How much to sterilize a 2 liter jar. Sterilization of jars at home with proven and modern methods. How to process containers in a double boiler


Good day to all! Today we will talk about the sterilization of cans. Why is it necessary to do this? If you decide to spin the workpieces without sterilizing, then various bacteria can develop in your workpieces, causing the product to deteriorate and all the work to go down the drain.

You can sterilize in different ways: in the oven, in the microwave, in a water bath, etc.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in the sterilization process itself. However, if you do something wrong, it may not work.

Therefore, the first step is to choose the right jars. The main thing is that they are intact, there are no cracks or even small chips on the glass. Prepared jars are thoroughly washed with laundry soap or soda. Then they are rinsed in water. And now we start sterilization.

How to sterilize jars in a gas oven

Many of us have gas stoves with an oven in the kitchen, and therefore we will consider at the beginning the method of sterilization in them.

What is good to sterilize in the oven? And the fact that you can place several of them there at once. Of course, if there are few blanks, then it is better to use a water bath, or simply boil a jar in a pot of water. But when a large number of blanks are expected, the oven is simply irreplaceable.

Ready, washed jars of soap or soda put in the oven. And here, too, there is a little trick: wet ones are placed upside down, and dry ones are upside down. Preheating the oven before sterilization is not recommended. They are cold and may burst.

We warm up the jars gradually until the temperature rises to 150 degrees, they are kept in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes, after which we turn off the gas, let it cool a little. For three liter jars, you need to double the time.

After processing, we take out the containers with a rag or mittens-tacks. If the time and temperature are maintained correctly, the jars will not burst.

Only metal lids are sterilized in the oven, nylon ones are boiled in water.

Sterilize in an electric oven

It is better to process in an electric oven. The temperature rises more smoothly than in gas. In addition, the banks do not dry out, and therefore do not burst.

The preparation of glass jars is similar, we arrange them in the oven in the same way: wet ones are placed upside down, and dry ones upside down. If large jars, for example, three-liter ones, do not enter the oven while standing, then they are placed on their side.

The temperature is immediately set to 150 degrees, i.e. you don't have to watch her. Small jars are processed in 10 minutes, large ones in 15 minutes.

At the end of sterilization, the jars are removed with the help of tacks, placed throat down on the table. So that they do not cool down quickly, while you roll up the first jar, the rest are covered with a towel.

How to sterilize glassware in the microwave

It is more convenient to heat-treat jars in a microwave compared to an oven in the sense that everything happens faster. However, there are some drawbacks. You can’t put a lot of cans, small ones up to 3-4, and even fewer large ones. Three-liter generally one by one are placed sideways.

But, if you have enough time, then let's get started. Banks are thoroughly washed, pre-checked for cracks and chips.

After that, we place them in the microwave, close, set the time for three minutes.

There is another interesting way - this is steam sterilization. In the center of the rotating plate we put a glass of water, and around it - jars. The timer is set for five minutes. At the end of processing, carefully take out and start the workpiece.

If metal lids can be processed in the oven along with jars, then this cannot be done in the microwave.

The following two methods are one of the most common and frequently used. Especially if there are not so many blanks.

Water bath sterilization process

The first way is somewhat specific. Here you need to have either a double boiler or special nozzles.

Steam sterilization is an application for processing such a double boiler. You can use special metal lining on the pan with holes into which the neck of the jar is inserted.

If you do not have anything suitable at hand, then a flat colander will come in handy. As a last resort, you can of course

However, for the hands it will not be very good. It is better to buy pads, especially since when using them, the sterilization process will be much better.

Water is poured into the saucepan. set to warm up. Banks are prepared in the same way as in the previous sterilization methods, after which they are installed neck down. The time for steam sterilization is measured from the moment the water boils.

Small jars up to half a liter are aged for five minutes, up to a liter - 10 minutes, large ones from 15 to 20 minutes.

By the way, there is another original way - sterilization using a kettle.

If the jar is small, you can put it on the spout of the kettle. The sterilization time remains the same.

How to sterilize jars in a pot of water

Perhaps this is one of the most popular methods, which was used one of the first, and is still used today.

