Single payment portal. How to find out your payer code without a receipt. What is the payer code


The rhythm of life of a modern person is getting faster and faster every day. And it is not surprising that such elementary things as paying for housing and communal services fade into the background and, often, are simply forgotten. This problem is especially acute in million-plus cities, where the total debt for payment of housing and communal services over the past year has grown by more than thirty percent, and in proceedings before justices of the peace, the number of cases for the collection of debts for utilities has increased many times, and, as a result, , increased the number of enforcement proceedings with bailiffs to recover payment for housing and communal services.

Important! Payment of housing and communal services is an obligation, not a right of owners of premises or tenants and landlords.

In the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payment for housing and communal services is divided into two parts.

  1. Payment for utilities, such as: water supply, electricity, heat, gas, sewerage, and waste disposal.
  2. Payment for housing and communal services in the form of maintenance of common areas, which includes payment of expenses for management companies, maintenance and repair of the joint property of residents in an apartment building, utilities for common areas, contributions for major repairs (paid by the owner of the premises).

Payment of utilities for the current month must be made before the 10th day of the next month. In order to make it easier for residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region to access utility bills, an official housing and communal services website has been created that receives information directly from the GIS housing and communal services using the payer code. You can also find out and pay for housing and communal services on the State Services portal, in Sberbank-online, on the website of the Moscow Government

Responsibility for late payment of utility services

The laws of the Russian Federation stipulate a number of sanctions for persons who violate the terms of payment for housing and communal services. One of the most loyal methods of influencing non-payers is the accrual of penalties, when for each day of non-payment a certain amount will be charged on the amount of the main debt at the rate of one three hundredth of the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The next negative consequences, already less pleasant for non-payers, are the restriction or termination of the provision of public services to them. Such sanctions can only be applied to those debtors who have arrears in payment of housing and communal services for more than two months and this is confirmed by data from the GIS housing and communal services, and they can last until the full repayment of arrears in payment of housing and communal services.

If the first two methods have not had their effect and the debt continues to grow according to the GIS housing and communal services, debt collection takes place through the judicial authorities and bailiffs.

Payment for housing and communal services

Housing and communal services have become commonplace for us. Tap water, light, warm batteries in winter - we notice all these benefits of modern life only in those cases when we lose comfortable living conditions against our will. Therefore, it is very important to control the payment of housing and communal services, and for this you only need to find out the debt for utilities once a month and make payment for housing and communal services on the official website of the housing and communal services, the Gosuslugi portal, Sberbank, the website of the Government of Moscow or any online service that receives information from the GIS housing and communal services.

In the view of most residents, paying for housing and communal services is not the most pleasant experience, which is a trip to the housing department, housing office or management company, time-consuming and searching for an opportunity to get into these organizations during their working hours. If you are lucky and you managed to drop by after work, you can pay for utilities at the cash desk or terminal. However, situations are not uncommon when the owners of the premises are not located in the settlement, and cannot honor these organizations with their personal presence in order to pay for housing and communal services.

It is for such people, as well as for those who value their time and money, that the No Penalty Internet portal provides an excellent opportunity for residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region to check debts and pay for housing and communal services online. This is convenient - personal presence in the city for search and payment is not required, online it is easy to control the integrity of tenants or tenants if they are responsible for paying utility bills. Well, one more, important factor - it's just comfortable when from anywhere in the world, for example, being in the UAE on New Year's Eve, you can pay for heating in an apartment in Dolgoprudny.

People value time, so they use fast and reliable ways to search for and pay debts, and housing and communal services are no exception. Our online service is such a proven way:

  • work of the service without days off;
  • the procedure from the moment of sending the request to the completion of the payment takes only 2-3 minutes;
  • all information is up-to-date and is taken directly from the GIS housing and communal services database;
  • payment is possible with any bank card;
  • guarantees of full and prompt write-off of debts for already paid utility bills;
  • in addition to housing and communal services on the portal, you can find out tax arrears and pay taxes online, find debts from bailiffs and also pay them, check traffic police fines, find out TIN, debts on loans and much more.

Citizens of the Russian Federation can make all utility payments remotely using the state Internet portal of the State Service. This opportunity is provided for both owners of living space and tenants.

To use the portal, you need an Internet connection, as well as a bank card or an electronic wallet. Payment of housing and communal services through public services is available to the entire population of the country.

