Is the work production log an executive documentation. Manual “Executive documentation in construction. Reference Manual" . Executive at concrete works


built by __________________________________________________________________________

(name of construction and installation organization)

and project number)

by the address: _______________________________________________________________________

(city, street, bindings of the initial and final pickets)

1. Characteristics of the gas pipeline (gas inlet)

The length (for input - underground and aboveground sections), diameter, working pressure of the gas pipeline, type of insulating coating of the linear part and welded joints (for underground gas pipelines and gas inlets), number of installed locking devices and

other structures _______________________________________________________________



2. List of attached certificates, technical passports (or their copies) and other documents certifying the quality of materials and equipment




Note. It is allowed to attach (or place in this section) extracts from these documents, certified by the person responsible for the construction of the facility and containing the necessary information (certificate number, brand (type), GOST (TU), dimensions, batch number, manufacturer, date of issue , test results).

3. Data on gas pipeline joint welding

Note. The diagram must be drawn up so that the location of each joint can be found from the surface of the earth. To do this, bindings to permanent ground objects (buildings, structures) of both the gas pipeline itself and its characteristic points (terminals, turning points, etc.) must be made; distances between joints, as well as between joints and characteristic points, including intersected communications, should be plotted. Strict adherence to the scale of the scheme is optional.

4. Checking the depth of the gas pipeline, slopes, beds, devices of cases, wells, carpets (compiled for underground gas pipelines and gas inlets)

It has been established that the depth of the gas pipeline from the ground to the top of the pipe throughout the entire length, the slopes of the gas pipeline, the bed under the pipes, as well as the arrangement of cases, wells, carpets, correspond to the project.

(position, signature, initials, surname)

5. Checking the quality of the protective coating of the underground gas pipeline (gas inlet)

1.* Before laying in a trench, the protective coating of pipes and joints was checked for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks - by external inspection, thickness - by measurement in accordance with GOST 9.602-89 mm: adhesion to steel in accordance with GOST 9.602-89; continuity - flaw detector

2.*Joints isolated in the trench are checked by external inspection for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks.

Item 3 to be deleted

4 * Check for the absence of electrical contact between the metal of the pipe and the soil was made after the trench “___” was completely backfilled on ______________ 200__

Note. * If the trench was backfilled when the ground freezing Shubin was more than 10 cm, then the construction and installation organization must carry out an inspection after the soil thaws, which should be recorded in the act of acceptance of the completed construction of the gas supply system object.

When checking the quality of the protective coating, no defects were found

Head of laboratory ___________________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Representative of the gas industry __________________________________________________

6. Purging the gas pipeline, testing it for strength and tightness

Item 1 should be deleted.

2 "___" ___________ 200__ before the strength test, the gas pipeline was purged with air.

3 * "___" ___________ 200__ produced pneumatic (hydraulic) test

gas pipeline for strength by pressure MPa (kgf / cm 2) with exposure for _____ hours.

The gas pipeline passed the strength test.

4. "___" ___________ 200__, the gas pipeline filled up to the design marks with fittings and branches installed on it to the facilities up to the shut-off shut-off devices (or the underground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness for ____ hours

Before the start of the test, the underground gas pipeline was under air pressure for ____ hours to equalize the air temperature in the gas pipeline with the temperature of the soil

Pressure measurements were made with a pressure gauge (differential pressure gauge) according to GOST _______, class.

Data of pressure measurements during testing of an underground gas pipeline

test date

Pressure measurements, kPa (mm Hg)

Pressure drop, kPa (mm)











IN 2)

According to the data of the above pressure measurements, the underground gas pipeline passed the tightness test, no leaks and defects were found in places accessible for inspection;

"___" ___________ 200__the above-ground gas pipeline (the above-ground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness at a pressure of _____ MPa (kgf / cm 2) with an exposure for an hour, followed by an external inspection and verification of all welded, threaded and flanged joints. Leaks and defects were not found. The above-ground gas pipeline (the above-ground part of the gas inlet) passed the tightness test.

