How will mortgage rate cuts end? Boom in the mortgage lending market. Will mortgage rates go down? Will mortgage rates go down?


In general, for the entire mortgage industry in Russia, 2015 was a record year in terms of the total volume of mortgage loans issued to the population. According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, loans totaling about 1.7 trillion rubles were issued that year. rub. The forecast for the volume of issuance at the end of the current 2016 is somewhat less optimistic, a slight decrease is expected. The main reason is still low availability of mortgage loans due to high interest rates. Until now, in commercial banks and in banks with state participation, interest rates on loans have been declining due to the reduction of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and various government programs for socially unprotected segments of the population. However, everyone is concerned about the question: is a decrease in the interest rate on mortgages expected next year, 2017?

Will mortgage rates go down in 2017?

The real estate market is partly dependent on the volume of mortgage loans issued. With the onset of the economic crisis in the country, mortgages became less affordable for citizens due to rising interest rates. Overpayment on a loan deters borrowers. Another obstacle is the high amount of the down payment. Those who want to buy a home with a mortgage do not have enough capital to pay 20-30% of the cost of the apartment.

The results of 2016 show that only from January to April 446.1 billion rubles were issued. mortgage loans. If we compare these data with the same period in 2014, then there is a decrease by 10%, but in comparison with the same period in 2015, an increase of almost 1.5 times. The state program for subsidizing lower mortgage rates, which was extended until 01/01/2017, played a significant role in the increase in lending volumes.

Anton Siluvanov, the head of the Ministry of Finance, in his speeches to journalists, has repeatedly pointed out that the lowering of mortgage rates will take place next year, regardless of whether the state program is extended or terminated. Igor Shuvalov, Deputy Prime Minister, in turn, argues that the size of mortgage rates may even drop to the level of 7-8%, and this will happen by 2018. Banking industry experts tend to be more cautious in their forecasts, since, in their opinion, without state support, it will be almost impossible to maintain the current volumes of mortgage lending.

In 2016, the average interest rate on mortgage loans fluctuates around 13%. If it is reduced to 10%, this will certainly cause a rapid increase in the volume of loans. However, in the current environment, when the Central Bank of the Russian Federation rate has been reduced to only 10.5%, banks are afraid to reduce mortgage rates in 2017.

The price of a mortgage loan directly depends on the value of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Elvira Nabiullina, the head of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, has repeatedly stated that the regulator will reduce the key rate only after the inflation rate declines, but not before. Inflation rates, in turn, directly depend on a large number of economic factors, including fluctuations in the exchange rate of the national currency and oil prices.

Bankers are cautious about what mortgage rates will be in 2017. For example, Nina Kryuchkova, vice president of VTB 24, believes that now there is no reason to revise mortgage rates, since the situation in the economy remains unstable. At the same time, Aleksey Novikov, a representative of Est-a-Tet, notes that not only rates affect the volume of issuance, since real estate prices are no less important. There is every reason to believe that prices per square meter will only increase in 2017. Due to the narrowing of supply, the projected increase in property prices will be 10%. Developers are forced to transfer the rise in price of building materials to the cost of housing.

In summary, experts believe that there is no reason to believe that mortgage rates will be cut below 13% in 2017.

Will there be a decrease in mortgages at Sberbank in 2017?

Since Sberbank remains the leader in issuing mortgage loans, the issue of reducing mortgages in 2017 in this particular bank is one of the most pressing.

According to German Gref, the head of Sberbank, the 0.5% reduction in interest rates on a number of mortgage products since July 7, 2016 is only one of the steps towards more affordable mortgages for the population. Sberbank was forced to lower interest rates in connection with the increase from 08/01/2016 by the Central Bank of the required reserve ratio for the obligations of credit institutions.

The bank pays particular attention to the conditions for lending to its payroll clients, as well as those who buy new buildings in residential complexes built with the bank's funds. During the economic forum held in St. Petersburg, German Gref expressed the opinion that mortgage rates would be reduced already at the end of 2016 following the expected reduction in the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Now the interest rate on mortgage lending in Sberbank fluctuates in the range of 12-14% per annum. The average rate is expected to decrease to 10% in 2017.

For everyone who is interested in the conditions and interest rates on mortgages at Sberbank in the new 2018 - all this!

The new year 2017 has already begun, and therefore it is time to find out what conditions for mortgage products Sberbank offers to potential borrowers.

First of all, of course, many are interested in mortgages with state support. At the moment, the subsidy program has been completed and if it is resumed in one form or another, then you will definitely find out about it from the news on our website.

  1. Interest rates decreased by 0.6-2 percentage points on average
  2. The size of the mandatory minimum down payment for the primary housing market has decreased, now it is 15%.

