Business plan for the installation of screw piles. How to open a business: production and installation of screw piles. Selection of industrial premises


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Screw pile production

Another article related to the topic of creating a business in the field of industrial activity. It will focus on the type of foundation using screw piles.

These are metal pipes of different diameters with a pointed end and blades, like an ice ax. The principle of operation of screw piles for foundation installation is simple.

Screw piles are screwed into the ground to the required depth, and then the inner cavity of the pipe is poured with concrete. After the cement-sand mixture has dried, this foundation is ready to take on the mass of the residential building, acting as a foundation.

Benefits of a screw pile foundation

  • The foundation of this material is cheaper than all the others by 50-70%, and the term of its installation is 1 day. That is, the next day you can already start building a house on this foundation. The service life of the foundation of screw piles is 150-200 years.
  • Possible installation of screw piles on soils with the most difficult soil and any relief. Ease of installation. Two people are enough to install the pile screw foundation. The whole process consists of marking the territory, screwing the piles and filling the internal cavities with concrete.

That is precisely why I propose to organize the production of screw piles. The fact is that companies that install the foundation on the territory of the customer do not sell screw piles. They make them themselves and make their direct installation.

But what about a person who intends to make such a foundation himself?

No way. There are no screw piles for sale. It is more profitable for companies to sell them together with installation, charging an additional fee for the entire range of services, that is, for the installation itself.

  • Now imagine how much the foundation will cost a person if he can buy screw piles and install them on his own.
  • That is precisely why I propose to organize the production of screw piles.

There is nothing difficult in this matter. A pointed cone and blades are welded to the pipe, the finished product is covered with a protective compound and that's it. To organize production, you will need to purchase welding machines for welding and cutting metal and additional small tools.

Screw piles are widely used in the construction industry. The organization of your own enterprise that produces them, with a competent approach and a sufficient number of investments, will become a successful and profitable business.
For the manufacture of quality products, for a larger assortment, professional good quality is needed. Only then will you be able to market properly.

Equipment required to start the enterprise

Suppliers now offer a wide range of screw pile production lines. Their differences are in performance, degree of automation and additional equipment. When equipping your workshop, be guided primarily by the planned volumes of the enterprise and your financial capabilities. So, the line includes the following machines:
Band saw machine. Cuts metal blanks in the form of pipes according to the required dimensions.
Rotary forging machine. Used to form a cone at one end of a pipe.
induction plant. Such screw pile production equipment heats the end of the cone before finishing forging.
Steel molds. Used for forging the end of a cone.
Drilling machine.
Spiral strip cutting machine. There are no screw piles without spirals of a certain step. This is a required step.
Spiral cutting machine. More often it comes with molds.
Arc Welding Machine. This device can be either automatic or manual. Naturally, the first option is preferable.
Hydraulic Press. Completed, as a rule, with molds. It is used to form the pile neck and cut out special flanges.
The minimum price of equipment for the production of screw piles is 900,000 rubles. The productivity of such a line will be relatively small. For a large enterprise, more powerful devices will be needed. It is worth considering that you will have to pay extra for automation and commissioning.
It is better not to save much on technical equipment, since the quality of finished products will depend on this. You can save money if buy equipment for the production of screw piles used. A good option in terms of price / quality ratio is also machines from China. European counterparts are much more expensive.

Without exception, everyone dreams of having their own country house, especially since all kinds of assembly houses are now widely represented on the construction market. “I was interested in a 5x4 m frame house with a price tag of only 250 thousand rubles,” Andrey Smirnov from Rostov-on-Don shares his project. - I can assemble such a house myself. Stops only the fundamental problem. Concrete blocks - expensive, troublesome, long. The same - strip foundation. Isn't there a simple solution - quick, "do it yourself" and at the same time reliable?

It turns out that there is such a solution, and it is popular both in Europe and in America. "This is about screw piles for foundations, writes Mike Hops of Home Construction in his article "Minimizing Construction Cost Without Sacrificing Quality". - Developers, as a rule, care about their income, and customers - about their expenses. So, in the general estimate for the construction of a private house, 15-17% of the cost of foundation work is included. When screw piles are used, it is possible to keep within 2-3%.

