How to double your money fast. How to easily multiply income several times. Get rid of expensive loans


The success of crisis management is often critically dependent on the availability of funds needed for crisis management. Measures to increase cash flow can only be effective if a certain system of control is established. This system involves, for the period of anti-crisis programs, a daily reconciliation of the balance of funds, weekly or even daily approval of expenses by top management and the transfer of rights to allocate funds into the hands of one or two senior managers (most often the head of the organization, if he leads the implementation of the anti-crisis strategies). If the threat of a crisis is determined by the general economic situation in the country (as it was before the crisis of the financial system in August 1998 in Russia), it is necessary to change some aspects of relations with banks, namely:

  • - keep cash reserves in the bank at a minimum, since this will minimize the risks of ruble depreciation and blocking of a bank account;
  • - use free cash to prepay expenses (salary, purchase of raw materials and materials), especially those denominated in hard currency;
  • - open accounts in several banks to disperse the risk;
  • - try to pay taxes with cash frozen in the bank;
  • - find out who is the debtor of the troubled bank and make payments by buying their debt, for example, using promissory notes.

There are a number of ways to increase cash flow, the most effective of which are the following:

  • - optimization, or cost reduction;
  • - reorganization of inventory stocks;
  • - receipt of additional funds from the use of fixed assets;
  • - collection of receivables in order to accelerate the turnover of funds;
  • - differentiation of payments to creditors by priority to reduce the outflow of funds;
  • - Ensuring an increase in cash inflows by revising capital investment plans;
  • - increase in the receipt of funds from interested financial sources not related to mutual trade;
  • - increase in sales.

Let's take a look at how these methods can be implemented.

Optimization, or cost reduction. First of all, it is necessary to consider the possibility of optimizing, or reducing labor costs. To do this, the following measures can be taken: reduction or suspension of bonus and other payments, introduction of bonus payment schemes and payment based on the results of commercial activities for the quarter or for the year, revision of tariff rates, etc. General business expenses (expenses for the maintenance of vehicles, representation expenses, social costs, etc.). It is also advisable to analyze the organizational structure of the company in order to eliminate unnecessary levels of management and reduce the cost of managerial labor.

In some cases, an attempt should be made to re-negotiate agreements that define the company's debt in hard currency into ruble debt. For example, explain to the creditor that if the company's debt is not converted into ruble, its subsequent return may be subject to a formal bankruptcy procedure, which may mean for the creditor the return of the debt in a reduced amount or a complete non-return. It is also necessary to try to convince creditors to continue working with the company to create a stable basis for the gradual payment of debt in accordance with the agreed firm schedule.

Reorganization of inventory stocks. It is necessary to start the reorganization with the fact that the reserves are categorized according to their importance in order to increase the stability of the company's activities. The volumes of those types of stocks that are not critical for the functioning of the business should be reduced.

If possible, emergency stocks (or stocks held as a buffer) should be reduced by agreeing on a shorter lead time for a given item. All of this should be done against the backdrop of improved procurement activities through the introduction of more efficient control procedures, such as centralization of storage and issue of goods, redistribution of storage space or improved workflow. This may require working more closely with suppliers on faster delivery and providing them with incentives in the form of more attractive payment terms.

It is advisable to sell stale stocks at discounts in order to receive additional cash. However, one must keep in mind the risk of oversaturation of the market with goods at bargain prices, which will negatively affect subsequent sales of goods, as well as make it impossible to implement a price increase strategy.

Obtaining additional cash from the use of fixed assets. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the degree of use of the company's equipment and property in order to determine the list of property not used in current business activities. This can be done by discussing with the engineering staff what equipment is needed to maintain current and expected levels of production, how to optimize the use of premises, or how to find a contractor to outsource some of the production processes. Then, potential buyers or users of the surplus property need to be identified by examining competitors or alternative uses for the property in question.

The most appropriate communication channels can then be identified to effectively communicate to market participants the offers to sell or rent the property. Property that could not be rented out must be mothballed, a conservation act drawn up and submitted to the tax office. This will make it possible to exclude this property from the calculation of the taxable base when calculating property tax payments.

In some cases, it is advisable to explore the possibility of renegotiating the lease with the landlord, and in the absence of such an opportunity, consider the prospect of moving the activity to a less expensive location. In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the costs that may arise in connection with the move. It is also possible to centralize the activities of the company by transferring its divisions to one or fewer locations in order to avoid duplication of economic functions in various divisions and, thus, freeing up additional property for sale or lease.

Collection of debts in order to accelerate the turnover of funds. The repayment of debts by customers can be stimulated by providing special discounts. It is also necessary to create a customer assessment system that would summarize all the risks associated with them as business partners. The total dependency on a customer will include its accounts receivable, goods in stock ready for shipment, products in production destined for that customer. You can set formal credit limits for each client)", which will be determined by the general relationship with this client, the needs of the firm for cash and an assessment of the financial situation of a particular client. collecting money from the clients they work with.Finally, in some cases, you can try to sell the bank servicing the firm, its receivables.

Prioritization of payments to creditors to reduce cash outflows. To implement this measure, it is necessary to rank the firm's suppliers depending on the degree of their importance to its activities and profitability. Critical suppliers should be the focus; it is advisable to intensify contacts with them in order to strengthen mutual understanding and the desire for cooperation.

Various payment schemes can be developed and proposed to suppliers and try to convince creditors that a new approach would be the best way for both parties to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship. Payments to less important suppliers can be deferred. In extreme cases, payments may be delayed altogether. This activity should be accompanied by a search for alternative suppliers offering more favorable conditions. Information about them can be used for further negotiations with the current suppliers of the company.