Foreman of works _____________________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

(position, signature, initials, surname)

7. Conclusion

The gas pipeline (gas inlet) was built in accordance with the project developed by


(name of design organization


and project release date)

taking into account the agreed changes made to the working drawings No. ___ - ___________

Construction started"___" ___________ 200__

Construction completed"___" ___________ 200__

Chief Engineer of SSMU __________________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Representative of the gas industry __________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

This regulation is a regulatory document that establishes uniform requirements for the execution of as-built documentation during the production and delivery of completed construction and installation works at the facility:

As-built documentation is maintained by the person carrying out the construction, and is presented simultaneously with the examination of hidden works, critical structures, sections of external engineering networks, etc.

The composition of the as-built documentation includes text and graphic materials reflecting the actual implementation of design decisions:

1. Certificates of examination of the geodetic center base of the capital construction object.
2. Acts of breakdown of the axes of the capital construction object on the ground.
3. Certificates of inspection of hidden work with a note on the permission to start subsequent work.
4. Certificates of examination of critical structures.
5. Certificates of examination of sections of engineering and technical support networks.
6. Executive geodetic schemes.
7. Executive drawings, diagrams and profiles of sections of engineering networks.
8. Acts of testing and testing of technical devices.
9. The results of examinations, examinations, laboratory and other tests of the work performed, carried out in the process of construction control.
10. Documents confirming the quality control of the used building materials (products, structures).
11. Other documents reflecting the actual execution of design decisions.

Lists of hidden works, critical structures, external and internal networks of engineering and technical support, subject to survey, are determined by the project documentation and the requirements of the technical customer.

General requirements for the execution of certificates of survey of hidden works (AOCP), certificates of survey of critical structures (AOOK), certificates of survey of sections of engineering networks (AOIS)

Concealed work survey certificates (AOCP), critical structures survey certificates (AOOK), survey certificates for sections of engineering and technical support networks (AOIS) (hereinafter referred to as the "Acts") are drawn up in accordance with the samples presented in RD-11-02-2006 . Forms of acts are approved by the Order of Rostekhnadzor dated 26.12.2006. No. 1128 and are unified.

Any reductions, movements, editing of texts are not allowed.
Changes in the content of the Acts are possible only in connection with an increase in the amount of information provided, for example, by entering the details of an additionally involved subcontractor.

Each paragraph and each line of any Act is filled in in strict accordance with the requirements prescribed here in the footnote to this paragraph.

In particular, in the Certificate of Examination and Acceptance of the Pit, it is necessary to indicate the numerical values ​​of the absolute marks of soils, etc., not allowing the entry of a general, indefinite value of the type: “According to the project”.

The text of the Act is placed on both sides of a sheet of A4 paper without switching to another sheet or similarly on A3 format.
In the case of a large number of construction participants and / or annexes to the Act, it is possible to increase the number of sheets, subject to paragraph 2 of this regulation.

In particular, according to the stages of construction and types of work, the following order of numbering of executive documentation is established:

- Inspection certificates for concealed works and Inspection certificates for critical structures have independent numbering, but according to a single principle, for example, AOSR No. 1/V-4 and AOOK No. 1/V-4;
- the preparatory period - with the index "P";
excavation of a pit, arrangement of temporary roads and structures, technological roads and sites, arrangement of crushed stone or concrete preparation from “lean” concrete, etc.
- Acts for general site structures are numbered without reference to a specific object or area.

For example, Acts for temporary general site water supply networks AOSR No. 1-P-NV / Vr, Acts for permanent general site sewerage networks for reinforcing K-6 chambers will be numbered as AOSR No. 23-NK / K6.

Main period:
- subdivided into:
a) general construction works (starting with concrete preparation for foundations);
b) external networks of engineering and technical support and internal sanitary systems.
Certificates of survey of works and sections of networks are numbered similarly to general construction works, but with the addition to the serial number of the Certificate of the index corresponding to the name of the section of working documentation, for example, NVK - external water supply and sewerage networks, VK - house water supply and sewerage networks, OV - heating and ventilation networks , SS - communication networks, etc.

