Advantages of aerated concrete blocks: composition and characteristics. Advantages of aerated concrete blocks: composition and characteristics Information about the standard


GOST 31360-2007

Group G33




Wall unreinforced products of cellular autoclave curing concrete.

ISS 91.100.30
OKP 57 4140

Introduction date 2009-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and MSN 1.01-01-96 * "System of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions"
* The document was not accepted in the territory Russian Federation. Until 10/01/2003, SNiP 10-01-94 was in effect. - Database manufacturer's note.

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the institute NIIZHB - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NIC Construction" with the participation of TsNIISK im. Kucherenko, MGSU, VGASU (Voronezh), JSC "LZID" (Lipetsk), JSC "NLMK" (Lipetsk), LLC "AEROK" (St. Lipetsk), LLC "Reftinskoe association "Teplit" (Sverdlovsk region), JSC "Glavnovosibirskstroy", JSC "Cottage" (Samara), FGUP "211 KZhBI" (Leningrad region)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) (Minutes No. 32 of November 21, 2007)

Voted to accept:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the state construction management body


Ministry of Urban Development





Agency for Construction and Development of Territories

Department for Regulation of Urban Planning Activities of the Ministry of Regional Development


Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government



4 This standard is in accordance with European Standard EN 771-4:2003 "Specification for masonry units. Part 4: Autoclaved aerated concrete masonry units" in terms of assessing the conformity of the quality of products made of cellular concrete

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 21, 2008 N 109-st, the interstate standard GOST 31360-2007 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2009.

6 TO REPLACE GOST 21520-89 in terms of autoclaved cellular concrete products

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National Standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the "National Standards" index, and the text of the changes is published in the "National Standards" information indexes. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to non-reinforced wall products made of autoclaved cellular structural and heat-insulating concrete (hereinafter referred to as products) intended for use as load-bearing and self-supporting elements in the outer walls of buildings and structures with dry, normal and wet operating conditions in a non-aggressive environment, as well as for internal walls and partitions in rooms with a relative humidity of not more than 75% and a non-aggressive environment. At a relative air humidity of more than 75%, the inner surfaces of the outer walls made of products must have a vapor barrier coating.

This standard establishes technical requirements, test methods and assessment of the conformity of product quality with this standard based on test results.

Note - Reinforced products from autoclaved cellular concrete are made in accordance with GOST 19010.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 4.212-80 System of product quality indicators. Construction. Concrete. Nomenclature of indicators

GOST 3560-73 Steel packing tape. Specifications

GOST 7076-99 Construction materials and products. Method for determining thermal conductivity and thermal resistance in a stationary thermal regime

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications

GOST 10180-90 Methods for determining the strength of control samples

GOST 12730.1-78 Concrete. Density determination method

GOST 13015-2003 Reinforced concrete and concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 18105-86 Concrete. Strength control rules

GOST 18343-80 Pallets for bricks and ceramic stones. Specifications

GOST 19010-82 Concrete and reinforced concrete wall blocks for buildings. General specifications

GOST 21520-89 Small cellular concrete wall blocks. Specifications

GOST 24104-2001 Laboratory balance. General technical requirements

GOST 25485-86 Cellular concrete. Specifications*
*Probably an original error. You should read GOST 25485-89 Cellular concrete. Specifications, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

GOST 25898-83 Building materials and products. Methods for determining the resistance to vapor permeation

GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Prefabricated elements

GOST 27005-86 Light and cellular concretes. Medium Density Control Rules

GOST 27006-86 Concrete. Squad selection rules

GOST 30244-94 Construction materials. Flammability test methods

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 31359-2007 Autoclaved cellular concrete. Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards according to the "National Standards" index, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1 block: A product with a rectangular, as a rule, cross-section and a thickness slightly less than its width.

3.2 plate: A product with a rectangular cross section, the thickness of which is significantly less than other dimensions and is unchanged throughout the product.

3.3 U-shaped block: A product with a recess in the bed surface, running parallel to the larger linear size of the product.

3.4 grip pockets: Non-through recesses in the end surface of products, designed for manual carrying of products.

3.5 technological void: A through or non-through cavity molded or drilled into a product.

3.6 nominal size: The normalized size of the product, the actual size of which corresponds to the limits of permissible deviations.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Products must comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to the technological documentation approved by the manufacturer.

4.2 Main types and dimensions

4.2.1 Products are made in the form of blocks and plates. Blocks can be made with tongue-and-groove (lock) elements and pockets for gripping, as well as U-shaped.

Blocks can have technological through or non-through voids. The shape and dimensions of technological voids must correspond to those specified in the working documentation.

4.2.2 Products are manufactured with the maximum dimensions given in Table 1.

Table 1

In millimeters

Size name


4.2.3 Depending on the maximum deviations of dimensions, shape and appearance indicators, the products are divided into two categories, the requirements for which are given in table 2.

table 2

In millimeters

Name of indicator

The value of the indicator for products

Deviation of geometric dimensions, no more than:

By lenght

By width


Deviation from a rectangular shape (diagonal length difference), no more

Deviation from the straightness of the ribs, no more

Depth of broken corners, no more than two on one product, no more

Depth of broken ribs on one product overall length no more than twice the length of the longitudinal rib, no more


1 Corners and ribs broken off up to 3 mm deep for products of category I and up to 5 mm - for products of category II are not rejection defects.

2 The number of products with maximum deviations of geometric dimensions, shape, corners and ribs that exceed the limit should not be more than 5% of the number of products in each packaged unit.

3 Products of category I are recommended for laying on glue, category II - on mortar.

4 The dimensions of the broken products along the groove and ridge should not exceed: in depth - 10 mm, in length - 30 mm.

4.2.4 The manufacturer, at the request of the consumer, can manufacture products with dimensions other than those given in table 1, taking into account the requirements of table 2, based on the capabilities of the available equipment.

4.2.5 The symbolic designation of products should consist of the name of the product (block, plate), category designation in accordance with Table 2, dimensions in length, width and height (thickness) in millimeters, brand in average density, class in compressive strength, brand for frost resistance and designations of this standard.

An example of a symbol for a category I block, 600 long, 300 wide and 200 mm high, average density grade D500, compressive strength class B2.5, frost resistance grade F25:

Block I/600x300x200/D500/B2.5/F25 GOST 31360-2007

Plate I/1000x600x150/D500/B2.5/F25 GOST 31360-2007

It is allowed to include additional information in the symbol for the complete identification of products.