The process consists in the fact that small jars are boiled in a pot of water, and lids are also placed there. This is convenient for half-liter and liter cans. It is unlikely that you will find a pan where you can put three-liter jars.

Everything is done very simply. Cans are placed neck up in the pan, water is poured a centimeter and a half above the edge of the neck. After boiling, aged for 15 minutes.

After that, carefully remove the jars, let the water drain completely and prepare for seaming.

That's the whole process of sterilization, as you can see, there is nothing complicated.

Video - 5 ways to sterilize

There are many ways to prepare mushrooms, vegetables, fruits and berries for the winter: drying, freezing or canning. The latter is impossible without sterilizing the jars. How to sterilize empty jam jars or before pickling tomatoes, etc.?

Salads for the winter, snacks, pickles, before rolling up for the winter for longer storage, you need to prepare. This preparatory process consists of thoroughly washing the jars and lids with baking soda or mustard powder and then sterilizing them.

At the first stage, empty, clean jars are sterilized, and in the process of conservation, if necessary, blanks are sterilized; the time allotted for this procedure directly depends on the volume of the container.

How to sterilize jars at home? In order for the blanks to stand for a long time (ideally, all winter), and not a single lid swells up, you need to choose cans for conservation with smooth edges, without notches, cracks and crevices.

There are several, in my opinion, effective ways to sterilize jars at home, maybe you are already familiar with some, dear readers, but if not, then I hope you will be interested to learn about them.

How to sterilize jars in the microwave

A microwave oven is a very convenient and safe place for this procedure, and in terms of time it is also considered the fastest.

So, at the bottom of clean jars of a small capacity (0.5-0.7-1 liter), pour a little water (2 cm will be enough), place them standing in the microwave. Then we transfer the microwave to a power of 800 watts. All. As the water boils away, the jars are sterilized in the microwave, then they can be removed and used for blanks.

Steam sterilization of jars at home

The old, tried-and-tested way to prepare jars is steam. In such cases, we use a kettle, saucepan, bowl. A similar method is suitable for sterilizing cans of any capacity, for liter it is 10 minutes, three-liter - 15.

Everything is done simply, at home from improvised kitchen items. We put an iron sieve on a bowl of boiling water, on it a jar with the neck down. The final steam treatment will be completed after the water drops start to run down the sides of the jar.

How to sterilize jars in the oven

It turns out that in the oven you can not only bake pies, but also “fry” jars. Sterilization of jars in the oven does not need to be monitored, this method is good because it saves time that the hostess can use to prepare the lids.

In a cold oven, put the jars upside down on the wire rack. After that, we heat the oven to 150 ° C, hold the jars for 15 minutes and take them out.

Sterilization of jars in a double boiler

Everyone knows the true purpose of a double boiler, namely to cook delicious, healthy dishes. However, in addition to its main function, a double boiler can also act as a sterilizer. To do this, as in the previous method, put the jar neck down in a double boiler and turn on the cooking mode for 15 minutes.

Nowadays, during the harvesting season, quick recipes are of key importance, but not all of them use them, many housewives out of habit, others for the sake of reliability, for greater confidence and safety, sterilize blanks, not trusting double filling. I want to tell you about the most reliable and simple way.

How to sterilize jars with blanks

We cover the bottom of a wide pan with a towel, we place the jars on it while standing, so that the walls do not touch each other. Next, pour warm or cold water into the pan, bring to a boil.

The sterilization time depends, as it is written, above on the volume of cans: from 10-15 minutes or more. Then carefully take them out and twist them with a seaming machine.

How to sterilize lids

The last stage of the procurement chain is the lid.

Like jars, wash the lids with a washcloth with a soapy or soda solution. Then lower into boiling water and “cook” for 2 minutes.

For sterilization, there should be no traces of rust, dents on the surface of the covers. Elastic bands must necessarily strictly correspond to the diameter of the lid itself.

Summer and the beginning of autumn delight us not only with warm weather, but also with actively ripening fruits, berries and vegetables. For housewives, this period is the hottest time, because all these generous gifts of nature must be preserved until the upcoming winter cold. Of course, many fruits can be dried and dried, but the most delicious home-made preparations are canned pickles, preserves, jams and compotes. However, in order for all these stocks to “survive” until frost and not deteriorate, it is important not only to strictly follow the recipe, but also to be able to properly prepare the ingredients and the necessary containers.