At the top of the first page to the title of the document "Inspection report ..." the qualifications of construction participants are entered:
- name and construction address of the capital construction object;
- details of the participants in this construction project: the Customer, the Subcontractor, etc.

After the name of the document "Inspection report ..." the members of the commission who directly carry out the examination are entered with reference to the order to appoint this person as a responsible representative.
For example, in the line "Representative of the developer or customer" enter a representative of the organization exercising technical supervision and construction control (in this case), in the line "Representative of the person carrying out construction" enter the representative of the organization carrying out general contract construction, in the line "Representative of the person carrying out construction construction on construction control issues” a representative of the organization exercising construction control at the facility (in this case _________) is entered, in the line “Representative of the person preparing project documentation”, a representative of the organization exercising architectural supervision is entered in the line “Representative of the person carrying out construction, who performed the work” a representative of the organization directly performing construction and installation work is entered.

When referring to any regulatory document (SNiP, GOST, Regulations, etc.), the full number and name of the document are indicated, for example, SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Bearing and enclosing structures" indicating tolerances, pages, paragraphs, table numbers And so on.

The Act indicates the full name of each attached document, indicating the number of attached sheets of this document (for example, Certificate of Conformity No. ROSS RU AYu31RO8188 dated February 27, 2007 - 2l).

In the Inspection Certificates, in the paragraph: “Works (structures) were performed according to the design documentation”, references are made to the working drawings according to which these structures were built, as well as, without fail, to documents containing changes to the project, if any.

In addition to text links, duly certified copies of documents reflecting the agreed and changes made to the project (letters of agreement with the project developers and with the Customer, sheets of working documentation, etc.) are attached to the Act.

The date of commencement and completion of work, types of work and materials used, entered in the Inspection Certificates, must fully comply with the entries in the general and special journals, passports for building materials, products, structures and other documents confirming the actual performance of these works.

All appendices to the Act are numbered and applied in the order they are stated in
Act taking into account the following priorities:
11.1. executive schemes (drawings, surveys, profiles);
11.2. documents that are the basis for changing the design solution (if there were deviations from the project);
11.3. documents confirming the quality of the materials used: passports, certificates of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological, fire and other conclusions, laboratory test results, protocols, physical and mechanical properties, etc. (their sequence is not regulated).
Each application should start from a new page with an indication in the upper right corner of the serial number and its belonging to a specific Act, for example: "Appendix No. 2 to AOSR No. 5/B-7".
If the application is a copy of any document, then in the upper right corner, where the serial number and its belonging to a particular Act are indicated, an entry is made indicating where, in which register the original of this document is stored, for example: “Appendix No. 2 to AOSR No. 5 /AT 7. The original is in folder No. 55, register No. 16, entry 15.
The registers are maintained by the general contractor.
It is allowed to use the abbreviation: AOSR - the certificate of examination of hidden works, AOOK - the certificate of examination of critical structures, AOIS - the certificate of examination of engineering networks (see clause 1 of this regulation).
Each appendix at the top of the page or sheet must have a heading indicating the exact location of the structure (for example, "Executive geodetic scheme of the foundation slab section 3, in axes A-C, rows 5-8, at elevation -2.550".
Applications, as a rule, are executed on A4 sheets. It is allowed to draw up applications on sheets of A3, A4x3, A4x4, A2, A1 format.

All photocopies of documents attached to the Acts must be legible, i.e. any number or letter must not be ambiguous, certified by the general contractor in the prescribed manner with a blue seal, the inscription "Copy is correct", the position of the person who certified the copy, his personal signature, handwritten transcript of the signature.
It is allowed to use a facsimile, if there is an official notification and a sample facsimile.

Passports or certificates for the manufacture of materials, structures, products must contain:
13.1. a record of obtaining a permit for the manufacture of products;
13.2. stamp (or seal) of the quality control department of the manufacturer

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusions for materials and products, according to the list approved by the Order of Rospotrebnadzor dated 19.07.2007, are attached to the Acts without fail. No. 224.

Fire safety certificates for materials and products are attached to the Acts without fail, according to the list of products subject to mandatory certification in the field of fire safety, approved by order of the GUGPS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 17, 1998. No. 73 (Letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated March 6, 2000 No. 9-14 / 138).