Revision of capital investment plans. This measure is aimed at minimizing costs. Under the threat of a crisis, it is expedient to abandon investments in capital construction, in the acquisition of new equipment, expansion of the distribution network, etc., except in urgent cases. To determine them, it is necessary to assess which capital investment needs cannot be deferred to a later date. It is also necessary to abandon those capital expenditures that cannot give an immediate return to the company.

Investment projects that have become less effective as a result of changes in the financial situation in Russia should be suspended. It is also necessary to change the investment schedule in order to reduce the peak load on the company's cash flows by revising the investment stages. However, the accompanying cash outflow should not impair the company's ability to make other urgent payments. After that, the expected costs of closing certain activities (for example, production lines), such as the costs of dismantling equipment, its transportation, cleaning and cleaning, layoffs of personnel, etc., should be calculated and compared with the estimated losses during the period of reduction business activity. Based on this comparison, the capital investment reduction plan should be adjusted.

Increasing the flow of funds from interested financial sources not related to mutual trade. In this case, we are talking about attention to the relationship with the main support groups in a crisis - the bank, shareholders or owners of the company. You can start by examining the financial terms of short-term financing offered by the bank that serves the firm, and options for improving them. This implies, first of all, revising the terms of the company's debt (deferred payment of the principal, lowering the interest rate) and exploring the possibility of refinancing its loans in other banks.

If there are no other options or sources to finance operations, it may be helpful to negotiate with the shareholders or owners of the company to find additional financial resources. The threat of a crisis suggests that planned dividend payments will be reduced or postponed.

Increasing sales. The following methods of increasing sales can be used as an anti-crisis measure.

  • o Determination of projected markups for groups of goods sold in order to identify groups that bring the greatest profit; these groups need to be focused on.
  • o Conducting limited marketing research on a daily or weekly basis, such as: monitoring retail and wholesale prices in this and neighboring regions, conducting trial limited sales with discounts, analyzing official industry statistics, etc.
  • o Reassessment of consumer demand factors such as consumer properties and purchase priority, price, quality, fashion trends, seasonal factors, etc.
  • o Identifying product groups that are best suited to changing market conditions and focusing on them.
  • o Analysis of competitive advantages and development of ways to benefit from them.
  • o Analysis of the price and volume of products sold, which will determine the most reasonable compromise, providing an increase in the receipt of additional cash, despite the decrease in sales volumes (by increasing the price and trading margins); such a compromise is the result of negotiating the following possibilities:
  • - if the market allows, raise the selling price in order to increase the gross margin;
  • - reduce the selling price in order to increase market share and sales volumes.

The analysis process ends with the optimization of cash flows by choosing the best forms of their organization in the enterprise, taking into account external and internal factors in order to achieve their balance, synchronization and growth of the net flow.

First of all, it is necessary to achieve a balance between the volumes of positive and negative cash flows, since both the deficit and the excess of cash resources negatively affect the results of economic activity. With a scarce cash flow, the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise decreases, which leads to an increase in the overdue debt of the enterprise on loans to the bank, suppliers, and payroll personnel.

With excess cash flow, there is a loss of the real value of temporarily free cash as a result of inflation, capital turnover slows down due to idle cash, part of the potential income is lost due to lost profits from the profitable placement of cash in the operating process.

Calculations showed that by the end of 2008 the company's net cash flow amounted to -4316 thousand rubles. This shows that the company has a shortage or shortage of its own funds. Further calculations and analysis were aimed at acquiring reserves, which increased by 1.6 times from 2006 to 2008. This increase can negatively affect the production cycle of the enterprise, and the money that went into their purchase was wasted. Thus, it is necessary to correctly plan and calculate the volume of stocks necessary for the normal production activities of the enterprise.

The reduction of funds was also caused by their large investment in fixed assets. From 2006 to 2008 this item increased by 670 thousand rubles.

Thus, we can say that the company invests money in assets in order to ensure its production and financial activities, does not think about the fact that the excess purchased stocks are dead weight in the warehouse and do not make a profit.

With regard to the balance of cash flow for the analyzed period, which is short-term, they develop measures to accelerate the attraction of funds include: ensuring partial or full prepayment for products that are in great demand in the market; reduction of terms of granting a commodity credit to buyers; increase in the size of price discounts for the sale of products for cash, etc.

It can be seen from the calculations that sales revenue from 2006 to 2008 increased by 10,702 thousand rubles. This may be due to any of the conditions listed above.

Measures to slow down the payment of funds include: increasing, in agreement with suppliers, the terms for granting a commodity loan to an enterprise; restructuring of received loans by converting short-term into long-term.

But these measures, increasing the level of absolute solvency of the enterprise in the short term, can create problems of scarcity of cash flows in the future, then in parallel, measures should be developed to balance the scarce cash flow in the long term.

As the analysis showed, the company had a shortage of funds. The shortage of funds has a negative impact on the solvency of enterprises, giving rise to a crisis of payments. The main consequences of the cash shortage are: delays in paying staff; growth of accounts payable to suppliers and the state budget system; increase in the share of overdue debt on bank loans in the total amount of loan debt; decrease in the liquidity of assets; lengthening of the duration of production cycles due to interruptions in the supply of material and energy resources.

The reasons for the shortage of funds are:

Internal: falling production volume; loss of one or more major consumers; shortcomings in the management of the product range;

Weaknesses in the financial management system: poor financial planning; poor provision of management accounting; loss of control over costs; lack of an optimal organizational structure of financial services.