4.3 Characteristics

4.3.1 For products, the following physical, mechanical and thermophysical characteristics are determined:

- average density;

- compressive strength;

- thermal conductivity;

- shrinkage during drying;

- frost resistance;

- vapor permeability.

If necessary, establish other quality indicators in accordance with GOST 4.212 or the terms of the contract.

4.3.2 The manufacturer declares, and the customer chooses classes and grades of cellular concrete for the manufacture of products in terms of average density, compressive strength and frost resistance, as well as cellular concrete with the characteristics of thermal conductivity, drying shrinkage and vapor permeability in accordance with GOST 31359.

4.3.3 Average density The grade for the average density of cellular concrete products should not exceed D700. The actual average density of the cellular concrete of the products must correspond to the required one, determined in accordance with GOST 27005, depending on the normalized average density (average density grade) and the actual density uniformity of the cellular concrete.

4.3.4 Compressive strength The compressive strength class of cellular concrete products must be at least B1.5. The actual strength of cellular concrete products should not be lower than the required strength, determined in accordance with GOST 18105, depending on the normalized strength and the actual uniformity of cellular concrete in strength. The compressive strength classes of cellular concrete products are assigned in accordance with the standards building design depending on the operating conditions of the structures in which these products are used.

4.3.5 Thermal conductivity

For products intended for use in external enclosing structures of buildings and structures with normalized parameters of the internal microclimate, the thermal conductivity coefficient of cellular concrete products in a dry state should not exceed the values ​​established by GOST 31359.

4.3.6 Frost resistance For products subjected to alternating freezing and thawing, determine the brand of cellular concrete for frost resistance in accordance with GOST 31359. The grade of cellular concrete products for frost resistance is assigned depending on the operating conditions of the structure and the design winter temperatures of the outdoor air in the construction area in accordance with the building design standards and is taken not lower than:

F25 - for products intended for use in external walls;

F15 - for other products.

4.3.7 Dry shrinkage

Shrinkage during drying of cellular concrete products should not exceed the values ​​established by GOST 31359.

4.3.8 Vapor permeability

The vapor permeability of products is characterized by the coefficient of vapor permeability of cellular concrete used for the manufacture of products.

The vapor permeability coefficient of cellular concrete must comply with those given in GOST 31359.

4.3.9 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in products should not exceed 370 Bq/kg in accordance with GOST 30108.

4.4 Fire performance data

Products belong to the group of non-combustible materials (NG) in accordance with GOST 30244.

4.5 Material requirements

4.5.1 For the manufacture of products, structural and heat-insulating cellular concrete in accordance with GOST 31359 should be used.

4.6 Marking

4.6.1 Marking of products - according to GOST 13015 with the following additions.

4.6.2 Marking is applied to each packaging unit. Markings must be legible and weather resistant.

4.6.3 The marking must contain:

- trademark or name of the manufacturer;

- class of cellular concrete products in terms of compressive strength;

- brand of cellular concrete products by average density;

- brand of cellular concrete products for frost resistance;

- batch number;

- a mark on the passage of technical control.

4.6.4 Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

4.7 Packaging

4.7.1 Products are placed on pallets in accordance with GOST 18343 and fixed with a heat-shrink film, bandaged with polyester or steel tape in accordance with GOST 3560, or in another way that ensures the immobility and safety of products during transportation.

4.7.2 Upon agreement with the consumer, other types of packaging are allowed to ensure the safety of products during transportation.

5 Safety and environmental requirements

5.1 When processing products with tools and mechanisms that cause increased dust formation (wall chasers, grinders, etc.), it is necessary to take measures to protect the respiratory system and skin.

5.2 Wastes generated during the manufacture or use of products are subject to disposal in accordance with the current legislation in the field of protection environment.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Acceptance of products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13015, this standard, as well as the contract for the manufacture (supply) of products.

6.2 Products are accepted in batches. The batch is considered the number of products made from one raw material, according to one technology, one brand in average density, one class in compressive strength, in a volume not less than a shift, but not more than a daily output or order. A different batch size may be specified in the supply contract.

6.3 The manufacturer is responsible for the conformity of product quality with the requirements of this standard.

The quality of products is ensured by:

- input control of raw materials used for the manufacture of products;

- operational production (technological) control;

- acceptance control of finished products;

- constant statistical factory quality control of products.

Acceptance control includes acceptance and periodic tests carried out in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3

Name of indicator

Type of test

Frequency of control

Test method



Dimensions, straightness of ribs

Each batch

Diagonal length difference

Each batch

Depth of broken corners and ribs

Each batch

Average density

Each batch

Compressive strength

Each batch

Dry shrinkage

At least once a year, as well as when organizing mass production and changing raw materials

Thermal conductivity

Frost resistance

6.4 The manufacturer conducts additional tests of products for quality indicators not established by this standard, based on the intended purpose of the product within the time period agreed with the consumer.

6.5 For testing, at least 12 products are selected from different places of the lot by random selection. If more than three of the specified number of products do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size, appearance and shape, 24 products are selected from the lot.

If more than six products do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size, appearance and shape, a complete control of the batch of products is carried out for these indicators.

6.6 With satisfactory results of acceptance tests of products in terms of physical and mechanical indicators, the batch is accepted.

In case of unsatisfactory results of acceptance tests of products in terms of physical and mechanical indicators, an assessment is made of the stability of the technological process at the enterprise for the period during which unsatisfactory results were obtained, in accordance with the technological regulations.

6.7 The results of periodic tests are extended to all supplied batches of products until the next periodic tests are carried out.

6.8 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides of products is controlled during incoming inspection according to the documents of the enterprise - the supplier of raw materials. In the absence of data from the supplier of raw materials on the value, testing for this indicator should be carried out at least once a year and every time the supplier of raw materials is changed in accredited testing laboratories.

6.9 When organizing the production of products, changing the supplier of raw materials and before offering products for sale, tests are carried out to prove that the quality of products meets the requirements of this standard, including in terms of changed properties.

The rules for selecting products for testing during the organization of production and independent control are given in Appendix A.