How to prepare food for rolling

Immediately before preservation, vegetables, berries, fruits and herbs should be sorted out and washed thoroughly under cold water. If the earth is stuck on the fruits, it does not hurt to use a soft brush or a dense sponge to remove the soil from the skin. Pure ingredients are recommended to be put in a colander to drain excess water, and then dry well on a kitchen towel.

Sterilization of jars: preparatory process

Empty cans intended for winter harvesting should not have cracks, chips, crevices or other tangible defects. Lids must be chosen carefully. Buy only high-quality products made of tin plate, equipped with a protective varnish layer that prevents metal from coming into contact with products. In this case, the lid does not oxidize and the taste properties of the rolls do not change.

Important: If you use screw caps, then you need to be very careful that there are no scratches or dents on the painted surface. Any shortcomings on the coating during storage can provoke metal corrosion, and this can lead to damage to canned products.

When jars and lids are picked up, they must be sterilized to remove all microorganisms from the surface. After that, rolled products can be stored in them for a long time.

How to sterilize canning jars: general rules

Before proceeding with sterilization, empty jars must be thoroughly washed. This item is mandatory even if the dishes look very clean.

Advice: You should not take traditional detergents for processing, as they are highly concentrated and do not rinse well. It is better to use traditional baking soda. With its help, you will remove even the most minimal dust invisible to the human eye from the glass surface. If the container is too dirty, then first it must be washed with simple kitchen soap and only then treated with soda.

Covers should be prepared in the same way. It is very important that they are free of rust and any damage. Rubber gaskets must be brand new without a hint of cracking. Otherwise, the tightness of the seaming is not guaranteed.

Sterilization is carried out in several ways: steamed, in boiling water, in the oven or in the microwave. Each of them has its own positive aspects and you can choose the option that is most convenient for you personally.

It has long been customary to sterilize a jar for a couple. This method is considered both the oldest and the most common. This requires a pot and a medium-sized kettle. It is necessary to pour clean water there and send the container to the stove. From above, you need to place a grate from the oven or a metal sieve, and put the container that needs to be cleaned upside down on it. Boiling water will steam the surface of the glass and destroy all microbes within 15-17 minutes.

The processed jars should not be turned over, then put on a clean towel. The method guarantees 100% quality and does not require unnecessary costs. Of the minuses, the hostesses note too much moisture and heat transfer and some laboriousness of the process.

For sterilization in boiling water, you will need a large pot. It is necessary to put a wooden plank or a thick cloth on the bottom, place a container on top and pour cool water so that they are completely covered. It is important that the jars do not touch during processing. Water should be well heated over medium heat and boil for 15 minutes. Take the jars out of the pot immediately and do not let them cool down.

To process, wash the container and, without wiping, send it to the oven. Set the temperature to 160 ° C and wait until the jars are completely dry. How much to sterilize capacity in this case, there are no clear indications. You will have to monitor the process in real time and as soon as the jars are dry, remove them from the oven and put them upside down on a clean kitchen towel.

Many are interested in whether jars are sterilized in the microwave. We will answer: "Yes, they will sterilize." To do this, pour about 1 centimeter of water into the bottom of the bottles, put them in a microwave oven and process for about 2-3 minutes at a power level of 800 watts. The liquid will boil and the resulting steam will destroy all the bacteria that have settled on the glass.

How long to sterilize jars

How many minutes to sterilize a jar depends on its volume. A half-liter container is usually processed for about 15 minutes, a liter jar - 15-20 minutes, a "kopeck piece" - 20 minutes, and a 3-liter jar - about 25 minutes.

To sterilize jars with blanks, you need a wide pan that can easily fit several containers. It must be filled with liquid, line the bottom with a cloth or towel and put on fire. When the water boils, lower the jars there with special tongs. It is very important that the water level does not reach the neck of the jars to be sterilized by about 2 centimeters.

