Market analysis of foil and packaging materials. Aimed at convenience Features of the modern Russian market of packaging equipment


It is no secret that the growth of the food industry in our country is an important driving factor in the development of the packaging industry. This is in line with the global trends, which were described by the Director General of the National Confederation of Packers (NKPak) Alexander Boyko, speaking on May 17, 2018 at the scientific and practical conference "Requirements for labeling and packaging of food products released to the consumer market" at the Moscow State University of Management Technologies. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU).

The data presented by the speaker on the global food packaging market are really impressive: 1,800 billion units of packaging for food and beverages are produced annually in the world, 275,000 units of new food packaging are introduced to the market annually, and the turnover of the global packaging market, according to experts, will reach 2020 by 2020. $1 trillion. Probably, few markets can boast of such volumes and dynamics.

With all this, food losses in the world for various reasons amount to approximately 1.2 billion tons. A significant number of losses arise due to poor-quality packaging or its absence. According to Alexander Boyko, many people in our Russian market were convinced of this when, as a result of the 2008 crisis, manufacturers began to save on packaging, use cheaper materials, and purchase packaging of poorer quality. And the effect of this was felt almost immediately, food losses increased significantly. These trends have been overcome and today we have a different approach to packaging.

As for the Russian packaging market, it is one of the ten largest world markets, according to the World Packaging Organization (WPO). The structure of the domestic packaging market has remained approximately the same since 2009, when for the first time the share of polymer packaging exceeded the share of cardboard and paper packaging. The share of paper and cardboard packaging in Russia is 36%, flexible packaging - 20%, rigid polymer containers - 18%, glass containers - 12%, metal containers and packaging - 10%. Another 4% is accounted for by other packaging. It is obvious that the market for consumer packaging is dominated by flexible polymer packaging, one of the most interesting segments of packaging production at the present time. At the same time, a lot of problems are associated with its production and use.

As noted Alexander Boyko, There are also interesting trends in packaging engineering. After the unfavorable 2015, when the import of packaging and filling machines dropped sharply, the market sank quite strongly. But today we are witnessing a revival in this market. Our country has again become one of the largest consumers of Italian and German equipment, but the requirements for this equipment have changed significantly due to the fact that better and more environmentally friendly materials are used, and the circulation of packaging production has dropped sharply. Until recently, printers did not accept orders for printing less than 50,000 packaging units, but today they are happy with even 5,000. Thus, the requirements for equipment that could previously produce a huge amount of the same type of packaging have changed significantly. Today, packers are interested in quick changeover and equipment safety.

In Russia, the growth in the production of machinery and equipment for the food industry (including filling and packaging) in 2016 amounted to 6% compared to 2015. In 2017, according to experts, the production of this equipment in our country will increase by 25% and its volume will be 15.75 billion rubles.

Negative factors in the development of the packaging industry

First place among the negative factors Alexander Boyko put the fall in the purchasing power of the population. Unfortunately, purchasing power has been declining over the past four years. Thus, in January-July 2017, real money incomes of the population decreased by 1.4% compared to the same period of the previous year. During the year there was a slight increase, but by the end of 2017 they had not yet reached the level of 2014. The speaker emphasized: refreshment."

Another negative factor - the desire of industrial consumers to save - has been talked about for quite a long time. But most importantly, this desire should take into account all factors of packaging circulation, from the use of raw materials to environmental issues. According to Alexandra Boyko, "It does not matter here how you feel about this or that material, it is important to calculate all costs, all losses, or, conversely, all the pluses." Speaking of polymer packaging, it should be noted that due to the reduction of material consumption and the use of higher quality materials, multilayer films, there is a saving in transport and warehouse operations. This is important today because transportation and storage costs are on the rise.

Environmental issues today fully affect the packaging market. In 2016, a law on production and consumption waste was adopted. It does not refer directly to packaging, but to the materials used in the production of packaging. This law will come into full force on January 1, 2019, although waste collection standards have already been developed today.