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region can pay for utilities through a single payment document (EPD). You can get it remotely in electronic form. There are two Internet services for this:

  1. portal of public services of the city of Moscow -;
  2. "Unified Information and Settlement Center of the Moscow Region" - mosobleirts.rf.

A single payment document (EPD) is a receipt that contains all (or most) charges for housing and communal services.

The UPD reflects data on payments for utilities: current tariffs, monthly consumption, the amount for each type of housing and communal services.

The ENP is formed separately in Moscow and the region. In the Moscow region, this document covers all types of housing and communal services. In the capital version, the list is as follows:

  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • heating;
  • operation and maintenance of the building.

The list may include payment for the Internet, a common antenna, gas, major repairs.

Personal account of housing and communal services

For residents of Moscow

The portal allows you to quickly receive and pay utility bills, while this process can be fully automated. To use the service, you need to register a personal account.

Renovation of five-story buildings of unbearable series in Moscow

You will need to indicate your full name, email and mobile phone. For convenient work with your personal account, it is recommended to fill out the payer profile. To do this, you need to specify the date of birth, address of residence, SNILS, phone number and other information. All these data will be filled in receipts automatically for each operation.

Personal account allows you to:

  • request and pay for the ENP;
  • receive receipts for electricity, gas, home telephone;
  • send meter readings;
  • monitor the progress of services;
  • subscribe to notifications;
  • get acquainted with the tariffs and calculate the amount on the online calculator;
  • save transaction history and all receipts.

Residents of Moscow who do not receive an ENP can use the "Houses of Moscow" section of the portal. It contains contacts of all management companies of the capital.

For residents of the Moscow region

In the Moscow Region, there is a convenient Internet portal mosobleirts.rf. This service is provided by the EIRC MO, whose task is to provide a unified system of public services.

An important service of the portal is a personal account, which can be accessed directly at the address lkk-zhkkh.rf at any time. Its functionality allows you to perform the following operations:

  • manage multiple personal accounts;
  • view receipts and completed transactions;
  • pay utility bills;
  • transmit meter readings;
  • receive information on tariffs.

Why is it convenient to order a cadastral passport for an apartment, house or land through the MFC?

To gain access, you need to go through a simple registration procedure, specify your full name, email, phone number, and also come up with a password.

To use your personal account for its intended purpose, you need to link a personal account (PA) to it. To do this, add a house by clicking on the appropriate link. Next, specify the LAN in the "Add personal account" tab.

You can view the following information on the LS:

  1. Full name of the subscriber;
  2. registration address;
  3. total and living area;
  4. the number of residents;
  5. number of registered persons;
  6. type of ownership;
  7. all service contracts for this premises;
  8. current debt.

If necessary, the data can be changed.

The service allows you to connect an unlimited number of personal accounts.

The portal mosobleirts.rf also offers to use the mobile version of its resource. It is available on the AppStore and Google Play.

Payment of utilities on a personal account

A personal account (PA) is a document for real estate containing all payment transactions for housing and communal services and other information related to the maintenance of a residential building. Issued to both owners and tenants of the premises.

It is possible to obtain the following data by the LS number:

  • area and technical condition;
  • a list of all connected utility services;
  • a list of persons who have a residence permit at this address.

The opening of drugs is carried out at the passport office in the presence of the owner or tenant of the property.

Written consent of all persons registered in the premises must be provided.

How to pay for utility services through the State Services portal

There are several ways to find out LS:

  • use the services of specialized sites, indicating the address of the apartment (for example, in Moscow -;
  • contact the management company;
  • look at the payment receipt, the personal account is after the abbreviation LS or FLS;
  • go to the Sberbank Internet Assistant in the "Personal Accounts" section if you are a client of this organization.

In order to pay for an apartment through public services on a personal account, you need to go through a simplified registration on the portal. You will need to provide your full name, email address and phone number. After that, access to your personal account (LC) will open.

First, you should link this account to your profile. To do this, go to the "Accruals" section and select the "Personal Accounts" tab.

Binding is done once. It allows you to automatically receive information on all invoices and pay them.

You do not need to enter details each time and request receipts for each individual service - all of them will be available in the "My Accounts" section of the "My Documents" section.