Usually, recipes always indicate exactly how much food needs to be sterilized, but if this information is not available, then there are general parameters. Jars with vegetable salad, as well as jars with cucumbers and tomatoes, usually process from 15 to 20 minutes. This time is enough to destroy all bacteria and microbes.

How to sterilize canning jars: video instruction

Hello, dear readers of the blog "Domovoi Secrets". It's home time. In order for your supplies to be well stored, cucumbers do not explode, jam does not turn sour, tomatoes do not get moldy, you need not only to follow the technology for preparing homemade preparations, but also proper sterilization of jars is necessary. How to sterilize jars correctly, which sterilization method is better, how long it takes to sterilize jars, how to sterilize small jars - you will find answers to these questions in my publication.

Whatever method you use to sterilize jars, you cannot avoid the stage of preparing jars for sterilization. What is it?

First of all, it is necessary to check the integrity of the cans, to reject cans with a chipped neck, cracks. These jars are not suitable for blanks, it is better to throw them away or use them only as containers for storing bulk products (tea, cereals, herbs).

Then you need to check if you have lids for these jars, and how tightly they seal the jars. If you are using iron screw caps or plastic caps, it is not necessary to change them every year, but be sure to check them for tightness. Take a jar, pour water into it, wipe the jar thoroughly from water, tighten the lid as tightly as possible, turn it over and shake the jar over a paper towel. If there are drops of water on the napkin, then such a cover will not suit you, it skips.

In addition, when using metal covers, pay attention to the absence of rust spots, scratches, concavities. Damaged covers are not suitable for harvesting for the winter.

When using lids with elastic bands, pay attention to the elasticity of the elastic band, old, long-stored elastic bands tend to dry out and crack. These lids don't work either.

After the revision of the jars and lids, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse them with a new sponge using baking soda. You can soak the jars in water with soda for several hours. It is soda that helps not only wash jars well, but also eliminate any odors. If you don't happen to have baking soda at home, you can wash the jars with laundry soap or unscented dishwashing detergent. In all cases, the jars must be rinsed well, I prefer to do this under running water.

Ways to sterilize jars

There are several ways to sterilize jars at home.

Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups:

  • classic;
  • modern.

Our grandmothers used classical methods of sterilization.

This is the processing of cans with steam, boiling cans, processing with potassium permanganate.

Sterilization of cans with potassium permanganate

Dilute a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, pour it into clean jars, filling them halfway, then add warm water to the top, close the lid and let stand for 10 minutes. Then turn the jar over and let stand for another 5 minutes. Drain the potassium permanganate, pour boiling water over the jar and you can use it.

This method is suitable for sterilizing any jars, but at present it is almost impossible to find potassium permanganate.

Steam sterilization of jars

You will need a pot of boiling water and special tools that you can buy at the hardware store.

For many years now, an aluminum circle with a hole inside has been regularly serving me. It can be installed both small banks and large ones. Now there are already devices for 3 cans, but you can use the usual grate from the oven or the oil splash screen, which is used during frying in a pan.

To sterilize several jars, it is better to choose a pan with a wide bottom. It is enough to pour water into the pan, bring it to a boil, put the grate on top and put the jars on the grate and steam them. At the same time, the lid can also be lowered into the pan for sterilization.

The steaming time is different for cans of different sizes.

How much to sterilize jars for a couple

for 0.5 and 0.75 liters for at least 10 minutes;

for 1 liter for at least 15 minutes;

for 2 liters for at least 20 minutes;

for 3 liters from 25 to 30 minutes.

If you accidentally missed the time, then the end of steam sterilization of jars can be determined by appearance banks. At the beginning of sterilization, the jar is covered with drops of water, when sterilization ends, the jar becomes dry.

We put the sterilized jar on a clean, better linen cloth upside down, and take out the boiled lids with a clean fork and leave it on the cloth with the inside down. In this state, the jars remain sterile for up to two days.

The advantage of this method is that jars for blanks can be prepared in advance. In addition, both large and small jars can be sterilized in this way.

Sterilization of jars over the kettle

A variation on steam sterilizing jars is sterilizing jars over a kettle. In this way, you can sterilize both large three-liter jars and small ones. Find out how to do it right in this video.

