How money is withdrawn. Profitable ways to withdraw money from Yandex wallet. Is this exchange legal?


WebMoney is the most secure service, the money lying on it will be completely safe. QIWI is distinguished by quick registration in the service. Your phone number will be the wallet number. Yandex.Money also has its advantages: relative protection and simple registration. The wallet starts automatically with the registration of mail on Yandex.

How to withdraw money from WebMoney

WebMoney is one of the most popular electronic wallets. Since the service does not have its own payment card, like QIWI and Yandex.Money, in order to withdraw cash, you have to use all kinds of services and exchangers.

One of the most accessible services for withdrawing money to a card of Sberbank and other banks is However, this service does not recognize all bank cards. For the most common cards, the withdrawal is carried out with a commission of 2.5% within three days. If money is not transferred to your card, then you can use one of the many exchangers: for example,

The second way to withdraw money from WebMoney is to the Megafon card that has begun to gain popularity. In fact, there is as much money on the card as there is on the phone account. Therefore, it is enough to simply transfer the required amount to a Megafon phone account with a standard WebMoney commission of 0.8% and the money will immediately appear on the card. You can withdraw cash from the card at an ATM of any bank with a commission of 2.5%.

Another convenient and quick way to withdraw money from WebMoney is to use Unistream, Contact and other money transfer systems. To make a transfer, you need to transfer money to phones (the most profitable are MTS and Beeline - from 3.5% to 4.5%) and from phone accounts, using the online account, issue a Unistream transfer. Money comes almost instantly. You can receive a Unistream transfer at Unistream cash desks and at many banks that serve these transfer systems. This also applies to other translations.

If there is no need to quickly receive money, you can use other cash withdrawal methods:

  • directly through money transfer systems by creating an application;
  • by bank transfer within one day, also through the creation of an application;
  • through VM dealers, the withdrawal is carried out instantly, but the opening hours of dealers or exchange offices must be found out in advance;
  • by postal order, cash will come within 5 days to the nearest branch of the Russian Post;
  • through

How to withdraw money from QIWI

QIWI is the second most popular electronic wallet. The popularity of kiwi is due to the ease of registration. Your phone number of any mobile operator is an electronic wallet number. Personal data, passport data during registration and for cash withdrawal are not required. So, how to withdraw cash from Qiwi.

In some ways, it is easier to work with Qiwi than with WebMoney, thanks to the presence of a Qiwi plastic card. The balance on the card is equal to the balance in the wallet, no additional manipulations are needed. To withdraw cash from a Qiwi card, you will have to pay a commission of 2% plus 50 rubles.

Again, a convenient way to withdraw cash remains on the Megafon plastic card, which has analogues in the world. Money is transferred from Qiwi to Megafon without interest. The maximum amount of one payment is 15,000 rubles.

The following withdrawal methods are also available:

  1. to a bank card - 2% + 50 rubles;
  2. to a bank account - a commission of 1.6% not less than 100 rubles;
  3. through money transfer systems - commission 2% + 50 rubles;
  4. via Russian mail - commission 2.5% + 60 rubles.

How to withdraw money from Yandex.Money

The methods of withdrawing money from the Yandex.Money system do not differ from Qiwi. Even the Yandex.Money card is in circulation, cashing out from which is 3.5% + 15 rubles, but not less than 100 rubles. A transfer to a card of any bank will also be made with a commission of 3% + 15 rubles. Transfers to a bank account and through money transfer systems are also available with the same commission.

— Danger when withdrawing funds from the exchange
— How to withdraw profit from Forex?
— How can a beginner withdraw money earned on Forex?
— How to withdraw money from the EXMO market?
- Tax incentives. What should an investor do to reduce costs?
- Conclusion

Due to the fact that work on this currency market is carried out through a broker, the money is also withdrawn with its help. Some of them have several withdrawal options, while others have only one. Conscientious intermediaries respect their wards and take care of their needs, so they do everything so that traders can withdraw the money earned from the account as quickly as possible.

But there are brokers, and there are not so many of them, who delay the withdrawal of money for several days. And since you choose the intermediary yourself, you should find out from him how to withdraw money from Forex in the shortest possible time and in general, all the details of receiving money and what methods of withdrawing profits are in his arsenal.

The most popular options for withdrawing earned money today are: withdrawing them to a WebMoney and Yandex.Money wallet. The withdrawal procedure in both cases is the same: in automatic mode or manually. In the first option, this happens literally in a minute, in the second, it can take several days.
At first glance, the withdrawal of profits in automatic mode is much more preferable, therefore, why use any other options? But a significant drawback of withdrawing money automatically lies in the low level of security. Throughout the history of the existence of Forex, there have been many cases of misappropriation of traders' money by scammers.

They do this by hacking the email to which the payment password is sent. But instead of mail, in the settings you can write your cell phone number, to which the password will be sent, then it will be more difficult for attackers to appropriate your money.

But still, the risk remains in this case. With a manual withdrawal, you have to wait two to three days, since the application is processed by the employees of the dealing center. But it's better to wait an extra couple of days than to lose everything ...

— How to withdraw profit from Forex?

Each Forex broker has its own ways to withdraw money. Some companies allow their participants to withdraw money quickly enough, while others can withdraw money for quite a long time.

Therefore, when choosing a Forex broker, it is best to study the conditions for withdrawing money from each of them in advance, and choose a broker with such conditions for the possibility of withdrawing money, which will be most convenient for you.

Almost all Forex brokers allow their members to withdraw money to the WEBMONEY wallet. Usually the payment of money is made automatically and takes a few minutes. If payments are processed manually, then, as a rule, waiting for the transfer takes up to several days.

With the automatic transfer of money to the wallet, the level of security is quite low, there are many cases when fraudsters have stolen money transferred to their accounts of traders. With such a transfer of money, a payment password is sent to the e-mail, and for fraudsters, as you know, it is no longer difficult to hack an e-mail box.

It is much more difficult to steal money when the payment password for automatic withdrawal of money comes to the mobile phone. With a manual transfer of money, it is almost impossible to steal them, since each application is processed by employees of the dealing center. Therefore, with a large volume of applications, the entire procedure for transferring money to cats takes several days.

Many traders care about the security of their income and choose the safest way to transfer money to a wallet. Also, many Forex brokers make it possible to withdraw money to Yandex Money wallets. The withdrawal procedure is also carried out in two ways, in automatic mode and manually.

In addition, there is the possibility of transferring money directly to a bank account, which is considered the most convenient for many brokers, but in terms of duration, money transfer takes up to seven days.

The website of any Forex broker provides information on how the money is withdrawn. Registered participants of Forex companies can withdraw their funds in their personal account.

Special buttons indicating the necessary operation allow you to quickly carry out all the necessary actions with your money. It remains only to wait for the profit on your account.

— How can a beginner withdraw money earned on Forex?