The graphic materials attached to the Acts, such as executive diagrams, drawings, filming, must be readable and reflect the following information:
16.1. design decision;
16.2. the actual execution of this construct (actual geometric parameters and / or actual deviations);
16.3. symbols used in accordance with SPDS;
16.4. maximum permissible standard deviations for a given type of work or a given design with reference to paragraphs of SNiPa, GOST;
16.5. calculation of the volume of work performed;
16.6. specifications of the materials used.

Executive geodetic documentation is compiled in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations, SNiP 3.01.03-84 "Geodetic work in construction", GOST R 51872-2002 "Executive geodetic documentation. Implementation Rules” and project documentation.
If the actual dimensions, marks, sections (diameters), bindings and other geometric parameters correspond to the design ones with the established design deviations), an entry is made on the executive drawings: “There are no deviations from the project in terms of geometric parameters”.

For optimal accuracy when reflecting large areas, such as the area of ​​​​the base under the foundation slab, as well as calculating volumes, the survey is performed in increments of 6.00x6.00m.

If there are unacceptable deviations on the executive geodetic schemes (drawings), matching inscriptions or data (document name, date, number, etc.) are placed on their agreement with the design organization.

Acts are endorsed:
21.1. representative of the person carrying out the construction, performed the work;
21.2. representatives of the general contractor: the person responsible for the construction and installation work, and the person exercising construction control;
21.3. a representative of the design organization exercising architectural supervision;
21.4. representative of the technical customer, carrying out construction control;
21.5. representatives of other persons (if necessary).
21.6. If a subcontractor is involved, the Acts also include all participants in the construction process: representatives of the customer (developer), general contractor, contractor, subcontractor, designer.

Executive production schemes (drawings) are signed:
22.1. the responsible foreman of works on the object of the general contractor (as well as the contractor, if the latter performed the work);
22.2. representative of the general contractor - construction control engineer;

Executive geodetic schemes are signed (in accordance with GOST R 51872-2002 "Executive geodetic documentation. Rules for implementation":
23.1. the responsible foreman of works on the object of the general contractor (as well as the contractor, if the latter performed the work);
23.2. the surveyor of the performer of the work (in the case of an executive survey by a third-party organization, the scheme is signed by the head of this organization or a person authorized by him);
23.3. the head of the construction and installation organization that performed the work.

Executive geodetic documentation is certified by the signature of the responsible representative of the geodetic service of the general contractor with the wording "The executive scheme is correct."

All tests performed in construction and laboratory conditions are carried out and executed in accordance with the current SNiPs and GOSTs.

The numbers reflecting calendar dates on any executive documentation must be two- or four-digit, written through a dot. For example, 04.11.12. or 04.11.2012

For monolithic structures, as part of the input control, the strength of concrete is confirmed by laboratory test reports of control samples at the age of 7 and 28 days, made at the place of laying the concrete mixture and stored under conditions identical to the hardening of concrete in the structure.

Without fail, protocols for testing concrete samples for strength at the age of 7 days are attached to the Acts.
28.1. Note: The signing of the as-built documentation for concreting monolithic structures will be carried out when the concrete laid in the structure reaches a strength not lower than the design one (in our case, 70% of the required strength at an intermediate age of 7 days, based on the results of laboratory tests of concrete control samples). In case of insufficient curing of concrete at the age of 7 days - based on the test results of concrete cubes at the design age of 28 days.

The originals of the protocols of laboratory tests of control samples of concrete at the age of 28 days are completed in chronological order in folders-registers separately for each grip and are transferred with the registers to the technical customer.

The General Contractor transfers to the technical customer two copies of the as-built documentation, made in accordance with the requirements of the current SNiP, GOST and approved regulations, completed in full with supporting documents and signed by all authorized representatives.

When transferring as-built documentation to a technical customer, the originals of the test results of materials, products and structures are attached to the first (main) set; in the second set of as-built documentation - copies of these test results, certified in accordance with clause 12 of this regulation.

For elevator shafts, one additional set of as-built documentation in full is formed and stored by the technical customer and / or general contractor for its further transfer to the operating organization.