Boiling jars in a saucepan

This method is suitable for sterilizing small jars. In this way, you can process several cans at once.

Take a large saucepan, put a wooden grate on the bottom (if there is no grate, you can put a towel folded several times) and put jars on it, fill it with cold water and heat it on the stove until the water boils. After boiling, “cook” the jars for at least 5 minutes. Lids can also be sterilized immediately.

This method is good in that jars can be prepared quickly, and the downside is that such sterilization is not ideal and is only suitable for those recipes that provide for further sterilization of homemade workpieces.

The methods described above have one significant drawback for me - a lot of steam and heat in the kitchen, in addition, it is easy to scald with boiling water, so lately I prefer modern "dry" methods of sterilizing jars.

Sterilization of jars in the microwave

Pour water into clean jars, filling the jar by one third. Turn on the microwave for 5 minutes at a power of 800 watts. The water will boil, the sterilization will steam, but there will be no steam room in the kitchen.

Sterilizing jars in the microwave is one of the most convenient ways to sterilize jars, but it is mostly suitable for small jars. Bottles can also be sterilized, but you need to put them on a barrel, pouring the required amount of water.

Sterilizing jars in an electric oven

This method is convenient when you need to prepare a lot of jars. My oven immediately includes 4 three-liter jars or 12 liter jars.

Sterilization is not difficult. I put the washed jars on a wire rack in a cold oven, heat the oven to 120 degrees and hold the jars for 15 minutes, then turn off the oven.

To prevent the jars from cracking when heated, do not place the jars tightly together and do not heat the oven above 120 degrees.

Sterilization of jars in a slow cooker

It is ideal to use a slow cooker for sterilizing jars, which has a “steam” function. Pour water into the multicooker bowl, put a basket for steaming dishes, put clean jars and turn on the desired mode and set the time to 10 minutes.

This method is convenient in that you can immediately sterilize both jars and lids.

Watch a video about sterilizing jars in a slow cooker.

How to sterilize small jars

Small jars can be sterilized:

  • for a couple;
  • in boiling water;
  • in the oven;
  • in a multicooker;
  • in the microwave;
  • in a double boiler;
  • just pour over with boiling water, provided that the blank in the bank will be subject to further pasteurization (heating up to 90 degrees) or sterilization.

A variety of sterilization methods are suitable for sterilizing small jars. Choose whichever method is more convenient for you.

Today you got acquainted with the classic and modern methods of sterilizing jars, learned their advantages and disadvantages, and you choose which way is better to sterilize jars for blanks.

Recently, I prefer recipes without sterilization, I use only well-sterilized jars.

Here are some of my favorite recipes:

I wish you successful home preparations for the winter.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Karacheva

Sterilization is the treatment of containers, empty and with blanks, in order to destroy bacteria. The procedure ensures long-term storage of pickles, in some cases even at room temperature.

5 rules of procedure

It is not necessary to process the container in advance: do it immediately before filling it. Here are five more rules to keep in mind.

  1. Safety. When handling hot cans, gloves must be used. It is important to be careful when working with steam, boiling water and high temperatures. When handling containers with disinfectants, protect your hands with rubber gloves.
  2. Unity. Most often, the processing time is determined by the volume of the container, therefore, when sterilizing several jars at the same time, you need to take a container of the same size.
  3. holding a jar. Hot containers must be held with both hands, grabbing the vessel from both sides.
  4. "Standby mode". The processed container should be placed on a clean towel, turned upside down to protect against microbes entering the container.
  5. Temperature fluctuations. From a sharp temperature drop, the dishes may crack. To avoid this, heating should be carried out gradually, use dry mittens, hot blanks should be laid out in hot jars, cold ones in cooled ones.

Characteristics of methods

Empty jars can be "cleaned" of bacteria in several ways, each of which has its own specifics. The table below describes the main ones.