External: payments crisis; non-monetary forms of payment; tax pressure; inflation pressure, etc.

Such reasons at OAO Zinaidinskoye HPP are:

Low return on sales, assets and equity;

diversion of funds into excess inventories and work in progress; the impact of inflation on inventories;

Large capital costs not supported by appropriate sources of funding; the impact of inflation on capital investment;

High payments of taxes and fees, the amount of dividends to shareholders;

Excessive share of borrowed capital in the liabilities of the balance sheet and the associated high interest payments for the use of loans and borrowings;

Reducing the turnover ratio of current assets, i.е. attraction of additional funds into the turnover of the enterprise.

The shortage of funds entails an increase in accounts payable, which is observed in JSC Zinaidinskoye KhPP, and a decrease in the liquidity of the company's assets, an increase in the duration of the production cycle due to untimely delivery of raw materials and components, and much more.

The first thing to pay attention to when deciding on the liquidity of the budget deficit of any enterprise is to improve the management of receivables and payables.

Accounts receivable management includes speeding up turnover and reducing the growth rate of debtors due to: strengthening control over the status of settlements with buyers on overdue or deferred payments; analysis of debts for individual debtors in order to identify permanent non-payers; revising the ratio of sales on credit and on prepayment based on the credit history of the payer; analysis of accounts receivable by type of product to identify unsuitable goods from the point of view of cash collection; decrease in receivables by the amount of bad debts; targeting the largest possible number of buyers to reduce the risk of non-payment of goods by one or a number of large buyers; strengthening control over the ratio of receivables and payables and the balance of trends in their changes; providing discounts to customers in case of early payment for goods to increase the collection rate; considering the possibility of selling receivables to banks (factoring).

The result of accelerating accounts receivable is a reduction in the total need of the enterprise for current assets.

Accounts payable management is aimed at accelerating its turnover (reduction of repayment periods). Many enterprises are now experiencing an acute shortage of cash (liquid funds).

Discounts on the price of goods, provided by the supplier to the buyer in case of earlier payment, allow the manufacturer to free up funds for a new production cycle or to invest them profitably before the start of a new cycle. When developing a system of discounts, it should be remembered that the amount of the discount provided from the price of the goods should not exceed the average rate on bank loans for the same period of time. Partial prepayment of the goods covers the costs of the manufacturer (for raw materials and materials, for the remuneration of workers). Full prepayment allows you to recover all costs and get an acceptable profit as a result of the sale of products.

From the point of view of the inflow of additional funds, managing the product range means optimizing it in order to increase sales or products with the best collection rates.

With the help of cash flow analysis, we managed to find out that the ways to increase cash in an enterprise are:

Improved receivables management; development of a system of discounts for buyers; restructuring of receivables; the possibility of selling receivables to the bank (factoring);

Rationalization of the product range;

Increasing sales by improving marketing research.

The decrease in cash outflow is affected by:

Improvement of accounts payable management: deferment of payments on obligations; use of supplier discounts;

Cost reduction: simplification of the organizational structure in order to eliminate unnecessary levels of management and reduce labor costs; improvement of production technologies; reduction of general expenses.

Thus. Improving cash flow management covers improving the management of all areas of activity of OAO Zinaidinskoye KhPP. More efficient cash flow management leads to an increase in the degree of financial flexibility, which is reflected in the following: improved operational management of cash flows in terms of balancing the receipt and expenditure of funds; calculation of sales volume and optimization of costs due to the large opportunities for maneuvering cash resources; improved maneuvering of borrowed funds; reducing the cost of interest payments on debt obligations; increasing the liquidity of the company's balance sheet; the possibility of release at a relatively low cost of debt service; a great opportunity to obtain loans for investment from potential foreign partners.

Cash flow management is especially important for an enterprise in terms of the need to: regulate the liquidity of the balance sheet; optimization of current assets; planning of time parameters of capital expenditures and sources of financing; management of current costs and their optimization in the process of production and sale of finished products (works, services); economic growth forecast.

Consequently, in conditions of high inflation and non-payment crisis, cash flow management is the most urgent task of organizing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise.

To assess the effectiveness of the company's cash flows, we will make the following calculation:

E dn \u003d NDP / ODS,

where NPV - net cash flow;

OLS - cash outflow.

This coefficient in 2006 was -0.03 units, in 2007 - 0.24 units, and in 2008 - 0.24 units.

The calculation shows that in 2007 the company uses its funds more efficiently than in 2006. In 2008, the efficiency of using the enterprise's funds decreases, since it is during this period that a sharp decline occurs, the causes of which are the investment of funds in assets.

The same can be said by calculating the following formula:

E dn \u003d NPV / Assets,

NPV - net cash flow

in 2006 it was -0.04

in 2007 - 0.27

in 2008 - -0.19.

In 2007, this figure was 0.27 units, and in 2008 (-0.19) units, i.e. there is a decrease in net cash flow and efficiency of use of funds. Throughout the analysis of the funds of OAO Zinaidinskoye KhPP, such a reduction in funds in 2008 could be observed.

But in any case, without the availability of funds, the functioning of any economic entity is impossible, and therefore the effective management of funds and their effective use of the solvency, liquidity and financial stability of the enterprise.

To improve the use of financial resources and identify ways to use OAO Zinaidinskoye KhPP, it is necessary to use financial planning (forecasting). Financial planning is the planning of financial resources and cash funds of an enterprise.

The need for financial planning as a special area of ​​planned activity is due to the relative independence of the movement of funds in relation to material elements.