According to clause 3.7 of GOST 2.105-95 “General requirements for text documents”: “Misprints, misspellings and graphical inaccuracies found during the execution of the document can be corrected by erasing or painting over with white paint and applying the corrected text (graphics) in the same place in typewritten way or black ink, paste or handwritten ink.

Damage to sheets of text documents, blots and traces of incompletely removed old text (graphics) are not allowed.

to the design and completion
certificates of examination of critical structures (AOOK)

Information in p.p. 3.4 AOOK must fully comply with the Acts for Concealed Works (AOCP), presented earlier, according to this construct.

In paragraph 5 of the AOOK:
35.1. enter executive geodetic schemes of the position of finished construction products presented for examination;
35.2. enter the results of testing structures (i.e. the final product of the work performed) indicating the name, number, date of the document, etc.
35.3. mandatory presentation is the conclusion on the assessment of the strength of monolithic structures by direct non-destructive methods, in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 53231-2008 “Concrete. Rules for the control and evaluation of strength.

In clause 6 of the AOOK, enter the test results of the applied building materials indicating the name, number, date of the document, etc. in accordance with the documents attached to the Acts for hidden work.

AT clause 8 of AOOK indicate sections of project documentation and articles (clauses) of technical regulations (SNiPs), normative and legal acts.

In the paragraph "Appendices" enter and attach as an annex to the AOOK only the documents reflected in paragraphs. 35.1 and 35.2 of this regulation.

In clause 9 of the AOOK, it is necessary to fill in the last line: “b) subsequent work is allowed: ________________”. For example, in paragraph 9 b) of the Certificate of Inspection of the Foundation Slab, an entry should be made: “It is allowed to carry out subsequent work: the installation of external and internal walls”).

Responsible structures are presented for examination with the drawing up of an act before the start of subsequent work.

Transfer procedure
executive documentation

To confirm the work actually performed for the reporting period, monthly until the 25th day, the general contractor transfers to the technical customer a complete set of as-built documentation in 4 copies drawn up in strict accordance with the requirements of this regulation.

Each set of as-built documentation for each building or block is handed over to the technical customer in a register folder, the cover of which reflects the following information:
42.1. name of the building;
42.2. folder number;
42.3. general contractor;

the first document in the register folder should be the register of transferred executive documentation (Appendix No. 1).

Registers of as-built documentation are also transferred to the technical customer in electronic form.

Each act with all annexes to it, as well as other executive documentation, is placed in transparent perforated files and filed into a register folder in accordance with this register.

kty are filed in ascending order of numbering.

Each transfer of as-built documentation ends with the signing of an acceptance certificate in 2 copies, one copy each for the technical customer and the general contractor (Appendix No. 2).

All involved contracting organizations must be familiarized with the provisions of this regulation after its approval within 10 calendar days.

ID (executive documentation) in construction fixes the process of work and their conditions. Simply put, it reflects information about the performers, the sequence of events, the time of their holding, technological and weather conditions.

In addition, the documentation contains information about the state of the object. It contains information about the installed equipment, engineering systems, the quality of the use of materials, etc. Let's consider further.

General information

Includes graphic and text materials. They reflect the actual implementation of design solutions, the position of capital construction facilities and their structural elements in the course of reconstruction, construction, overhaul as the work specified by the project is completed.

The procedure for maintaining executive documentation regulated by law.

The ID, drawn up in accordance with the established rules, is a document for the erected structure / building. In construction, as-built documentation is of great practical importance. It facilitates the operation of the facility, reflects its technical condition, gives an idea of ​​the responsible performers of any type of work.

Documentation sections

The ID includes primary compliance documents and as-built drawings.

The first is attributed to the construction work. They fix the process, reflect the technical condition of the object. List of executive documentation determined by SNiP and the project.

Primary acts are completed by the general contractor. Control over the correctness of their compilation is carried out by the technical supervision of the customer.

Includes a set of drawings. They contain inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with the drawn up schemes or on the changes made (agreed with the customer) made by the responsible persons.

