The gratuitous receipt of intangible assets is reflected in the posting. Receipt of intangible assets. Receipt of intangible assets to the enterprise


Accounting for intangible assets in accounting and tax accounting is quite specific. This is due to the special nature of such objects. Even the criteria under which an object is recognized as intangible assets differ in accounting and tax accounting. We will tell you how to accurately evaluate such an object, draw up documents on it and write it off as expenses.

NMA in tax accounting

Intangible assets are objects that do not have a physical form, they are created as a result of intellectual activity and the company has documents confirming the exclusive rights to such an object. Accounting for intangible assets in tax accounting differs depending on its value. The general features for such an asset are given below.

Criteria for attribution to intangible assets

Requirements for objects that are recognized as intangible assets in tax accounting are established in the Tax Code. An intangible asset must be recognized as an object that meets all the criteria at once:

  • the company has exclusive rights to the object of intellectual property and this is confirmed by documents (certificates, patents, contracts for the alienation of exclusive rights;
  • it will be used in the activities of the company (for the production of products (performance of work, provision of services), for the management needs of the organization);
  • the useful life of the object is more than 12 months;
  • the use of the facility can bring economic benefits.

We have given examples of intangible assets in the table below. The business reputation of the company, as well as the intellectual and business qualities of employees, their qualifications and ability to work do not apply to intangible assets.

What applies to intangible assets in tax accounting

No. p / p


The exclusive right of the patent holder to an invention, industrial design, utility model, selection achievements

Exclusive right to a trademark, service mark, appellation of origin and trade name

Possession of know-how, secret formula (process), information regarding industrial (commercial, scientific) experience

Exclusive right to audiovisual works (cinematic works, television, video films and other similar works)

Research, development and technological work that gave a positive result, provided that the organization recognized the exclusive rights to this result as an intangible asset, and not other expenses

Write-off of the cost of intangible assets

Depending on the cost, an intangible asset may or may not be a depreciable asset. This criterion establishes the procedure for writing off costs to expenses.

If an intangible asset that meets all of the above criteria cost the company less than 100 thousand rubles, then it is not recognized as depreciable. All costs associated with its purchase or creation can be taken into account for income tax:

  • at a time on the date of putting the intangible asset into operation;
  • uniformly throughout the period of use of intangible assets.

Intangible assets are more expensive than 100 thousand rubles. should be expensed through depreciation. In the Tax Code, two methods are allowed for this - linear and non-linear. The accrual procedure is the same as for fixed assets. You need to choose a method yourself and indicate it in the accounting policy. Only objects from 8-10 depreciation groups (the period of use is more than 20 years) must be depreciated exclusively by the straight-line method.

It can be difficult to determine the useful life of intangible assets. It is necessary to proceed from the validity period of the exclusive right to the object (according to the contract, patent). If it is impossible to establish a period from these data, then it is considered that it is equal to 10 years. And for some objects in this case, the period can be set independently, but not less than two years. These objects include:

  • exclusive rights to an invention, industrial design, utility model; computer programs, databases; topology of integrated circuits; selection achievements; audiovisual works;
  • possession of know-how, secret formulas or processes, information about industrial, commercial or scientific experience.

A special case applies to the write-off of the value of intangible assets, for which the company pays a fee in periodic payments. It does not need to be depreciated, write off as other expenses.

R&D expenses are also written off in a special way: either through depreciation or gradually over two years for other expenses.

intangible assets in accounting

The accounting procedure for such assets in accounting is prescribed in PBU 14 “Accounting for intangible assets”. The following information is based on data in this document.

Criteria for attribution to intangible assets

Intangible assets in accounting are, just like in tax accounting, objects that fall under certain criteria. In accounting, the criteria are as follows (see table).

Accounting for intangible assets in accounting: criteria

No. p / p


The useful life of an intellectual property object is more than 12 months

The object can be used in the production of products (when performing work, providing services) and bring economic benefits or be used to achieve the goals of creating a company

The actual (initial) value of the object can be reliably determined

An intellectual property object can be separated (separated, identified) from other assets

The company has confirmation of exclusive rights to the object and the economic benefits that it can bring

If an object that falls under the conditions specified in the table has appeared in the company, an intangible asset registration card is issued for it. This is the document that brings the asset into service and also records all key usage, key characteristics and disposal data.

A company that uses unified documents uses a card in the form of NMA-1. It must be made in 1 copy. The organization of accounting for intangible assets is impossible without this document.

Depreciation of intangible assets

Unlike tax accounting in accounting, the cost of intangible assets must be written off exclusively through depreciation. That is, the cost of the object does not play a role.

PBU 14 allows you to calculate depreciation on intangible assets in three ways:

  • linear;
  • reducing balance method;
  • write-off method in proportion to the volume of products (works).

The company must choose a specific method on its own and write it down in the accounting policy.

Reflection on accounts

Accounting for the value of tangible assets and intangible assets are kept on different accounts. Information about the cost of intangible assets is reflected on account 04. Correspondence of accounts will be as follows (table).

Accounting for intangible assets in accounting: postings

Accounting for the depreciation of intangible assets must be kept on a special account - 05. Charge depreciation with the following entry: Debit 05 Credit 04.

Actual for the 3rd quarter of 2017

Acquisition and creation of intangible assets

Typical postings and primary documents
Reflected the costs associated with the acquisition of intangible assets60 (76) An agreement on the alienation of exclusive rights, an act of acceptance and transfer of work performed (services rendered)
An intangible asset purchased by a company is accepted for accounting04 08 sub-account "Acquisition of intangible assets"
Reflected VAT on the purchase of exclusive rights and purchased exclusive rights or expenses associated with their acquisition60 (76) Invoice
Paid for the purchase of exclusive rights60 (76) 51 Bank statement on the current account, agreement on the alienation of exclusive rights
68 sub-account "VAT settlements"19 sub-account "VAT on acquired intangible assets"Invoice
The actual costs of creating an intangible asset are reflected70 (68, 69, 10, 23, 60, 76 …) Settlement statement, contract for the provision of services, act of acceptance and delivery of work performed, accounting statement-calculation, act for the write-off of materials
Reflected VAT on the cost of creating an asset19 sub-account "VAT on acquired intangible assets"60 (76) Invoice
An intangible asset created by the company itself is accepted for accounting04 08 sub-account "Creation of intangible assets"Accounting card for intangible assets, compiled either according to the standard form No. NMA-1, or according to a self-developed form
Paid expenses related to the creation of intangible assets60 (76) 51 bank statement
Accepted for the deduction of "input" VAT68 sub-account "VAT settlements"19 sub-account "VAT on acquired intangible assets"Invoice

