Calculation of damage after an accident calculator. Car repair after an accident. What are the components of calculating damage from an accident under compulsory motor insurance?


According to the unified methodology for determining the amount of costs for restoration repairs in relation to a damaged vehicle within the framework of compulsory motor liability insurance approved by the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 2014.

Depreciation of a vehicle under compulsory motor liability insurance (parts, components, assemblies) is calculated using the following formula:

And ki - wear of a component (part, assembly, unit) (percent);
e is the base of natural logarithms (e ≈ 2.72);
Δ T is a coefficient that takes into account the influence on the wear of a component (part, assembly, unit) and its service life;
Tki - service life of a component product (part, unit, unit);
Δ L is a coefficient that takes into account the effect on the wear of a component (part, assembly, unit) of the mileage of the vehicle with this component;
Lki - vehicle mileage on the date of the traffic accident.

The values ​​of the coefficients ∆ T and ∆ L for various categories and brands of vehicles are given in Appendix 5 to this Methodology.

Motorists who have already encountered compensation from an insurance company know that the issue of calculating the amount of compensation is especially acute. In this article you will learn how to calculate the payment under compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident.

Regulatory documents regulating the amount of payments under compulsory motor liability insurance

  • Federal Law No. 40 of April 25, 2002;
  • Federal Law No. 263 of May 7, 2003;
  • Federal Law No. 238 of April 24, 2003.
  • Federal Law No. 135 of July 29, 1998;
  • Federal Law No. 361 of May 24, 2010.

Parameters on which the final amount of compensation under MTPL will depend

When determining the amount of compensation, the insurance company takes into account the following points:

  1. Degree of wear. When carrying out repair work or replacing spare parts, the cost of wear and tear of certain parts will be deducted.
  2. Compensation calculations are always carried out appraisal firms. When a car owner is not satisfied with the amount of compensation according to an expert’s assessment, he needs to photocopy the assessment report and then contact another company to calculate the MTPL payment again after assessing the condition of the car after an accident.

The calculation of the cost of compensation is always influenced by the following factors:

  1. part numbers or material name;
  2. economic region;
  3. the date when the traffic accident occurred;
  4. the reason for the damage to the car;
  5. make of the car damaged in the accident.

In the calculation process it is necessary to rely on unified directory of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. Distortion of the calculation results may occur if there are changes in the item name of the part and material. It is impossible to change only the date of the accident, since it is registered in all traffic police documents.

During their work, appraisers draw up two documents: vehicle valuation report and calculation, containing a market assessment of the cost of the damage caused. These two documents are inextricably linked. The data specified in the inspection report are calculated indicators for calculation. The inspection report reflects the following points:

  1. car model, information about its release, state number;
  2. information about the owner of the car;
  3. information about the damage that was caused to the car during an accident;
  4. necessary repairs.

Often, experts indicate in the vehicle inspection report only visible damage to the car, and do not take into account hidden ones.

The calculation is compiled taking into account the data obtained as a result of the inspection of the vehicle. It specifies the following points:

  1. type of repair;
  2. standard hours required to carry out all repair work;
  3. calculation of wear of vehicle parts;
  4. final cost indicator.

Unified methodology for calculating damage under compulsory motor liability insurance

In 2014, the Unified MTPL methodology began to work, which was developed by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. This methodology is the standard for calculating compensation payments under compulsory motor liability insurance. It is mandatory under compulsory motor liability insurance for appraisers, experts, and insurance companies. Previously, the methodology for calculating compensation payments existed in several versions; experts and appraisers could use one of them to choose from, which led to many contradictions. With the advent of the Unified Methodology, a lot has changed. Now all insurance company experts know how the MTPL payment is calculated according to the new rules.

Unified methodology for calculating damage under compulsory motor liability insurance regulates:

Before the official expert opinion, the driver can independently calculate the approximate amount of damage to the car. This is also necessary if the damage is apparently underestimated. The calculation is made using the calculator of payments for MTPL in case of an accident. Read more about the calculator in

  1. the procedure for determining the presence and origin of damage to the vehicle;
  2. the procedure for calculating the wear of spare parts to be replaced after an accident;
  3. the procedure for calculating the costs of materials, spare parts, as well as payment for repairs and restoration of a damaged vehicle;
  4. the process of calculating usable balances in cases where the machine cannot be restored;
  5. the procedure for maintaining and creating directories of the average cost of materials and consumables, as well as the number of standard hours;
  6. requirements for photographing a car damaged as a result of an accident.