Payment order

Who can apply for the service

The settlement service for housing and communal services on the Gosuslugi portal is available to all individuals in the Russian Federation. To conduct monetary transactions, you must register on the site and know the personal account of the residential area, through which funds transfers will be made.

How to use the State Services Portal to check the readiness of documents in Rosreestr

Individuals, both registered and renting housing in the city of Moscow, can pay utility bills on the portal. To do this, you need to register on the portal and know the payer code.

Service cost and payment procedure

For all regions of the Russian Federation

  1. Log in to your personal account.
  2. Open the item "Payment" and the tab "Payment for housing and communal services".
  3. Press the "Pay" button.
  4. In the window that appears, select "Get Service".
  5. Find the desired supplier from the proposed list.
  6. Fill in the fields: "Type of service" and "Personal account".
  7. Specify the period and amount (the service allows you to view all invoices for the specified drugs).
  8. Enter the bank card number, full name of the owner, expiration date and CVC code (if this method is selected).
  9. Click "Pay".

The calculation methods are as follows:

  • from a mobile phone;
  • Visa or MasterCard;
  • from an electronic wallet;
  • print out a receipt for payment at the bank's cash desk.

How to get an extract from the USRR for an apartment

If everything is done correctly, a paid receipt appears on the screen. It can be saved, emailed or printed.

If the given database of utility service providers did not contain the required one, then it will not be possible to pay through this service.

The average commission on the portal "Gosuslugi" is 1%. It is set by the card issuing bank.

For Moscow

To pay for the ENP, residents of the capital need:

  • Log in to your personal account on the website.
  • Open the "Apartment, housing and communal services" section.
  • Click the "Get Service" button.
  • In the window that opens, select "Receive and pay for the EPD".
  • Fill in the data:
  1. Payer code (it can be taken from the receipt).
  2. Type of document: ordinary or debt (if there is a debt).
  3. Period (select from the proposed list).
  • Click "Pay". Next, the service redirects to the Bank of Moscow page, where you need to select a payment method, fill in the details and follow further instructions.

Payment Methods:

  • MasterCard, Visa, Mir.
  • Electronic wallet: QIWI, Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Eleksnet.
  • Mobile phone.

The commission varies between 0-2.5%. It is charged by a bank, an electronic payment service or a mobile operator.

Operations on the VTB card are carried out free of charge.

For the Moscow region

To pay for the ENP, residents of the Moscow region need:

  1. Log in to the site lkk-zhkh.rf.
  2. Select the required attached personal account.
  3. Follow the link "Payment".
  4. Open the "Total payable for the EPD" section and click the "Pay" button below it.
  5. In the form, enter an arbitrary amount or leave the current one.
  6. Select the appropriate payment method and click "Pay". The service will redirect to the Alfa-Bank page, where you need to fill in the details.

Ideally, when changing the code, the servicing housing company should warn the owner about this - after all, if the wrong payer code is indicated, his transfer will “hang”, and a fine will be charged for late payment to an unsuspecting person. To avoid such “surprises”, everyone needs to be aware of how to find out the payer code on their own before making a payment.

How to find out the housing and communal services debt for the year? Checking your debts by payer code

If there is a debt for the year, it is better to find out about the amount of the debt by visiting the management company or the settlement center (MFC). In these organizations, it will be possible to print a promissory note. It will be quite difficult to repay the annual amount of debt in one payment. Therefore, the MFC develops a repayment schedule with the formation of several receipts for payment.

How to find out the rent arrears by the payer code

The payer code is an individual set of 10 digits assigned by the management company to citizens of the Russian Federation at their place of residence and indicated on receipts for personal housing payments in the "header" on the right. This parameter is permanent and is fixed for each owner of real estate.

Public utilities

Paying rent online allows you to avoid the occurrence and accumulation of debts for utility services, regardless of where you are and what your work schedule is. In order to pay the rent online, you must have a bank card and know the payer code indicated on the receipt, while there is no need to have the receipt with you.

Ways to find out utility bills

This method is better suited for people who live in small towns. Come to the address of your housing department, where an employee of the enterprise will provide detailed information on your debt and issue an up-to-date receipt for payment. With it, you can also pay for services there. The unpleasant side of this method is that you often have to stand in line, which takes a decent amount of time.