On June 16, 2017, the Central Bank of Russia lowered the key rate by 0.25% to 9% per annum. This resulted in a significant reduction in mortgage rates for all programs.

Consider the standard mortgage programs of Sberbank, which have been successfully operating for several years.

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Acquisition of finished housing

Ready-made housing in Sberbank includes any residential property on the secondary market. And these are not only apartments that are familiar to everyone, but also cottages, houses, townhouses and other housing.

You need to understand that not every housing where people actually live can be recognized as residential. You need to focus on the definition given in the Residential Code of the Russian Federation:

Residential premises are isolated premises, which are immovable property and suitable for permanent residence of citizens.


  • Minimum initial payment - from 15%
  • Interest rate - from 9.4% per annum
  • Maximum amount - no more than 80% of the contractual or appraised value of housing
  • Collateral - pledge of acquired real estate
  • Insurance - compulsory insurance of purchased housing in case of loss or death; voluntary life and health insurance of the borrower

Interest rates on finished housing

The interest rate in Sberbank is not fixed and depends on several parameters. The base interest rate for the secondary market is:

9,5% - base rate
9,4% per annum - the rate for electronic registration of the transaction

These are rates on the so-called basic conditions, which assume that the borrower is a payroll client of Sberbank (or that the housing being purchased was built with the participation of Sberbank loan funds, which should be clarified with the developer or the bank), as well as that the borrower draws up a personal life insurance contract and health.

For those who do not receive a salary to an account with Sberbank, the interest rate will be higher by 0.5% (percentage points, to be more precise) - 10.0% per annum. And for those who refuse personal insurance, rates will be higher by 1% - 9.4% per annum.

Within the framework of the rate make up 8.9% and 9.0% per annum.

If you can't figure out what bet size you should expect, ask in the comments.

Acquisition of housing under construction

Promotion for new buildings

The action involves housing in the primary real estate market, this also includes apartments, houses and other residential premises - new buildings, in a word.

Moreover, it can be ready-made and commissioned objects, as well as those under construction.

This promotion is distinguished by a number of advantages over, for example, a mortgage for a "secondary":

  1. A single interest rate that does not depend on the category of the borrower
  2. Reduced requirements for the minimum down payment - from 15%

Base interest rate:

9,5% per annum

If the borrower for some reason refuses personal insurance, the rate will rise to 10.5% per annum. And if he takes advantage of the possibility of electronic registration of the transaction, the rate will drop to 9.4% per annum.

More information about the promotion can be found on its page.

Residential building construction

For those wishing to build a residential building with their own hands or the hands of a contractor, Sberbank has a corresponding program. The loan is issued for the construction of only residential premises on land (IZHS) intended for this purpose.

The conditions are as follows:

  • Interest rate - from 10.0% per annum
  • The minimum amount is 300,000 rubles.

Interest rates for housing construction

10,0% per annum

As with other programs, this rate is based on basic conditions. Active allowances:

  • 0.5% if the borrower is not an active payroll client of Sberbank;
  • 1% - refusal from voluntary life and health insurance entails an increase in the rate by 1 percentage point;
  • 1% - until mortgage registration

country estate

Under this program, you can:

  • buy a land plot;
  • buy a dacha or other premises not intended for permanent residence;
  • build a cottage or other premises not intended for permanent residence.
  • Minimum initial payment - from 25%
  • Interest rate - from 9.5% per annum
  • The minimum amount is 300,000 rubles.
  • Maximum amount - no more than 75% of the contractual or appraised value of housing
  • Security - a pledge of acquired real estate, a pledge of a land plot or a lease right to it
  • Insurance - compulsory insurance of purchased housing in case of loss or destruction (the land plot does not need to be insured); voluntary life and health insurance of the borrower

Interest rates on suburban real estate

9,5% per annum

The premiums are the same as for the mortgage programs described earlier in the article.

military mortgage

This program is intended exclusively for military personnel of the Russian Federation. And that is not for everyone, but only for participants in the savings-mortgage system.

In accordance with the law "On the accumulative-mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel", they are entitled to a targeted housing loan.

The conditions for it are very simple:

  • Interest rate - 10.9% per annum
  • The maximum loan amount is 2,220,000 rubles.

You can buy housing both in a new building and in the secondary housing market.

There are no additional surcharges or discounts. As well as there is no need to confirm solvency and draw up a life and health insurance contract.

Mortgage registration

You can also apply for a mortgage at the nearest branch of Sberbank.

This can be done both at the place of residence of the borrower and at the location of the acquired property. On average, consideration of the application takes 2-5 business days, but sometimes it can be delayed. Based on the results of the review, an SMS-message will be sent from the bank.