Table - Methods of sterilization (over 100°C) and pasteurization (up to 100°C) of empty containers

MethodActing factorAdvantagesFlaws
Water bathhot steam- Effective;
- tested by time;
- Dangerous with burns;
- steam accumulates in the room;
- requires constant presence at the stove;
- there is no possibility of simultaneous processing of a large number of containers
BoilingBoiling water- 100% sterility;
- no additional accessories needed
- Dangerous with burns;
- it gets hot in the room
- it is difficult to get jars out of boiling water;
- it is important to ensure that the containers do not touch each other
In the ovenHigh temperatures- Possibility of simultaneous processing of a large number of cans;
- minimal risk burns;
- steam does not accumulate in the room;
- no need to follow the process
It's getting hot in the room
in the microwave- Hot steam;
- microwaves
- Speed;
- minimal risk of burns;
- Energy consumption;
- small capacity
In a double boilerhot steam- Convenience;

- minimal risk of burns
- Energy consumption;
- small capacity
In air grillHot air- High heating temperature (up to 150°C);
- thanks to the expansion ring, large volume containers can be handled;
- no need to follow the process;
- speed;
- maintaining a favorable microclimate in the room
Energy consumption
In a slow cookerhot steam- No need to follow the process;
- speed
- Energy consumption;
- small capacity
In the dishwasherHot water- Ability to process a large number of containers at a time;
- no need to follow the process;
- maintaining a favorable microclimate in the room
- Does not guarantee 100% sterility due to relatively low water temperature;
- suitable for preservation methods with further pasteurization of blanks
In the sunUltraviolet- Profitability;
- no need to follow the process;
- does not require additional devices
- Takes a long time;
- does not protect containers from dust ingress;
- processing is possible only on sunny days
Sterilants- Potassium permanganate;
- alcohol;
- vinegar
- Low risk of burns;
- low probability of damage to cans
- Time spent on preparing the solution;
- it is necessary to rinse the container with boiling water after processing

Many preservation methods, in addition to processing empty containers, require additional boiling of containers already filled with blanks. When sterilizing, when a temperature of 100 ° C or more is needed, this is done using an oven or convection oven. During pasteurization, the temperature does not rise above the boiling point, so the following are suitable:

  • water bath;
  • oven;
  • microwave;
  • multicooker;
  • aerogrill.

After pasteurization, the workpiece retains more nutrients, and the products do not boil. The temperature to which the contents of the container are heated is sufficient to eliminate vegetative forms of bacteria, but not enough to kill spores. Therefore, such preservation is not stored for as long as sterilized.

Empty container handling

Banks need to be carefully examined: containers with chips, cracks and dirt that cannot be removed are immediately rejected. Then the vessels are washed with warm running water with laundry soap or baking soda. Be sure to use a new sponge.

Water bath

  1. Fill a saucepan 2/3 full with water.
  2. Place a metal sieve or colander on top.
  3. Place the container upside down on the structure.
  4. After boiling, reduce the fire.
  5. Banks for 0.5-1 l process 10 minutes, for 2-3 l - 15 minutes. (The completion of the process is evidenced by drops flowing down the walls of the container).

Instead of a saucepan, you can use a kettle: place the jar on the filler hole instead of the lid upside down. This method is suitable for large containers. Dishes for 0.5-0.7 liters are put on the spout of the kettle.


  1. Place a towel on the bottom of a large pot.
  2. Place cans in a bowl. The containers should not touch, so place pieces of cotton fabric between them.
  3. Pour water into the pan so that it completely hides the container.
  4. Put on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce the heat so that there is no strong seething.
  5. Process a quarter of an hour.

In the oven

  1. Arrange dishes on a baking sheet or wire rack.
  2. Place in a cold oven.
  3. Gradually heat the electric oven to 150°C and the gas oven to 180°C.
  4. Process containers of 0.5 liters for 10 minutes, 1 liter - a quarter of an hour, 2 liters - 20 minutes, 3 liters - 25-30 minutes.
  5. Turn off the oven, wait until it cools down to about 80°C, open the door.

in the microwave

  1. Pour 10-20 ml of water into a container, place vertically in the microwave. If the container is three-liter, then pour 50-100 ml of water and put it on its side.
  2. Select a mode of 700-800 watts. Set the timer for two to three minutes for 0.5-2 liter dishes and four to five minutes for three-liter containers.
  3. After the end of the process, wait one to two minutes, open the door and carefully remove the contents.