Forex makes it possible to break through “from rags to riches”. But for this you need to know the simplest thing, how to withdraw money from Forex…

There are many options. The main ones are payment systems. In Ukraine and Russia, the most popular and convenient system is Web Money.

In some cases, people use Yandex.Money. Most traders use only these payment systems due to low fees and convenience.

Withdrawing money from the DC to WM takes only a day (sometimes more). The withdrawal speed depends on the workload of the manager who manages the financial department.

In addition, having an account in the WebMoney payment system, you can make purchases in online stores using it, because. any service supports WebMoney payment.

Of course, there are other ways, such as bank transfer. This is convenient, but takes longer - up to six days.

And it is easy to cash out the money that you have withdrawn from Forex. When withdrawing in this way, you can receive money at the cash desk of your bank or at an ATM.
When withdrawing money from Forex, you need to carefully study all the systems so as not to encounter problems and fraud. Especially if you often withdraw large sums…

— How to withdraw money from the EXMO market?

On the EXMO exchange, you can exchange Dogecoin and Bitcoin for rubles and other real money. Let's figure out how to withdraw them using the example of the domestic currency - the ruble.

Let's say you already have rubles (RUR) on your exchange wallet. Now we need to take them out.

1) Where is the best way to withdraw money?
Commissions often change, which makes one payment system less profitable for withdrawing funds and vice versa. You need to follow the news in order to make the most profitable withdrawal. 4 mutual settlement systems remain the most accessible: Payeer, Ya.Dengi, QIWI, Advcash.

To withdraw to a card (for example, Sberbank), verification is needed, and this is sending screenshots of a passport, place of residence and signing an agreement. After verification, there is a high probability that you will still be charged a fixed 50 - 70 rubles, which is also extremely unprofitable.

Conclusion: If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, it is easier for you to order a Yandex.Money card and withdraw rubles to your wallet, and the wallet balance is the card balance too. For users from other countries, only Payeer, QIWI or Advcash remain. Perhaps in the future there will be other ways to withdraw without verification.

2) How to withdraw money?
Go to the wallet and click the "Withdraw" button. Now we look at all available, at the moment, ways to withdraw money. Pay attention to the commission, the minimum amount and other withdrawal conditions.

Having decided on the payment system for withdrawing funds, you can proceed to filling in the fields (withdrawal amounts, account numbers).

An example of withdrawing funds (rubles) to Advcash
On the EXMO exchange, you can save your accounts in order to avoid red tape with filling in the "Account" field in the future. This applies not only to the withdrawal of rubles, but also cryptocurrencies too. Which is especially important, because the generated address is almost impossible to remember.

3) Timing of withdrawal.
Withdrawal of money, as a rule, occurs instantly and without delay. However, the withdrawal confirmation email can sometimes be delayed. In this case, resending the letter will help us. You can send a letter again in the history section. The transaction history can be found in the "Wallet" section (below). Your last transaction will be at the very top. The first line will contain a confirmation link.

This completes the process of withdrawing money from the EXMO exchange. You just have to look into your wallet and make sure you receive the money.

- Tax incentives. What should an investor do to reduce costs?

Taxation of transactions in the financial market is considered to be quite confusing. In fact, it is enough for a private investor to know a few basic principles in order to avoid losses and earn on benefits.
The taxation of private investors in financial markets is not much different from the taxation of individuals in general - investors are required to pay 13% personal income tax on profits from operations in the stock market. But there are a number of features that should be taken into account.

1) Watch the base.
First of all, you should know that it is not the total result from working on the stock market that is taxed, but the income received from working with each type of instrument. Even if an investor works through one broker and has only one account open, he will still have to pay taxes for each group of assets separately.

2) Watch your balance.
For each type of listed operations, the total result at the end of the tax period is balanced, that is, tax is paid on the total amount.
It should also be borne in mind that if you transferred securities to the broker's account and then sold them, you need to provide the broker with documents on the costs incurred to purchase these securities. Otherwise, 13% of personal income tax will be withheld based not on the profit from the sale and purchase operation, but on the amount of the sale of securities.

Another important point is the balancing of operations for different tax periods. It is important to remember that the balancing of transactions for different tax periods falls on the shoulders of the clients themselves when filing a tax return. A broker cannot perform this type of balancing.

3) Keep track of your score.
The tax liability occurs at the moment of fixing the financial result of the transaction, that is, the transfer of previously purchased securities into cash or the closing of a short position. Tax is paid either at the time of withdrawal of the proceeds from the sale of securities from the account, or upon termination of the contract or after the end of the calendar year.

It should be remembered that if the broker does not have enough funds on the client’s cash account to pay personal income tax (for example, if stocks or bonds were bought again with the proceeds from the sale of securities), the broker will not be able to pay taxes for his client. In this case, the investor must either deposit the missing amount to the brokerage account by the end of January, or independently resolve all issues with the tax authorities.

Leading brokers usually notify clients of a lack of funds to pay taxes. If personal income tax is not transferred by the broker to the Russian budget system during January, the client will receive a tax notice and will have to pay the tax himself by December 1 of the year following the reporting year.

4) Account benefits.
Also, significant tax benefits are provided for owners of individual investment accounts (IIA) - they can receive two options for tax deductions, which are often referred to as the "A" type deduction and the "B" type deduction. You can deposit no more than 1 million rubles on IIS during a calendar year. A Russian investor can have no more than one IIA - a new investment account can only be opened after the old one is closed.

Tax bases for IIA and operations in the stock market are different tax bases. Therefore, the investor - the owner of IIA with the deduction of type "A" formally cannot claim to receive a "three-year benefit" - tax exemption for profits from the sale of shares and bonds that have lain in the portfolio for at least three years.

However, you can still get this benefit. To do this, after three years from the date of opening the IIA, before terminating the agreement for maintaining an investment account, it is necessary to transfer the securities that have been on the IIA for more than three years to a regular brokerage account without an IIA sign. Then, when selling them, you will be able to take advantage of the tax deduction for these securities. The fact that the securities remained in your possession for more than three years can be confirmed by an extract from the depositary.

- Conclusion

Most beginners, when starting to work with the Forex market, are not interested in how in the future they will be able to withdraw their honestly earned money. And that's the first thing you need to find out. After all, there is no point in money that you cannot spend.

That is why, before you start playing on the exchange, make sure that you have studied all the available information on transferring money from your broker to a real account. Otherwise, you may have problems in the future. Especially if you need the money urgently, and their withdrawal takes several days.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

I don’t know about you, but when I cash out Bitcoin or any other currency, I pay attention to 2 parameters: the security of the transaction and the best exchange rate. But, the fact is that many beginners think only about the best course, forgetting about the risks.

In this article, I will talk about how to change Bitcoins at the best rate and even compare the rates of different services. In addition, I will explain what you should be afraid of when cashing out cryptocurrency and what risks lie in wait for users.

Important! If you do not plan to cash out large amounts of Bitcoin and are not afraid of card and tax blocking, then you can skip the security section. Click and go directly to the withdrawal methods.