Since 2014, since the advent of the Unified Calculation Methodology, experts have been required to assess the cost of a damaged car based on data from the unified RSA price database. But the unified price database contains data only for common car brands. If the make of the car of the victim in an accident is not in the unified database, then the calculation is made using one of the old methods.

The question of the difference between the cost of repairs calculated using this method and the real amount that the car owner spends on repairs remains open. This applies to the repair of expensive cars, when insurance company experts underestimate the cost of their repair. A unified calculation method has not resolved this problem.

With the introduction of the Unified MTPL methodology, the percentage of wear and tear has been reduced from 80 to 50 percent. The price base of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers is updated once every six months. This distances the real cost of car repairs from the cost calculated using the specified method.

About the new calculation method:

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Under auto insurance, the policyholder has the right to independently choose the method of receiving insurance compensation.

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Currently, car owners have access to such methods of obtaining compensation as monetary compensation for damage and vehicle repairs at the expense of the insurance company.

In what cases is it more advisable to choose car repairs instead of money, and how to calculate the cost of repairs, read on.

In what cases is it necessary

The methodology defines all stages and criteria for assessing the cost of repairs and is mandatory for all insurance companies and organizations conducting an independent examination.

In accordance with the developed document:

  • the cost of repairs is determined on the date of the accident and taking into account regional boundaries. That is, the cost of repairing the same element may differ on different days and in different cities;
  • When determining the cost of repairs, the wear and tear of the vehicle and individual components that are subject to restoration are taken into account. The maximum depreciation rate for 2020 is 50%.


To independently calculate the cost of restoration repairs, you can use the following formula:

Wed = Rpr+Rm+Rzch,

The amount of expenses for the purchase of spare parts (Rzch) is determined by the formula:

The cost of materials is determined by the following formula:

The costs of repair work are determined using a special reference book.


It is quite difficult to independently apply the formulas given in a unified methodology to calculate the cost of repair work.

Therefore, the RSA website has a special form that allows you to determine all the parameters in a few simple steps. It is the information from the RSA website that will be given as an example.

For example, to repair a car you need:

  • paint the rear bumper. The cost of the work is 550 rubles. It will take 0.9 standard hours to complete. That is, the real cost of the work will be 550 * 0.9 = 495 rubles;
  • paint the back door of the car. The cost is 550 rubles, but it takes 1.6 standard hours. We get 550*1.6 = 880 rubles;
  • Preparation for painting the door is estimated at 500 rubles, but completion requires 0.5 standard hours. The cost of the work will be 500 * 0.5 = 250 rubles;
  • Preparation for painting the bumper according to the reference book is estimated at 450 rubles and 0.5 standard hours, that is, it will be 450 * 0.5 = 225 rubles;
  • the unit needs to be replaced at a cost of 2,700 rubles (the cost is taken into account wear and tear);
  • the work to replace the unit will be 3,000 rubles.

Thus, the total cost of restoration repairs will be:

495+880+250+225+2700+3000 = 7,550 rubles.

Who is doing

Restoration repairs under compulsory motor liability insurance are carried out by an organization with which the insurance company has concluded a corresponding agreement.

As a rule, insurers enter into agreements with several repair organizations, and the policyholder has the opportunity to choose the most suitable one from the list presented.

When choosing a repair company, you need to consider:

  • workshop location. It is more advisable to choose companies located near your home or place of work. In this situation, it is easier to control the progress of repairs;
  • reputation of the organization. It is better to trust repairs to a company that has many grateful customers and is in demand among car owners. As a rule, such companies are official dealers or large organizations operating for more than 5 years.

It is not recommended to entrust repairs to small companies like “Uncle Vanya’s garage”, since the organization may not have the equipment and qualified personnel necessary for high-quality repairs.

What documents need to be submitted?

How to get ? After the occurrence of an insured event and its registration in accordance with current legislation, the insurance company is provided with:

  • or

    After receiving the examination and making a decision to recognize the accident as an insured event, the car owner is given a referral for car repair to a certain organization.

    A road user who is involved in an accident through no fault of his or hers can count on insurance compensation under a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. It is not the culprit of the accident himself who compensates for the damage caused to the victim, but his insurance company, with which he entered into a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement.

    Important! The owner of the MTPL policy does not receive any payments under this insurance, regardless of who is at fault. If he acts as an injured party, then the insurer of the culprit must transfer payments in his favor.

