Soviet five-year plans. Five-year group The first five-year plan for the development of the economy of the ussr


Date of birth: The team was created in 2002 by music producer Alexei Bryantsev (group Butyrka, group Far light, group Patsanka, etc.).
Career: By 2007 the band had released 4 albums, BEST album and MP3 album. All albums were released by Classic Company.
The sound of the group is distinguished by powerful energy, dance rhythms, modern sound. The group's repertoire includes more than 50 songs. The group successfully tours in Russia. Songs are rotated on radio chanson Moscow and other radio stations, they are regularly released in popular chanson collections.
Vocalist - Valery Voloshin
On stage, the group works only live: vocals, rhythm guitar, solo guitar, keys, drums, bass guitar. On concert tours, to make life easier for local organizers, Pyatiletka mostly travels in a reduced composition: vocals, guitar, keys, drums.
Most famous songs:
"On the stretch Shira-Abakan"
"At the season"
"Let's light candles vagrants"
"Student", etc.
The history of the creation of the group, in general, is rather unsophisticated and especially not replete with miraculous transformations of Cinderella into a princess. Petersburg musicians Dmitry Bykovsky and Eduard Kharlamov quite often flashed in many nightclubs as performers of tavern songs, until, as they say, they were in the right place, in right time and in the right company. As a result of such a concentration of several creative personalities at once, an alliance arose in the composition: Dmitry Bykovsky - vocals, Eduard Kharlamov - keyboards, Alexei Chetverikov - backing vocals, Alexei Bryantsev - arrangements. The result of the team's work in 2003 was the songs, which were later included in the first album of the group, the name of which was actually given by the first recorded track - "Pyatiletka". This song practically determined the style and manner of the band's performance. Well, we, in turn, hope for mutual interest in our work on the part of you - our listeners, because songs written and performed by people who love and understand this music have always been a success with our people.
In 2007, its soloist Dmitry Bykovsky left the group and a new vocalist of the Pyatiletka group appeared - Valery Voloshin.
Bykovsky Dmitry Anatolyevich - was born on October 5, 1969.
Until the age of 14 he lived in Central Asia. He served in Hungary in an airborne reconnaissance company. Graduated from the Voronezh State Academy Arts - Theater Institute (course of V. Topolagi) in 1998. The first film in 1999. He graduated from GITIS (workshop of A.V. Borodin). In the group "Pyatiletka" Dmitry performed under the name "Dmitry Bykov".
Today the actor of the theater BDT them. Tovstonogov in St. Petersburg, starred in famous television series: "Cop Wars" parts 1, 2, 3; "Mine" parts 1 and 2; "The Life and Death of Lenka Panteleev", etc., performed a solo song "Guys" on the stage of the Palace of Culture named after. Gaza in St. Petersburg.
The new composition of the group "Pyatiletka": vocals - Valery Voloshin; guitar - Sergey Lazarev; keyboards - Alexander Khvorikov; drums - Alexander Sechenykh.
Currently: chanson group.

You can invite the Pyatiletka group to a holiday, order a performance of the Pyatiletka group for a corporate party, wedding, anniversary or birthday with the help of our concert and holiday agency 123 SHOW. Entrust the organization and holding of your holiday to the specialists of our company! How much does the performance of the Pyatiletka group cost at a holiday, corporate event, wedding - check with the managers of our concert agency via the feedback form or by phone.

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The team was created in 2002 by music producer Alexei Bryantsev (gr. Butyrka, gr. Far light, gr. Toddler, etc.). By 2007, the band had released 4 albums, the BEST album and the MP3 album. All albums were released by Classic Company.

The sound of the group is distinguished by powerful energy, dance rhythms, modern sound. The group's repertoire includes more than 50 songs. The group successfully tours in Russia. Songs are rotated on radio chanson Moscow and other radio stations, they are regularly released in popular chanson collections.
Music, lyrics, arrangements, production - Alexey Bryantsev
Vocal - Valery Voloshin
Backing vocals - Ivan Orekhov
Guitar - Andrey Zhuravlev

On stage, the group works only live: vocals, rhythm guitar, solo guitar, keys, drums, bass guitar. On concert tours, to make life easier for local organizers, Pyatiletka mostly travels in a reduced composition: vocals, guitar, keys, drums.

Most famous songs:
"On the stretch Shira-Abakan"
"At the season"
"Let's light candles vagrants"
"Student", etc.