Do you want to earn cryptocurrency? Watch me multiply my bitcoins. First goal: 10 BTC on the exchange!


Exchange security. How to cash out Bitcoins in Russia without risk?

Usually, when they talk about the security of exchanging Bitcoins for rubles, they mean the risks that the exchanger or exchange will steal your money. But, in fact, the exchangers work very professionally, and your money is more likely to be blocked by a regular bank.

Blocking of funds by the bank.

Russian banks are forced to block suspicious transactions due to Federal Law 115 (“On counteracting the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism”), otherwise they risk losing their license.

Thus, if your receipt seems suspicious, the bank will block your funds and require proof that the money was earned honestly.

At the moment, cryptocurrency is not regulated by law, so banks are reinsured and often do not side with the client. They can permanently block your card, account, and sometimes money. There is also a chance that they will ask you to pay taxes on the withdrawn amount.

By itself, withdrawing cryptocurrency from your wallet does not contradict the law, but if you withdraw money by exchange (through an exchanger or a private money changer), then think in advance what story you will tell the bank employee and what evidence you can provide.

If you withdraw cryptocurrency from the exchange, then, at first glance, you are acting according to the law. But some banks may consider that trading on a cryptocurrency exchange is a type of entrepreneurship. Even if you are registered as an individual entrepreneur, it is better to clarify in advance whether the bank allows customers to use their personal plastic cards for business activities. If not, then the card will be blocked for you, but the money will be returned through the cashier.

Thus, according to the banks, you should withdraw bitcoins through the exchange to the current account of the individual entrepreneur. In this case, there will be no questions for you.

How to protect receipts from blocking?

  • Do not transfer large amounts at a time. Do not immediately withdraw 500 tr., stretch the withdrawal for a week or two. Make better 10 transactions of 50 tr.
  • Use multiple cards. Get cards in several banks and distribute transactions between them. You can also connect cards of friends and relatives.
  • Don't cash out. If you transferred money to a card and immediately withdrawn it, this is a signal for the bank that you are cashing out. Let the funds lie down for a couple of weeks, transfer them to a deposit, pay with this card in stores.
  • Become a good customer for the bank. As practice shows, if a client has a bank credit card, a loan, a deposit, a certain status (privileged client), etc., then the risk of card blocking is reduced significantly.

In general, if you make several withdrawals per month for amounts not exceeding 50 tr., then the risk of blocking is very low. With an increase in the one-time amount and the monthly amount of withdrawn funds, the risks also increase.

Is it legal to cash out Bitcoin in Russia in 2019?

As you know, our country is not particularly fond of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, before cashing out Bitcoin in Russia, you need to find out how safe it is. Will you fall under any article?

If you have heard the joke about Schroedenger's cat (who is both alive and dead at the same time), then you can easily understand the status of cryptocurrency in Russia. It is neither prohibited nor permitted.

That is, there are no laws governing Bitcoin. The legislation is still under development.

Therefore, even if you cash out Bitcoin immediately into cash rubles or dollars, you have nothing to fear. You are not breaking any law.

But how is it? We heard about criminal cases for cashing out cryptocurrency! For example, this is a resonant case.

Yes, there have been several high-profile news about the arrest for cashing out Bitcoin. But always the reason for the arrest was not the fact of the exchange itself, but another crime. For example, the sale of drugs for cryptocurrency.

As for the case described above, people were accused of illegal banking activities. This article is definitely not for you.

Therefore, if you are an ordinary person (not a legal entity) and want to withdraw Bitcoin by exchanging it for fiat currency, then you have nothing to fear.

Do I have to pay taxes when cashing out Bitcoin?

Let's start off with. that the state really wants you to pay more taxes. Therefore, it is understood that you must pay tax on any income.

Let's say you bought 1 Bitcoin for $5,000, sold it for $10,000, and made a profit of $5,000. With this money you have to pay income tax, that is, 13%.

Accordingly, this income must be indicated in the declaration. And the declaration itself was filed with the tax office.

But, firstly, cryptocurrencies are anonymous. Therefore, it is almost impossible to trace where the money came from and what is the basis for the transfer. And if you withdraw Bitcoins immediately into cash, then the state authorities do not know anything about your income at all.

Secondly, it is impossible to prove that this is income (of course, if you yourself do not tell the tax office about it). You can always say it's a loan or a tax-free gift.

Thirdly, it is not clear how to calculate income. For example, you cashed out Bitcoin and received $5,000 for it. Sounds like you have to pay income tax, right?

What if you bought it for 10,000? So, you are at a loss and do not have to pay anything. But it is not clear how you can prove this to the tax. And it is even less clear how the tax authorities can prove otherwise.

While the legislation is not yet ready, the tax authorities show little interest in cryptocurrency income.

Pay taxes on cashing out Bitcoin or not? Everyone decides for himself. Do I pay taxes on cryptocurrencies? Yes, I'm crying.

offshore card.

Many users think that if they use an offshore card, they are 100% tax protected. Actually, it is not.

Indeed, a bank in Panama will not transfer information about your account to Russian tax authorities. But the payment systems Visa and Master Card will be transferred.

In general, as far as I know, there is no private tax police in Russia that would track your transactions. But if they are interested in you, then they will easily receive information about transactions on your offshore card.

1. How to withdraw Bitcoins from a wallet to a bank card?

There are 2 popular services with which you can withdraw Bitcoin to your bank card: BestChange and LocalBitcoins. Let's immediately compare where the exchange is more profitable.

At the time of this writing, the Bitcoin exchange rate was 670,941 rubles according to the exchange.

Course according to

On BestChange, when trying to exchange Bitcoins for a Sberbank card, the maximum rate was 675,659 rubles.

Monitoring of exchangers.

At the same time, rates on LocalBitcoins turned out to be more profitable. More than 700 tr were offered for one Bitcoin.

Localbitcoins exchange rates.

Keep in mind that the exchange rate is constantly changing. Moreover, it is influenced not only by the exchange rate of the cryptocurrency, but also by the difference in supply and demand for a particular service. For example, if a surge of activity has begun at the moment and people began to intensively buy Bitcoins through exchangers, but at the same time they began to sell less, then the exchange services will make the Bitcoin purchase rate much higher than the exchange rate, but the selling rate will also be raised above the exchange rate, that is, it will be very beneficial to those who want to exchange this cryptocurrency for rubles.

1.1. Withdrawing Bitcoin to a Sberbank card through BestChange exchanger monitoring.

This service combines the best online exchangers. An exchanger is a service where you can exchange one currency for another by paying a small fee. For example, you translate Ivanova I.I. Bitcoins to his wallet, and he transfers rubles from his card to yours.

All exchange services are sorted here by the best exchange rate. It also shows the current amount that each exchanger has and reviews about it.

How to exchange Bitcoins for rubles using BestChange?