    On the contrary, if he is at fault, his insurance company sends the insurance compensation to the victim.

    Payments made in favor of the injured driver or pedestrian are aimed at covering the damage caused by the actions of the culprit. In particular, such deductions are aimed at:

    1. repairing the car to bring it to the condition it was before the accident;
    2. buying a new car if repair is not possible;
    3. treatment if damage to health is caused;
    4. purchase of medicines;
    5. reimbursement of expenses for tow truck services and transportation of victims to the hospital;
    6. coverage for damages associated with loss of ability to work;
    7. compensation for the funeral of a person killed in an accident.

    Despite the magnitude of the actual damage, based on Article 7 of the Federal Law “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners,” the maximum payment amount will be:

    • 500 thousand rubles if harm is caused to a person’s health or life;
    • 400 thousand rubles if property (car) was damaged.

    The amount of insurance coverage for victims of road accidents is determined by the rules established in legislative acts.

    1. The culprit of the accident is obliged to notify his insurance company within 5 days of the occurrence of an insured event under MTPL and attach a notice filled out by both parties. If this condition is not met, the insurer has the right to demand that the culprit compensate for the losses from his own pocket (recourse claim, Law No. 40-FZ, Art. 14). The recourse requirement applies to cases where the driver committed an accident while drunk. In both situations, the insurance will be paid to the victim, and the recovery of losses from the culprit will take place in court.
    2. The MTPL law obliges the insurance company, within 20 days from the date on which the insured event was registered, to carry out an examination of the damage to the vehicle, calculate and pay compensation or a justified refusal to pay (No. 40-FZ of April 24, 2002, Art. 12 , part 21). The money is transferred to a plastic card issued in advance by the insurance company. Only after receiving them will the injured driver be able to find out that the amount of compensation does not cover the costs of repairs. He has the right, with the help of an independent examination, to calculate the actual loss and ensure that the company pays fair compensation.
    3. The procedure for calculating insurance coverage is defined in Government Decree No. 263 of May 7, 2003. The document lists all types of damage that are subject to compensation. The lion's share of payments goes to repair costs: they give rise to a large number of disputes.
    4. In 2014, amendments were made to the main law, which established maximum payments under compulsory motor liability insurance. For harm caused to the health of victims, the company can pay up to 500 thousand rubles, the maximum payment for the restoration of a vehicle is 400 thousand rubles. (No. 223-FZ dated July 21, 2014).
    5. The Central Bank Regulations dated September 19, 2014 contain a methodology for calculating the cost of repairing a damaged vehicle (No. 432-P). Since 2014, all calculations for MTPL payments are made only on the basis of the rules developed by the RSA and approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    insurance payments

    insurance payment

    insurance payments

    insurance payments

    4 or more
    insurance payments

    For the reasons stated above, the only way to independently calculate the cost of repairs is to use the list of damages from the expert appraiser’s report and manually calculate the amount of the insurance premium using the RCA database.

    In general, calculating the cost of damage under compulsory motor liability insurance is a complex process that cannot be fully automated in the near future, since electronic systems are not yet capable of replacing humans in damage investigation.

    Single tariff

    So, first you need to understand what the methodology for calculating losses is. This is a rather complex concept. This method was developed specifically for insurers.

    This method is used to calculate the amount of compensation. Today, all insurance companies that provide relevant services use the methodology for calculating damage.

    Note! If you are involved in an accident, then you need to get compensation. Insurance company employees will need to determine the amount of insurance payments. A methodology will be used for this. After the payment has been made, funds will be sent to the client's account.

    What data does the method contain?

    What is contained in a single method:

    1. Various reference materials. Such materials are used to determine the amount of damage.
    2. Rules. When drawing up so-called expert reports, it is necessary to follow certain rules.
    3. Information about cars. The method contains various information about cars (model, engine size, color, and year of manufacture).
    4. Special algorithms. Such algorithms are used for calculations.
    5. Formulas. Used to determine the amount of damage.
    6. Definition of terms.

    Any Internet user can download the methodology for calculating losses. To find the calculation method, you need to use any search engine.

    The damage calculation methodology is not used to determine the cost of repair work on two-wheelers. It is also not used to determine the cost of work on premium cars.

    What a single technique can do:

    1. It is able to take into account the wear and tear of the vehicle.
    2. The technique can determine the coefficients.
    3. And the most important function is to calculate the cost of damage.

    Who should follow the procedure?