The history of the creation of the group, in general, is rather unsophisticated and especially not replete with miraculous transformations of Cinderella into a princess. St. Petersburg musicians Dmitry Bykovsky and Eduard Kharlamov quite often flashed in many nightclubs as performers of tavern songs, until, as they say, they were in the right place, at the right time and in the right company. As a result of such a concentration of several creative personalities at once, an alliance arose in the composition: Dmitry Bykovsky - vocals, Eduard Kharlamov - keyboards, Alexei Chetverikov - backing vocals, Alexei Bryantsev - arrangements. The result of the team's work in 2003 was the songs, which were later included in the first album of the group, the name of which was actually given by the first recorded track - "Pyatiletka". This song practically determined the style and manner of the band's performance. Well, we, in turn, hope for mutual interest in our work on the part of you - our listeners, because songs written and performed by people who love and understand this music have always been a success with our people. In 2007, its soloist Dmitry Bykovsky left the group (Dmitry Bykovsky is today an actor of the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Theater in St. Petersburg, starred in famous television series: "Cop Wars" parts 1, 2, 3; "Priisk" parts 1 and 2; " The life and death of Lenka Panteleev ", etc.) and a new vocalist of the Pyatiletka group appeared - Valery Voloshin.

The new composition of the group "Pyatiletka": vocals - Valery Voloshin; guitar - Sergey Lazarev; keyboards - Alexander Khvorikov; drums - Alexander Sechenykh.
At the moment, the group "Pyatiletka" is recording their sixth album.

First five-year plan- first five-year development plan National economy The USSR and the corresponding stage in the history of the country from October 1, 1928 to September 30, 1933 inclusive. The first of Stalin's five-year plans.

The main task of the five-year plan

The main task of the 1st Five-Year Plan is formulated as "the creation of production capacities that constitute a prerequisite for building the foundation of a socialist economy." The historical experience of the industrialization of the countries of Europe with its initial accumulation of capital was unacceptable for the USSR due to the socialist nature of the state of workers and peasants. The economic blockade of the USSR by world capital, the fundamental impossibility of obtaining "political" (i.e., not secured) loans from them, imposed hard limits on the available resource base: they had to rely only on their own strength, providing industrialization programs mainly by redistributing the maximum possible amount of resources.

In December 1927, the XV Congress of the CPSU(b) adopted "Directives for the preparation of the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR." The congress spoke out against "over-industrialization": growth rates should not be maximum, and they should be planned so that there are no failures. The draft of the first five-year plan (October 1, 1928 - October 1, 1933) developed on the basis of these directives was approved at the XVI Conference of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (April 1929), and in May of the same year was approved by the V Congress of Soviets of the USSR .

Financial System Reforms

The 1st five-year plan differed from all subsequent ones in that many institutions of the NEP period continued to operate in the economy, and especially in finance. Banking system was decentralized - the industrialization program was serviced, in addition to the State Bank, by Tsekombank (central utility), Electrobank, Central Agricultural Bank, BDK (Bank for Long-term Crediting of Industry and Agriculture), as well as cooperative banks, Vsekobank and Ukrainbank.

In 1930, a credit reform was launched, the implementation of which took 3 years (1930–32). In 1930, they also carried out a tax reform.

Reform of the economic management system

The system of economic management was also reformed. The Supreme Council of National Economy, created back in 1917, after the formation of the USSR, had the status of a united people's commissariat. Even before the beginning of the five-year plan, in August 1926, the head offices (abbreviated main departments) for industries were created in its structure. In the course of the five-year plan, the number of enterprises began to grow rapidly, and it became necessary to give the branch management bodies greater independence so that each of them could concentrate on solving the specific problems of their industry.

To this end, on January 5, 1930, on the basis of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR, prototypes of ministries were created - people's commissariats (people's commissariats) for heavy, light and forestry industries. The apparatus and tasks of the regional Council of National Economy (p. 422) were transferred, in the main, to the respective executive committees of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies. By the end of the 1930s. in the USSR there were 21 industrial people's commissariats. Thus, there was a transition to the sectoral principles of industrial management and the centralization of the inter-sectoral distribution of raw materials and manufactured products.


The largest structural transformation of the economy in the 1st Five-Year Plan of the Five-Year Plan was agriculture, which began in 1929. Already in March 1930, Stalin recognized the excesses in collective farm construction, after which there was a well-known rollback, and by August 1930 collective farms united a little more than one-fifth (21.4%) peasant farms.

Nevertheless, the course towards collectivization continued. The achievements of industrialization came to Agriculture. In view of the lack of funds from the peasants to purchase agricultural machinery, in 1929 the state organized machine and tractor stations (abbreviated as MTS). Completed and financed from the budget, the MTS provided their equipment to collective and state farms for rent. By taking over the wages of rural machine operators, the state relatively increased the funds due to the co-operative peasants for distribution through workdays. At the end of 1932, there were already 2,446 MTSs operating in the USSR with a fleet of 73,300 tractors.

Thanks to the emergence of domestic tractor construction, in 1932 the USSR refused to import tractors from abroad, and in 1934 the Kirov Plant in Leningrad began production of the Universal tractor, which became the first domestic tractor exported abroad. In the ten pre-war years, about 700 thousand tractors were produced, which accounted for 40% of their world production.