1.2. Withdrawal of Bitcoins to rubles through LocalBitcoins.

This is a service that, by its principle of operation, resembles an exchange. He acts as an intermediary between 2 people, one of whom wants to sell Bitcoins, and the other to buy. On LocalBitcoins you will find not only offers from professional exchangers, but also from ordinary people.

First, let's talk a little about security. If you are selling Bitcoins, then you do not need to worry about security at all. The fact is that the exchange of Bitcoins occurs through the service: first, the seller transfers them to the wallet in LocalBitcoins, then after the start of the exchange, the cryptocurrency is blocked, and after the payment is confirmed, it is automatically transferred to the buyer's account.

That is, your Bitcoins will not be transferred to another person until you see the money on your card and click on the “Confirm receipt” button.

In addition, each service member has reviews, rating, percentage of successful transactions, etc. People spend a lot of time and effort to improve their reputation and will not cheat anyone for the sake of a few thousand rubles. If you are a beginner, then you will have limited exchange amounts available until you gain enough reputation.

How to exchange Bitcoin for rubles using LocalBitcoins?

Step 1. Go to the website, go through the registration procedure and confirm your E-mail. It is advisable to verify your phone and identity, as well as set up two-factor authentication.

Step 2. We replenish the internal wallet. To do this, click on "Wallet", then on "Get Bitcoins". After that, transfer the required amount to the address displayed below. After the transfer, the money will appear in your internal wallet.

We replenish the internal wallet.

Step 3. Go to the “Sell Bitcoins” tab, click on “Show more” and select “Transfers through a specific bank”.

Go to the "Sell bitcoins" tab

Then choose the user you like (pay attention to the reputation, the percentage of successful transactions, the amount of exchange) and click on the "Sell" button.

Step 4: Submit a trade request. Enter the amount you want to change and click on the big green button. It is advisable to write a message to the seller, greet and indicate the card for transfer. But this can be found out in the process of communication.

Step 5. After the seller transfers the money to your card, you need to confirm the receipt of the money and the frozen Bitcoins will be transferred to his account. After the operation, rate the seller and leave a review.

1.3. Withdrawing money from a Bitcoin wallet via a Telegram bot.

These bots work on the same principle as the LocalBitcoins website. Only all operations take place in the interface of the Telegram messenger. The rate here is more profitable than on BestChange and about the same as on LocalBitcoins.

The exchange takes place in the same way as in the previous service:

  • We register in Telegram (if not registered) and add the BTC_CHANGE_BOT bot (BTC banker). Choose the Russian language and agree to the terms.
  • We go to the wallet and transfer Bitcoins to your internal address.
  • After the cryptocurrency is displayed in the wallet, click on the "Sell Bitcoins" button and select the desired bank.

We sell bitcoins through a bot.

  • Now you will see a list of people who are ready to buy your Bitcoins for rubles. By clicking on each of them, you can see information about each seller.
  • After we have chosen the seller, we begin the transaction. To do this, follow the requirements of the bot: indicate the amount of exchange, details.
  • After the seller transfers the money to your card, you will need to confirm the receipt of money and the Bitcoins will be sent to the seller's wallet.

1.4. Withdrawal of Bitcoins to the card via Webmoney.

This method has several advantages. Firstly, this is a more profitable exchange rate (read more about this below). And, secondly, withdrawal by bank transfer is available. This withdrawal method is considered official by Webmoney, so you can withdraw relatively large amounts without fear of blocking your account.

Keep in mind that for a transfer to a card you will have to pay a commission of 2-3%: 1-2% for the operation, plus the standard WebMoney commission - 0.8%. For a bank transfer - 15 rubles plus 0.8%, the transfer period is from 1 to 5 days.

How to withdraw Bitcoins in rubles to a Sberbank card using Webmoney?

  • To transfer a small amount, it will be enough to get a formal certificate. But, if you plan to often withdraw money through WebMoney, then it is recommended to get an initial certificate. By the way, this can be done through the website of the State Service.
  • We start a WMX wallet - this will be your Bitcoin wallet in the Webmoney service. Click on the top up button and see the address to which you need to transfer Bitcoins.

We transfer Bitcoins to WebMoney.

  • After the transfer of Bitcoins, they will be displayed on your balance. Click on the "Exchange Funds" button. In the window that appears, change WMX to WMR. Now you have rubles on WebMoney and you need to withdraw them.

Choose the output method.

  • Now you can withdraw money to any card by paying a 2% commission. But such an exchange will be carried out through the internal WebMoney exchange, so this method is not so reliable. The second option is to link the card to the WebMoney service.

Withdrawal conditions.

  • In order to make a withdrawal by bank transfer, go to your WMR wallet and click on the "Withdraw funds" button and select "Bank transfer". Then you will need to enter your account details: BIC, Corr. account, current account number, bank TIN and payment amount. After that, check and pay this account.

1.5. How to withdraw money from a Bitcoin wallet through exchanges?

There are not many exchanges that allow you to withdraw rubles to a plastic card or bank transfer, and in general, not all cryptocurrency exchanges work with fiat money.

There is one exchange that is often used to withdraw rubles to a card. It's called EXMO.

Using EXMO as an example, you can see what conditions await those who decide to cash out Bitcoin in this way. The commission is not particularly large - 3% + 50 rubles. But the limits make it difficult to work with really large amounts: 15,000 rubles for one withdrawal and 600,000 rubles per month.

To be honest, I trust exchangers and Webmoney more than such exchanges.

How is the withdrawal?

  • Transfer Bitcoins to the exchange. To do this, you need to send the currency to your internal exchange wallet.

We transfer Bitcoin to the exchange.

  • Exchange them for rubles. This can be done either with the help of the exchange itself or with the help of an internal exchanger.

We exchange for rubles.

  • Withdraw rubles to the card. There are several withdrawal methods. In our case, this is a bank transfer and withdrawal to the card. As you can see, withdrawal to the card is more profitable on EXMO.

We order a withdrawal.

Do not forget that in order to fully use all the tools of the exchange, you must pass verification.

The two most popular ways to withdraw BTC. Where are the best courses?

Yes, now you know a sufficient number of tools with which you can withdraw Bitcoin to rubles or dollars online. But which one is the best? Where is the best exchange rate?

Now you do not need to go to all these services and compare rates. I did it for you.

I compared all the conditions for the most popular exchange directions: BTC - Sberbank and BTC - Qiwi. Let's see what I got.

How to withdraw Bitcoins to a Sberbank card at the best rate?

Let's see in practice how it is most profitable to withdraw Bitcoins to a Sberbank card? To do this, we compare the courses of the most popular instruments and choose the best one.

Sberbank is the most popular Russian bank. Most citizens have a card from this bank, so this withdrawal method can be considered the most convenient and popular.

It's February 2019 now. According to, the dollar exchange rate is 4190 dollars.

Rate according to

The dollar exchange rate is 65.51. So 1 BTC costs about 274,500 rubles.

The dollar to the ruble.