6.10 When testing products by the consumer, inspection control and certification tests, the sample size and the rules for evaluating the results of control are taken in accordance with the requirements of this section, using the control methods in section 7.

In case of disagreement, a control check is carried out in the presence of a representative of the manufacturer. The list of controlled parameters is established by agreement of the parties.

6.11 The manufacturer must carry out quality control of materials and semi-finished products entering the enterprise and operational control of the production process. If significant changes occur in the starting materials or the production process that can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the finished product, then after eliminating these changes, the products are tested for all indicators in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

6.12 To assess the stability of the technological process at the enterprise, the results of quality control of finished products are monthly subjected to statistical processing and establish compliance with the requirements of the technological regulation.

6.13 The consumer has the right to check the compliance of the products specified in the order with the requirements of this standard, using the control procedure established by this standard. Checking products in terms of appearance is carried out before shipment from the manufacturer.

6.14 Each batch of products is accompanied by a quality document, which indicates:

- name and address of the manufacturer;

- purpose of products;

- conditional designation of products;

- the volume of the supplied batch, m;

- product dimensions;

- compressive strength class;

- mark on average density;

- brand for frost resistance;

- specific effective activity of natural radionuclides;

- coefficient of thermal conductivity of products in a dry state;

- shrinkage during drying;

- vapor permeability coefficient;

- number and date of issue of the quality document;

- batch number;

- designation of this standard.


7.8 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined according to GOST 30108.

7.9 It is allowed to use other methods during testing (with the exception of tests when putting products into production and in case of disagreement between interested parties), provided that these methods meet the following conditions:

- the presence of a correlation between the results obtained by the main and alternative methods;

- the availability of verification of information that is the basis for such a connection.

8 Transport and storage

8.1 Loading into vehicles and transportation of products is carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force on a particular type of transport.

Products are transported transport packages formed using pallets and fasteners.

8.2 When transporting products, products must be protected from mechanical damage and moisture.

8.3 Products must be stored by the manufacturer and consumer on level prepared areas on linings or pallets in conditions that exclude product moisture.

8.4 When monitoring the storage of products in the warehouse of finished products, they check the correct sorting of products by type, category, brand by average density, height of the stack of products in accordance with the technological regulations, as well as the implementation of measures to protect products from mechanical damage and moisture.

8.5 Products are stacked during storage. The height of the stack should ensure the safety of products.

8.6 Loading and unloading products from Vehicle should be made mechanized way with the help of special load gripping devices or in another way, excluding damage to the products.

Loading products "in bulk" and unloading them by dropping are not allowed.

8.7 The user is responsible for incorrect transport, unloading and storage on the construction site.

9 Instructions for use

9.1 Products are used in accordance with the requirements of current building codes, codes of practice or project documentation.

9.2 When installing products with the maximum dimensions specified in 4.2.2, small-scale mechanization should be used.

Annex A (mandatory). Rules for the selection of products for control during the organization of production and independent control tests

Annex A

A.1 When organizing the production of products and during independent control tests, the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of products are evaluated in accordance with this standard and declared by the manufacturer.

A.2 Representatives of all interested parties may participate in the selection of controlled items and the conduct of proof tests.

A.3 At least 12 products are selected for testing.

The number of test specimens is taken from Table A.1. Sampling is carried out no earlier than 12 hours after the end of autoclaving and unloading products from the autoclave.

Table A.1

Name of indicator

Item number

Test method

Number of samples

Dry shrinkage

A.4 The following methods of product selection are used: random selection, representative selection, selection of products from a stack.

A.5 Random selection is carried out in a manner in which all items have an equal probability of being selected in the sample. The required number of products is selected randomly, regardless of appearance selected products, with the exception of products damaged during transportation, which are not allowed to be selected.

NOTE Sampling of items in the above manner is possible if the items in the sample are transported unpackaged or if they are divided into a large number of small stacks before use.

A.6 If it is impossible to randomly select products, if there is access to a limited number of products, the method of representative selection is used. The stack is divided into at least six parts of equal size. From each part, an equal number of products is selected by random selection, but not more than four, so that a sample of the required size is obtained, regardless of the appearance of the products, with the exception of products damaged during transportation, which are not allowed to be selected.

NOTE When picking items, some parts of the stack should be moved aside to allow access to the items inside the stack.

A.7 When selecting products from a stack consisting of packed products, select at least six packages, from each of which an equal number of randomly selected products is selected, but not more than four so that a sample of the required size is obtained, regardless of the appearance of the products , with the exception of products damaged during transportation, which are not allowed to be taken away.

A.8 If selected devices are used in more than one test, subdivide the sample according to the number of devices used in a particular test.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and checked against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2008

The gas block is a modern porous building material, which is used to build the walls of the house. This material is absolutely safe, has sufficient strength and high resistance to fire. In this article, we will talk about the types, scope of the gas block, and also find out what autoclaved aerated concrete blocks are.

Composition and characteristics of gas blocks

The composition of aerated concrete includes sand, lime, cement, aluminum powder, so that the product is absolutely clean and is not capable of releasing harmful toxins. Thanks to natural components, the blocks are not subject to rotting processes, are easily processed and have high thermal and sound insulation properties. Due to the simple composition, the blocks are able to breathe, it depends on the porosity and favorably affects the microclimate of the house. Each product is manufactured according to technical documentation, and GOST 31360-2007 is also taken into account.

If we consider aerated concrete and their technical characteristics, we can distinguish the following types of products:

  • Straight block with special hand grip inserts.

Such a product is convenient to take and lay, it should be read, in the process of work there is a large consumption of glue, because. they need to fill in all the voids that have formed.

  • Wall block with a flat edge. Such a block is a regular rectangular shape. When laying, it can be difficult to move, so it is recommended to use a block with a grip for the construction of walls.
  • Aerated concrete block for the device of partitions. This is a block with a flat edge, due to its small dimensions, weight and thickness, it is convenient to use it in construction.
  • Groove-comb type wall block. The tongue-and-groove system is a high-tech system that allows you to easily and, most importantly, quickly build a structure. The advantage of this product is a significant savings in the adhesive solution and the absence of cold bridges on vertical seams. The photo shows the process of connecting the groove-ridge blocks.

For information! When performing external finishing of the building, at the joints, apply a thin layer of adhesive solution on the front side of the masonry, this will create additional insulation of the seam.