Achievements of the five-year plan

By 1930, the level of provision with schools and teachers was reached, which made it possible to adopt the law "On universal compulsory primary education." Compulsory seven-year education was introduced in the cities. The system of higher education was expanding, including technical and humanitarian.

In 1930, speaking at the 16th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Stalin reported that an industrial breakthrough was also possible when building socialism in one country.

The first five-year plan was associated with rapid urbanization. The urban labor force increased by 12.5 million, of which 8.5 million were rural migrants. However, the share of 50% of the urban population of the USSR reached only in the early 1960s.

Early completion of the five-year plan

The complex of reforms of the economic mechanism carried out in the USSR since 1928 gave the whole economy as an object of planning a new quality. The economy itself turned from an agrarian-industrial into an industrial-agrarian one (in 1932, the share of industry in the national income reached 70.2%), and therefore the choice of the end of the agrarian year (September) as the starting point for plans became an anachronism.

In order to speed up the transition to plans drawn up based on a qualitatively different structure of industries, new system finance and credit, at the end of 1932 the work on account of the plan of the 1st five-year plan was completed ahead of schedule. According to the updated data that I.V. Stalin reported on January 7, 1933 to the Joint Plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, for 4 years and 3 months of work on account of the 1st five-year plan, the general program industrial production was completed by 93.7%.

Revealing a hypothetical alternative, Stalin pointed out that the policy of relegating the tasks of industrialization to the background would lead to the fact that “we would not have a tractor and automobile industry, ferrous metallurgy, metal for the production of machines. The country would sit without bread. The capitalist elements in the country would enormously increase the chances for the restoration of capitalism. Our position would be similar to that of China, which at that time did not have its own heavy and military industry, and became the object of aggression. We would not have non-aggression pacts with other countries, but military intervention and war. A dangerous and deadly war, a bloody and unequal war, because in this war we would be almost defenseless against enemies who have at their disposal all modern means of attack.

By January 1, 1933, the five-year assignments for heavy industry were overfulfilled (105%). For 4 years and 3 months the main production assets heavy industry increased by 2.7 times. For coal, steel and cast iron, the increase was 1.8–1.9 times, and for the production of metal-cutting machine tools - 9.9 times. Thereby the main task 1st Five-Year Plan - the creation of production capacities, which are a prerequisite for building the foundation of a socialist economy - was recognized as completed.

The history of the creation of the group, in general, is rather unsophisticated and especially not replete with miraculous transformations of Cinderella into a princess. Petersburg musicians Dmitry Bykov and Eduard Kharlamov quite often flashed in many nightclubs as performers of tavern songs, until, as they say, they were in the right place, at the right time and in the right company. As a result of such a concentration of several creative personalities at once, an alliance arose in the composition: Dmitry Bykov - vocals, Eduard Kharlamov - keyboards, Alexei Chetverikov - backing vocals, Alexei Bryantsev - arrangements. The result of the team's work in 2003 was the songs, which were later included in the first album of the group, the name of which was actually given by the first recorded track - "Pyatiletka". This song practically determined the style and manner of the band's performance. Well, we, in turn, hope for mutual interest in our work on the part of you - our listeners, because songs written and performed by people who love and understand this music have always been a success with our people.
Group "Pyatiletka"

Five-year plan, five-year plans, women. 1. Same as five years in 1 digit. (neol.). Economic prospects for the next five years. 2. Five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR (neol.). As a result of the implementation of the five-year plan in the field of industry, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

FIVE YEARS, and, wives. 1. Five-year plan for the development of the economy. 2. Same as five years (in 1 value). Prospects for the next five years. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Five years Dictionary of Russian synonyms. five-year plan n., number of synonyms: 1 five-year plan (2) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin ... Synonym dictionary

- (5 year old) ... Spelling Dictionary

five-year plan- FIVE YEARS, and, w. The term of imprisonment is five years. From the corner… Dictionary of Russian Argo

five-year plan- , and, well. Plan for the development of the national economy for five years. KTSRYA, 161. ◘ By the beginning of the 11th Five-Year Plan, the total carrying capacity of ships exceeded 1 million 300 thousand tons. Owls. Lat., 38. My country now stands at the new starting point. Summary of the past.... Explanatory Dictionary of the Language of Soviet Deputies

AND; pl. genus. current, date weaves; and. 1. Unfold About who (what) at the age of five. Five year old girl. Five-year-old apple tree. Walking group for five-year-olds. 2. In the USSR: a five-year plan for the development of the national economy; the period covered by this plan. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

five-year plan- and; pl. genus. current, date weaves; and. 1) unfold About who (what) at the age of five. Five year old girl. Five-year-old apple tree. Walking group for five-year-olds. 2) In the USSR: a five-year plan for the development of the national economy; the period covered by this plan. ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

I 1. Five-year plan for the development of the national economy (in the USSR). ott. The period covered by such a plan. 2. unfold the same as the five-year plan 1. II m. and f.; unfold Someone under the age of five (of a child or young animal). Tolkov ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova


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