Delivery and storage of ID

According to the general rules, drawings are made in 3-4 copies:

  • one is for the customer;
  • 1-2 - for the operating organization;
  • one remains at the enterprise that performed the work.

The storage of all drawings and acts included in is carried out by the customer or developer until the final inspection by the state construction supervision authority. After the issuance of a conclusion on the compliance of the reconstructed, built, repaired capital construction facility with the provisions of technical regulations, other regulations, project documentation, the ID is transferred to the customer/developer for permanent storage.

Executive documentation: RD

The structure and rules for maintaining the ID are determined by special regulatory documents. The main instructions are contained in RD-11-02-2006. In accordance with its provisions and carried out, certificates of examination of structures, works, sections of engineering networks.

ID can be prepared both in electronic form and on paper. At the same time, the delivery of executive documentation to the state construction supervision bodies is carried out only on paper.

Document types


  • Executive schemes, profiles of underground structures and engineering networks.
  • Geodetic drawings of erected structures, parts and elements of buildings, structures.
  • General journal of construction and installation works.
  • Schemes of the location of structures, buildings on the ground. They are architectural executive documentation.
  • Journal of the author's design organization (when it is implemented).
  • Working drawings.
  • Special magazines of construction and installation works, operational and incoming quality control.

The composition of the ID includes acts:

  • Acceptance of the center base, engineering systems.
  • Tests, testing of systems, equipment, devices.
  • Surveys of hidden construction and installation works.
  • Intermediate acceptance of critical structures.
  • Certificates, documents of geodetic survey and laboratory control.

At the discretion of the participants in the construction and installation works, other materials may also be included that reflect the actual implementation of design solutions.

General magazine

It keeps records of the production of works during reconstruction, construction, overhaul. The general journal is the main document reflecting the sequence of measures taken, the terms and conditions for their implementation, information on state construction supervision and control.

The rules for maintaining and the form of the document are determined by the Federal Service for Technological, Nuclear and Environmental Control.

Special magazines

The entity carrying out construction and installation work, in agreement with the customer or developer, provides for a list of special magazines in the contract. They are issued to ensure reliable and timely construction control.

The form and rules for keeping logs are provided for in the Regulations on the conduct of construction control in the production of certain types of construction and installation works.

Geodetic center base

Its creation is the responsibility of the customer / developer. The person carrying out the construction performs geodetic work, control of the accuracy of parameters, as-built surveys.

The purpose of creating a stakeout is to obtain initial data. The process includes:

  1. Formation of the marking network of the construction site.
  2. Stakeout of the main/main axes of the structure.

The construction of the construction site scoring network may be conditioned by the need to create an external network of the structure. It, in turn, is formed for setting out in nature and fixing the design parameters of the object, performing detailed layout measures and executive surveys.

The planned layout network of the construction site is created in the form:

  1. Construction grid, the size of the sides of which is 50, 100 or 200 m.
  2. Red or other lines to regulate the building area.

In practice, other types of networks can be used.

Geodetic survey

It is carried out after the completion of each stage of work, the erection of a part of the structure. In the course of filming, the planned and height position of the verified, finally fixed elements and structures of the building is determined.

Geodetic survey allows you to solve problems for:

  1. Ensuring systematic control and accounting of the volume of construction and installation works.
  2. Identification of the compliance of the completed activities with the project data for the timely elimination of deviations that have arisen.
  3. Determination of the actual position of parts and structures of the building.

Geodetic schemes

They are based on the results of filming. Depending on the design features of structures / buildings, executive schemes are drawn up:

  1. For demolition work.
  2. Underground structures. It consists of a finished pit, subgrade of roads, pile fields, foundations of all kinds, basement walls, etc.
  3. Above ground parts of buildings. The schemes include information on planned high-altitude surveys of columns, their consoles and heads, tracks and crane beams, each floor, elevator shafts.

The executive is drawn up after stripping its bottom. In this case, the position of the axes, the bottom marks after leveling the surface, their deviation from the design values, and the internal contour are determined.

When performing an executive survey of a strip foundation in plan, the axes from which measurements are taken are transferred to the side and upper faces. In addition, deviations of the foundation top marks from the design parameters are determined.