  • The U-shaped block is designed to neatly hide the reinforcement. After laying, all voids formed must be filled with adhesive or concrete mortar. Due to the large number of sizes, they are easy to use in construction. The photo shows U-blocks of different sizes

Properties and scope

Aerated concrete blocks and specifications are classified as cellular blocks. The material is a uniformly distributed closed air pores throughout the entire volume of the product. A similar technological process for the manufacture of aerated concrete blocks makes it possible to make warm, environmentally friendly material from cellular concrete. In operation, aerated concrete is simple and allows you to build structures of any configuration and complexity. Aerated concrete can be classified according to the degree of hardening, as well as the type of binder. Hardening methods are:

  • autoclave - hardening occurs at excessive pressure and high temperature inside a special autoclave oven;
  • not autoclaved - hardening occurs naturally, using heat and moisture treatment, and thermal exposure is also used at atmospheric pressure (most often it is used in construction, and is made in accordance with GOST 31360-2007).

The properties of autoclaved and non-autoclaved concrete are similar. The difference is that the non-autoclave method of hardening is less durable and gives more shrinkage to the structure, so experts do not recommend using it as a structural material. But the advantage of not an autoclave is its use in monolithic construction.

Cement, lime, gypsum or slag are used as binders. Astringent is distinguished by type:

  • the use of cement - aerated concrete;
  • the use of lime - gas silicate;
  • use of slag - gas-slag concrete;
  • the use of gypsum - gas gypsum.

All products are used in the construction of residential, industrial and commercial facilities. Aerated concrete is an efficient and economical product, with which you can quickly build any building for various purposes.

The structure of cellular cement behaves well in any climatic conditions, and aerated concrete is often used as thermal insulation. Structural modules of cellular concrete are used for the construction of such wall elements as:

  • external single, double or combination;
  • internal carrier or external;
  • separating partitions;
  • for filling voids in a steel or concrete framework.

In addition, aerated concrete modules are often used for the restoration or rebuilding (re-planning) of various structures. Due to its low weight (minimum weight 14 kg), it is used to build walls, floors for all types of houses and even for half-timbered building types. In the construction of high-rise structures, aerated concrete is used as insulation and sound insulation; for these works, a special block is produced for laying walls and floors. The cellular block is the most common material, in addition to standard products, they also produce: floor slabs, lintels, stair steps and panels.

For information! Experts have tried to use cellular concrete in the structural elements of the foundation and basement, but their use requires a thorough study of strength and durability.

Sizes and types of cellular blocks

Aerated concrete blocks and their dimensions are regulated in accordance with the approved project documentation. Used in production:

  • GOST 31360-2007 “Wall product made of cellular concrete, unreinforced, autoclaved”;
  • GOST 25485-89 "Aerated concrete";
  • GOST 21520-89 “Small cellular wall block”;
  • GOST 31359-2007 Specifications “Autoclaved cellular concrete blocks”.

Any error in the dimensions and parameters of the block reduces the laying time due to the lack of grinding and fitting.

Product sizes:

  • The thickness of the aerated concrete block is: 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 and 500 mm;
  • Length: 600 and 625 mm;
  • Partition module thickness: 100-150 mm;
  • Product height: from 200 to 300 mm;
  • Material weight: 5 - 34 kg;
  • 1 cubic meter contains from 13 to 33 pieces (the number may be less or more, depending on the thickness of the product);

Aerated concrete modules D 400 have the following parameters:

  • product thickness: 75 - 500 mm;
  • height 200*600 mm;
  • average dry density 400 kg per 1 cubic meter;
  • weight from 5 to 33 kg;

Parameters of aerated concrete modules D 500:

  • thickness: 75 - 500 mm;
  • height and length 200*600 mm;
  • average density (dry state) 500 kg per 1 cubic meter;

For information! For fast construction with a minimum of waste, use a 400 mm wide aerated concrete smooth block.

Advantages of the honeycomb module

  • Fire resistance.
  • High sound insulation. The porosity of the product allows you to create a first-class effect of absorbing all annoying noises.
  • Easy and rational processing. The product is easily processed using conventional tools (saw, milling cutter). The block can be cut at any angle, taking into account the desired slope or bevel. The sewerage, water supply and heating device is easier to lay and faster than in other wall structures.
  • Fast masonry allows you to lay out blocks 2.5 times faster than using bricks. Masonry is carried out using special adhesive solutions with a thickness of 1-2 millimeters, which significantly reduces material consumption. The video shows the process of building a house from aerated concrete
  • High dimensional accuracy. The production of blocks guarantees the exact shape of the product without errors and deformations.
  • Environmental friendliness. Thanks to simple components, cellular aerated concrete is compared with the qualities of wood.

Properly selected material will allow you to quickly and efficiently build a house of aerated concrete.

GOST 31360-2007

Group G33




Wall unreinforced products of cellular autoclave curing concrete.

ISS 91.100.30
OKP 57 4140

Introduction date 2009-01-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and MSN 1.01-01-96 "System of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions"

About the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the institute NIIZHB - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NIC Construction" with the participation of TsNIISK im. Kucherenko, MGSU, VGASU (Voronezh), JSC "LZID" (Lipetsk), JSC "NLMK" (Lipetsk), LLC "AEROK" (St. Lipetsk), LLC "Reftinskoe association "Teplit" (Sverdlovsk region), JSC "Glavnovosibirskstroy", JSC "Cottage" (Samara), FGUP "211 KZhBI" (Leningrad region)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) (Minutes No. 32 of November 21, 2007)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Code of the country
according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the state construction management body

Ministry of Urban Development





Agency for Construction and Development of Territories

Department for Regulation of Urban Planning Activities of the Ministry of Regional Development


Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government



4 This standard is in accordance with European Standard EN 771-4:2003 "Specification for masonry units. Part 4: Autoclaved aerated concrete masonry units" in terms of assessing the conformity of the quality of products made of cellular concrete

5 Order federal agency on technical regulation and metrology of May 21, 2008 N 109-st interstate standard GOST 31360-2007 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on January 1, 2009.