If the application is approved, the borrower has 90 calendar days to search for housing, prepare documents and conclude a loan agreement.

If after reading the article you still have questions or comments - leave them in the comments.

MOSCOW, August 10 - RIA Real Estate. The decrease in mortgage rates by 2 percentage points, announced on Friday by Sberbank and then expected from other banks, could provoke an increase in demand for secondary housing up to 10%, and for new buildings - up to 20%, according to experts interviewed by RIA Real Estate.

Growth up to 20%

Since August 10, Sberbank has been reducing interest rates on mortgages for the purchase of new buildings and apartments on the secondary market. The bank also reduces the minimum amount of the down payment for the product "Acquisition of finished housing". The range of change will be 0.6-2 percentage points, the down payment will be reduced by 5 percentage points. Now the new mortgage rates for the purchase of housing in a new building will be 7.4-10%, in the secondary market - 8.9-10%. The minimum initial payment for the product "Purchase of finished housing" is now 15%.

According to Aleksey Novikov, head of the mortgage center Est-a-Tet, the decrease in mortgage rates may lead to an increase in the number of transactions in the primary market up to 20% and in the secondary market up to 10%. If in the primary market, according to the results of the first half of 2017, the share of mortgages is more than 60%, then when buying finished housing, borrowed funds are used even more often - the distribution of 70% to 30%, he explains the difference.

"If a mortgage from Sberbank with a rate of 7.4% will be available in most new buildings and will be offered for a period of 20 years or more, then indeed, this can significantly spur demand for apartments. Growth could be about 20%," says the chairman of the council Directors of the company "Best-Novostroy" Irina Dobrokhotova.

We assume that a 1% reduction in rates can attract about 7-10% of buyers to the segment of new buildings, says Christina Shulgina, head of the department of mortgages and loans at NDV-Nedvizhimost.

Of course, lower mortgage rates have a positive effect on demand, agrees managing partner of Metrium Group Maria Litinetskaya. For example, she says, in the first half of 2016, the weighted average rate on mortgage housing loans was 12.74%, and the total number of deals concluded in the real estate market with a loan in Moscow reached 18.6 thousand. And in the first half of 2017, the weighted average rate decreased to 11.56%, and the number of transactions increased to 21.7 thousand. Thus, with a decrease in the rate by 1.18 percentage points, demand increased by 17%.

At the same time, Litinetskaya draws attention to the fact that demand is highly dependent on two more factors - the solvency of buyers and housing prices. If household incomes continue to stagnate, and price cuts slow down or stop altogether, the positive effect of declining credit costs will fade. Relatively speaking, if you have a small salary, and the apartment is expensive, then you absolutely do not care at what rate you can borrow it - at 10% or at 5% per annum. That is why, for example, in Western countries, many people cannot afford housing because of its inflated cost, even despite low mortgage rates.

Optimal minimum

A lower percentage of the down payment will make the mortgage even more accessible to a larger audience, argues Novikov. With a weighted average supply budget in Moscow in the mass segment of 8.3 million rubles, the difference between the previous down payment of 20% and the reduced one of 15% can reach more than 400 thousand rubles, which is a significant amount against the backdrop of falling real disposable incomes of citizens.

Prior to this, a number of banks announced mortgages without a down payment, however, the interest on such loans was much higher, and there was no influx of customers under these programs, Novikov continues. Those buyers who counted on this program often could not verify their income or, for example, had a bad credit history, so they were refused. Taking into account the fact that banks are trying to minimize their risks as much as possible, verification of documents and solvency of real estate buyers today is very thorough in order to avoid worsening the portrait of the borrower, the expert adds.

"In general, lowering the mortgage rate, reducing the down payment and softening other lending conditions always attract buyers with more modest financial capabilities to the market," says Litinetskaya. Already now, in our practice, we are seeing that people with lower incomes and the ability to secure property come for mortgages on new buildings, she shares. Nevertheless, in general, the Russian borrower remains disciplined, and the share of overdue debt does not exceed 1.2% of the total amount of mortgage debt of Russians, notes Litinetskaya.

Reducing the down payment, of course, lowers the "entry threshold" for the mortgage borrower, the mortgage becomes more accessible to those people who do not have savings or savings, agrees Dobrokhotova. However, banks today are quite strict in assessing the financial capabilities of potential customers, she notes. "In addition, for products with a 0% contribution, the interest rate is much higher (12.5 - 14%), and, according to our data, the demand for mortgages without a down payment is not very high now. In the total volume of our mortgage transactions, such loans account for only 2%,” says Dobrokhotova.