    All insurance companies must follow the methodology for calculating damages. They must comply with the requirements of current legislation. If the insurer does not comply with a unified methodology for calculating losses, then it will remain without a license.

    Until 2014, insurance agencies calculated damages and calculated the cost of compensation for damage using their tariffs. Often the amounts could differ several times from each other.

    However, then insurance organizations all had to switch to a single methodology. And this phenomenon had negative consequences: drivers received compensation at the bare minimum. Due to enormous dissatisfaction, cases on this issue have become more frequent in the courts.

    The judge was always on the side of the drivers, which is why the total amount of payments increased threefold, which significantly affected the insurance agencies. It was unprofitable for them to pay such large sums, because it threatened with outright bankruptcy. Therefore, a third option was required, and urgently.

    To resolve the problem with damage, the price of a car insurance policy increased by 30%. Next, the RCA document was developed, which stated a unified procedure for calculating payments. The Russian Union of Motor Insurers spent a lot of time and effort on developing this document.

    At the end of 2014, all insurance companies that operate under the MTPL system were transferred to a single standard for calculating damage to vehicles damaged as a result of an accident. Previously, each company calculated the amount of damage in its own way.

    Court decisions were generally not in favor of insurance firms. As a result, the amount of payments increased 3 times and insurers were left without profit. Urgent measures were required, otherwise the insurance business would simply become unprofitable.

    First, the auto insurance policy itself, which insures the motorist's liability, increased in cost by 30 percent. And after that, a document was issued that established a unified procedure for calculating the amount of insurance payment. The Russian Union of Motor Insurers did a lot of work on the document.

    The unified methodology for calculating damage under MTPL is a database that stores information on the cost of spare parts, the cost of standard hours for replacing various parts and the cost of consumables that are used to restore cars. This database was launched on December 1, 2014.

    In total, the system contains more than 40 million records, which cover most makes and models of cars. The database takes into account the specifics of the policyholder's geographic location. For such accounting, the territory of the Russian Federation was divided by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers into 13 economic zones.

    Important! The data was loaded into the system before the dollar increased, which sometimes makes it more profitable to have repairs done at an insured-certified service station instead of receiving direct financial compensation.

    Answer RESO-Garantiya Rosgosstrakh's response

    The amount of damage according to the court decision is RUB 155,523.03
    Instead of RUB 48,231.92 offered by the insurer

    The difference is more than 3 times!!!

    The amount of damage according to the court decision is RUB 270,479.54
    Instead of the 131,000 rubles offered by the insurer

    The difference is more than 2 times!!!

    After receiving refusals on pre-trial claims, cases were transferred to the courts, where positive verdicts were issued. The difference in the amounts of compensation calculated by the expert and proposed by the insurance company shows that a single methodology is untenable in relation to calculating prices for components, materials, and restoration work.

    Since September 19, 2014, the procedure approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has been used to calculate the amount of compensation for MTPL insurance events. It is described by Regulation No. 432-P.

    This document contains information “On a unified methodology for determining the amount of costs for restoration repairs in relation to a damaged vehicle.” It is used to calculate damage to a car after an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance.

    It contains reference information on average prices for components and repair work. These directories were developed by RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers). They are publicly available on the organization’s official website.

    An analysis of the proposed methodology and the content of price collections shows that Regulation No. 432-P was issued to reduce insurers' losses in terms of payment of compensation under MTPL policies. The methodology was adopted as a result of the RCA lobby.

    It does not allow calculating real, objective amounts of compensation. The provision is mandatory for application by both representatives of policyholders and independent experts who assess the amount of damage after an accident.

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    Discrepancy between average prices on the RCA website and real market prices

    Employees of the independent expert bureau "Invest Consulting" analyzed the RSA directories. As a result, a number of gross inconsistencies were identified.

    In January 2015, Invest Consulting employees carried out an examination of a Kia Rio, which was damaged in an accident. The car needed the rear bumper replaced and painted. The warranty period for the car had not expired at that time; the car was produced in 2013. underwent maintenance at an authorized dealer.

    Checking the cost of the part shows that PCA data underestimates its price by two times relative to the cost at the dealer and by 30% relative to retail prices in the store. Prices for restoration repairs are similarly low. You can see other examples of such inconsistencies here.

    Such examples show that it is impossible to use a database on prices for spare parts and refurbishment to calculate compensation after an accident. The information in the directory is not correct, and calculating compensation based on it does not allow obtaining full compensation for damage.

    Many car owners who have been involved in an accident are interested in the question of how the amount of payments under compulsory motor liability insurance is determined?