6 TO REPLACE GOST 21520-89 in terms of autoclaved cellular concrete products

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National Standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the "National Standards" index, and the text of the changes is published in the "National Standards" information indexes. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to non-reinforced wall products made of autoclaved cellular structural and heat-insulating concrete (hereinafter referred to as products) intended for use as load-bearing and self-supporting elements in the outer walls of buildings and structures with dry, normal and wet operating conditions in a non-aggressive environment, as well as for internal walls and partitions in rooms with a relative humidity of not more than 75% and a non-aggressive environment. At a relative air humidity of more than 75%, the inner surfaces of the outer walls made of products must have a vapor barrier coating.

This standard establishes technical requirements, test methods and assessment of the conformity of product quality with this standard based on test results.

Note - Reinforced products from autoclaved cellular concrete are made in accordance with GOST 19010.

2 Normative references

GOST 4.212-80 System of product quality indicators. Construction. Concrete. Nomenclature of indicators

GOST 3560-73 Steel packing tape. Specifications

GOST 7076-99 Construction materials and products. Method for determining thermal conductivity and thermal resistance in a stationary thermal regime

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications

GOST 10180-90 Methods for determining the strength of control samples

GOST 12730.1-78 Concrete. Density determination method

GOST 13015-2003 Reinforced concrete and concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 18105-86 Concrete. Strength control rules

GOST 18343-80 Pallets for bricks and ceramic stones. Specifications

GOST 19010-82 Concrete and reinforced concrete wall blocks for buildings. General specifications

GOST 21520-89 Small cellular concrete wall blocks. Specifications

GOST 24104-2001 Laboratory balance. General technical requirements

GOST 25485-86 Cellular concrete. Specifications*
*Probably an original error. You should read GOST 25485-89 Cellular concrete. Technical conditions, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

GOST 25898-83 Building materials and products. Methods for determining the resistance to vapor permeation

GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Prefabricated elements

GOST 27005-86 Light and cellular concretes. Medium Density Control Rules

GOST 27006-86 Concrete. Squad selection rules

GOST 30244-94 Construction materials. Flammability test methods

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 31359-2007 Autoclaved cellular concrete. Specifications

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards according to the "National Standards" index, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1 block: A product with a rectangular, as a rule, cross-section and a thickness slightly less than its width.

3.2 plate: A product with a rectangular cross section, the thickness of which is significantly less than other dimensions and is unchanged throughout the product.

3.3 U-shaped block: A product with a recess in the bed surface, running parallel to the larger linear size of the product.

3.4 grip pockets: Non-through recesses in the end surface of products, designed for manual carrying of products.

3.5 technological void: A through or non-through cavity molded or drilled into a product.

3.6 nominal size: The normalized size of the product, the actual size of which corresponds to the limits of permissible deviations.

4 Technical requirements

4.1 Products must comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to the technological documentation approved by the manufacturer.

4.2 Main types and dimensions

4.2.1 Products are made in the form of blocks and plates. Blocks can be made with tongue-and-groove (lock) elements and pockets for gripping, as well as U-shaped.

Blocks can have technological through or non-through voids. The shape and dimensions of technological voids must correspond to those specified in the working documentation.

4.2.2 Products are manufactured with the maximum dimensions given in Table 1.

Table 1

In millimeters

4.2.3 Depending on the maximum deviations of dimensions, shape and appearance indicators, the products are divided into two categories, the requirements for which are given in table 2.

table 2

In millimeters

Name of indicator

The value of the indicator for products

Deviation of geometric dimensions, no more than:

By lenght

By width


Deviation from a rectangular shape (diagonal length difference), no more

Deviation from the straightness of the ribs, no more

Depth of broken corners, no more than two on one product, no more

Depth of broken ribs on one product with a total length of no more than twice the length of the longitudinal rib, no more


1 Corners and ribs broken off up to 3 mm deep for products of category I and up to 5 mm - for products of category II are not rejection defects.

2 The number of products with maximum deviations of geometric dimensions, shape, corners and ribs that exceed the limit should not be more than 5% of the number of products in each packaged unit.

4 The dimensions of the broken products along the groove and ridge should not exceed: in depth - 10 mm, in length - 30 mm.

4.2.4 The manufacturer, at the request of the consumer, can manufacture products with dimensions other than those given in table 1, taking into account the requirements of table 2, based on the capabilities of the available equipment.

4.2.5 The symbolic designation of products should consist of the name of the product (block, plate), category designation in accordance with Table 2, dimensions in length, width and height (thickness) in millimeters, brand in average density, class in compressive strength, brand for frost resistance and designations of this standard.

An example of a symbol for a category I block, 600 long, 300 wide and 200 mm high, average density grade D500, compressive strength class B2.5, frost resistance grade F25:

Block I/600x300x200/D500/B2.5/F25 GOST 31360-2007

Plate I/1000x600x150/D500/B2.5/F25 GOST 31360-2007

It is allowed to include additional information in the symbol for the complete identification of products.

4.3 Characteristics

4.3.1 For products, the following physical, mechanical and thermophysical characteristics are determined:

average density;

Compressive strength;

Thermal conductivity;

Dry shrinkage;

Frost resistance;

Vapor permeability.

If necessary, establish other quality indicators in accordance with GOST 4.212 or the terms of the contract.

4.3.2 The manufacturer declares, and the customer chooses classes and grades of cellular concrete for the manufacture of products in terms of average density, compressive strength and frost resistance, as well as cellular concrete with the characteristics of thermal conductivity, drying shrinkage and vapor permeability in accordance with GOST 31359.

4.3.3 Average density The grade for the average density of cellular concrete products should not exceed D700. The actual average density of the cellular concrete of the products must correspond to the required one, determined in accordance with GOST 27005, depending on the normalized average density (average density grade) and the actual density uniformity of the cellular concrete.

4.3.4 Compressive strength The compressive strength class of cellular concrete products must be at least B1.5. The actual strength of cellular concrete products should not be lower than the required strength, determined in accordance with GOST 18105, depending on the normalized strength and the actual uniformity of cellular concrete in strength. Compressive strength classes of cellular concrete products are assigned in accordance with building design standards, depending on the operating conditions of the structures in which these products are used.

4.3.5 Thermal conductivity

For products intended for use in external enclosing structures of buildings and structures with normalized parameters of the internal microclimate, the thermal conductivity coefficient of cellular concrete products in a dry state should not exceed the values ​​established by GOST 31359.