1.2.1 What about intangible assets. To accept an object for accounting as an intangible asset, the following conditions must be met at a time (clause 3 of PBU 14/07):

- the object is capable of bringing economic benefits in the future (intended for use in the production of products, in the performance of work or the provision of services, or for management needs);

- the organization has the right to receive economic benefits that the asset is able to bring in the future (documents confirming the existence of the asset itself and the rights to it are properly executed);

- it can be identified;

– the useful life of the object is more than 12 months;

– the sale of the asset is not expected within 12 months;

- the initial cost of the object can be reliably determined;

- it has no material-substantial form.

Intangible assets include, for example, computer programs, inventions, utility models, selection achievements, trade secrets (know-how), trademarks and service marks. Goodwill that has arisen in connection with the acquisition of an enterprise as a property complex (in whole or in part) is also taken into account as part of intangible assets.

The accounting unit of intangible assets is an inventory object (clause 5 PBU 14/07). Such is the totality of rights arising from one patent, certificate, agreement on the alienation of the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity or to a means of individualization, intended to perform certain independent functions.

A complex object that includes several protected results of intellectual activity (multimedia product, single technology) can also be recognized as an inventory object of intangible assets.

An intangible asset is accepted for accounting at its actual (initial) cost. It recognizes the amount paid or accrued by the organization when acquiring (creating) an intangible asset and providing conditions for its use for the planned purposes (clause 7 PBU 14/07).

Intangible assets are written off only through depreciation. But there is an exception. On June 20, 2016, changes to PBU 14/2007 () came into force. Companies that have the right to apply simplified accounting methods can write off these expenses at a time, without depreciation. The new rules can be used from January 1, 2016. To do this, it is enough to make changes to the accounting policy ().

The costs of acquiring an intangible asset are (clause 8 PBU 14/07):

- the amounts paid in accordance with the agreement on the alienation of the exclusive right to the seller;

– customs duties and customs fees;

– non-refundable amounts of taxes and duties paid in connection with the acquisition of intangible assets;

– remuneration to intermediaries through which an intangible asset is acquired;

– payment for information and consulting services related to the acquisition of intangible assets;

– other expenses directly related to the acquisition of an intangible asset.

When creating an intangible asset, its value also includes (clause 9 PBU 14/07):

- amounts paid under work contracts, contracts of author's order or contracts for the performance of research, development or technological work;

- the cost of remuneration of employees directly involved in its creation, and insurance premiums;

- expenses for the maintenance and operation of research equipment and other fixed assets, their depreciation;

– other expenses directly related to the creation of intangible assets.

1.2.2 The intangible asset was created in 2016 but used in 2017. The initial cost of the asset is considered to have been formed already in 2016. And depreciation should be charged without waiting for the moment when the company starts using intangible assets. After all, according to clause 3 of PBU 14/2007, to recognize an asset as intangible, it is enough that the object is suitable for use in production or management, and not actually used for this. That is, it does not matter at what point the organization began to use the object (immediately after creation or after a few months). It is important when the asset was created for use in the production of products (works, services) or for management needs.

As for depreciation on an intangible asset that is not yet in use, PBU 14/2007 does not contain any restrictions for this case. At the same time, in tax accounting, it is forbidden to charge depreciation on an intangible asset that is not yet used. The write-off of expenses for such intangible assets is contrary to the requirements of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. After all, the asset is not actually used in activities aimed at generating income.

1.2.3 Control over an intangible asset. According to PBU 14/2007, in order for an object to be recognized as part of an intangible asset, control must be ensured over it. This is one of the signs of intangible assets in accounting.

The concept of object control comes from international standards. Usually the concept of control follows from the legal rights to an object, that is, an intangible asset. Thus, the rights to most intangible assets, which are objects of intellectual activity in accordance with Russian law, must be registered.

Accordingly, the registration of rights will be a confirmation that only this organization has exclusive rights to the object of intangible assets and only this organization has the right to receive future economic benefits from the use of this asset.

Moreover, in the absence of registration of rights (for example, in the case when such registration of rights or a license agreement is not required), the presence of documents confirming the ownership of exclusive rights by the organization will indicate that this company controls the object of intangible assets.

The control period is determined on the basis of documents confirming that the organization owns the relevant rights to intangible assets. These can be patents, certificates, other titles of protection, an agreement on the alienation of the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity or to a means of individualization, etc.

1.2.4 Exclusive rights received for temporary use. If the organization transfers periodic payments for the use of rights, then the costs associated with obtaining intangible assets for use should be reflected in current expenses. The following entry will be made in the accounting:

DEBIT 20 (23, 25, 26, 44) CREDIT 60 (76)
– Periodic payments for the right to use an intellectual property object are taken into account.

If the organization pays a fixed one-time amount for the use of exclusive rights, it is taken into account as part of deferred expenses. Therefore, the following entry should be made in accounting:

DEBIT 97 CREDIT 60 (76)
– a fixed one-time payment for the right to use an intellectual property object is taken into account.

This procedure follows from paragraph 39 of PBU 14/2007 and paragraph 18 of PBU 10/99. The organization establishes the procedure for writing off deferred expenses independently in the accounting policy. In this case, the following entry is made in the accounting for the debited amount:

DEBIT 20 (23, 25, 26, 44) CREDIT 97
– expenses for acquiring the right to use an intellectual property object were written off.

In addition, assets received for use must be taken into account off the balance sheet (clause 39 of PBU 14/2007). The Chart of Accounts does not provide for a specially designated account for this. Therefore, the organization needs to open it on its own and fix it in the accounting policy. For example, it can be account 012 "Intangible assets received for use."

1.2.5 Annual check of useful life. Accounting. The company is obliged to annually check the useful life of intangible assets and the method of determining depreciation for relevance (clauses 27, 30 of PBU 14/2007). If the indicators in 2017 have changed significantly, then it is necessary to make adjustments in accounting and reporting (changes in estimated values).