The object of financial planning are financial resources.

The purpose of financial planning is to predict the solvency and financial stability of an enterprise. Planning of financial resources and investments guarantees the fulfillment of obligations to the budget, creditors and shareholders, provides financing for entrepreneurial activities.

The objectives of the financial are: providing the trading process with the necessary financial resources; establishment of financial relations with the budget, banks and other contractors; identifying areas of the most profitable financial investments; increasing the profitability of financial and economic activities; control over the formation and spending of funds.

Financial analysis is an integral part of an enterprise's business plan. When developing a business plan, it is planned to proceed from the fact that the determination of the funds necessary to finance the development of an enterprise involves evaluating this plan as an investment project. This means that the costs of the enterprise provided for by the plan must be justified by their economic efficiency.

The purpose of drawing up a financial plan is to link the income of the enterprise with the necessary expenses. When income exceeds expenses, the excess amount is sent to the reserve fund; when expenses exceed income, the amount of lack of financial resources is determined. An enterprise can raise additional funds by issuing securities, obtaining credits or loans, sponsorship contributions, etc.

In the financial plan, a specific link is made between each type of investment or fund and the source of their financing. To do this, a check (chess table) is compiled, in the vertical columns of which the directions for the use of financial resources are given, and in the horizontal columns - the sources of financing, which corresponds to the expenditure and income parts of the balance sheet. The chess table allows you to identify the targeted nature of the use of resources and balance income and expenses by item.

The main income items of the financial plan are profit, depreciation, bank loans and other income and receipts; the main items of expenditure are tax deductions, expenditures on capital investments, funds for the repayment of bank loans and interest on them, as well as an increase in working capital, deductions to trust funds and other expenses and deductions. Ultimately, financial planning is aimed at ensuring the rational and efficient use of the financial resources available to the enterprise.

The most important document for forecasting the cash flows of an enterprise is a plan for the movement of funds in bank accounts and on hand (balance of payments). It is being developed for the coming month, broken down into decades or five days.

The balance of payments reflects the cash flow of the enterprise (cash flow). With the help of this document, operational financing of all business operations is provided without division into types of activity (current, investment and financial).

On the basis of the balance of payments, the enterprise predicts the fulfillment of its obligations to the state, creditors, suppliers, investors and other partners. This document allows you to plan the state of your own funds, as well as to attract, if necessary, a bank or commercial loan. With the help of this document, the release of products (services) and its implementation are controlled.

When compiling the balance of payments, the financial service coordinates its work with the accounting department and other management structures of the enterprise. The accounting department collects information on transactions on accounts and overdue loans of banks, on the payment of taxes, settlements with suppliers and contractors, with personnel on remuneration, etc. The need to draw up such a document has increased significantly due to a change in the procedure for settlements and lending, the presence of significant non-payments to the state, partners and employees in terms of wages. All this requires increased attention to the daily balance between the flow of cash receipts and payments. If there is none, then urgent measures are taken to attract additional funds into the turnover of the enterprise.

The world around us is energy in one form or another. Living nature, man, objects have a material shell, but also have an invisible spirit. Money is one of the most powerful, strong, uncontrollable forms of energy. Therefore, for many people, the questions are relevant, where to get more money and how to increase income. What principles should be followed by a person who wants to get rich or simply increase earnings several times? What can be done right now? The answers to these and other questions are in the material below.

How to increase income

In fact, the question How to increase income- not much abstract, need to discover the need. You need to clearly know how much you need to increase your income, what you are ready to do for this, whether you need a specific amount of money or a permanent source of income. Before you solve a problem, you need to understand it in detail.

Key Postulates for Income Growth

Success is not something", a " someone". So said Wallace Wattles - one of the founders of the science of getting rich, whose followers were the notorious Napoleon Hill, Rhonda Byrne, Joe Vitale. Therefore, in order to increase money income, you will need to become a person who can lead the way to success.

If you systematize information from hundreds of sources, you will be able to identify only three main postulates, following which will help stabilize earnings. This is:

  • reinforced concrete self-confidence;
  • constant and conscious expansion of the comfort zone;
  • action orientation.

Self-confidence means that already now you see yourself as a person who can succeed or at least double your income. Regardless of what is happening in the world, what people around say and how your family perceives your idea, you firmly believe that you can earn more, are ready to act for this and not deviate from the path.

Expanding your comfort zone is a classic method of developing, including your financial skills. How can you use this principle? To take on a job they were afraid of, to volunteer to perform a responsible task, the scale of which is frightening. Work overtime on your day off, no matter how much you want to. These actions positively affect the energy relationship between you and money. Seeing that you are ready to work hard for income growth, the money will appreciate it and go to you. Let not immediately, but your actions will be evaluated by the authorities, employees. When you outgrow your usual place, it is possible that you will be promoted or receive an increase in salary.

Action is a bridge between the inner and outer world. Even if what you want is three meters away from you, you still have to get up and take a couple of steps to take it. Not a single person has received an increase in salary, only dreaming about it, no one has found ways to increase income doing nothing for it. Action stands between a dream and its realization.

If a person believes in his success, consciously takes on difficult tasks and acts, failure is categorically excluded. Now about what ways to increase income exist and which of them can be adopted right now.

The best ways to increase income

There are many ways to increase income. Some relate to competent investments, others to family activities, and others to the monetization of hobbies or hobbies. First, about what you can do specifically for a double ( and more) to increase earnings.