Shulgina calls a down payment of 15% "the optimal minimum", given that some banks are even ready to offer loans without a down payment. In this regard, the rates for such programs are slightly higher, but borrowers will not need to postpone the purchase because of the need to save up for a down payment, she says.

Following Sberbank

Dobrokhotova predicts that, following Sberbank, other top 10 participants will soon start cutting rates.

"We expect that within a week, following Sberbank, VTB Bank will lower rates, and within a month, other leading and minor players in the mortgage market," says Litinetskaya. For the largest lenders, it is important not to give away their market share to competitors, so they are trying to quickly adjust their mortgage policy so as not to miss home buyers who are now on the market, she explains.

Litinetskaya believes that by the end of this year, the base rate on loans for new buildings with an initial payment of 15% for up to 30 years will be about 8.5%. Over the next 1.5-2 years, the cost of a loan may drop to 7.5-8%, but this is possible only if inflation remains low and demand for mortgages is stable, she says.

Russia's largest bank, Sberbank, announced on August 10 new terms and conditions for its mortgage offers and a reduced interest rate on them. We understand what has changed and under what conditions you can take a mortgage at Sberbank now.

Mortgage at Sberbank: new conditions and lower interest rates

The main change in the terms of Sberbank mortgage loans is reduced down payment. If earlier the minimum amount of the down payment was 20 percent, now it is 15% .

With regard to interest on mortgages, the decline ranged from 0.6% to 2%. Now the interest on mortgage products of Sberbank is as follows:

  • housing in new buildings 7,4-10% ,
  • housing on the secondary market 8,9-10% .

This is not the first decrease in mortgage rates by Sberbank this year. So, in June, mortgage interest rates were reduced, though not to the same extent. Then the decline was 0.2-0.75 percent.

Thus, Sberbank of Russia makes the conditions for its mortgage loans more competitive.

Of course, you can find more “tasty” mortgage offers on the market, however, as a rule, they come from less reliable banks, and if we compare the new conditions of Sberbank with its large and stable competitors, then the updated mortgage of the largest bank in the country looks quite worthy .

Recall also that from the idea of ​​lowering the key rate. Such a decrease could cause a noticeable reduction in the cost of all loans in the country, and not just mortgages. However, economists of the Central Bank considered that the country's economy is not yet ready to reduce the key rate, and at least until September 15 it was left the same - 9% per annum. This is the percentage at which the banks themselves are credited from the state, therefore, in principle, loans in Russia cannot have a percentage noticeably lower than this value. This, by the way, is the main reason for the high cost of Russian mortgages compared to mortgages in developed European countries.

P.S. More details and in full about the new conditions of Sberbank mortgage loans can be found in the relevant section of the bank's official website at

Many customers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to reduce the interest rate on a mortgage at Sberbank. Sberbank is the only state-owned bank in the Russian Federation and deservedly considered one of the most reliable creditors. More than half of the mortgage lending market belongs to Sberbank, so most other banking structures build their financial policies based on the policy of Sberbank.

Page content

From January to August 2017, Sberbank has already held campaigns to reduce interest rates on mortgage loans three times, which has become a worthy example and a challenge for other financial institutions. At the moment, Sberbank offers its customers as many as six mortgage lending programs, which differ not only in conditions, but also in interest rates:

  • a special offer for the purchase of housing in new buildings;
  • mortgage lending for the purchase of an apartment or a private house in the secondary real estate market;
  • mortgage and maternity capital;
  • lending for individual construction;
  • lending for the construction or purchase of country houses, cottages, dachas;
  • mortgages for the military for the purchase of real estate, both in the primary and secondary markets.

Table. Mortgage interest in Sberbank and lending conditions.

Mortgage / ConditionsInterest rate on the loan, %Loan amount, thousand rublesMaximum loan term, yearsDown payment, %
Acquisition of real estate in new buildings (current construction or finished apartments in a new building)from 7.4from 300up to 30from 15
Acquisition of housing in the secondary marketfrom 8.9from 300up to 30from 15
Mortgage and maternity capitalfrom 8.9from 300up to 30800 thousand rubles
Loan for individual constructionfrom 10from 300up to 30from 25
Lending for suburban construction or the acquisition of summer cottages and country housesfrom 9.5from 300up to 30from 25
"Military" mortgage10,9 2 220 up to 20

Mortgage rate reduction options

For all mortgage lending programs, except for mortgages with maternity capital and "military", Sberbank offers three conditions for reducing the interest rate on a loan:

  1. Reducing the interest rate by 1% subject to the life insurance of the bank's client and his health.
  2. Reducing the mortgage rate by 0.1%, provided (this service can be ordered through the Personal Account in the Sberbank Online system from the manager).
  3. A 2% reduction in the mortgage loan rate, subject to the purchase of residential property from Sberbank's partner developer companies, a list of which is available on the bank's official website, and also if the mortgage period is reduced to 7 years.