In January 2017, the company acquired exclusive copyright for a literary work for 500,000 rubles, in the same month it was reflected in intangible assets. It was decided to charge depreciation on a straight-line basis. The useful life is 10 years (120 months). From February to December, depreciation is 45,833 rubles. (500,000? : 120 months? 11 months).

Initially, the company planned to publish 500,000 copies of the work. But already in the first year, 150,000 copies were published. The organization decided that a more accurate depreciation method is not a linear one, but a method of writing off the cost in proportion to the volume of production (paragraph 28 of PBU 14/2007). With this method, depreciation is charged based on the natural indicator of the volume of production for the month and the ratio of the actual (initial) value of the intangible asset and the estimated volume of production for the entire useful life of the intangible asset.

The amount of depreciation accrued by the new method from February to December 2017 amounted to 150,000 rubles. (500,000 ? : 500,000 ind. ? 150,000 ind.). In the balance sheet, the value of an intangible asset should be reflected net of accrued depreciation. Moreover, in our case, a change in the estimated value of the value of an intangible asset should be made by increasing the balance on account 05 “Amortization of intangible assets” in the amount of 104,167 rubles. (150,000 - 45,833).

Account 05 should correspond with account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)". You can make an adjusting entry on any reporting date or on the day when an event occurred that changed the useful life or the method of depreciation.

1.2.6 It is impossible to determine the duration of the exclusive right. In accounting for intangible assets with an indefinite useful life, depreciation is not charged (paragraph 23 of PBU 14/2007).

However, if the situation changed during the year, that is, it became possible to determine the specific life of intangible assets, the company has the right to charge depreciation. At the same time, in accounting and reporting in such a situation, it is necessary to make adjustments at the beginning of the year as changes in estimated values. The basis is paragraph 27 of PBU 14/2007.

With regard to tax accounting, for intangible assets for which it is impossible to determine the useful life, depreciation rates are set for ten years (but not more than the life of the taxpayer). This is stated in Article 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

1.2.7 Future economic benefits. In order to recognize an asset as intangible in both accounting and tax accounting, an organization must be sure that intangible assets will bring economic benefits in the future. In addition, the useful life of the asset depends on the period during which the asset will generate benefits.

For example, if an intangible asset is the exclusive right to a computer program, then you need to analyze how often it is sold, what is the forecast for software aging, and thus compare the predicted periods of use of the intangible asset in the future. And if the program is not sold, but is used in the production process (for example, this is individual software for a machine tool with program control), it is necessary to determine the period of use of such an intangible asset in accordance with the useful life of the equipment itself.

Thus, it is necessary to analyze the activity itself, which is associated with the use of intangible assets by the company. This can be done most fully in a feasibility study. But such a document, if developed by a third party, can be quite expensive, so its development is not always economically feasible.

But even if the calculation is carried out by an employee of the organization, the result must be drawn up in the form of a report, giving a brief description of the intangible asset, as well as those factors that were taken into account when determining the term. This report must be approved by the manager. The document should be compiled by a specialist who understands the nature of intangible assets - a production technologist, sales manager, accountant, director. That is, a person who has sufficient information about this intangible asset, the nature and intensity of its use. The specific person responsible for the development of the calculation is appointed by order of the head.

Chapter 3. Accounting for intangible assets

3.1. For the purposes of this Regulation, an intangible asset is an object that simultaneously satisfies the following conditions:

the object is capable of bringing economic benefits to the credit institution in the future, in particular, the object is intended for use by the credit institution in the performance of work, provision of services or for management needs;

the credit institution has the right to receive economic benefits from the use of the object in the future. The right of a credit institution to receive economic benefits from the use of an object in the future can be confirmed by the presence of properly executed documents confirming the existence of the asset itself and the right of this credit institution to the results of intellectual activity or equivalent means of individualization (hereinafter referred to as means of individualization);

there are restrictions on the access of other persons to economic benefits from the use of the facility (the credit institution has control over the facility);

the object can be identified (the possibility of separation or separation from other assets);

the object is intended to be used for more than 12 months;

the credit institution does not intend to sell the object within 12 months;

the object does not have a material form;

the initial cost of an object can be reliably determined.

3.2. When the conditions established by paragraph 3.1 of this Regulation are met, intangible assets include, for example, computer software, inventions, utility models, production secrets (know-how), service marks, licenses, copyrights and others.

3.3. Intangible assets are not expenses associated with the formation of a credit institution (organizational expenses); intellectual and business qualities of the personnel of the credit institution, their qualifications and ability to work.

The norms of this chapter do not apply to material carriers (things) in which the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization are expressed; financial investments.

3.4. Intangible assets, amortization of intangible assets are accounted for on balance sheet accounts:

N "Intangible assets";

N "Depreciation of intangible assets";

N "Business reputation";

N 60906 "Investments in the creation and acquisition of intangible assets".

Analytical accounting of intangible assets, their depreciation is carried out by inventory items.

3.5. The accounting unit of intangible assets is an inventory item. The credit institution in the standards of an economic entity or other internal documents determines, using professional judgment, the minimum accounting item to be recognized as an inventory item, based on the materiality criteria approved in the accounting policy.

The inventory object of intangible assets is recognized as a set of rights arising from one patent, certificate, agreement on the alienation of the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity or to a means of individualization, or in another manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, intended to perform certain independent functions. A complex object that includes several protected results of intellectual activity (for example, a multimedia product, a single technology) can also be recognized as an inventory object of intangible assets.

Intangible assets that are similar in nature and use in a credit institution may be combined into a homogeneous group of intangible assets, for example, computer software, copyrights, patents and others.

3.6. An intangible asset is accepted for accounting at the initial cost determined as of the date of its recognition.

The initial cost of an intangible asset is an amount calculated in monetary terms, equal to the amount of payment in cash or in other form or the amount of accounts payable, paid or accrued by a credit institution upon acquisition, creation of an intangible asset and provision of conditions for the use of an intangible asset in accordance with the intentions of the management of a credit institution , except for value added tax and other reimbursable taxes (unless otherwise specified in the credit institution's accounting policy).

3.7. Until the intangible asset is ready for use, the accumulated costs of it are recognized as incomplete capital investments in intangible assets and are allocated to a separate group as part of the intangible assets of a credit institution, subject to accounting on balance sheet account N 60906 "Investments in the creation and acquisition of intangible assets".