    Establishing a single standard

    At the end of 2014, all insurance companies that operate under the MTPL system were transferred to a single standard for calculating damage to vehicles damaged as a result of an accident. Previously, each company calculated the amount of damage in its own way. Sometimes the amount of several companies differed by 3 times. It ended with victims receiving minimal payments and motorists heading to the courts.

    Court decisions were generally not in favor of insurance firms. As a result, the amount of payments increased 3 times and insurers were left without profit. Urgent measures were required, otherwise the insurance business would simply become unprofitable.

    First, the auto insurance policy itself, which insures the motorist's liability, increased in cost by 30 percent. And after that, a document was issued that established a unified procedure for calculating the amount of insurance payment. The Russian Union of Motor Insurers did a lot of work on the document.

    Unified cost of repairs

    For some time now, any company that calculates the cost of repairing a damaged car has been using unified RCA sources in its work. So, car owners who have been in an accident no longer need to apply for an additional examination to assess how adequately the car insurer made the calculation.

    The amount of compensation depends on the following factors:

    1. Dates of the accident;
    2. Economic region;
    3. Car brands;
    4. Damaged part numbers.

    The results may be distorted only if any of the above parameters are changed. Of course, it’s stupid to talk about changing the car brand, but the part number can be changed.

    The appraiser who inspects the car may “forget” to include any damage in the report. So the repair of an unaccounted for part will not be recorded in the expert company's report. As a result, the payment amount may be artificially low.

    In order to avoid such a situation, the work of the appraiser should be carefully monitored. It is also recommended that you review the report carefully.

    How to calculate the cost of damage yourself?

    RSA specialists allowed motorists to independently calculate damages under compulsory motor liability insurance; a payment determination calculator was created specifically for these purposes. In order to double-check the results of the examination, motorists will only need to go to a special website where this calculator is located. In the latter, you will need to indicate the make, model of the car and its year of manufacture. You can also calculate the cost of individual parts. In this case, you will need to indicate the name of the material and part number. Information can be taken from a report made by an expert. But you can try searching on the Internet.

    After entering the data into the calculator, the car owner needs to double-check it. After all, if even one number is incorrectly indicated, then all the results may be distorted. At the same time, motorists need to keep in mind that the cost of no more than 3 parts can be calculated at the same time. So if the car has suffered a serious accident, its owner will need to use the service several times to find out the cost of spare parts.

    What to do if the insurance company underestimated the amount?

    If you suspect that the calculations were carried out incorrectly by the insurer, then you should proceed according to the following algorithm:

    1. Receive payment;
    2. Before repair work begins, show the car to an independent expert;
    3. Before carrying out repair work, any technical center assesses the damage and calculates the cost;
    4. When disassembling the car, damage control is carried out.

    As soon as you receive the vehicle acceptance certificate after the vehicle has been restored, you can contact the insurance company with a request for a recalculation.

    If we talk about accounting for wear and tear, its value cannot be set to more than 80 percent of the total cost. The Ministry of Transport issued an order according to which a list of vehicle elements was approved for which a wear value of 0 was determined when determining the cost of parts during repairs. If the parts of your car are included in this nomenclature, then the insurance company must recalculate the replacement of parts as new. In this case, mileage will be taken into account.

    Depreciation is determined based on the period of use of the vehicle. Moreover, the calculation of the operating period begins not from the moment the car is released, but from the moment it begins to actually be used. If you do not know this nuance, you may not notice the insurer’s deception and receive a refund in a smaller amount.

    If the insurer delays payment, the car owner can calculate the amount of the penalty online.

    Car owners always need to remember that only they are interested in correct calculations of the cost of car repairs. Therefore, you should not remain idle if the insurance company offers a very low payment for compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident. It is worth figuring out what amount you are actually entitled to.

    Payments to victims

    Speaking about the changes that the calculation of payments under compulsory motor liability insurance has undergone, we cannot fail to mention situations in which the health of participants in an accident suffers. From now on, all affected citizens are entitled to good financial compensation. Previously, insurance companies only reimbursed treatment costs that were supported by documents.

    According to the new methodology, payments for personal injury are now calculated using a special table that lists possible injuries.

    So any victim may be entitled to a fixed amount of money based on the injuries they sustained. Let's say, the amount of insurance compensation in case of a fracture of the forearm will be 20-60 thousand rubles. According to experts, as a result of the introduction of a new calculation method, the average insurance payment will increase 10 times.