At the final stage, an executive scheme of the planned-altitude position of the elements of the basement part of the structure is created. It reflects the actual position of the axes, as well as the displacement of the walls relative to the design indicators.


Executive geodetic documentation is signed by the surveyor, contractor, person performing construction control, as well as a representative of the customer (developer). It is made up of two copies. One of them remains at the construction site, the second is transferred to the production and technical division of the entity carrying out the construction.

Examination of hidden construction and installation works

During construction, the assessment is carried out:

  • measures taken, the results of which have an impact on safety, however, according to the accepted technology, cannot be controlled after the start of the following work;
  • completed structures, sections of engineering networks, the elimination of defects in which (if they are detected during the inspection) cannot be carried out without damaging or disassembling other elements.

Representatives of the state construction supervision body, and, if necessary, independent experts may take part in such control procedures.

The contractor should notify other participants about the timing of the survey within 3 (working) days.

The results of the acceptance of construction and installation works, hidden by subsequent activities, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and design documentation, must be recorded in the act.

At the request of the customer/developer, after the elimination of the detected defects, a re-examination of hidden works can be carried out.

Acceptance of the finished object

The date of its holding and the organization procedure, as well as the composition of the participants in the procedure, the criteria for assessing the compliance of the structure with the established requirements are determined by the customer / developer. The date of acceptance must be reported to the authority issuing permits for the commissioning of facilities. The acceptance of the completed structure is formalized by the customer/developer in the relevant act. It is accompanied by design, regulatory, as-built documentation, acts of acceptance of engineering networks, other materials confirming the compliance of the facility with technical regulations and the project.

In accordance with the order of Rostekhnadzor N 428 dated October 26, 2015, certain changes were made to the forms of acts on the applications of RD 11-02-2006, which you will learn more about below. The procedure was developed in accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 1, 2006 No. 54 “On the implementation of state construction supervision in the Russian Federation”.

This Procedure determines the composition and procedure for maintaining as-built documentation during the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities and the requirements for certificates of examination of work, structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks.

As-built documentation is text and graphic materials reflecting the actual execution of design decisions and the actual position of capital construction facilities and their elements in the process of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities as the work specified in the design documentation is completed.

As-built documentation is subject to storage with the developer or customer until the final inspection is carried out by the state construction supervision body. At the time of the final inspection, the executive documentation is transferred by the developer or customer to the state construction supervision body. After the state construction supervision body issues a conclusion on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules), other regulatory legal acts and project documentation, the executive documentation is transferred to the developer or customer for permanent storage.

Major changes

  • In the heading of acts, instead of "Builder or customer", it is now necessary to indicate the Developer or technical customer;
  • In the details of the organization, it is no longer necessary to indicate the certificate of state registration, but the phrase "number and date of issue of the certificate of admission to the types of work on the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction projects that affect the safety of capital construction facilities, indicating the self-regulatory organization" who issued it”;
  • In the composition of the commission of acts, instead of the phrase Representative of the developer or customer, it is necessary to indicate the Representative of the developer or technical customer on construction control;
  • At the end of the acts, where the signatory members of the commission are listed, a phrase about architectural supervision was added: Representative of the person who prepares the documentation in cases where architectural supervision is carried out.

The procedure for maintaining executive documentation

Executive documentation is maintained by the person carrying out the construction. The as-built documentation includes text and graphic materials given in this chapter.