3.8. The specific composition of expenses for the acquisition and creation of an intangible asset, as well as expenses that are not subject to inclusion in such expenses, is determined by the credit institution in the standards of an economic entity or other internal documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.9. Operations related to the acquisition of intangible assets are reflected in accounting in the following order.

3.9.1. When transferring funds, including in the form of prepayment, in accordance with the contract, the supplier (seller) makes an accounting entry:

Debit account for accounting of settlements with suppliers, contractors and buyers

3.9.2. Upon receipt of intangible assets, as well as acceptance of work performed and services rendered, incurring costs related to bringing the intangible asset to a state of readiness for use, the following accounting entry is made:

Credit accounts for accounting settlements with suppliers, contractors and buyers.

Information about changes:

Clause 3.9 was supplemented by subclause from January 1, 2020 - Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated May 22, 2019 N 5147-U When value added tax is included in the value of an intangible asset, an accounting entry is made:

Debit account N "Investments in the creation and acquisition of intangible assets"

Account credit N "Value added tax paid" or accounts for accounting for settlements with suppliers, contractors and buyers for the amount of value added tax included in the value of an intangible asset.

3.9.3. When an intangible asset is ready for use, an accounting entry is made:

Credit of account N 60906 "Investments in the creation and acquisition of intangible assets".

3.10. Accounting records of intangible assets created by a credit institution are carried out in the following order.

3.10.1. Operations related to the creation of intangible assets are reflected in the accounting records with the following accounting entry:

Debit account N 60906 "Investments in the creation and acquisition of intangible assets"

Credit of accounts for accounting for settlements with suppliers, contractors and buyers, N "Liabilities for the payment of short-term employee benefits" and others from which costs (calculations) were made.

3.10.2. Expenses incurred by a credit institution at the research stage when creating an intangible asset are not subject to recognition as part of the initial cost of the intangible asset, but are recognized as expenses at the time they are incurred.

Research for the purposes of this Regulation means original planned research undertaken by a credit institution in order to obtain new scientific or technical knowledge. For example, search, evaluation and selection of areas of application of research results; search for alternative devices, products, processes, systems or services; evaluation and selection of possible alternatives to new or improved devices, products, processes, systems or services.

3.10.3. Expenses of a credit institution at the stage of development of an intangible asset shall be recognized as part of the initial cost of an intangible asset under the following conditions:

the credit institution intends to complete the creation of the intangible asset and use it in its activities;

the intangible asset will generate future economic benefits;

the credit institution has resources (technical, financial, other) to complete the development and use of an intangible asset;

the institution is able to reliably estimate the costs attributable to the intangible asset during its development.

Development for the purposes of this Statement means the application of the results of research or other knowledge in planning or designing the production of new or significantly improved devices, products, processes, systems or services before their use. For example, design, construction, testing of prototypes and models before their use; designing tools, templates and forms that involve new technology; design, construction and testing of selected alternatives to new or improved devices, products, processes, systems or services.

3.10.4. If a credit institution, based on the criteria defined in subclauses 3.10.2, 3.10.3 of this clause, cannot separate the research stage from the development stage when carrying out work aimed at creating an intangible asset, then the costs incurred are taken into account by it as costs at the research stage.

3.10.5. Expenses initially recognized as expenses by a credit institution cannot subsequently be recognized as part of the cost of an intangible asset.

3.10.6. The transfer of intangible assets for use in accordance with the intentions of the management of the credit institution is reflected in the accounting records in accordance with sub-clause 3.9.3 of clause 3.9 of these Regulations.

If, for any reason, work on the creation of an intangible asset was terminated before the intangible asset was brought into a condition suitable for its use in accordance with the intentions of the management of the credit institution, then the costs incurred at the development stage are charged to the balance sheet account N "Expenses " (in the OFR under the symbol "Expenses for research and development").

3.11. When acquiring an intangible asset on the terms of deferred payment, its initial cost is the cost of acquiring this asset on the terms of immediate payment. The difference between the amount payable under the agreement and the cost of acquiring this intangible asset on an immediate payment basis is recognized as an interest expense throughout the entire grace period in the manner established for such expenses.

If the grace period falls within one reporting period, the credit institution may recognize such interest expense no later than the last business day of the grace period.

If the deferred payment period spans more than one reporting period, such interest expense is recognized in each reporting period in the amount attributable to that reporting period.

3.11.1. Recognition of interest expense is reflected in the accounting entry in the debit of account N "Expenses" (in the OFR by the symbols of subsection 4 "For other attracted funds of legal entities" or subsection 7 "For other attracted funds of clients - individuals" of section 6 "Adjustments that increase interest expenses, for the difference between interest expenses for the reporting period, calculated in accordance with the discount rate, and interest expenses accrued without applying the discount rate" of Part 3 "Interest expenses, expenses from adjustments and expenses for the formation of reserves for possible losses") in correspondence with the accounts accounting for settlements with suppliers, contractors and buyers.

3.11.2. When paying off the obligation to the supplier in the amount and terms established by the contract, an accounting entry is made:

Debit of accounts for accounting of settlements with suppliers, contractors and buyers

Credit account for the accounting of funds.

3.12. The initial cost of intangible assets received by a credit institution under gift agreements (free of charge) is their fair value as of the recognition date.

The initial cost of an intangible asset received by a credit institution under an exchange agreement is recognized as the fair value of the asset received, if the credit institution is able to determine it reliably. If the fair value of the received intangible asset cannot be reliably determined, the initial cost of the received asset is determined on the basis of the value of the asset (assets) transferred (transferred) by the credit institution, reflected in the accounting accounts of the credit institution for accounting for these assets.

3.13. Accounting records of gratuitously received intangible assets are carried out in the following order.

3.13.1. An intangible asset is to be recognized at fair value. The fair value of an intangible asset can be determined based on expert judgment.

3.13.2. When intangible assets are recognized, an accounting entry is made:

Credit of account N "Income" (in the OFR under the symbol "Income from gratuitously received property").

3.13.3. The costs related to bringing an intangible asset to a state of readiness for use are attributed by credit institutions to an increase in its initial value by accounting entries:

Debit of account N 60906 "Investments in the creation and acquisition of intangible assets" (on the personal account of an intangible asset received free of charge)

Credit accounts for accounting for settlements with suppliers, contractors and buyers, N "Liabilities for the payment of short-term employee benefits" and others.