4.3.6 Frost resistance For products subjected to alternating freezing and thawing, determine the brand of cellular concrete for frost resistance in accordance with GOST 31359. The grade of cellular concrete products for frost resistance is assigned depending on the operating conditions of the structure and the design winter temperatures of the outdoor air in the construction area in accordance with the building design standards and is taken not lower than:

F25 - for products intended for use in external walls;

F15 - for other products.

4.3.7 Dry shrinkage

Shrinkage during drying of cellular concrete products should not exceed the values ​​established by GOST 31359.

4.3.8 Vapor permeability

The vapor permeability of products is characterized by the coefficient of vapor permeability of cellular concrete used for the manufacture of products.

The vapor permeability coefficient of cellular concrete must comply with those given in GOST 31359.

4.3.9 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in products should not exceed 370 Bq/kg in accordance with GOST 30108.

4.4 Fire performance data

Products belong to the group of non-combustible materials (NG) in accordance with GOST 30244.

4.5 Material requirements

4.5.1 For the manufacture of products, structural and heat-insulating cellular concrete should be used in accordance with GOST 31359.

4.6 Marking

4.6.1 Marking of products - according to GOST 13015 with the following additions.

4.6.2 Marking is applied to each packaging unit. Markings must be legible and weather resistant.

4.6.3 The marking must contain:

Trademark or name of the manufacturer;

Class of cellular concrete products in terms of compressive strength;

Brand of cellular concrete products by average density;

Brand of cellular concrete products for frost resistance;

Batch number;

A mark on the passage of technical control.

4.6.4 Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

4.7 Packaging

4.7.1 Products are placed on pallets in accordance with GOST 18343 and fixed with a heat-shrink film, bandaged with polyester or steel tape in accordance with GOST 3560, or in another way that ensures the immobility and safety of products during transportation.

4.7.2 Upon agreement with the consumer, other types of packaging are allowed to ensure the safety of products during transportation.

5 Safety and environmental requirements

5.1 When processing products with tools and mechanisms that cause increased dust formation (wall chasers, grinders, etc.), it is necessary to take measures to protect the respiratory system and skin.

5.2 Waste generated during the manufacture or use of products must be disposed of in accordance with the current legislation in the field of environmental protection.

6 Acceptance rules

6.1 Acceptance of products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13015, this standard, as well as the contract for the manufacture (supply) of products.

6.2 Products are accepted in batches. The batch is considered the number of products made from one raw material, according to one technology, one brand in average density, one class in compressive strength, in a volume not less than a shift, but not more than a daily output or order. A different batch size may be specified in the supply contract.

6.3 The manufacturer is responsible for the conformity of product quality with the requirements of this standard.

The quality of products is ensured by:

Input control of raw materials used for the manufacture of products;

Operational production (technological) control;

Acceptance control of finished products;

Constantly carried out statistical factory quality control of products.

Acceptance control includes acceptance and periodic tests carried out in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3

Name of indicator

Type of test

Frequency of control

Test method



Dimensions, straightness of ribs

Each batch

According to GOST 26433.1

Diagonal length difference

Each batch

Depth of broken corners and ribs

Each batch

According to GOST 21520

Average density

Each batch

According to GOST 12730.1

Compressive strength

Each batch

According to GOST 10180

Dry shrinkage

At least once a year, as well as when organizing mass production and changing raw materials

According to GOST 25485

Thermal conductivity

According to GOST 7076

Frost resistance

According to GOST 31359, appendix B

Vapor permeability

According to GOST 25898

6.4 The manufacturer conducts additional tests of products for quality indicators not established by this standard, based on the intended purpose of the product within the time period agreed with the consumer.

6.5 For testing, at least 12 products are selected from different places of the lot by random selection. If more than three of the specified number of products do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size, appearance and shape, 24 products are selected from the lot.

If more than six products do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size, appearance and shape, a complete control of the batch of products is carried out for these indicators.

6.6 With satisfactory results of acceptance tests of products in terms of physical and mechanical indicators, the batch is accepted.

In case of unsatisfactory results of acceptance tests of products in terms of physical and mechanical indicators, an assessment is made of the stability of the technological process at the enterprise for the period during which unsatisfactory results were obtained, in accordance with the technological regulations.

6.7 The results of periodic tests are extended to all supplied batches of products until the next periodic tests are carried out.

6.8 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides A eff of products is controlled during the input control according to the documents of the enterprise - the supplier of raw materials. In the absence of data from the supplier of raw materials on the value of A eff, testing for this indicator should be carried out at least once a year and every time the supplier of raw materials is changed in accredited testing laboratories.

6.9 When organizing the production of products, changing the supplier of raw materials and before offering products for sale, tests are carried out to prove that the quality of products meets the requirements of this standard, including in terms of changed properties.

The rules for selecting products for testing during the organization of production and independent control are given in Appendix A.

6.10 When testing products by the consumer, inspection control and certification tests, the sample size and the rules for evaluating the results of control are taken in accordance with the requirements of this section, using the control methods in section 7.

In case of disagreement, a control check is carried out in the presence of a representative of the manufacturer. The list of controlled parameters is established by agreement of the parties.

6.11 The manufacturer must carry out quality control of materials and semi-finished products entering the enterprise and operational control of the production process. If significant changes occur in the starting materials or the production process that can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the finished product, then after eliminating these changes, the products are tested for all indicators in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

6.12 To assess the stability of the technological process at the enterprise, the results of quality control of finished products are monthly subjected to statistical processing and establish compliance with the requirements of the technological regulation.

6.13 The consumer has the right to check the compliance of the products specified in the order with the requirements of this standard, using the control procedure established by this standard. Checking products in terms of appearance is carried out before shipment from the manufacturer.

6.14 Each batch of products is accompanied by a quality document, which indicates:

Name and address of the manufacturer;

Purpose of products;

Symbolic designation of products;

The volume of the supplied batch, m 3;

Product sizes;

Compressive strength class;

Mark on average density;

Mark for frost resistance;

Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides;

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of products in a dry state;

Dry shrinkage;

Vapor permeability coefficient;

Number and date of issue of the quality document;

Batch number;

Designation of this standard.

7 Test methods

7.1 The dimensions and straightness of the ribs are determined according to GOST 26433.1. The depth of broken corners and ribs is determined according to GOST 21520, clause 3.3.