Let's say I want to exchange 0.1 BTC for a Sberbank card at the best rate (I took this amount for a more convenient account). How can I make it the most profitable and not lose extra money on the course and commission?

To do this, compare all the conditions and choose the best:

  • BestChange.

BTC to Sberbank exchange rates on Bestchange.

This service shows that you can withdraw money from Bitcoin to a Sberbank card at the rate of 272,065. That is, for 0.1 BTC, I will receive 27,206 rubles per card.

  • localbitcoins

BTC exchange rates for Sberbank on Localbitcoin.

The exchange rate for LocalBitcoins is 274,000. So, when I withdraw 0.1 Bitcoin, I will receive 27,400 rubles for Sberbank.

  • Telegram bot.

Conditions for exchanging BTC for Sberbank in Telegram bot.

BTC_CHANGE_BOT offers to change 0.1 BTC for 26,548 rubles.

  • Exchange EXMO.

The exchange rate of BTC to Sberbank on the stock exchange.

The exchange rate is 270,000 rubles for 1 Bitcoin. You also need to take into account the commission of 3% for the withdrawal. That is, when exchanging 0.1 BTC for a card, I will receive 26,190 rubles.

Results for Sberbank:

So what is the most profitable way to withdraw money from a Bitcoin wallet to a Sberbank card?

Comparison of BTC rates - Sberbank for February 2019.

As you can see, the best rates are offered by BestChange and Localbitcoins. The worst exchange rate on the exchange.

How to withdraw Bitcoins to Qiwi at the best rate?

The second most popular way to withdraw BTC is the Qiwi wallet.

A large number of people use this payment system. Internal transfers here can be made without commission. There are Qiwi terminals all over the country where you can replenish your account.

I myself actively use this payment system. I even have their plastic card.

Let's see what is the most profitable way to withdraw Bitcoins to Qiwi wallet?

To do this, compare exchange rates. Let me remind you that the current exchange rate for today (February 2019) is 4190 dollars or 274,500 rubles for 1 BTC.

  • BestChange.

BTC to Qiwi exchange rates on Bestchange.

According to the sorting results, the best rate for withdrawing Bitcoin to Qiwi turned out to be 271,280. That is, when exchanging 0.1 BTC, 27,138 rubles will come to my wallet.

  • local bitcoin.

BTC exchange rates for Qiwi on Localbitcoins.

Here the rate is 274,500 rubles for Bitcoin. So you can exchange 0.1 BTC for Qiwi for 27,450 rubles.

  • Telegram bot

Conditions for exchanging BTC for Qiwi in Telegram bot.

BTC_CHANGE_BOT offers to change 0.1 BTC for 26,403 rubles.

  • Exchange EXMO.

BTC to Qiwi exchange rate on the exchange.

As I wrote above, the exchange rate is 270,000 rubles for 1 Bitcoin. And if we take into account the commission of 3% for the withdrawal, then when exchanging 0.1 BTC for a wallet, I will receive 26,190 rubles.

Qiwi results:

In this exchange direction, we also managed to find out the best exchange rate.

Comparison of BTC rates - Qiwi for February 2019.

As you can see, the best Bitcoin withdrawal rate on Qiwi is offered by Localbitcoins. And the course here is equal to the official one. The most unfavorable rate is again on the EXMO exchange.

2. Anonymous debit cards.

Now each payment system is trying to issue its own plastic card linked to an internal account. Usually they make it possible to pay for purchases in regular stores or online without a commission, which is very convenient - you can not cash out at all. It's so convenient that my wallet is already bloated with different cards.

The idea is simple and understandable. You receive money on Qiwi - you pay with a Qiwi card, you receive money on Yandex Money - you pay with a Yandex Money card, you receive on AdvCash - you pay with an AdvCash card (which will soon be blocked for everyone who does not live in the EU).

Well, Bitcoin wallets did not lag behind other payment systems and issued plastic cards tied to the balance of these wallets. You can pay with these cards in online and brick-and-mortar stores, as well as withdraw money from ATMs. Bitcoins are converted into card currency at the current rate. But the problem is that almost all such cards are available only to residents of the European Union.

There remains the option of transferring Bitcoins to one of their anonymous payment systems, converting into dollars and withdrawing through a card of this payment system through an ATM. But here, too, the same problems await us as in the case of Bitcoin cards. For Russians, most of these cards have already become unavailable for order, and the issued cards will stop working in January 2018.

Most likely, in the near future, all anonymous bank cards will be banned for residents of Russia. But for now, the possibility of withdrawing Bitcoins in this way remains. For example, at the moment, Russians still have access to the Money Polo card, which works with the OKPay payment system.

Withdrawing via an anonymous card will require you to pay a relatively high fee. A commission is usually paid for transferring money to a payment system wallet, transferring money to a card, and for withdrawing money from an ATM. If you plan to withdraw money in rubles, then get ready to pay more for currency conversion.

As you already understood, money is withdrawn as follows: transfer money to a payment system (officially or through exchangers), put it on a card and withdraw it at an ATM in the currency of the card or rubles.

3. Withdrawal of Bitcoin from the wallet to cash rubles.

There is another way to cash out cryptocurrency. The exchange is carried out without the participation of banks, that is, immediately into cash through an exchanger.

On the one hand, this is convenient, since the bank will not be able to block the transaction, and the tax office will not receive information about your income. On the other hand, high commissions and high risks await you.

3.1. How to withdraw Bitcoin from a wallet through an exchanger.

There are exchangers that are ready to exchange your cryptocurrency for cash. Almost all of them are concentrated in large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg. But if you are going to change a really large amount, then this is not a problem. For the sake of this, you can go to another city, and for a fee, the courier will come to yours.

Some exchangers offer an anonymous exchange service. That is, you transfer Bitcoins and get information about the place where the bookmark with your money is located. But I think you understand how risky such an undertaking is. There may not be any money in the specified place and then you will not prove anything to anyone.

How to safely cash out Bitcoin in Russia?

  • Go to the site of the exchanger, which offers a cash exchange service. Say how much you want to exchange, or leave a standard request.
  • After some time (from several hours to a day, depending on whether the cash desk has the required amount), you arrive at the office of the exchanger and transfer Bitcoins to the specified address in the presence of the operator.
  • After several confirmations of the transaction, you take your money.

Commission for such services starts from 3-4%. The exchanger can be found, for example, on the BestChange website. Just indicate the appropriate exchange direction: Bitcoin - Cash.

Please note that the rate may be less favorable than when exchanging for a bank card.

Withdrawal rate to a bank card.

Cash out rate.

Is this exchange legal?

At the moment, according to our legislation, Bitcoins are incomprehensible candy wrappers from the Internet. And the exchange of candy wrappers for money between two individuals is quite legal.

Above, I already talked about the resonant detention in Russia of a group of people involved in cashing out Bitcoins. But these people are detained for illegal banking transactions, which does not threaten you. The exchange of bitcoins itself does not entail punishment.