3.13.4. When an intangible asset is ready for use, accounting entries are made in accordance with subparagraph 3.9.3 of paragraph 3.9 of these Regulations.

3.14. Accounting for intangible assets received under an exchange agreement is carried out in the following order.

Operations under an exchange agreement are reflected in accounting as the receipt of an intangible asset recognized in accounting on the date of its receipt, using account N "Disposal (realization) of property".

3.14.1. Upon recognition of intangible assets received under an exchange agreement, an accounting entry is made:

Debit account N "Intangible assets" (if the object is ready for use)

Debit account N 60906 "Investments in the creation and acquisition of intangible assets" (if the object is not ready for use)

Credit of account N "Retirement (realization) of property".

At the same time, accounting entries are made on the disposal of the exchanged asset in accordance with paragraphs 2.52, 2.53 of this Regulation.

Further accounting of intangible assets, if the received intangible asset requires bringing to a state of readiness for use, is carried out in the manner specified in sub-clause 3.13.3 of clause 3.13 of these Regulations.

3.14.2. In the event of an unequal exchange, the amounts subject to additional payment (receipt) are reflected in the debit (credit) of account N "Disposal (sale) of property" in correspondence with accounts for accounting for settlements with suppliers, contractors and buyers. On the same day, the balance from account N "Disposal (sale) of property" shall be credited to the balance sheet account N "Income" (in the OFR by the symbol "Income from the disposal (sale) of intangible assets") or N "Expenses" (in the OFR by the symbol " Expenses from the disposal (sale) of intangible assets"), respectively.

3.14.3. When the intangible assets received under the exchange agreement are ready for use, accounting entries are made in accordance with subparagraph 3.9.3 of paragraph 3.9 of these Regulations.

3.15. According to the unrecorded objects of intangible assets identified during the inventory of property, the credit institution establishes the causes of the surplus.

Upon recognition of the unrecorded intangible assets identified during the inventory of property, an accounting entry is made:

in the amount of the fair value of the identified unrecorded intangible assets:

Debit account N "Intangible assets"

Credit of account N "Income" (in the OFR by the symbol "Income from posting surplus property")

in the amount of previously documented costs incurred, if the causes of the surplus are errors in accounting identified during the inventory:

Debit account N "Intangible assets"

Credit account N "Settlements with other creditors."

3.16. For subsequent valuation of intangible assets, a credit institution chooses one of two accounting models for a group of homogeneous intangible assets: at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, or at revalued cost. Groups of homogeneous intangible assets are determined in accordance with clause 3.5 of these Regulations.

The selected accounting model for each group of homogeneous intangible assets is approved in the accounting policy of the credit institution and is applied to all intangible assets included in this group, except for the cases provided for in clause 3.18 of this Regulation.

3.17. Under the revaluation model, an intangible asset whose fair value can be measured reliably is, upon recognition, carried at a revalued amount, which is the fair value of that intangible asset at the revaluation date, less any subsequent accumulated amortization and impairment losses.

3.18. When choosing a revaluation accounting model for a group of homogeneous intangible assets, the credit institution determines the frequency of revaluation in its accounting policy. At the same time, the revalued amount should be determined solely on the basis of active market data for these intangible assets and reflect the fair value at the end of the reporting year.

If there is no active market for an intangible asset that belongs to a group of homogeneous intangible assets carried at revalued amounts, such intangible asset is carried at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses. The revaluation model for such an intangible asset is applied from the date of the revaluation of the relevant group of intangible assets, when its fair value can be determined from an active market.

Incomplete capital investments in intangible assets recorded on account N 60906 "Investments in the creation and acquisition of intangible assets" are not subject to revaluation.

3.19. A credit institution approves in its accounting policy one of two ways to reflect the revaluation of an intangible asset:

proportional recalculation of the value of an intangible asset recorded on the balance sheet for accounting for intangible assets as of the date of revaluation, as well as for the depreciation accumulated on the object using a conversion factor obtained by dividing the fair value of the intangible asset by its value recorded on the balance sheet for accounting for intangible assets as of the date revaluation, net of accumulated on the intangible asset on the same date of amortization. With this method, the difference between the value of an intangible asset, reflected in the balance sheet for accounting for intangible assets after revaluation, and the depreciation recalculated using the conversion factor is equal to its fair value;

reduction in the value of the revalued intangible asset, reflected in the balance sheet for accounting for intangible assets as of the date of revaluation, by the amount of accumulated depreciation and its subsequent recalculation to fair value. With this method, the value of the revalued intangible asset, reflected in the balance sheet for accounting for intangible assets after revaluation, is equal to its fair value, and the accumulated depreciation is zero.

3.20. The results of the revaluation of intangible assets shall be reflected in the accounting accounts no later than the last business day of the reporting year or in accordance with Bank of Russia Ordinance N 3054-U, but no later than the last business day of the first quarter of the year following the reporting year.

3.21. In case of proportional recalculation of the value of an intangible asset reflected on the balance sheet account N "Intangible assets" as of the date of revaluation and the depreciation accumulated on the intangible asset, the revaluation is reflected in the accounts in the following order.

3.21.1. An increase in the value of an intangible asset on the balance sheet of a credit institution as a result of revaluation is reflected in the accounting entry:

Debit account N "Intangible assets"

Credit of account N 10611 "Increase in the value of intangible assets during revaluation".

3.21.2. The amount of depreciation increase upon revaluation of an intangible asset is reflected in the accounting entry:

Debit account N 10611 "Increase in the value of intangible assets during revaluation"

3.21.3. In the event of a write-down (decrease in value) of an intangible asset on the balance sheet of a credit institution, the following accounting entries shall be made in the sequence established by this subparagraph:

the decrease in the amount of accumulated depreciation is reflected in the debit of account N "Amortization of intangible assets" in correspondence with account N 10611 "Increase in the value of intangible assets during revaluation";

the amount of the markdown is reflected in the debit of account N 10611 "Growth in the value of intangible assets during revaluation" in correspondence with account N "Intangible assets";

if the amount of the writedown of an intangible asset exceeds the balance on the personal account of the balance sheet account N 10611 "Increase in the value of intangible assets during revaluation" (taking into account the decrease in depreciation and previous revaluations), the excess amount is debited to account N "Expenses" (in the OFR under the symbol "Expenses from the markdown of intangible assets") in correspondence with account N "Intangible assets".