If you need dry jars for blanks, pour water into a glass, filling it 2/3, and put it in the microwave along with sterilized containers.

In a double boiler

  1. Pour water into the appropriate reservoir of the device.
  2. Place the dishes upside down in the food basket.
  3. Turn on the device for a quarter of an hour.

In air grill

  1. Place the container in the bowl of the device with the necks up.
  2. Set the temperature to 120-150°C.
  3. Set the timer for five to nine minutes for containers up to 1 liter or 10-15 for containers of 2-3 liters.

In a slow cooker

  1. Pour two or three glasses of water into the bowl of the device.
  2. Position the steamer basket and place one or two containers upside down in it.
  3. Select the "Baking" or "Steaming" mode.
  4. After boiling water, sterilize the dishes up to 0.5 l - five minutes, 0.75-1 l - seven minutes, 2-3 l - ten minutes.

In the dishwasher

  1. Load containers into the device.
  2. Set, without adding detergents, the maximum temperature mode (should be more than 60°C).
  3. Turn off the device after the process is completed, remove the container.

In the sun

  1. Put the jars on a clean towel with their necks down in the sunniest place at home: on a glazed balcony or on a windowsill.
  2. Wait four or six hours.
  3. Dip in boiling water.

Potassium permanganate

  1. Fill the dishes halfway with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Pour warm water into the container to the top.
  3. Close the lid, turn upside down.
  4. After ten minutes, drain the solution, rinse the jar with boiling water.

A popular sterilant, hydrogen peroxide, is not used for food containers. This drug is suitable for processing medical instruments, some household items, vacuum cans for massage.


  1. Dilute 70% acetic acid in cold boiled water at the rate of seven tablespoons per 0.5 liter.
  2. Pour the solution into the jar, close, shake vigorously for 15-20 seconds, then pour the composition into the next container.

The prepared vinegar solution is enough to process 50 cans. You can store the composition for a day in the refrigerator in a closed glass container.


  1. Fill the jar 1/3 of the volume with medical alcohol.
  2. Close the lid, shake well.
  3. Turn upside down.
  4. After one or two minutes, drain the alcohol.

You can sterilize jars and lids at the same time in boiling water, a slow cooker or a double boiler. It is permissible to place only glass dishes in the microwave. In the oven and air grill - both metal and glass, but without rubber gaskets.

Sterilization of containers with blanks

Banks with blanks are sterilized or pasteurized immediately before spinning. The sequence of actions is the same as when processing empty containers, only now they are covered (but not closed) with lids. Therefore, they cannot be laid on their side or turned upside down. The application of each method has its own specifics.

  • Boiling or water bath. At the bottom of the pan, be sure to lay a towel or put a special wooden grate. Record the processing time from the moment the water boils.
  • Oven . Heat up to 100°C for pasteurization or up to 140-180°C for sterilization.
  • Microwave . The dishes are placed in the device without lids. Record the time when boiling the marinade or syrup.
  • Multicooker. Pasteurization is carried out in the same way as when using a water bath. Instead of a saucepan - a bowl of the device. To heat water, select the "Baking" mode.
  • Aerogrill. The container is covered with lids without rubber gaskets, the temperature is set to 150 ° C and above. The time is recorded from the moment the bubbles appear on the surface of the workpiece.

The processing time of a container with blanks depends on its volume and the method used. The recommended parameters are shown in the table.

Table - Processing time for containers with blanks (in minutes)

When using an air grill, the processing time must be reduced by 30% from that recommended in the standard recipe.

Alternative Solutions

With any method of canning, the blanks are laid out in sterilized jars. However, some methods do not require additional heating of containers filled with preservation. But in this case, an additional “sterilizing factor” must be present, these can be:

  • thermal effect- long-term stewing of the workpiece (vegetable salads, caviar) or serial pouring of products with boiling water (cucumbers, peppers, green tomatoes, hard fruits);
  • preservative - vinegar, citric acid, Aspirin, salt, a large amount of sugar (pickled preparations, jam, jam) are introduced into the preservation.

Experienced cooks consider “hot” methods of processing containers to be the most reliable, and the use of sunlight, alcohol, potassium permanganate or vinegar is less effective.