How to find out rent debts

The sphere of housing and communal services has undergone significant changes. It is quite difficult to understand them and avoid delays in payment on receipts. Therefore, quite naturally, people begin to be interested in the topic of how to find out the rent arrears. The easiest way to do this is through the Internet, which will save a lot of time.

How to find out rent arrears

Recently, the population is increasingly using the Internet to make payments for housing and communal services. Information about the presence of debt is provided by many Internet portals: from the sites of various payment systems to the official sites of government agencies. However, the most popular are the sites of management companies that provide services, as well as the sites of banks.

How to find out the arrears on rent (housing and communal services) and not pay fines

Information about rent arrears can be indicated in a single payment document or in a separate receipt for each utility service. To create the convenience of subscribers, special information systems are being introduced in which any payer can find out the debt for housing and communal services remotely. You can get data on current rent debts at payment terminals or at bank branches.

How to find out the housing and communal services debt in Moscow

A single payment document (EPD) on the Public Services Portal will be shown online, and it can be paid immediately. It is possible to subscribe and receive a monthly EAP by e-mail. You can subscribe on the website in the "Personal Account" in the "Notification Center" - "Setting Notifications" section.

Single payment document (EPD) for utilities in Moscow

  1. Through bank tellers. Traditionally, Russian citizens prefer to pay through Sberbank. The disadvantages of this option are the charging of high commissions for making a payment, the presence of queues, and long service.
  2. Through ATMs. This method is suitable for plastic card holders. At an ATM, you need to insert a card, select a service provider and enter the payer code. The system will issue the calculated amount. Then click on the "Pay" button and enter the payment amount. The money will be debited from the card.
  3. through terminals. The option is similar to the previous one, but the payment can be made in cash.
  4. Auto payment. Most banks provide this service for paying utility bills. Money will be debited automatically on the specified day.
  5. Internet banking, mobile banking. The payment is made remotely through the payer's personal account on the official website of the credit institution.
  6. Through the Russian Post. You can pay the utility bill at the post office.
  7. Electronic online payment. Electronic services - Yandex.Money, QIWI and others make it possible to pay for utilities.
  8. On the portal of public services. In the personal account, the payer forms the EPD and pays for the services without commission.

How to find out utility bills

These measures are of a preventive nature in order to force tenants to pay bills. Collection of debts for utilities by force occurs only after the relevant court order. If the homeowner turns out to be a malicious and deliberate non-payer, the bailiffs have the right to the following actions:

The nuances of rent through the Bank of Moscow

VTB24, together with the Bank of Moscow, has developed a convenient service for its customers to get acquainted with the presence of debts for public utilities. Verification is carried out after going to the official website of the financial institution. After authorization, you must specify the current payer code - this designation is located in each payment document in the upper right corner.

Learn about debt

The Contractor sends a warning (notice) to the consumer-debtor in writing that in case of non-payment of the debt for payment of utility services within 20 days from the date of transfer of the specified warning (notice) to the consumer, the provision of such utility services to him may be suspended. In case of non-payment of the resulting debt and after 30 days from the date of the introduction of restrictions on the provision of public services, the contractor suspends the provision of such public services, with the exception of heating, and in apartment buildings, also with the exception of cold water supply - with a preliminary (3 days) written notice to the consumer-debtor by handing him a notice against receipt.

How to find out your utility payer code at

Each apartment owner receives a receipt in the mailbox once a month, in which the current debt, the name of the debtor and the personal account are written. They are sent by the energy sales company or the LCD management company. However, cases have become more frequent when fake receipts with incorrect data arrive.

Places where you can see rent arrears

If the data is correct, the page will display full information about the state of the balance for the selected service, as well as a list of invoices. Sometimes consumers consider committed accruals to be incorrect. For such cases, the portal provides for the possibility of sending a corresponding claim to the territorial settlement center.

Modern online services allow you to find out the housing and communal services debt on the Internet. You need to enter the payer code. How to find out the payer code? The code is located on each EPD receipt at the bottom under the bank details of the payee.

Clarification of debts

How to find out utility bills. There are such methods:

  1. visit to the management company, EIRC, settlement or multifunctional center
  2. view information by code via the worldwide web
  3. clarification through the bank or self-service terminals

The first option is the most difficult way to find out the housing and communal services debt. The payer must come to the Housing and Public Utilities Office during office hours, stand in line and get to a specialist who will tell you what the debt is for an apartment at the address you specified. When applying, it is better to have a passport, documentation confirming the right to real estate.