3.21.4. In the event that, as a result of the subsequent (subsequent) revaluation (revaluations), an intangible asset is revalued, the revaluation amount equal to the amount of its writedown carried out in previous reporting periods and charged to expenses is reflected in an accounting entry in the debit of account N "Intangible assets" in correspondence with account N "Income" (in the OFR under the symbol "Income from the revaluation of intangible assets after their markdown").

3.22. When the value of an intangible asset is reduced by the amount of accumulated depreciation and its subsequent recalculation to fair value, before reflecting the results of the revaluation (revaluation, markdown) of the intangible asset, an accounting entry is made for the amount of accumulated depreciation:

Debit account N "Amortization of intangible assets"

Credit of account N "Intangible assets".

Further, an increase or decrease in the value of an intangible asset listed on account N "Intangible assets" to its fair value as a result of revaluation is reflected in the manner established by subparagraphs 3.21.1, 3.21.3 (with the exception of an accounting entry for reducing the amount of accumulated depreciation in the event of a markdown) and 3.21.4 of paragraph 3.21 of this Regulation.

3.23. Depreciation from January 1 of the new year should be based on the fair value of the intangible asset, taking into account the revaluation.

3.24. A credit institution may choose and approve in its accounting policy one of two methods of subsequent recognition of the increase in the value of intangible assets upon revaluation, recognized as part of additional capital related to an object of intangible assets:

transfer the entire amount of the increase in value upon revaluation, less the balance in the account related to the intangible asset for accounting for the decrease in additional capital for deferred income tax, directly to the retained earnings of the credit institution upon disposal or sale of the intangible asset;

to carry forward a portion of the revaluation surplus, net of the balance relating to the intangible asset, to the balance in the account for the decrease in additional capital for deferred income tax, to retained earnings as depreciation accrues. If this method is chosen, the amount of surplus to be carried forward is determined as the difference between the amount of depreciation calculated on the basis of the revalued amount of the intangible asset and the amount of depreciation calculated on the basis of the cost of the intangible asset in the period to which the depreciation relates.

The transfer of the increase in value during the revaluation is made directly to the balance sheet account N "Retained earnings".

3.25. Intangible assets, regardless of the chosen accounting model, are subject to an impairment test at the end of each reporting year. Impairment losses for intangible assets are recognized at the time they are identified.

3.25.1. Impairment losses on intangible assets accounted for at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses are reflected in an accounting entry in the debit of account N "Expenses" (in the OFR under the symbol "Expenses from the impairment of intangible assets") in correspondence with account N " Intangible assets".

3.25.2. Impairment losses on intangible assets accounted for at a revalued cost are reflected in an accounting entry in the debit of account N 10611 "Increase in the value of intangible assets upon revaluation" in correspondence with account N "Intangible assets" in an amount not exceeding the balance of the increase in the value of these intangible assets. If the amount of loss from depreciation of an intangible asset exceeds the balance of the increase in the value of this intangible asset, then the excess amount is reflected in the accounting accounts in the manner prescribed by sub-clause 3.25.1 of this clause.

3.25.3. After the recognition of an impairment, depreciation of intangible assets ready for use should be carried out taking into account the decrease in their cost reflected in the accounting accounts by the amount of the impairment from the date following the date of recognition, during the remaining useful life.

3.26. At the end of each reporting year, a financial institution assesses whether there is any indication that an impairment loss for an intangible asset recognized in previous reporting periods may no longer exist or may have decreased.

3.26.1. If there are indications that the impairment loss of an intangible asset carried at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses recognized in previous reporting periods no longer exists or has decreased, its (full or partial) recovery is carried out within the cost of the intangible of the asset (net of depreciation) that would have accumulated in the accounts in the absence of signs of impairment, the following accounting entry:

Debit account N "Intangible assets"

Credit of account N "Income" (in the OFR under the symbol "Income from the recovery of losses from the impairment of intangible assets").

3.26.2. If there are indications that an impairment loss in an intangible asset carried at a revalued amount recognized in previous reporting periods no longer exists or has decreased, it is fully or partially reversed within the cost of the intangible asset (net of depreciation) that would have been accounts in the absence of signs of impairment, the following accounting entries:

Debit account N "Intangible assets"

Credit of account N "Income" (in the OFR under the symbol "Income from the recovery of losses from impairment of intangible assets") (within the amount of the impairment loss previously recognized as an expense)

Debit account N "Intangible assets"

Credit of account N 10611 "Increase in the value of intangible assets during revaluation" (within the amount of the increase in the value of an intangible asset during revaluation, written off when recognizing an impairment loss).

3.26.3. After the recovery of a previously recognized impairment loss, depreciation on intangible assets ready for use should be made taking into account the increase in their cost reflected in the accounting accounts by the amount of the reversal of the impairment loss from the day following the day of recovery, during the remaining useful life use.

3.27. The cost of intangible assets with a certain useful life is repaid by depreciation during their useful life, unless otherwise provided by this Regulation.

Intangible assets with an indefinite useful life are not depreciated.

3.28. The useful life of intangible assets is determined by the credit institution as of the date of recognition of the intangible asset (transfer of the intangible asset for use in accordance with the intentions of the management of the credit institution) based on:

the period of validity of the rights of the credit institution to the result of intellectual activity or means of individualization and the period of control over the intangible asset;

the expected period of use of the intangible asset, during which the credit institution expects to receive economic benefits.

The useful life of an intangible asset may not exceed the life of the credit institution.

3.29. Intangible assets for which it is impossible to reliably determine the useful life are considered intangible assets with an indefinite useful life.

3.30. With respect to an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life, a credit institution should annually consider the presence of factors indicating that it is impossible to reliably determine the useful life of this asset. If these factors cease to exist, the credit institution determines the useful life of the given intangible asset and the method of its depreciation. The indicated useful life of an intangible asset and the method of its depreciation begin to apply from January 1 of the year following the year in which the decision was made to establish the useful life of an intangible asset and the method of calculating depreciation.