CEO NKPak also put the underestimation of the packaging industry in a number of negative factors. At present, the industry has not aroused much interest from the state and society, which it really deserves. All programs that are being adopted in the field of agriculture and the food industry do not take into account packaging issues. Alexander Boyko expressed hope that this situation would change, as packaging is one of the largest sectors of the Russian economy.

Among other negative factors influencing the packaging market, the speaker also referred to problems with the training of personnel for the packaging industry, as well as the import of raw materials. At the same time, imports of finished packaging products have been significantly reduced in recent years. If in the early 2000s we had a significant number of imported packaging products of all kinds and types, today imports are no more than 20%. And then, this import is often explained by geographical issues, when it makes no sense to bring something from the center of Russia to the border and it is easier to purchase something from neighbors, for example, in China or Turkey, which are actively working in our market.

Another factor. Retail has greatly changed the packaging market. Retail trade turnover in January - July 2017 decreased by 0.2% compared to the same period in 2016. As of July 2017, the share of food products in the structure of retail trade was 48.2%, and non-food products - 51, 8%.

Positive Factors

The first of the positive factors Alexander Boyko called the growth in the production of the food industry, which in recent years has been at least 4% per year. It is hoped that this growth will continue with the support of the state.

Another positive factor is the development of modern retail systems. Today, the vast majority of goods in supermarkets are sold in packaging. The development of retail trade in all regions of Russia also contributes to the development of the packaging market.

Social and demographic factors also have an impact on the packaging market. The reduction in the number of families, the desire for a healthy lifestyle, the acceleration of the pace of life, the desire for convenience of consumption, the increase in life expectancy - all this has an impact on the development of packaging.

Safety also requires manufacturers to develop new types of packaging. According to the General Director of NKPak, serious progress is being observed here. We are talking about the introduction of new materials that can increase the shelf life of products and ensure product safety.

Among the positive factors Alexander Boyko called the growth in the production of certain types of food in Russia in 2017: confectionery + 3.4%; coffee + 19%; pasta +4.6%; meat semi-finished products +7.8%; nuts (packaged) + 13%. On average, the domestic food market is growing.

Glitter and the challenges of flexible packaging

Flexible packaging has the advantage of offering a huge range, high barrier properties and good design. In the structure of the flexible packaging market, the share of polyethylene films is 43%, the share of PET is 33%. But there are a lot of problems with it in terms of ecology. Today, many proposals are put forward to protect the environment. There is talk of biodegradable packaging, separate collection and incineration of packaging waste. According to the Director General of NKPak, the main thing is to establish a system that will be able to pull materials suitable for recycling from waste.

Today, packers use polymers, paper materials, cardboard, metals, and glass. That is, packers are becoming one of the main consumers of traditional industries for the production of these materials. The question arises about the interaction of all participants in the value chain in packaging. According to Alexander Boyko, there are a large number of monopolists on the part of suppliers of raw materials for the industry that have the opportunity to influence the prices of the packaging market. Producers of raw materials, packaging and consumers are adjacent links in the value creation process, that is, in fact, partners between whom it is necessary to establish long-term mutually beneficial relationships aimed at achieving the best result in the interests of the population.

Global packaging trends

Regarding the trends in the global packaging market, Alexander Boyko noted an increase in the share of flexible and rigid polymer containers and packaging in the overall consumption structure. Moreover, in developing countries - at a faster pace. This is happening, among other things, due to the displacement of tin containers and glass bottles from the market.

In addition, competition between flexible and rigid polymer packaging is currently intensifying, as both packages can be used for food and beverage packaging.

Another global trend is the development of research aimed at improving the barrier properties of multilayer films and laminated materials, as well as at reducing the material consumption of products.

In the field of mechanical engineering, there is a trend towards high-speed filling equipment, where products are held by the neck. This will make it possible to replace rigid PET containers with flexible packaging, although PET is still the leader in the beverage industry.

Global trends also include an increase in online orders requiring other types of packaging (less colorful, more durable); growth in demand for "smart" packaging, packaging with augmented reality, special types of packaging (for example, warming up); displacement of paper labels with transparent polymeric films; rising cost of raw materials and laminates; implementation of the principles of Industry 4.0.