Also, the size of the rate is also affected by whether you are a payroll client of the bank or not. For "salary" Sberbank on some mortgage programs reduces the rate by 0.5%. After fulfilling three conditions, you can reduce the rate by 3.1%, which is already quite a lot, and if you still receive wages to your Sberbank account, then the total discount will be 3.6. But there are other ways to lower the interest on an already taken mortgage:

  • an application addressed to the bank's management with a request to revise the terms of the contract;
  • debt restructuring;
  • loan refinancing;
  • revision of credit conditions in a judicial proceeding.

Only those who made all payments in good faith without delays and other violations of the conditions specified in the agreement can apply for a reduction in the interest rate on a mortgage loan. Sberbank does not have the right to recalculate and raise the rate, if this is not due to the terms of the agreement, but it can lower interest rates, but is not obliged, therefore, all of the above methods of lowering the mortgage rate do not guarantee that the rate will decrease. Everything happens on an individual basis and depends on many factors.

Reduced mortgage rate on application

In order to reduce the interest rate on a mortgage on an application, you need to:

  1. Contact the nearest branch of Sberbank with this question.
  2. Write a statement addressed to the management of the bank, where actually state the purpose of your visit.
  3. Require a bank employee to provide you with a photocopy of your application, but already certified by a bank stamp.
  4. Wait for a decision (usually the review procedure is from 10 to 30 calendar days, after which an official response is sent to the client in writing with the seal of the bank).

Important! When contacting a branch of Sberbank to refinance a debt, you must have identification documents and a mortgage agreement with you. This will significantly speed up the application process.

At the bank branch, you will be offered a ready-made application form, which looks like this:

In the client's application, you must specify all the data of the current agreement, the essence of your request and the reasons (for example, a reduction in the key rate) for which you want to refinance the loan.

Reasons for lowering the rate can also be the following cases:

  • the client, in accordance with the procedure established by law, has become a participant in some existing social program, under the terms of which he is entitled to certain benefits;
  • the borrower's financial condition has deteriorated sharply (loss of a job or other sources of income, etc.);
  • reduction in the key rate.

Apply via Sberbank Online

You can apply for a revision of the terms of a mortgage lending agreement with a subsequent reduction in interest not only by contacting the bank in person, but also through the feedback form on the official website of Sberbank. For this you need:

  1. Write a free form application.
  2. Scan a document.
  3. Write a message through the feedback form and attach a scanned application.
  4. Submit and wait for a response.

The application sent through the Sberbank Online system has the same legal force as the one drawn up and endorsed at the bank branch.

Reducing interest through refinancing

The refinancing procedure is carried out in the case when the client has taken a mortgage loan from another bank, but for some reason he is not satisfied with the terms of the loan or the service. Sberbank is refinancing on more favorable terms.

Refinancing is carried out by Sberbank in order to expand the client base and, accordingly, increase profits. If you inform the bank that you are planning to transfer your mortgage loan to another bank in order to reduce the interest on the loan, then it is likely that Sberbank will meet you halfway and agree to lower the rate by revising the terms of the current agreement.

Debt restructuring

If achieving success (reducing mortgage interest) through refinancing is in doubt, then restructuring is a more realistic method of revising the terms of the loan agreement. The essence of this procedure is not to reduce the initial mortgage rate, but to significantly reduce the amount of overpayment on the loan by reducing (or increasing) the loan term. For example, if the mortgage term is reduced to 15 years instead of 20, and the rate is 12%, then the overpayment will be reduced by as much as 60%. And this is quite a large amount.

In order to reduce the mortgage term, the client needs to convince the bank by providing supporting documents. It can be a certificate of increase in monthly income or something like that. Basically, Sberbank has nothing against the early repayment of debts, including mortgages.

Revision of the terms of the contract in court

If the borrower is denied restructuring and refinancing, then the question of how to reduce the interest rate on mortgages at Sberbank in 2017 becomes more and more relevant. It is possible to reduce the loan payment through the court, but only in the event that significant violations of the terms of the agreement with Sberbank were discovered, which practically cannot be. Even if suddenly, while rereading the loan agreement, you found some item that you did not know about or did not agree with it, you still cannot prove it, because you had to carefully study it before signing the agreement. You can go to court if:

  1. Sberbank illegally raised interest rates on mortgages.
  2. After signing the contract, the bank introduced additional hidden fees.

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