Self Steps

  1. Set aside 10% of every ruble earned.

Let the amount accumulated in this way in the first months seem ridiculous, but in a year it will become a serious help for sudden situations. In addition, spending less than earned is the main principle of financial well-being.

  1. Get the money to circulate.

Being endowed with energy, money feels your attitude towards them. If you spend them on nonsense, they will not come to you in greater numbers. Tightness is also not quoted. Therefore, differentiate your income and spend money on different activities. Buying really needed items, investing at interest, saving money for expensive purchases, charitable donations - this will make the money circulate and bring you more serious amounts.

  1. Make a list before you go to the store.

Take 10 minutes, sit down at the table, take a piece of paper and a pen. Think about what you really need for life, and what you can do without. Make a shopping list and move out.

  1. Prefer branded products over more profitable analogues.

Often the consumer overpays only for the label. Compare two identical items and decide whether to pay many times more just for the presence of a brand name. This will not allow any increase material income, but it will help in order to invest them later and make a profit.

  1. Give up habits that take money out of you.

Example - withdrawal of funds from the terminal of another bank ( not that issued your card). Often it is more convenient, because there may not be the necessary devices nearby, but you will inevitably lose interest.

  1. Become a professional in the field.

Only real masters receive fabulous fees for their work. Improve your skills, abilities, study the biographies of people who have already succeeded in such activities. Your skill will not pass by bosses or clients. Later, you guarantee yourself a promotion, an increase in salary, an influx of new customers, or their willingness to pay more for the services offered.

  1. Take care of your health.

“If there is no time for health now, there will be time for illness later,” said one wise man, and it is difficult to argue with him. Right now, develop your physical body - do exercises (preferably in the fresh air), go in for sports, just walk. From a financial point of view, this is effective not momentarily, but in the future. With age, the sores that appeared in peers will force them to visit hospitals, spend money on medicines, and pay doctors. In your list of expenses there will be no item “for the treatment of diseases”, so health care can be safely called ways double your income or more.

  1. Pay no attention to ads.

The purpose of the trading engine is not to show you the value and usefulness of a particular product, but to get as much money out of your wallet as possible. The same applies to holiday discounts with promotions. Ignoring smart marketing strategies is tantamount to increasing revenue.

  1. Love money.

Even a small amount that came into your wallet, accept with gratitude. Positive energy will increase them many times over.

  1. Plan your career growth.

Surely you did not get a job in order to vegetate in one place? Ask what is needed for career growth, and take steps.

  1. Learn to sell yourself.

Let the customer know that the service you offer is unique. People are willing to pay more for really worthy offers. Practice self-presentation skills.

Now - a few tips about finding new sources of income.

Proven ways to increase income

These include:

  • sale of unnecessary things that have long been lying in a closet or on a balcony;
  • making a profit from your hobby (perhaps you are good at repairing cars, and your spouse is good at embroidering; in these ways you can easily double your income);
  • making money on the Internet (there are sites where you will receive extra money for the simplest tasks; study these methods and find the ones that suit you);
  • invest (hundreds of ways to profitably invest finances are discussed in specialized literature; study them, adopt a couple of them, invest a small amount first).

How can the family optimize efforts?

Increase family income It's easier if you don't work alone. So, first of all, start keeping a written record of expenses and income. You will see where your money is flowing, whether the direction of their movement is chosen correctly, and if necessary, make adjustments.

There are many tutorials on how to increase family income, and everyone is talking about one thing - only one person is responsible for controlling finances. Come to a mutual agreement, choose a more worthy one and trust your partner.

If you have growing children, it's possible to sell things they don't need. An example would be strollers, clothes, shoes, toys. At any online flea market in your city, it is easy to find someone who wants to buy what they want cheaper than in a store. You will also make a profit.

Teach your kids how to earn a living today. A child of 7-10 years old can agree with neighbors on the daily removal of garbage for a symbolic amount. There is nothing shameful in this. On the contrary, it's great when a child from a young age independently earns pocket money.

Improve family financial literacy - read books with a partner, share thoughts, attend educational seminars, study different theories.

A few words about investments

The simplest prerequisites for increase money income in the future - investment in brains by buying and reading books about financial literacy.

Start with the basics - open a deposit account in any bank, deposit a symbolic amount there every month (1-3-5 thousand rubles). Do this not to get rich quick, but to develop the habit of saving 10% of your income.

Invest little by little in multiple sources. Mutual funds, stocks, precious metals. Remember that it is better to set aside small amounts month after month than the whole thing in one day - the percentage in the first case will be higher.

One of the ways to earn more is trading on the stock exchange, namely trading, because for every successful transaction you get from 70% arrived.

The Importance of Thinking

How do you think about money? Ask yourself the right questions and answer them honestly, such as:

  • what kind of person you have to become in order to succeed in business;
  • what skills will have to be mastered, which ones - to tighten;
  • how to optimize your activity;
  • whether there is a willingness to work for the well-being of one's family day and night, if necessary;
  • what amount after the salary will be invested at interest, donated to charity, and what amount will simply be postponed.

Get rid of " credit thinking as if future income will someday cover today's expenses. One day, this attitude will play a cruel joke.

Complicated increase family income doing small things. Prioritize and clearly define what will increase profits in the long run, and what should not be done at all.

Ideal if you stock up on the support of those who are eager increase financial income. By summing up the efforts of several "hungry" people, you can get a powerful energy tandem that will overcome all obstacles and succeed.

Following the rules and recommendations described above, anyone can improve their financial condition. The main thing is to remember that money is good, which changes our lives for the better. The right attitude, willingness to act, faith in success, openness to new things - these are the terms that will allow you to increase the main, additional and Other income several times.