3.2. Through WebMoney.

Above, I already wrote about how to transfer Bitcoins to a WebMoney wallet. Only in this case, we withdraw money not by a card, but through the official exchangers of this payment system.

Benefits of official WebMoney exchangers:

  • There are more of them. If ordinary exchangers are located only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, then there are WebMoney exchangers in almost all million-plus cities.
  • More trust. Such exchangers are opened only with the permission of the WebMoney payment system and are controlled by it. In the case of the provision of low-quality services, WebMoney may deprive the exchanger of a license.
  • Contract for services. An agreement is concluded with clients even before the exchange. Accordingly, in this case, you will be protected from potential fraud.

How to make an exchange?

  • We go to the WebMoney website, find a page with information about official exchangers and enter the city you are interested in. If there is no exchanger in your city, then check the cities closest to you.

Check if there are exchangers in your city.

  • We leave a request for an exchange on the exchanger's website.
  • We receive a contract for the provision of services signed by the exchanger.
  • We transfer money to the specified details.
  • At the specified time, we come to the office and pick up cash.

Instructions for one of the exchangers.

3.3. Withdrawal through private changers.

On the LocalBitcoins website, on cryptocurrency forums, in the corresponding Telegram bots, etc. you can find people who exchange bitcoins for cash. Here you will again encounter the fact that most of them will be concentrated in large cities. I hope you do not need to tell anyone that in advance money cannot be transferred. It is best to make an exchange directly on the spot, for example, by meeting in a cafe.

4. Withdrawing money from Bitcoin wallets through ATMs.

Another way to cash out Bitcoins, which cannot be ignored, is ATMs. Again, this method is still available only to those who live in large cities.

At the moment, this method of withdrawal is not very popular. Firstly, they ask for a large commission for cashing out: up to 11%. Secondly, it takes a lot of time, as you have to wait for the confirmation of the transaction.

Comparison of withdrawal rates.

In order to check the most profitable way to cash out Bitcoin into rubles, I decided to compare exchange rates on several services at the same time.

At the time of the experiment, Yandex showed the Bitcoin rate of 967,650 rubles for 1 BTC (according to

The exchange rate of Bitcoin to the ruble.

Step 1 Now, let's say that we will withdraw this cryptocurrency through exchangers. Then let's look at the rate for BestChange.

Courses on Bestchange.

As you can see, the most profitable exchangers offer from 920 to 926 thousand rubles for 1 BTC. The best rate at that time was 926,960 rubles.

Step 2 Let's see what LocalBitcoins has to offer. The rate here is usually higher.

Courses on Localbitcoins.

As expected, the course pleased. You can change Bitcoins at a price of 980 - 991 thousand rubles for 1 BTC. The best rate is 992,003 rubles.

Step 3. Now let's try to make an exchange through the EXMO exchange. For example, let's use the standard exchanger of this service.

The exchange rate on the EXMO exchange.

The exchange rate is 987,948 rubles for 1 BTC. A decent rate, but do not forget that you will have to pay 2% for the withdrawal. It turns out: 978,948 - 2% = 959,369 rubles - that's how much you get on the card by paying a commission. This will be the real course.

Step 4. Let's see what WebMoney offers. Bitcoins are exchanged for rubles on the internal exchange of the payment system.

Exchange rates for WebMoney.

Here we see rates from 1021 to 1034 thousand rubles for 1 BTC. Let's take for example the rate of 1,030,000 rubles. For withdrawal by bank transfer, you will pay a commission of 0.8%, that is, 1,030,000 - 0.8% = 1,021,760 rubles. When withdrawing to a card, the commission will be 2.3%: 1,030,000 - 2.3% = 1,006,310 rubles. When withdrawing through an exchanger, the commission will be from 3.8%. Let's calculate: 1,030,000 - 3.8% = 990,860 rubles.


As you can see, the best exchange rate at the moment is offered by WebMoney. Even cash withdrawal through official exchangers is more profitable here than cashing out to a card. But, you need to keep in mind that for full-fledged work with this payment system, you need to pass verification.


In this section, I decided to collect questions on the topic of withdrawing Bitcoin, which are asked most often.

1. What is the best way to withdraw money from WebMoney if a bank transfer is not available?

The rules for withdrawing money from WebMoney change very often. Those methods that work now may not be available in the near future. At the same time, at the moment, WebMoney has the best exchange rate for Bitcoins for rubles (of the methods that we considered above), so using this payment system is beneficial.

Firstly, if you withdraw money through official exchangers, you will pay a commission of 3.8-4.8%. But still, it will be one of the most profitable ways to withdraw Bitcoin. There is another convenient way to withdraw money from WebMoney in Russia: bank cards of telecom operators.

For example, Megafon or Beeline cards. You simply top up your phone balance and the money automatically appears on the card linked to the number. You can get such a card at the offices of mobile operators. It is not named, so you will spend no more than 5 minutes to receive it.

The downside is the restrictions on replenishment. Only 6,500 rubles per day (this is about 200,000 rubles per month). At the same time, the commission for replenishment is only 0.8% (standard WebMoney commission). Not suitable for large amounts, but for general use it is quite suitable. ATM withdrawal fees start at 3%. You can pay with this card without commission.

2. Which Bitcoin withdrawal method do I use myself?

I used to withdraw Bitcoin through exchangers. Obviously, there was not the best course, but, nevertheless, this is the most convenient way. And the Bitcoin exchange rate is growing so fast that you can not pay attention to their commission.

So the search for another method of withdrawal was not due to the exchange rate, but more as an insurance against blocking receipts by banks. Therefore, now I have settled on WebMoney and received the necessary certificate for working with large amounts.

I got myself a Megafon card and withdraw money to it. This is very convenient for me, because I always pay with a bank card anyway. Replenishment of the card is limited to 200,000 rubles per month - this amount is enough. If I need to cash out a larger amount, then I will use the official exchange office, since they are available in almost every major city.

3. How to withdraw Bitcoins to Qiwi wallet?

The withdrawal of Bitcoins to Qiwi (Qiwi) is not much different from. You can use the same tools.

  • Bitcoin withdrawal to Qiwi using BestChange . Specify the direction of the exchange "Bitcoin - Qiwi" in the table. Exchangers will be sorted by the best rate and you will only have to go to one of them and make an exchange. You will transfer Bitcoins to the specified Qiwi wallet, and in return you will receive rubles or dollars to your wallet.
  • Withdrawing Bitcoins to Qiwi using LocalBitcoins . Immediately on the main page of the site, you will see offers to buy your Bitcoins for rubles or dollars of the Qiwi payment system. So you will need to choose the best offer for you and make an exchange.
  • Withdrawing money from a Bitcoin wallet to Qiwi using a Telegram bot. The exchange here is carried out in the same way as for a bank card. The process itself is similar to working with LocalBitcoins.

How to withdraw Bitcoins to Yandex Money?