The difference in the lengths of the diagonals is determined by the values ​​of the lengths of the diagonals of the two largest faces of the product, measured with a metal tape measure according to GOST 7502 with an error of not more than 1 mm. The largest of the two obtained values ​​is taken as the measurement result.

7.2 The average density is determined according to GOST 12730.1.

7.3 Compressive strength is determined according to GOST 10180.

7.4 Drying shrinkage is determined according to GOST 25485, Appendix 2.

7.5 Thermal conductivity is determined according to GOST 7076.

7.6 Frost resistance is determined according to GOST 31359, Appendix B.

7.7 Vapor permeability is determined according to GOST 25898.

7.8 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined according to GOST 30108.

7.9 It is allowed to use other methods during testing (with the exception of tests when putting products into production and in case of disagreement between interested parties), provided that these methods meet the following conditions:

The presence of a correlation between the results obtained by the main and alternative methods;

The availability of verification of the information that is the basis for such a connection.

8 Transport and storage

8.1 Loading into vehicles and transportation of products is carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force on a particular type of transport.

Products are transported in overpacks formed using pallets and fasteners.

8.2 When transporting products, products must be protected from mechanical damage and moisture.

8.3 Products must be stored by the manufacturer and consumer on level prepared areas on linings or pallets in conditions that exclude product moisture.

8.4 When monitoring the storage of products in the warehouse of finished products, they check the correct sorting of products by type, category, brand by average density, height of the stack of products in accordance with the technological regulations, as well as the implementation of measures to protect products from mechanical damage and moisture.

8.5 Products are stacked during storage. The height of the stack should ensure the safety of products.

8.6 Loading and unloading of products from vehicles must be carried out mechanically using special load gripping devices or in another way that excludes damage to products.

Loading products "in bulk" and unloading them by dropping are not allowed.

8.7 The user is responsible for incorrect transport, unloading and storage on the construction site.

9 Instructions for use

9.1 Products are used in accordance with the requirements of current building codes, codes of practice or project documentation.

9.2 When installing products with the maximum dimensions specified in 4.2.2, small-scale mechanization should be used.

Annex A (mandatory). Rules for the selection of products for control during the organization of production and independent control tests

Annex A

A.1 When organizing the production of products and during independent control tests, the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of products are evaluated in accordance with this standard and declared by the manufacturer.

A.2 Representatives of all interested parties may participate in the selection of controlled items and the conduct of proof tests.

A.3 At least 12 products are selected for testing.

The number of test specimens is taken from Table A.1. Sampling is carried out no earlier than 12 hours after the end of autoclaving and unloading products from the autoclave.

Table A.1

A.4 The following methods of product selection are used: random selection, representative selection, selection of products from a stack.

A.5 Random selection is carried out in a manner in which all items have an equal probability of being selected in the sample. The required number of products is selected randomly, without paying attention to the appearance of the selected products, with the exception of products damaged during transportation, which are not allowed to be selected.

NOTE Sampling of items in the above manner is possible if the items in the sample are transported unpackaged or if they are divided into a large number of small stacks before use.

A.6 If it is impossible to randomly select products, if there is access to a limited number of products, the method of representative selection is used. The stack is divided into at least six parts of equal size. From each part, an equal number of products is selected by random selection, but not more than four, so that a sample of the required size is obtained, regardless of the appearance of the products, with the exception of products damaged during transportation, which are not allowed to be selected.

NOTE When picking items, some parts of the stack should be moved aside to allow access to the items inside the stack.

A.7 When selecting products from a stack consisting of packed products, select at least six packages, from each of which an equal number of randomly selected products is selected, but not more than four so that a sample of the required size is obtained, regardless of the appearance of the products , with the exception of products damaged during transportation, which are not allowed to be taken away.

A.8 If selected devices are used in more than one test, subdivide the sample according to the number of devices used in a particular test.