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The modern packaging industry is a fairly new phenomenon in Russia. Throughout the 1990s. The Russian packaging market has grown along with consumer markets, and strong macroeconomic trends since 2000 have created a thriving market with an annual growth rate of 10-12%. In 2008, the packaging market crossed the $20 billion mark and, according to the unanimous opinion of analysts, strong growth will continue in the period from 2009 to 2009.

Today, paper and cardboard packaging dominate the Russian market, and their share is rapidly increasing. Plastic, glass and metal retain smaller proportions, while wooden packaging is extremely rare [see below]. Table 1]. With the development of the Russian packaging market, it is likely that plastic will play an increasingly significant role.

Table 1

Russian packaging market

Today, Russia owns only 2% of the global packaging industry's productivity level. This is not enough to meet the growing domestic demand, but investment in this industry is active, the prospects for the future seem clear. According to expert data, Russian packaging manufacturers are investing in modern technologies and improving the functionality of graphic tools. Between 2002 and 2009 Russia has imported more than 500 modern flexographic printing presses.

Paper packaging is one of the fastest growing sectors in the forestry, paper and packaging industries, with virtually all segments showing significant growth in recent years. Base paper consumption - containerboard, paperboard and sack kraft paper - increased by 10% in total in 2009. The growth of base paper packaging materials is reflected in the growth of recycled products [cf. Table 2].

table 2

Production of certain types of paper packaging in Russia

Processors' profit margins vary as demand grows faster than supply, keeping prices higher than in mature markets .

Cardboard packaging is mainly used in the food, chemical industry (including cosmetics) and manufacturers of household and office equipment. About 70% of the production of cardboard packaging in Russia falls on corrugated cardboard, 80% of which is used for the transportation of goods. Per capita consumption of corrugated board in Russia is much lower than in Europe, therefore, additional growth can be expected when the standard of living of Russian consumers improves.

The main Russian manufacturers of corrugated cardboard and boxes are Kama Paper Company (Naberezhnye Chelny), Gotek, St. Petersburg Cardboard. The largest foreign-owned manufacturers are Stora Enso Packaging (Finland), SCA Packaging (Finland) and Smurfit Kappa (Ireland).

Plastic packaging is the second most important packaging material produced in Russia. Demand is growing, and manufacturers are trying to meet it by investing in new equipment and increasing productivity to create better products. The expected growth in plastic film production is expected to be approximately 12% per annum. As a rule, manufacturers are petrochemical companies and their subsidiaries producing various types of plastic packaging [see. Table 3].

Table 3

Types of plastic packaging

The main major manufacturers are Alcan Packaging, Amcor, NB-Retal, Evroplast.

Thus, today in Russia the most rapidly developing sectors are the production of paper and plastic packaging with an annual growth rate of 10-12%.

For a modern enterprise to carry out successful activities in today's dynamically changing external environment, it is necessary to regulate the internal environment, taking into account changes in the external one, and clarify the strategy for further development. In this regard, along with the assessment of the potential (internal environment) of JSC "Sayanal", carried out in the next section, an analysis of the market for the plant's products was made, in which it is supposed to consider consumers, competitors, the main trends in the development of the aluminum foil market in order to identify the competitive position of the enterprise in market, as well as the search for opportunities to strengthen this position.

Overview of the aluminum packaging market

Within the packaging industry, competition has flared up between suppliers of various packaging materials. The use of polymers is developing rapidly, as in many industries. Nevertheless, it can be stated that the consumption of aluminum for packaging is also growing due to the minimization of resource consumption in the production, transportation, storage and consumption of products. In developed countries, packaging accounts for about 21% of aluminum consumption (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Distribution of aluminum by application

A pronounced global trend of our days is the steady increase in prices for cardboard products. On average, for the current year they have risen by 45-55%. Consider the main reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, it is promoted by an increase in the price of raw materials for the manufacture of wood pulp. The rise in price is due to the shortage of this material, caused by an increase in demand for it from developing countries. The consumption of packaging materials and paper has increased in proportion to the development of their economy.