Yandex Money is a popular payment system in Runet. The process of withdrawing Bitcoins to Yandex Wallet is similar to the process of withdrawing to the Qiwi payment system.

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PayPal (popularly "stick") is one of the largest payment systems that allows you to make almost any payment via the Internet. It works almost all over the world, so you can use its services in Africa, and in the European Union, and in the USA, and in the territory of the post-Soviet space. Many people use a stick to pay for various little things when shopping on the Internet, but from time to time the question arises of how to withdraw money from PayPal. There are a lot of options for solving this issue, here you can organize a withdrawal to a bank card and to the wallets of other payment systems.

A little historical background

There are many payment systems, but PayPal stands out from their background in scale. Just think about it - the system works in almost 200 countries of the world (even if the functionality is not as extensive as in the USA). Given the multi-million audience of customers, this brings the Stick to the first place.

It was created back in 1998 in the USA, the moment for creating such a system was chosen very well. In a couple of years, about 1 million lots at the world-famous eBay auction offered the possibility of paying via PayPal.

In the history of the company there were no serious recessions, almost all the time there was a stable growth and an increase in the client base. People are attracted by the fact that payments are made instantly, while withdrawing funds from PayPal comes with a minimum commission and is possible in most countries of the world (regional payment systems cannot boast of this).

Peculiarities of work of PayPal in different countries!

As for external payments, they can be made in any currency, while internal payments can be made in the national currency. For example, in the Russian Federation, transfers within the country are carried out in rubles, and the commission is calculated according to the principle of 3.9% of the payment amount + 10 rubles. But this is the maximum, if you are a seller and actively use Paypal, then it can be reduced to 2.9% + 10 rubles, with high turnover, even 1% savings are noticeable.

In many countries, local currency is not used, in such cases, internal transfers are in dollars. At the same time, 3.4% + $0.3 is charged from the payment, according to this scheme, the system works with the CIS countries. You can read more about currency conversion in the system in the article "".

The commission in the system is paid by the recipient of the payment, while its size depends heavily on where exactly the money came from. For example, to receive a payment to a Russian PayPal account from Scandinavian countries, the percentage is 4.3% + $0.3, but if the money comes from the USA, Canada and Western Europe, the percentage slightly increases and amounts to 4.4% + $0.3. Payments from Eastern European countries are subject to a commission of 4.9% + $0.3, and the maximum amount will have to be paid for countries not included in the specified list - 5.4% + $0.3.

If you are thinking about how to withdraw money from PayPal to a card with a minimum commission, then you can do this with a large turnover (for example, you have organized your business and actively use PayPal). The maximum that you can count on is a decrease to 2.4% + $0.3, but for this you need to reach a turnover of $100,000.

As for currency conversion during money transfers, this operation can be performed automatically if you want to keep all the money in one currency, but savings can be stored in different currencies, in which case the conversion step will occur directly when you try to withdraw money:

  • residents of the Russian Federation can convert not only dollars, but also any currency in general into rubles, while the exchange rate will differ slightly not in your favor compared to the market one. The market rate is adjusted for a commission of 2.5%;
  • if a currency other than the payment currency is used, then the amount rises to 4%, that is, there is a double conversion before the person withdraws money to the card.

Where can I withdraw money from PayPal? Explore all possible ways!

Any modern payment system allows you to withdraw money:

  • Bank transaction;
  • to a bank card;
  • transfer funds to wallets of other payment systems.

This is the minimum "gentleman's set" that any payment system has. Well, the differences lie in such trifles as the ability to withdraw money in local currency, the amount of the commission, the timing of the withdrawal, etc. These seemingly small details can spoil a lot of nerve cells, especially if you need money right now, but it appears from scratch delay.

In general, withdrawing funds from PayPal in the post-Soviet space is not such an easy task. This is all straightforward with WebMoney - I attached a bank card and withdraw money even in rubles, even in hryvnias, even in euros or dollars, you can also cash out money by bank transfer. PayPal is not always convenient in these matters.

Method number 1: how to withdraw money to a bank account

I’ll make a reservation right away that you need to look at which particular bank you plan to use. The reason for this is the recent sanctions imposed against a number of Russian financial institutions. So if, for example, you are a client of the Bank of Russia or Investkapitalbank, then don’t even try to organize the withdrawal of money to their details, because of the sanctions, the stick will simply refuse to complete this transaction.

But not all Russian banks fell under the sanctions, so you can safely work with Sberbank or VTB24, they will allow you to resolve the issue of how to withdraw from PayPal to a card. Well, in general, I would advise you to simply familiarize yourself with the sanctions list or check with PayPal technical support whether they work with your bank.

Withdrawal to a bank account works according to the same scheme. It is clear that before this, the card must be linked to your account (at the same time, a small amount is debited from it, which is returned back in a couple of days). The procedure is supposed to be:

You will have to wait a few days - a kind of payment for reliability, you can read more about the basics of security in this article "". This is not very profitable when compared, for example, with Webmoney, which can withdraw money to a bank card almost instantly with a commission of a couple of percent. But with PayPal you can work anywhere and with cards of any banks in the world.

Method number 2: withdraw funds from PayPal to Qiwi wallet

The Qiwi payment system is very convenient (at least for residents of the Russian Federation), it allows you to cash out money in almost any way, including transfers to wallets of other payment systems. Residents of the Russian Federation can link a Qiwi wallet to WebMoney, so there are a lot of options for depositing / withdrawing money.

The Qiwi wallet is also attractive because in order to start it, you only need a mobile phone number. Of course, security is lower than that of the same WebMoney, but that's not what we're talking about now.

It is impossible to withdraw money directly to the Qiwi wallet (if you come across any miracle instructions on how to do this, you should know that this is a lie). This type of transfer can only be done using intermediaries in the face of various exchangers, or by finding a person for whom, for example, you pay for goods on the Internet with PayPal, and he will send you money to Qiwi. In general, an intermediary is a universal option, with its help you can solve the problem of how to withdraw money from PayPal with almost zero commission.

The exchange rate will be, to put it mildly, not the most profitable, but there's nothing to be done:

Exchangers are good because you do not have to wait until the money comes to your card, which usually takes several days. The scheme looks something like this - you transfer them to the PayPal account of the exchanger, and after receiving the money, they withdraw the amount to your Qiwi or wallet of another payment system.

For the rest, we work with the exchanger as usual - we indicate the amount of the transfer, the Qiwi wallet number and our data in Paypal. After that, an application is created, we confirm the payment and wait for the money. I emphasize once again - they will charge a lot for such a transfer, from 1000 rubles on PayPal you will be able to get less than 880 rubles on Qiwi. But after that, the question of how to withdraw money from PayPal loses its relevance, because with Qiwi you can withdraw money as you like and with little or no delay.

This is not the only way to transfer money to Qiwi. You can also use Payoneer for this, but this will not reduce the transfer time at all (from PayPal, money will go to the Payoneer account for the same few days). It will turn out to gain a little in terms of money compared to exchangers, but the benefit, given such a long wait, is doubtful.