3.31. Methods for calculating depreciation for groups of intangible assets are determined by the credit institution in its accounting policy in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.32. The estimated residual value and useful life of an intangible asset with a finite useful life is reviewed for possible revision at the end of each reporting year. The depreciation method for an intangible asset with a finite useful life is reviewed for possible revision at the end of each reporting year.

3.32.1. If there is a significant change in the expected pattern and/or timing of consumption of future economic benefits from an intangible asset, the depreciation method and/or useful life should be changed to reflect that change.

3.32.2. The application of another method of calculating depreciation of an intangible asset, the establishment of a new period of its useful life are carried out starting from January 1 of the year following the year in which a decision was made to change the method of calculating depreciation of an intangible asset, its useful life.

3.32.3. When changing the method of calculating the depreciation of an intangible asset, its useful life, the previously accrued depreciation amounts are not subject to recalculation.

3.33. Depreciation on intangible assets is made from the date when this intangible asset becomes ready for use, and ceases on the earlier of two dates: on the date of transfer of this intangible asset to non-current assets held for sale, or on the date of its derecognition.

During the useful life of intangible assets, depreciation is not suspended.

3.34. The accrual of depreciation on intangible assets is reflected in the accounting records on a monthly basis no later than the last working day of the corresponding month, regardless of the financial performance of the credit institution.

3.35. When depreciation is charged on intangible assets, an accounting entry is made:

Debit of account N "Expenses" (in OFR by the symbol "Depreciation on intangible assets")

Credit of account N "Amortization of intangible assets".

3.36. A credit institution must stop recognizing an intangible asset that is retired or is not capable of bringing economic benefits (income) to it in the future, from the moment a decision is made to stop using and (or) sell the intangible asset.

3.37. The disposal of an intangible asset occurs as a result of:

termination of the credit institution's right to the result of intellectual activity or means of individualization;

the transfer of the exclusive right of a credit institution to the results of intellectual activity to other persons without an agreement (including by way of universal succession and in the event of foreclosure on this intangible asset);

termination of use due to obsolescence;

transfers in the form of a contribution to the authorized capital of another organization, a mutual fund;

transfer under an exchange agreement, donation;

making contributions to the account under a joint activity agreement;

identifying shortages of intangible assets during their inventory;

other cases.

3.38. From the moment a decision is made to terminate the use and sale of an incompletely depreciated object of intangible assets, the specified object is transferred to the composition of long-term assets held for sale, if the conditions provided for in paragraph 5.1 of this Regulation are met. If the conditions stipulated by paragraph 5.1 of these Regulations are not met, such an object of intangible assets is not transferred to the composition of long-term assets held for sale. A fully depreciated intangible asset is also not transferred to non-current assets held for sale.

3.39. To determine the suitability of intangible assets for use by a credit institution, a commission is created in the manner similar to the procedure specified in clause 2.51 of these Regulations.

3.40. Accounting for the disposal of intangible assets is kept on the balance account N "Disposal (sale) of property" in the manner similar to the procedure established for the disposal of fixed assets in paragraphs 2.52 and 2.53 of this Regulation.

3.41. Intangible assets include goodwill that has arisen in connection with the acquisition by a credit institution of a property complex (in whole or in part).

3.41.1. For the purposes of these Regulations, the cost of goodwill arising in connection with the acquisition of a property complex by a credit institution is determined by calculation as the difference between the purchase price paid to the seller when the credit institution acquires the property complex (in whole or in part) and the sum of all assets (their respective part) minus the sum of all liabilities (their corresponding part) under the balance sheet as of the purchase (acquisition) date.

The said assets and liabilities of the property complex acquired by the credit institution (in whole or in part) must be reflected in the balance sheet as of the date of its purchase (acquisition).

3.41.2. A positive business reputation should be considered as a price premium paid by the buyer in anticipation of future economic benefits in connection with the acquired unidentifiable assets, and accounted for as an independent inventory item on the balance sheet account N "Business reputation". A positive business reputation that has arisen in connection with the acquisition of a property complex by a credit institution is subject to an impairment test in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and Bank of Russia regulations. If there are signs of depreciation, the credit institution determines the amount of impairment losses, which is reflected in the accounting entry in the debit of account N "Expenses" (in the OFR under the symbol "Expenses from the impairment of intangible assets") in correspondence with account N in clause 3.28 of these Regulations, but not more than 10 years.

The non-current assets owned by the enterprise are divided into fixed assets, which we talked about in detail, and intangible assets, which we will talk about now.

The main difference between intangible assets and fixed assets is that the former do not have a physical form and are created as a result of intellectual activity. An intangible asset (IA) is an exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity.

An example of an intangible asset is the exclusive right to:

  • Computer programs, databases;
  • Inventions, models;
  • Topology of integrated circuits;
  • Achievements of selection;
  • know-how;
  • Trademarks;
  • Company names;
  • Commercial designations;
  • Business reputation of the organization.

Once again, I repeat, intangible assets are not the result of intellectual activity itself, but the exclusive right to it.

To be called an intangible asset, an object must simultaneously satisfy the following 4 conditions:

  • It is planned to be used for a long period (over a year);
  • Used for the purpose of obtaining economic benefits;
  • Purchased for use, not for resale;
  • You can reliably determine its value.

Receipt of intangible assets to the enterprise

First of all, we note that you need to accept an object on the basis of an acceptance certificate, after which you need to create an accounting card for it in the form of NMA-1 (similar actions are carried out with).

Documents that confirm the fact of the acquisition of intangible assets can be such documents as patents, an agreement on the alienation of an exclusive right, certificates, a license agreement, etc.

An enterprise can buy an intangible asset (purchase it for a fee), create it on its own or with the help of third-party organizations, receive it as a contribution to the authorized capital from the founders, and also receive it as a gift (free of charge).

Let us dwell in more detail on each of these 4 methods of receipt of an intangible asset, consider what postings must be made in accounting in this case.

Acquisition of intangible assets for a fee (purchase)

Account 04 is used to account for intangible assets. Received intangible assets are accounted for in the debit of this account at their original cost. Acceptance for accounting on account 04 is carried out through an auxiliary one, on the debit of which all costs for the acquisition of an object are collected: directly the cost of the exclusive right to this object and the costs of its use in the future, payment of various duties, taxes, customs fees, consulting and information services, services of third parties.

As for VAT on all these costs, it should be noted that not all intangible assets are subject to this tax.

