdrawal

At Home Credit ATMs - free of charge

At ATMs of other banks:

the first 5 times a month - free of charge

from the sixth - a commission of 100 rubles

Interest on balance

With a balance of 10,000 to 500,000 rubles - 7.5% per annum

With a balance of 500,000 rubles - 3% per annum

Must make at least 5 purchases per month

The amount up to 1,400,000 rubles on the account is insured

Contactless payment paywave
Benefit Bonus Program

Bonus points for paying for purchases:

up to 10% - on special offers from partner stores

Points can be converted into rubles and returned to the card or spent at partner stores (1 point = 1 ruble)

How to get a Cosmos Home Credit card

First, I went to the bank's website and filled out an application form. It is quite simple here - name, date of birth, region of receipt and mobile phone number. An hour later, I received a call from the bank to clarify the details of the application and choose an office for delivery. I told the manager my passport details so that he filled out the application. I chose an office closer to the city center to make it easier to get there.

The card was ready in two weeks. I followed her to the office, took my passport with me. At home, I logged into the Internet bank, activated the card there and received a PIN code. In addition, I registered on the “Benefits” website in order to always keep track of bonuses.

How to activate the Cosmos Home Credit card

Any Home Credit card, including Cosmos, can be activated in several ways:

  • At any branch of the bank. To do this, you will need a passport and the card itself. The bank specialist will activate the card and set a PIN code for it. After that, you need to put a signature on the card.
  • In a special form on the bank's website. Here you need to enter the card number and the number and series of the passport, and then confirm the activation with an SMS code. After that, a bank specialist will call you back to clarify your passport data, contract number or code word. After that, the card will be activated.

  • By phone hotline - each region has its own. Provide the support staff with your card and passport details, contract number and code word. After that, he will activate the card.

After activating the card on the website or by phone, you need to additionally call the bank within three days and request a PIN code. Also, the bank can send the code by mail - it will come in 15 days.

Using a new card

First, I replenished the card - transferred part of my salary there and the rest of the money from the Sberbank card. Got 20,000 rubles. By the end of the month, I had spent them all. More than 500 points accumulated on the bonus account.

You can manage bonus points in the Internet bank, mobile application or on a special website. Here you can find out the list of partner stores that offer increased bonuses for "Favor", or transfer money back to the card account.

To convert bonuses into rubles, you need to select the appropriate item and indicate the amount to be exchanged. So I did - I transferred all the points back to the card account. The money arrived the next day.

Benefit program partners

Many popular stores and retail chains in Russia cooperate with the Home Credit bonus program. In some stores, cashback has a fixed amount, in others it is a percentage of the payment amount. Most bonuses can be obtained through special offers that are updated every month.

In 2018, the network of partners of the cashback program for the Cosmos card from Home Credit looks like this:

Category Quantity Minimum cashback amount Examples
Engineering and electronics 19 0,8%-13% M.Video, Citylink, Samsung, Xiaomi
Clothing and footwear 13 5-12% Lamoda, Nike,
Trips 9 1,3-6% OneTwoTrip,,
Products for children 9 3-10%, 400 points, Little Gentrys, Boat
Gas stations and transport 9 1,5-5,9% Neste, Gett
Perfumes and cosmetics 8 8.5-11.5%, 228 points Yves Rocher, Rive Gauche, L "Etoile
Medicine and pharmacies 7 2,5-8,5% Doc+, Care Pharmacy
Entertainment 5 3-8,5% Ticketland,
Products 4 1-8,5% Crossroads, Platypus
Sports and recreation 4 4-10% SportMaster, New Balance, Kant
Flowers and gifts 4 7-13%, 390 points Mosvettorg, Red cube
Jewelry 3 2,5-8,5% 585 Gold, AllTime
Cafes and restaurants 3 6,3-8,5% Verde Cafe, TGI Fridays
Books 3 5-20% Litres, Read City
Miscellaneous 3 3-9% AliExpress, KupiVip
Goods for pets 1 6,5% Beethoven
Education 1 15% Skillbox
Insurance 1 420 points Ingosstrakh

Comparison of "Cosmos" and Maps with big bonuses

Both cards work stably, they are accepted everywhere where cashless payments operate. They have contactless payments. Bonus programs have a variety of offers from partner stores of banks. There are many more differences between the cards.

Basically, a Home Credit card is more convenient and more profitable than a Sberbank card:

  • Cosmos service is much cheaper - 1,188 rubles a year versus 4,500. In addition, with frequent use of the card, it can be free
  • Cosmos has a savings account - 7% on the balance. Therefore, the card can also be used to store money.
  • Bonus points "Benefits" can not only be spent, but also transferred to the main account of the card. Thank you points can only be spent, and at the same time only with bank partners
  • The design of Cosmos looks more interesting than that of the Sberbank card. This, of course, is subjective and not so significant, but it is more pleasant to keep such a card in your wallet or in your hands.

However, in some moments, the Card with large bonuses still outperforms the Cosmos. They are connected mainly with the features of banks that issue cards:

  • Home Credit has fewer branches than Sberbank, and it is not always easy to choose the most convenient for card delivery. In addition, Cosmos is produced longer - up to two weeks.
  • Withdrawing cash from Cosmos is somewhat more difficult. Home Credit has few ATMs of its own, and there are restrictions on withdrawals in “foreign” devices. Sberbank ATMs are at every turn, and you can withdraw money easily and without restrictions.