Method number 3! How to withdraw money from PayPal via Webmoney?

In Russia, and in other Russian-speaking countries, this particular payment system is one of the most popular. So not to mention it would be just a crime. As in the case of the Qiwi wallet, WebMoney will act as an intermediary, our main task is to receive money from PayPal to the WMR wallet, and only then cash it out in any way.

You can withdraw money to your WebMoney wallet in 2 ways:

The first method has a number of limitations:

After that, you can already try to create an application, from the minuses of this withdrawal method, you can consider a rather large commission. On the other hand, you save time and do not have to wait several days until the money arrives in your account. So if a loss of about 14% does not scare you, then Webmoney can be used to solve the problem of how to withdraw money from PayPal. In total (taking into account the commission for withdrawing from the WMR / WMZ wallet), the losses will be about 16-17%, but you will have to wait a maximum of 20-30 minutes.

To organize the transfer, we act in the following order

  • you need to log into your account and create a new exchange request. If you meet all the necessary requirements, then the application you created will be displayed in the general list;
  • in order to be able to pay for it, another participant must choose it according to the counter exchange procedure, you just need to wait;
  • after receiving the appropriate notification, you need to confirm the payment with PayPal. Money should arrive within 20 minutes, but usually the payment goes faster. Well, already with WebMoney it’s not a problem to withdraw money as you like - even to the wallets of other payment systems, even immediately to your card.

As for the commission, when making a transfer for 1000 rubles, you will receive about 700 rubles to your WebMoney wallet. This can be considered a kind of payment for urgency - if you don't want to wait a few days until the money arrives on your card or bank account - pay more money.

You can also transfer through exchangers (both rubles and dollars), you will have to pay 9.9%, the payment comes within 20-30 minutes. At the same time, many exchangers set the minimum commission at the level of 10WMZ / 10WME or 700-800 rubles, so it will not work to transfer small amounts, for large transfers special conditions are offered with a slightly lower exchanger remuneration. After the transfer is completed, you can withdraw money from WebMoney in any convenient way.

Another option is to use a WebMoney card. It can be linked directly to PayPal in the same way as regular bank cards.

Method number 4! How to withdraw money from PayPal through the company's office?

This is an almost perfect way to get money quickly and with an acceptable commission. Well, there is only one drawback here - it is suitable only for the elite, because there are only a couple of such offices throughout Russia (and in other Russian-speaking countries the situation is no better). So only residents of the capital and St. Petersburg were lucky with this.

The translation itself is nothing special. Just come to the office and get the money after a short wait. The commission in this case is about 5%.

The advantages of this method are speed and low commission. You do not need to wait a few days until the money arrives on the bank card, nor pay 15-20% for a quick transfer to the wallet of another payment system.

Method number 5! How to withdraw cash using Yandex money?

WebMoney and a bank card are not the only options where you can withdraw money from PayPal. Other payment systems can also be used for this purpose, Poison is one such option.

In terms of popularity, this payment system is somewhat inferior to WebMoney, but it is still very widespread, so many people withdraw money from PayPal in this way. Money transfer can be done in several ways:

  • through exchangers;
  • using a real or virtual YandexMoney card.

We work with exchangers in the same order as before - select the type and currency of the transfer, indicate the amount and confirm the payment. You can’t count on a small commission, you will have to pay more than 15% of the transfer amount (this is without taking into account the remuneration of the payment systems themselves). Well, when withdrawing funds from poison, there is also a small commission within a couple of percent. If you believe the calculator on the exchangers, then in total you will have to overpay up to a third of the transfer amount.

The scheme of work itself does not change - when deciding how to withdraw money from PayPal, we again use an intermediary, just now it will be the wallet of the YaD payment system.

As for the cards of the payment system, everything is simple here - both real and virtual YandexMoney cards are practically a complete analogue of bank cards in terms of functionality. They have both a 16-digit number and a CVV code, so they can be used to pay for goods and services, as well as to link to wallets of various payment systems, including PayPal.

Such a card can be issued either in plastic (you will have to wait a couple of weeks until it is issued and delivered by mail to the specified address), or it can be limited to its virtual embodiment. Of course, paying in a store with a virtual card will not work, but it is suitable for transferring money from a stick.

Method number 6: not quite the usual way to withdraw money

All of these methods come down to the same thing - finding an intermediary through which the money will be withdrawn. But wallets of different payment systems are not the only way to resolve the issue of where you can withdraw money from PayPal.

Another rather exotic way is to use a forex broker that works with Paypal. That is, first we deposit money into the broker's account (that is, we simply replenish our deposit), and then we try to withdraw it. Moreover, trading is not at all necessary, although in this matter you need to familiarize yourself with the working conditions of the broker. As a last resort, you can use your main account, which already has a decent turnover, so as not to arouse suspicion.

The problem here is that not all brokers work with PayPal, but if you wish, you can choose a working option. An example is the FXPro broker, which allows you to fund your account with PayPal. In this case, the operation is subject to a commission of 2.7% + the commission of the payment system itself.

Theoretically, the process of crediting money can take a day, but in practice, money usually arrives within a few minutes. It is attractive that when withdrawing funds, no commission is charged from the trader.

The only drawback of this method of cashing out is that it is far from suitable for everyone, and if you just open an account in order to withdraw money, then the administration may have questions why there are no transactions. Otherwise, the method is not bad - depositing money takes a few minutes, withdrawal also occurs during the day, but usually faster. However, the commission is small.

Method number 7! How to withdraw from PayPal to Payoneer card?

If there is no desire to mess around with cards of Russian banks, then you can simply order a Payoneer card and safely withdraw money in dollars with a total commission of about 5-6%.

When ordering a card (we do it on the official website), the most important thing is to enter your name and surname correctly, to the letter. In order not to get confused, look at how she wrote down in her passport or on other bank cards. This is really important, if you make a mistake - you risk getting a card that will not be accepted anywhere.

After the card comes to you by mail, it will need to be activated (everything will be written about this in the paper). Then you can link it to Paypal and withdraw dollars directly to it with an acceptable commission. You can read more about the basics of working in Payoneer and a similar withdrawal method in the article "".

At the same time, you need to understand that a separate account for you in an American bank is not opened. It's just that Payoneer has one account in the bank, with which many clients work, that is, a virtual account is opened for each of them. The money first goes to a real physical account, and only then is distributed among individual clients.

Method number 8: risky, but with a minimum commission

Another way to cash out with PayPal is to simply find someone who needs to buy something with PayPal payment. He gives you real money in your hands, you pay for his purchase. So you can "withdraw" money without losing anything. The only problem is to find such a person.

Alternatively, you can use the services of an intermediary, such announcements regularly appear on various forums. Such people can really help in a situation where money is urgently needed and none of the methods described on how to withdraw money from PayPal is suitable.