Based on foreign, as well as initial Russian experience, we decided to talk about one of them - screw piles for the foundation - and how to make money on their production.

Will there be a demand for this product?

The main question of any entrepreneurial undertaking is whether there will be a demand for its products. “The topic is, of course, interesting,” says businessman Maxim Nagnibeda. - But will there be demand? That is the question. Our people are conservative, solid, not at home - but building fortresses with a bomb shelter in the basement. Of course, there is a share of fair skepticism in the opinion of the entrepreneur. At the same time, customers and independent developers already have a positive experience in using Western construction technologies aimed at minimizing costs in the construction of buildings.

“Why does a house made of OSB boards and mineral wool insulation need a strong foundation? - Explains construction expert Rodion Kalanov. - One screw pile with a diameter of 108 mm, depending on the type of soil, can withstand a load of 3 to 9 tons. Whereas a Canadian house made of SIP panels with a total area of ​​150 square meters weighs no more than 15 tons. If we take into account the level of groundwater and the depth of soil freezing, then the foundation of screw piles will be even stronger than concrete.”

Thus, screw piles have a quite predictable prospect of filling the niche of budget foundations for light private houses. In particular, the analyst of the agency, Mark Katz, is convinced that this product has all the prerequisites to become a bestseller within the next 3-5 years. “The idea is good, however, it is often discredited by low-quality production. As a result, pipes rust quickly, and the blades sometimes break during screwing, - says the expert. “However, when the “foam” comes down and responsible producers remain, demand will be very high.”

What you need to know about the production of screw piles?

Any business idea, before it gets a start in life, is comprehended from the point of view of production - is it worth the candle? Here - the same. “This is an ordinary pipe, as a rule, with a diameter of 108 mm and a thickness of at least 4 mm,” explains Viktor Konkov, an entrepreneur who organized his own. - The end of the pipe is pointed, the blade is welded in the same place. Its size depends on the soil. This determines the range of piles.” With all this, the entrepreneur is sure that the most important thing in this business is quality control of welding. To do this, you must have devices for non-destructive analysis, for example,.

At the same time, the grade of steel from which the piles are made also matters. In particular, the use of 34NK precision steel alloys can significantly increase the service life of such a foundation. “Don't forget about the protection of pipes from rust, too,” Rodion Kalanov suggests. - A simple anti-corrosion paint is indispensable here, since when screwing a screw pile into the ground, it experiences high abrasive loads. Lining should be used, that is, the application of polyurethane, and the most resistant compositions.

According to the expert, for this it is necessary to apply to companies with special equipment. You can evaluate the quality of pile protection on your own, and without complex devices. “Usually I unscrew such a pile back and look at the coating,” Viktor Konkov shares his experience. “If the pipe is rubbed to the metal, then we can talk about unsatisfactory processing.”

In general, following three simple rules will ensure the high quality of screw piles:

  • control of welding with ultrasonic flaw detectors;
  • use of pipes made of precision steel alloys;
  • application of a reliable coating of polyurethane resins.

Say a word about this business

As for the business for the production of screw piles, it will take time to promote it. “I have been installing fences for a long time,” wrote a CSMPE forum member. - Once the customer himself provided us with screw piles for fences. A sort of pipes with a diameter of 54 mm, with a screw at the end. You screw it into the ground, then you stretch the Rabitz mesh, and then you dig a half-meter-deep hole around the piles and concrete it. So we decided to make the same ones, but for country wooden houses and baths. A hundred pieces were made, fortunately, which is not difficult. Then they sold them for a year, but things went well.

Markov Nikolai posted the following post on the forum dedicated to this product:

“I don’t know why, but the foundation on piles has not received such distribution in our country as in the West. Probably due to a misconception about complexity. Pictures of large equipment and huge iron piles are immediately drawn. If everyone knew that piles can also be 18 cm in diameter and you can drive them in yourself, the situation would change radically.” Indeed, there is not enough information in the media.

“Thanks to such pile foundations, we managed to launch a business on construction of frame houses, - said Alexander Ivankov, commercial director of Svoya Roof Over Your Head LLC. - Speed, ease of installation and budget - all this makes this product very interesting. We have already developed a specific business for our own production. The starting price is 500 thousand rubles. Payback period - summer season. I'm sure everything will work out!"

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