China is currently considered the largest consumer of cardboard and corrugated board packaging. This market is huge. Therefore, it can be argued that the situation on the world market of packaging materials depends entirely on the demand for them in China.

The increased demand for paperboard, coupled with its limited supply, is causing an increase in demand within China for imported products. This country is becoming more and more attractive to foreigners due to the strengthening of the national currency. Therefore, deliveries from European countries to China continue to grow. The process is accompanied by a shortage of cardboard products and an increase in their cost in the markets of other countries, including Russia.

Another reason for the general shortage of cellulose in the world is that it began to be used not only for the production of cardboard, but also in the manufacture of viscose. The demand for sanitary and hygiene products and clothing made from this material has increased significantly in recent years in Latin America and Africa due to the growth of people's well-being.

Increasing the cost of cardboard is a global trend. Russia is closely connected with the markets of other states. Therefore, prices here also cannot remain the same.

An indirect reason for the increase in prices for cardboard and corrugated board in Russia can be considered the introduction of a standard for their manufacturers in 2017. It requires mandatory disposal of packaging or payment of an environmental fee. In 2018, these standards were increased by 2 times. This caused an unplanned increase in the costs of producers and may lead to another increase in the cost of the final product.

Features of the Russian packaging market

The Russian market of cardboard packaging has a steady upward trend. In 2017, the growth was 12.3% compared to 2016. The reason for the growth in the production of these materials is the implementation of investment projects against the background of a general increase in wood processing.

The highest share of consumption of these products is observed in the food industry. In 2017, the demand for carton packaging rose by 13.4%. The market for packaging made of corrugated cardboard and cardboard in Russia is distinguished by a wide range. The production of packaging materials is concentrated near the timber industry complexes of Russia.

Foreign trade operations

Full loading of own production capacities contributes to the growth of export deliveries. The share of exports in the total volume of production is now 17-20%. Russian-made packaging materials are mainly sold to the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan.

At the same time, the value of imports is approaching 16.3%. According to 2017 data, about 23.5% of its volumes come from Ukraine, 15% from Germany, 13% from Poland. Compared with the previous year, the number of products imported into Russia increased by 10.6%. This is due to the increased demand for containerboard.


The development of the cardboard and corrugated cardboard market in Russia is proportional to the overall growth of the industry. A stable positive trend is expected in this area. In 2018, the carton packaging market is expected to grow by 2.4%. By 2021, it is planned to reach production volumes of about 5,019 tons. In general, it is planned to reorient the Russian market to domestic demand.

The popularity of small format packaging is also expected to increase, coupled with a decrease in its circulation. Work will continue on the development of technologies for the production of cardboard packaging, which improves the safety of food products and extends their shelf life. It is planned to expand automated processes for the production of packaging and automation of packaging of food products.

Ilya Laptev

Chief Editor

Features of the modern Russian market of packaging equipment

The packaging market is considered one of the most promising in our country. Packaging affects such segments as waste processing, the timber industry and even the development of alternative energy sources. Work in the field of biodegradable packaging is closely related to the production of biofuels. But in order to produce a container, equipment is required. And it, which was never cheap, became even more expensive after the well-known events of 2014 (sanctions, devaluation of the ruble, etc.).

The problem of modernization

The problem of modernization is acute in many segments of the domestic economy. Prominent domestic politicians and economists, such as Medvedev, Kudrin and others, have repeatedly said that the entire economy of the country needs to modernize production and actively introduce innovative technologies. The backwardness of technological equipment has also affected the packaging industry in the most direct way. Old machines do not allow you to keep up with the times and make, for example, personalized packaging, and this is now one of the biggest global trends.

Almost the entire segment of technology is concentrated in the segment of "solving tasks" of specific industries. At the same time, the segment of custom-made packaging, which is in demand on the world markets, is represented mainly among premium class products. The main function of most containers produced in Russia is barrier. In other words, the goods are simply protected with the help of the cover from the influences of the external environment, but no more. This is also due to the lower purchasing power of the population than in some other countries. Design, as well as additional properties (except for barrier ones) cost money. For the production of such goods, modern machines are needed. Such cars, especially in the face of a weakened national currency after 2014, are much more expensive than before.