You can find out the rent debt at the management company. You can find out the debt for electricity in the subscriber service of the energy company. Debt for gas on a personal account should be clarified with the providers of this service.

The relevant companies immediately offer to figure out how to find out the debt for housing and communal services, pay the resulting debts for utilities. In case of financial difficulties, an installment plan is issued.

How to check the housing and communal services debt without visiting the management company? The EIRC will tell you about the total amount of underpayment. It is enough for an employee of the settlement center to show a single payment document.

It is easier to find out debts for housing and communal services online. You need to go to the site of the management company, fill in the fields, view the current data. Systematized information on housing and communal payments is provided by the public services portal. Pre-registration required. Active users log into the account, find " payments» - « utility bills". After entering the supplier, personal account, other data, it becomes possible to find out the debt for all services.

You can receive new invoices and immediately pay online by linking the payer codes in your personal account, made in the "accruals" section. You can check the housing and communal services debt on the "Accounts" deposit.

Moscow provides residents with the opportunity to use the portal of the GUIS coordination center. The rent arrears at the address via the Internet are clarified on the designated site after entering:

  • region of residence;
  • exact address;
  • number of storeys of a residential building;
  • list of services;
  • area;
  • the period for which the presence of debt is checked;
  • type of lease (property rights);
  • the number of residents.
  • debt for gas on a personal account;
  • rent arrears at the address via the Internet;
  • debt for electricity at the specified address;
  • utility bills for heat;
  • the amount of payment for sewerage, water;
  • the amount of payments to employees of housing and communal services on a personal account;
  • paying for the upkeep of the house.

To calculate the exact amount, you need to specify the method of calculation: by standards or by a counter. The portal provides a chance to find out the calculated indicators; it will not work to see the debt for the services received.


We will tell you how to find out the rent arrears through a payment terminal, a bank. Financial institutions provide an opportunity to find out the housing and communal services debt by code on the bank's website.

This service is offered by the Bank of Moscow Debt is shown automatically after entering the payer code, the verification period. Provides an opportunity for the Bank of Moscow to view the debt for six months, the last month or find out the current state of payments.

Clients are issued statements on the necessary payments. It is easy to figure out how to find out the debt for the apartment. Separately, the total amount is shown and the debts for services are listed directly on the Internet. The site recognizes the amount of payment for electricity by the entered code. It is also allowed to check the rent arrears.

It is easy to figure out how to find out debts for rent and other payments on the Sberbank website. Many Russians prefer to pay rent debt through bank terminals. For repayment, you must enter the personal account of the apartment. Subscriber numbers for gas, water, light differ. Having figured out where to find out the rent arrears at the address, you can proceed to repayment. Utility bills can be paid in cash or by credit card.

Muscovites go to the bank prepared: a debt EPD allows you to immediately determine the state of payment. Although, through the Internet, residents of the capital can find out how to find out rent debts if the ENP has not arrived by mail. It is necessary to find out the debt on the rent at the address by the payer code.

The nuances of the regions

It is easier for Muscovites to figure out how to find out the electricity debt at the address. A special website has been developed for residents of the capital, where the cost of utilities is calculated. It also allows you to find out the Bank of Moscow debt for electricity.

Muscovites are sent a debt EPD indicating unpaid utility bills. There is no need to go to Mosenergosbyt as the main electricity supply company, just go to the single site for Muscovites or check the availability of payment on the public services portal.

In the city of Zheleznogorsk (Kursk region), the state of the accounts allows you to determine the management company "Zhilitschnik". You can find out the debt on the rent by entering the address of residence.

For gas on the Internet, debts can be found out on the websites of gas supplier companies. On the portals, you must first register in your personal account. The personal account for gas is registered in the contract and sent receipts.

In Surgut, it is necessary to find out the status of payment in management companies. DEZ RZHP does not provide data via the Internet; on the portal, consumers enter meter readings and find out where the rent is paid.

Data for Novosibirsk is available on the all-Russian portal of utility payments. You can find out the debt on utility bills from home. You need to select a company, enter a personal account or address. Debt verification is carried out instantly.

You can also find out the situation on paying for communal services in Ukraine. Khersongaz allows subscribers to find out the debt by entering the address and personal number.

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