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It seems that in our time, only the lazy does not think about what to come up with in order to become freer financially. How to get money, what needs to be done to keep what you have acquired, how to increase it? How to organize life in such a way as to be rich, so that money comes in easier, and you can not be afraid for the future? Answers to these questions are devoted to many trainings and the work of a huge number of specialists - psychologists, business coaches, coaches, personal growth specialists. MIR 24 publishes expert advice that helps people build a personal relationship with money.

Save money or increase their amount?

Many people have a problem that is usually described as: "Not enough money."

It can be approached from the position of "expenses exceed income," says psychologist, trainer Sergey Pashkevich from Soligorsk. - But in this case, we immediately set ourselves up to cut costs and start looking for what else we can save on. But this will definitely not lead to an increase in income and will contribute to a further decline in living standards. After all, we begin to limit ourselves even more in our desires and the realization of needs. Sergey advises to approach from a different position “income is lower than expenses”. At first glance, there is no difference. But in this case, instead of striving to limit ourselves, we begin to think about how it would be good to increase income. Accordingly, there is a desire to find a source with a large income. And then we begin to look for and, most importantly, notice opportunities to do this. Gradually, the level of our well-being begins to grow, and after it the quality of life.

Taboo on wealth

The topic of money is one of the most taboo, - says psychologist, financial consultant from Novosibirsk Olga Kornienko. - A lot of feelings and emotions arise around money. You feel embarrassed when someone shamelessly asks: “How much do you earn?”. It is enviable to see that someone has money flowing like water. With caution, you walk through the dark streets, clutching a bag of money. You rejoice at an unexpected prize or an accidental find of a banknote on the road. You get angry when you don't pay back your debt. You are afraid to be completely without money.

In psychology, there is even a term - the effect of monetary tension. This is the emotional richness of people's attitude to money and the relationship between people about money. Money is accompanied by love and hate, envy and sacrifice, people experience different, but usually strong feelings, which characterizes this area as emotionally infected.

Therefore, psychologists say that it is very important to figure out exactly what your emotions and beliefs about money are. Often people are governed by subjective family, tribal, cultural opinions and values, collective experience of relationships with money. For example, tribal wisdom, expressed in the formula “you can’t earn much with honest work” or “you can’t buy happiness with money,” may well interfere with attracting more money into your life.

List all your negative judgments about money, monetary wealth that come to mind at the first moment. And now the same judgments, only belonging to your parents, your teenage environment (school, friends, relatives, neighbors, society, etc.). Now those that belong to your environment during your youth (university, college, friends, neighbors, etc.) Try this list on yourself. There can be many such attitudes that control our behavior on a subconscious level, and this must be dealt with individually, psychologists say.

How to quickly change your relationship with money

However, there are other opinions. “You can work out your complexes and attitudes for a long time and tediously, which prevent you from earning money, reaching a new level of personal and business development. And you can just start to act, ”says psychologist Lilia Levitskaya from Tula.

How and where to look for sources of income? Obviously, in order to make money, you need to sell something.

Each of us sells something to someone for a certain price, - says psychologist Sergei Pashkevich. - Hiring a job, we sell our time, or our skills, or our knowledge for a salary. At the same time, the employer determines the value and price of our skills, knowledge or time, regardless of our opinion. We can only agree with this price. Or disagree, but in this case we are left without work, therefore, without a source of income. You can sell the same thing, only not to the employer, but directly to other people, i.e. clients. And in this case, we ourselves can set the price for our skills.

Yes, it will take more work to find someone who wants to buy it. So what? More actions lead to more results. Many people think that finding clients is very difficult, and you need to have some special qualities of character, the ability to persuade, influence minds, etc. In fact, everything is much simpler. Nobody convinces you to go to the store and buy bread or meat. But, nevertheless, you go and buy. What do we actually do when we buy something? In fact, we satisfy our needs. Thus, if you want to find a serious source of income, determine for yourself in what area you can best help people meet their needs. In other words, how can you be useful to other people?

Here are just two short answers to the question of how to stop reading about money and start making it.

Fifteen minutes a day in exchange for financial well-being

I will share with you one working technique that allows you to overcome the huge distance that separates an ordinary person from receiving a stable rental income, - says coach, personal finance and investment consultant Alexander Evstigneev from Moscow. - You will need a notebook and a pen. Next, you should allocate work with this notebook for 15 minutes every day. During this time, you disconnect from all the affairs, worries and gadgets, and think. Think in writing (writing down all the ideas that come to mind, even those that at first glance seem unrealistic).

How can you increase your income.
- What you need to do to create multiple sources of income.
- Where can you find useful information about this.
- What exactly are the steps you need to take so that you have your own "goose that lays golden eggs."

Such 15-minute reflections will sooner or later push you to real action. Actions sooner or later will give you the desired result. Are you ready to exchange daily 15 minutes of your life for the financial well-being of the whole family? Then start now!

Technique for reaching a new level of income

And here is what the psychologist, coach Lilia Levitskaya proposes to do. In her opinion, it is very important to set specific goals, measurable in numbers.

Most often I hear from businessmen: "I want everything to be good, I want to earn money, I want to earn more." Out of 100 people, only one can say: “I want to earn a million in 1 month in a year and spend no more than 30 hours a week on work.” So, the technique for breaking through to a new level of income is as follows.

We ask the brain the exact direction: in a month I earn in money (the exact amount is from two to ten times compared to today's income level). It is very important to set this direction in exact material terms!