What kinds of machines are used in the domestic packaging industry

There are three large subgroups of packaging by type - consumer, wholesale, transport. Individual (consumer) is what we see in stores - all products intended for retail are of this type. The process of its creation includes two stages - first, the packaging is produced directly, and then the products are packaged in it. For the production of such a product, equipment made according to the flow-pack principle is mainly used. It is also called vertical type equipment. It packs various bulk goods, small pieces, as well as granular products. Tea, coffee, sweets and non-food products that are used in pharmacology, cosmetics and so on. The filling accuracy of such machines depends on the type of dispenser. Also, clamps, dispensers, clips, vacuum packaging machines are involved in the process of packaging goods for individual purposes. For these purposes, the most complex multifunctional machines are used.

For the production of wholesale and transport containers, simpler mechanisms are used. Goods of this type are usually packed in bags, corrugated cardboard, stretch film. Pallet packers, cartoning and shrink machines are used for production. Thus, three groups of equipment are distinguished - packaging, filling and dosing equipment. Based on the needs of production, the type of packaging system for goods is distinguished. Automated packaging complexes according to their intended purpose can be shrink, corrugated cardboard. They are also divided according to industry requests - for building materials and chemicals, medicines, pasty and liquid substances.

Independence from sanctions

The use of automated packaging lines leads to the optimization of production capacities. A well-organized process of automation in production can save almost half the area of ​​warehouse space, as well as minimize the level of manual labor intervention. In turn, this affects the development of the industry and the modernization of packaging materials.

By the beginning of the "tenth" years, the trends in the packaging production system began to change, as the packaging itself began to change, namely, its structure. An increasing part of the market is occupied by flexible polymer packaging, which is replacing cardboard. Consequently, this trend also affected the demand for manufacturing equipment. For container manufacturers, lines that could quickly produce flexible polymer packaging became relevant.

The growing culture of consumption also contributed to the demand for machines for the production of flexible packaging. Gradually, string bags and cloth bags were replaced by plastic bags for various purposes - garbage, packaging, disposable. The market for consumer goods also began to grow. At the moment, more than 70% of the food packaging market is accounted for by food and beverages.

Undoubtedly, the sanctions of 2014 had a significant impact on the container manufacturing equipment market. On the other hand, they gave impetus to the development of domestic manufacturers of packaging equipment. In addition, packaging companies have also partnered more with Chinese equipment manufacturers.


All three types of packaging equipment are produced in Russia - for packaging, dosing, packaging. Among the leaders in the production of packaging products, the Russian Trapeza company stands out. The company's capacity is from 30 to 100 units of packaging weighing from 100 to 1000 g per minute. Produces packaging for free-flowing, crystalline, granular products.

The Novgorod company Planeta-NMZ specializes in the production of PurePack bags for storing liquid and pasty products. The plant's capacity allows to produce from 3 to 5 tons of packaging materials per shift. Among other manufacturers of filling and packaging equipment, we should mention Tauras-Fenix, the Degtyarev Kovrov plant, the St. Petersburg Trade Equipment Plant, Lenprodmash, the Moscow Prombiofit, and this is not a complete list.

Also in Russia, many factories have appeared specializing in the production of shrink packaging, packaging for medicines, as well as chemical and building materials. Among such manufacturers, one can recall the Moscow "Termopak" and "Teploform", which produce machines for block packaging of polyethylene bottles, Kazan's Integral, from Moscow.

In St. Petersburg, the NPO Progress plant produces devices for the production of medical ampoules. Also, the Moscow MKTB manufactures equipment for packaging and bottling of medicines. Again, this is far from a complete list. According to experts, the domestic market for packaging, as well as machines for creating this packaging, is growing steadily. Despite restrictions from Western countries, manufacturers of machines for packaging products have appeared in Russia. In turn, packaging manufacturers keep the price at an acceptable level for the consumer, and this does not negatively affect the final cost of the product.


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