VAT does not need to be allocated for the following intangible assets - the exclusive right to programs and databases, inventions, models, know-how, integrated circuits.

For other assets, it is necessary to allocate the amount of VAT from the sum of all costs that form the initial cost and send it for deduction.

Transactions when purchasing intangible assets

On account 08, we open an additional sub-account 5 “Acquisition of intangible assets”. We will collect all costs in the debit of this account, after which we will send them to the debit account 04 in one posting, so we will form the initial cost of the intangible asset.


Creation of intangible assets

You can create an intangible asset either independently, with the help of employees of your own enterprise, or you can place an order for a third-party organization that specializes in this.

No matter how an intangible asset is created, it is also necessary to collect all the costs associated with its creation in the debit of account 08, and then transfer them to the debit of account 04.

If the process of creating intangible assets takes place with the help of one's own forces, then the salaries of employees involved in this process, insurance premiums accrued and paid from this salary can act as expenses. Also, expenses include depreciation on equipment used in research and other work.

If third-party organizations are involved, then payment for their services acts as an expense.

After the expenses are collected on debit 08, a posting is made to accept the object for accounting D04 K08.

Introducing intangible assets into the Criminal Code

If the intangible asset is entered in in the form, then we attract the account for accounting for settlements with the founders and perform the postings:

  • D08 K75 - reflects the initial cost of intangible assets
  • D04 K08 - the asset is accepted for accounting

Free admission of intangible assets

Upon receipt of an intangible asset under a donation agreement, it must be valued at the average market value as of the current date in order to know at what cost it should be accepted and from what depreciation should be charged in the future. Read about depreciation of intangible assets.

Third party appraisal organizations may be involved in the appraisal.

To account for gratuitously received intangible assets, you need to use accounts 98 “Grants”.

Accounting entries for intangible assets received under a donation agreement:

  • D08 K98 - reflects the market value of the asset obtained after appraisal.
  • D04 K08 - the object is accepted for accounting.

In the future, when calculating depreciation, it is necessary to write off the amount of depreciation deductions also with account 98 posting D98 K91 / 1.

Intangible assets are another category of non-current assets that do not have a material form, since they are the end product of intellectual activity. Consider accounting entries for accounting for intangible assets upon receipt, depreciation and disposal.

Intangible assets: what are they and how to account for them?

The essence of the concept of "intangible assets" and the procedure for their accounting is regulated by Accounting Regulation No. 14. It is here that it is explained what can be attributed to intangible objects. Thus, NMA can be attributed to:

To account for intangible assets, an active account 04 is used, on which objects are reflected at their original cost.

As for the initial cost of intangible assets, it consists of the sum of the costs associated with their purchase, installation and configuration (payment of duties, information and consulting services). The initial cost is set at the time of acceptance of intangible assets for accounting and remains unchanged throughout the entire life of the object, except for cases of revaluation or depreciation of the asset. Note that only amounts excluding VAT are taken into account.

An interesting fact is that since 2008, transactions with intangible assets are exempt from VAT.

When registering an intangible asset, a transfer acceptance certificate is drawn up, which is the basis for opening an accounting card for intangible assets-1. The disposal of intangible assets can be formalized by an act of write-off in the form of OS-4 or an act of acceptance and transfer in the form of OS-1.

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List of possible entries that can be made when accounting for intangible assets

Account Dt Account Kt Posting amount, rub. Wiring Description A document base
Purchase of an intangible asset
60 (76) 51 109 000,00 The cost of software (patent, license) was paid by bank transfer Payment order
60 (76) 51 15 000,00 Paid for the services of a programmer who provided the connection with the subsequent configuration of previously purchased software (for a patent and license - payment of state duty) Payment order
08 60 (76) 109 000,00 The initial cost of the software includes the cost of acquiring it - the purchase Invoice, accounting statement
08 60 (76) 12 711,86 The initial cost of the software includes the costs of its installation and configuration (excluding VAT) Certificate of completion, accounting statement
19 60 (76) 2 288,14 Received a tax credit that is not included in the cost of an intangible asset Incoming invoice
04 08 121 711,86 The purchased software (intangible asset) was put into operation, that is, the object was accepted for accounting 109,000 + 12,711.86 = 121,711.86 rubles.
Creation of an intangible asset
May be associated with the performance of a specific task that the employer sets for his employees; Conclusion of an agreement for the creation.
08 70 30 000 Salaries are accrued to employees who are engaged in the development of an industrial design payroll sheet
08 69 7 800 UST accrued on the salary of employees Summary of contributions to insurance funds
08 10 15 000 The cost of material costs is included in the initial cost of the industrial design Write-off acts
60 (76) 51 2 500 State duty paid Payment order
60 (76) 51 1 550 Examination fee paid Payment order
08 60 (76) 2 500 The cost of state duty is taken into account Accounting information
08 60 (76) 1 550 The cost of the fee for the examination is taken into account Accounting information
04 08 56 850 The industrial design is accepted for accounting30000 + 7800 + 15000 + 2500 +1550 = = 56850 rubles. Account card for intangible assets - 1
* Interestingly, in tax accounting, the costs associated with the payment of taxes are not taken into account as costs when creating an intangible asset
Contribution of an intangible asset to the authorized capital
08 75 150 000 Receipt of intangible assets as a contribution to the authorized capital Constituent documents and accounting reference
01 08-5 150 000 Acceptance for accounting of intangible assets that were contributed to the authorized capital Account card for intangible assets - 1
Accrual of depreciation charges
20 (44) 04 4 500 Monthly depreciation charges are accrued on the intangible asset Depreciation sheet
20 (44) 05 4 500 Monthly depreciation charges are accrued on the intangible asset. When using account 05. Depreciation sheet
Revaluation of an intangible asset
04 83 45 000 Increased residual value of an intangible asset
83 05 5 850 Based on the additional assessment, the amount of depreciation deductions has been increased Accounting information
91-2 04 25 000 Discounted (reduced) residual value of an intangible asset Commission decisions, accounting statement
05 91-1 7 800 The amount of depreciation deductions for an intangible object has been reduced Accounting information
Write-off of an intangible asset
05 04 45 600 Written off depreciation expense
91-2 04 7 500 Written off residual value of an intangible asset Write-off act, intangible assets accounting card - 1