We define your product - a unit of goods (a consultation, a lesson, a wagon of apples, a suit, a ton of sausage, an article, and so on) and look from the end point, how many such units and at what price need to be sold to achieve the goal.
Everything, the plan is ready. Need tools! There are a lot of tools, but the reliance is on the goal and its material embodiment. Would you say that's unrealistic? Really! Think more!

If this is my product, is it possible to sell it on a larger scale?
And what is adjacent to the product in order to increase the check?
And how to influence the packaging in order to realize so much?
And who do you need to meet and how many times to realize so much?

Most importantly, all tasks stem not from an abstract “I want the best”, but from a specific endpoint. When the goal and the deadline for achieving it are clear, then the details remain, and you will find them!

In working capital management, various approaches and tools can be used to release cash. The main thing is to properly organize management and establish a controlling mechanism.

We will tell you what tools you can use, using the example of one Russian medium-sized company.

The chronic shortage of money in the company was provided with credit resources. Over time, their magnitude reached a limit and became a heavy burden. The usual short-term measures did not solve the problem of cash gaps. A long-term solution had to be found. In parallel, in connection with the prospects for the development and growth of the business, the question arose about the sources of its financing. It's time to hire a financial director and, with his participation, build a system for managing the economy and finances. The primary task in this case was to clarify the real situation with money. In order to draw practical conclusions and understand how to change it and how to influence it, what levers to include in a given situation, and who is responsible for what, it was necessary to answer the question - why is there not enough money for current activities and what are the possibilities for liquidation cash gaps. Then streamline cash flows and control them in order to identify opportunities to increase cash flow. In other words, manage working capital.

To obtain a reliable result, we built a chain of successive actions: analysis - modeling - development of measures - a mechanism for controlling cash flows.

Where does the money go

The answer to this question was found in the study of the movement of resources, products / services and money in the operational production and economic (internal) and financial and economic (external) areas of activity. They were presented schematically in the form of a financial model of the company (see figure). From it it followed that the movement of cash resources and flows hides problems in the production business processes of the main divisions.

We started with an analysis of the sources of funds and directions for their use. Their dynamics was traced on the basis of the structure of directions of use (investment) and sources of financing of funds based on the management balance sheet data for the year by quarters (Table 1). A few years ago, we formed management reporting formats and filled them out conscientiously. The information was there, but it was not used to make managerial decisions. And in order to properly comment on the results, they used the services of an external consultant. After all, behind them are decisions and specific actions to invest money in current activities, the choice of sources of their financing.

First of all, based on the data in Table. 1, we can conclude that the company does not earn its own funds from turnover, all of them are connected in the elements of working capital, and finances current activities with borrowed funds. This follows from the excess of the share of current liabilities (33-39%) over the share of current assets as a result of the balance sheet (30-32%). Moreover, borrowed funds increased by 6%, and current assets - by 2%.

During the year, the growth of "frozen" funds in production grew by 4% (from 75 to 79%). This happened as a result:

  • increase in funds invested in stocks of raw materials and materials in the warehouse by 2% (from 35 to 37%);
  • growth of work in progress (WIP) by 2% (from 17 to 19%).

The share of funds in circulation (settlements with clients) decreased by 4% (from 25 to 21%). It so happened that the released funds from accounts receivable flowed uncontrollably into production.

At the same time, the share of reserves financing sources increased by 2% in general, and the structure changed:

  • the share of short-term loans increased by 7% (from 25 to 32%);
  • the share of accounts payable decreased by 5% (from 41 to 38%).

This redistribution of funds contributed to their greater outflow and the constant need for additional credit resources. The current structure of borrowed funds created a large financial burden, which the company could not bear in the future. And she began to eat up the earned money. This conclusion was confirmed by the time of capital binding in current assets.

In the short term, of course, you can work without your own working capital, using only borrowed funds, but subject to their rapid turnover.

To understand the speed of cash flow, we analyzed their turnover (Table 2). The results were unexpected - the ratio of cost and credit cycles, showing the need for working capital, changed from a positive value at the beginning of the year to a negative one in the second quarter. This fact confirmed the conclusion that the company was "eating" its own earned funds. Figuratively, this can be represented as follows - the business started with 10,000 rubles. (conditionally), and at the end of the year they turned out to be only 9,000 rubles. 1000 were "eaten away" as a result of inefficient management.

And although the cost cycle was reduced by 14 days overall (from 160 to 146 days), the period of movement of materials in the warehouse was too long. The process of manufacturing products that was not coordinated in time and its untimely provision with the necessary raw materials and materials led to excessive intermediate stocks of semi-finished products and small fluctuations in the duration of the production cycle. The standard production time was 14 days, but in fact - ten days longer. Thus, a suboptimal technological value chain was revealed - it slowed down the inflow of funds from circulation, and credit resources contributed to their outflow. Comparatively large volumes of current assets masked inefficient production processes, which led to the freezing of more capital than required by the regulations.

The slow release of funds from current activities led to a slowdown in bill payments. The average credit cycle for the year slowed down by six days from 143 days to 149 days. And when money came from clients at the end of the year, we paid dividends to the founders.

Liquidity problems also arose due to inconsistent decision-making in sales, supply and production, and their impact on the company's financial results was not assessed.

The analytical stage helped to see the picture of the movement of money and resources as a whole and understand what needs to be changed. Having discussed the real state of affairs at the workshop, they concluded that it was necessary to control the movement of funds and flows, and set the task of gradually reducing the share of funds in production through their effective use.