  • Certificates of survey of the geodetic staking base of the capital construction object are drawn up according to the model given in Appendix 1.
  • The acts of breakdown of the axes of the capital construction object on the ground are drawn up according to the model given in Appendix 2.
  • Certificates of examination of work that affect the safety of the capital construction facility and in accordance with the technology of construction, reconstruction, overhaul, control over the implementation of which cannot be carried out after the completion of other works (hereinafter referred to as hidden works) are drawn up by certificates of examination of hidden works according to the model given in Appendix 3. The list of hidden works to be surveyed is determined by the project documentation.
  • Certificates of survey of building structures, the elimination of deficiencies identified in the process of building control in which it is impossible without dismantling or damaging other building structures and sections of engineering and technical support networks (hereinafter referred to as critical structures) are drawn up by certificates of survey of critical structures according to the model given in Appendix 4. List critical structures to be surveyed is determined by the design documentation.
  • Certificates of survey of sections of engineering and technical support networks, the elimination of deficiencies identified in the process of construction control in which it is impossible without dismantling or damaging other building structures and sections of engineering and technical support networks are drawn up by certificates of survey of sections of engineering networks according to the model given in Appendix 5 The list of sections of engineering and technical support networks subject to survey is determined by the design documentation.
  • Working documentation for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of a capital construction object with records of the compliance of the work performed in kind with the working documentation made by the person carrying out the construction. On behalf of the person carrying out the construction, such entries are made by the representative of the said person on the basis of a document confirming the representation.

The composition of the executive documentation also includes the following materials:

  • executive geodetic schemes;
  • executive diagrams and profiles of sections of engineering and technical support networks;
  • acts of testing and testing of technical devices;
  • the results of examinations, examinations, laboratory and other tests of the work performed, carried out in the process of construction control;
  • documents confirming the quality control of the building materials (products) used;
  • other documents reflecting the actual execution of design decisions.

The requirements for the compilation and maintenance of the materials provided for in this clause are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

During construction work, as well as in the process of reconstruction of buildings, or their overhaul, it is mandatory to carry out executive production documentation. It captures the technical condition of the object under construction (repair) and the entire course of the work performed.

Thanks to such documentation, it is easy to ensure and then confirm construction control. The components of the executive production documentation are:

  • test reports;
  • acts of acceptance of intermediate work on critical structures;
  • Executive geodetic surveys;
  • acts on hidden works;
  • a set of laboratory control documents;
  • certificates;
  • work logs.

All primary information on compliance is transferred by the general contractor to the customer, who, after completion of work, hands it over to the operating organization, where it is permanently stored.

Following the section "Basic Provisions" of SNiP 3.01.04-87 "Acceptance for operation of completed construction projects", as well as in accordance with the requirements of the guidelines RD-11-02-2006, upon completion of work, a set of working drawings is prepared with information in the form of inscriptions and marks of compliance or deviation from the project. They contain all the facts of the compliance of the drawings with the actions performed on the construction. It is this set that represents the graphic part executive documentation (ID), which also confirms the absence of discrepancies with the project, terms of reference. With the help of ID, the operation of this facility is subsequently ensured.

Thus, the text and graphic materials of the ID, including as-built production documentation, reflect the current state of construction objects, both in the process of phased work and upon completion.

Prior to the final inspection by the state organization of construction supervision, the executive documentation is with the customer or developer. During the final inspection, it must be kept by persons representing the building supervision body, who, after issuing a conclusion on the compliance of the object with all the necessary requirements of the rules and regulations, as well as project documentation, transfer them to the operating institution for permanent storage.

Composition and procedure for maintaining executive documentation

The organization that has undertaken the construction of the facility maintains as-built documentation consisting of graphic and textual data.

These are the certifications:

  • breakdown of axes of a capital object under construction;
  • geodetic center base;
  • hidden work, control over which must be carried out in a timely manner, before the implementation of subsequent work;
  • building structures
  • sections of engineering networks

In addition, the as-built documentation includes as-built production documentation with records of compliance with the work performed in fact. Also contains:

  • executive geodetic schemes;
  • documentation (drawings and diagrams) of sections of engineering networks;
  • results of tests and examinations of construction control;
  • acts of testing the applied technical devices;
  • documents on the quality of building materials;
  • some other data on the actual execution of the project;
  • special logs, the order of which is stipulated in RD-11-05-2007: general work log; journal of design organizations exercising architectural supervision; quality control logs (input and operational).

As-built documentation during the construction process can be drawn up in any form - electronic and paper. But the state supervision bodies carry out acceptance only in paper form. Therefore, in order to correctly draw up all the as-built documentation, we suggest that you use the reference manual of the MAVEGO engineering center, which contains in detail the forms and forms of documents, samples of their completion.