How we set up a mechanism for monitoring and managing cash flows

Based on the analysis of each component of the cash flow cycle, acceptable standards were developed, including accounts payable (KZ) and receivables (RD), to which they decided to move in stages. The main direction was to balance them. We developed rules for the preparation of internal information about the time of freezing money in the elements of OK (their turnover), the duration of the cost (operational) and credit cycles.

Along with the inventory turnover, DZ and KZ introduced an indicator of its intensity (the ratio of net working capital to revenue) to control working capital management and made it the main indicator, tracked its dynamics and stability. It was calculated by quarters and the average for the year in order to avoid seasonal fluctuations. These indicators reflect the current and past state of affairs and are important for monitoring. In addition, it was necessary to see the future, to understand how to finance promising projects for the production of new products. Here a different approach was required.

Based on the main principle of financial management - spending money should not reduce the inflow of funds in the future - we came to the need to plan the receipt and expenditure of money weekly and daily. The cash flow plan was drawn up on the basis of contracts with customers. Comparing them with regular expenses for current activities, we set the task to speed up the receipt of money from customers and balance them with payments for short-term contracts. To participate in this work attracted sales and supply specialists. To do this, it was necessary to train specialists, change the order of work of these departments and the ways of their interaction (they established the rules for the preparation, exchange of information and holding workshops).

We started with setting up a cash and flow management system in the sales department. Here, a mechanism was established for the most severe systematic control over sales volumes and the daily inflow of funds. For these purposes, an analytical table was developed (Table 3). Working with management information is an important component of the cash flow management mechanism or system and includes the necessary minimum of analytical tables.

Given in table. 3 information made it possible to structure cash flows by customers and regions, as well as over time. She streamlined the real picture and made it accessible to perception. In addition, it allowed me to measure the results of sales work, to see changes in the markets, in the client base, and in sales volumes. The reasons for non-fulfillment of the plan for the receipt of funds became clear, which helped to identify specific measures (for counterparties) to achieve the goals set for the next month. We made a rolling plan for the weeks. And for analytics to become a real tool, it is extremely important to see specific actions to achieve it and responsible persons behind each figure. Therefore, a plan of specific measures for its implementation is so necessary.

In supply, inventory management (purchases) has been established. For this purpose, they used the main tool - the standard stocks of the main types of raw materials and materials in days and established control over their use. Everything was done with an eye to the prospect of creating an end-to-end planning system on this basis.

As a working tool, we compiled a weekly (and, if necessary, used a daily) payment plan in the form of Table. 4. Working with the information in this table made it possible to track the monthly need of the supply service in funds for settlements with suppliers, including for accounts payable.

At the next stage, we began to establish interaction between sales and supply. And here they found the biggest reserve (lever) for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the company. Established the procedure for holding regular (if necessary, daily) working meetings with the participation of heads of departments. The subject of discussion is the daily inflow of funds, budgetary restrictions and tight control over the spending of earned funds on vital expenditure items: raw materials and materials, energy, wages, taxes, loan repayment. Separately, we made a schedule for the repayment of accounts payable and the arrival of receivables. The purpose of such a discussion is to establish a mechanism for making and implementing decisions on the management of cash and material resources and flows based on a systematic discussion of analytical information, tracking the consequences of certain decisions and actions on the financial results of the enterprise. Such work expands the horizons of the specialists involved in it and their ability to search for solutions.

The financial director (manager) should be the organizer and responsible for such work. And its effectiveness can and should be assessed by the turnover cycle of working capital. The shorter it is, the more effective the work of the financial director. There are three approaches to optimize the cycle:

  • efficient and fast production (manufacturing processes);
  • coordination of short payment terms on the client side in conjunction with an effective reminder of the payment of DZ;
  • coordinating payments with suppliers with a delay.

To understand and delve into these internal and external relationships and to build them optimally and effectively to achieve the set goals means to comprehend business and build an economic and financial management system with a control mechanism. This is the task of the financial director. And this requires certain technologies of interaction with contractors (clients and suppliers) and effective formats of activity.

Structure of investment and financing of funds, % (Table 1)

Current assets structure

Changes for the year

Production stocks and IBE

Unfinished production

Finished products

Accounts receivable

Total Current Assets

Share of current assets in property

Share of manufacturing in TA

Share of circulation sphere in TA

Structure of current liabilities

Short-term credits and loans

Accounts payable

Total sources of financing reserves

Total current liabilities

Share of current liabilities in the balance sheet

Turnover of working capital elements, days (table 2)

Turnover of current assets

II quarter.

III quarter.

IV quarter.

Average turnaround time

- "- at the end of the period

WIP duration on average

- "- at the end of the period

Average turnaround time for finished products

- "- at the end of the period

Accounts receivable turnover time

- "- at the end of the period

Average cost cycle

- "- at the end of the period

Turnover of current liabilities

Bank loan repayment period

- "- at the end of the period

Supplier payment period

- "- at the end of the period

Average payroll

- "- at the end of the period

The period of settlements with the state

- "- at the end of the period

Payment period for other accounts payable

- "- at the end of the period

Average credit cycle

- "- at the end of the period

Cost-loan cycles (required working capital)

Forecast of cash inflow by weeks for the __ month of 2013 (plan/actual), million rubles (table 3)


Total per month

1st week

4th week







All counterparties

% completed

Counterparties in the Russian Federation

Counterparties in the CIS

New counterparties

Statement of settlements

with suppliers of raw materials (table 4)

Fulfillment of the plan of deliveries and payments

as of "___" ___________2013, million rubles

name of raw materials

Agreement No.

The supplier



Paid money

To be paid

total overdue