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INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION (ISC) GOST INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION (ISC) “2007 WALL PRODUCTS UNREINFORCED FROM AUTOCLAVE CELLULAR CONCRETE Specifications s t a n d a r t i z a t i o n s t h e ch n ic h n i c h n o m n o r m i r o v a n and u and sertifikatsi and in stroitelstve (MNTKS) 2008 development of specifications GOST 31360-2007 Foreword Objectives, basic principles and basic order of work according to interstate standardization, GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions” and MSN 1.01-01-96 “System of Interstate Regulatory Documents in Construction. Basic Provisions” Information about the standard 1 DEVELOPED by the Institute NIIZHB - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Research Center for Construction” with the participation of TsNIISK im. Kucherenko, MGSU. VGASU (Voronezh). JSC "LZID" (Lipetsk). OJSC NLMK (Lipetsk). AEROCK LLC (St. Petersburg). JSC "LKSI" (Lipetsk). OOO Reftinskoe association Teplit (Sverdlovsk region), OAO Glavnovosibirskstroy. JSC "Cottage" (Samara). FSUE "211 KZhBI" (Leningrad region) 2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction" 3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTCS) (Minutes No. 32 dated November 21, 2007 .) Voted for adoption: Abbreviated name of the country Number of the country Abbreviated name of the state body for QM Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard public t with I in the index "National standards".Information about changes to this standard is published in the index "Nationalstandards ", and the text of the changes - in the information signs" National standards ".In the event of a revision or withdrawal of this standard, the relevant information will bepublished in the information index "National Standards" © Standartinform. 2008 This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology GOST 31360-2007 M E F G O S U D A R S T V E N N Y STANDARD WALL PRODUCTS UNREINFORCED FROM AUTOCLAVE CELLULAR CONCRETE Specifications Wall unreinforced products of cellular autoclave cunng concrete. Specifications Date of introduction - 2 0 09-01-01 1 Scope This standard applies to non-reinforced wall products made from autoclaved cellular structural and heat-insulating concrete (hereinafter referred to as products) intended for use as load-bearing and self-supporting elements in the outer walls of buildings and structures with dry, normal and wet operating conditions in a non-aggressive environment. as well as for internal walls and partitions in rooms with a relative humidity of not more than 75% and a non-aggressive environment. At a relative air humidity of more than 75%, the inner surfaces of the outer walls made of products must have a vapor barrier coating. This International Standard establishes technical requirements, test methods and evaluation of conformity of product quality to this International Standard based on test results. Note - Reinforced autoclaved cellular concrete products are manufactured in accordance with GOST 19010. 2 Normative references This standard uses references to the following interstate standards: GOST 4.212-80 System of product quality indicators. Construction. Concrete. Nomenclature of indicators GOST 3560-73 Steel packaging tape. Specifications GOST 7076-99 Building materials and products. Method for determining thermal conductivity and thermal resistance under stationary thermal conditions GOST 7502-98 Measuring metal tapes. Specifications GOST 10180-90 Methods for determining the strength of control samples GOST 12730.1-78 Concrete. Density determination method GOST 13015-2003 Reinforced concrete and concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, marking, transportation and storage GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods GOST 18105-86 Concrete. Strength control rules GOST 18343-80 Pallets for bricks and ceramic stones. Specifications GOST 19010-82 Concrete and reinforced concrete wall blocks for buildings. General specifications GOST 21520-89 Small cellular concrete wall blocks. Specifications GOST 24104-2001 Laboratory balance. General technical requirements GOST 25485-86 Cellular concrete. Specifications GOST 25898-83 Building materials and products. Methods for determining the resistance to vapor permeation Official edition 1 GOST 31360-2007 GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Prefabricated elements GOST 27005-86 Lightweight and cellular concrete. Rules for the control of average density GOST 27006-86 Concrete. Rules for selecting the composition of GOST 30244-94 Building materials. Test methods for combustibility GOST 30108-94 Building materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides GOST 31359-2007 Autoclaved cellular concrete. Specifications Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards according to the index "National standards *, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected. 3 Terms and definitions The following terms and definitions are used in this standard: 3.1 block: A product with a generally rectangular cross-section and a thickness slightly less than its width. 3.2 plate: A product with a rectangular cross-section, the thickness of which is significantly less than other dimensions and is unchanged throughout the product. 3.3 U-shaped block 3.4 grip pockets 3.5 technological void: A through or non-through cavity molded or drilled in a product. 3.6 nominal size: The normalized size of the product, the actual size of which corresponds to the limits of permissible deviations. 4 Technical requirements 4.1 Products must comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to the technological documentation approved by the manufacturer. 4.2 Main types and dimensions 4.2.1 Products are made in the form of blocks and plates. Blocks can be made with tongue-and-groove (lock) elements and pockets for gripping, as well as U-shaped. Blocks can have technological through or non-through voids. The shape and dimensions of technological voids must correspond to those specified in the working documentation. 4.2.2 Products are manufactured with the maximum dimensions given in table 1. Table 1 In millimeters Dimensions Name of the size BLOCK PLATES Length 1500 625 Width 1 0 0 0 500 Thickness 600 - Height - 500 2 GOST 31360-2007 4.2.3 Depending on the maximum deviations of dimensions, shape and appearance indicators, the products are divided into two categories, the requirements for which are given in table 2. T a b l e 2 In millimeters The value of the indicator for products Name indicator category I category II Deviation of geometric dimensions, no more; - along the length ± 3.0 g 4.0 - along the width ± 2.0 2. 3.0 - along the height ± 1.0 g 4.0 Deviation from the rectangular shape (diagonal length difference), no more than 2 4 Deviation from the straightness of the ribs, no more than 1 3 more than two on one product, not more than 5 10 Depth of broken edges on one product with a total length of not more than twice the length of the longitudinal rib, not more than 5 10 category I and up to 5 mm - for products of category II are not rejected defects. 2 The number of products with maximum deviations of geometric dimensions, shape, corners and ribs that exceed the limit should not be more than 5% of the number of products in each packaged unit. 3 Products of category I are recommended for laying on glue, category II - on mortar. 4 The dimensions of the broken products along the groove and ridge should not exceed: in depth - 10 mm. length - 30 mm. 4.2.4 The manufacturer, at the request of the consumer, can manufacture products with dimensions other than those given in table 1, taking into account the requirements of table 2. based on the capabilities of the available equipment. 4.2.5 The symbolic designation of products should consist of the name of the product (block, plate), category designation in accordance with Table 2. dimensions for length, width and height (thickness) in millimeters, brand for average density, class for compressive strength, brand for frost resistance and designations of this standard. An example of a symbol for a category I block, length 600. 300 wide and 200 mm high. marks on average density D500. compressive strength class B2.5. frost resistance grades F25: Block I / 600 * 300 y 200/D 5 0 0 /B 2 .5 /F 2 5 GOST 31 3 6 0 -2 0 0 7 slabs of category I, 1000 long. 600 wide and 150 mm thick. marks on average density D500. compressive strength class B2.5. frost resistance grades F25: P l and that I / 1000 y 600 y 150 / D 500 / V 2 .5 / F 2 5 GOST 31360-2007 It is allowed to include additional information in the symbol for the complete identification of products. 4.3 Characteristics 4.3.1 For products, the following physical, mechanical and thermophysical characteristics are determined: - average density; - compressive strength. - thermal conductivity; - shrinkage during drying; - frost resistance; - vapor permeability. 3 GOST 31360-2007 If necessary, establish other quality indicators in accordance with GOST 4.212 or the terms of the contract. 4.3.2 The manufacturer declares, and the customer chooses classes and grades of cellular concrete for the manufacture of products in terms of average density, compressive strength and frost resistance, as well as cellular concrete with the characteristics of thermal conductivity, drying shrinkage and vapor permeability in accordance with GOST 31359. 4.3.3 Aden density The grade for the average density of cellular concrete products should not exceed D700. The actual average density of the cellular concrete of the products shall correspond to the required one. determined in accordance with GOST 27005, depending on the normalized average density (grade according to average density) and the actual density uniformity of cellular concrete. 4.3.4 Compressive strength The compressive strength class of cellular concrete products shall be at least B1.5. The actual strength of cellular concrete products shall not be lower than the required strength. determined according to GOST 18105 depending on the normalized strength and the actual strength uniformity of cellular concrete. Compressive strength classes of cellular concrete products are assigned in accordance with building design standards, depending on the operating conditions of the structures in which these products are used. 4.3.5 Thermal conductivity For products intended for use in external enclosing structures of buildings and structures with normalized parameters of the internal microclimate, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of cellular concrete products in a dry state should not exceed the values ​​established by GOST 31359. 4.3.6 Frost resistance For products subjected to intermittent freezing and thawing, determine the brand of cellular concrete for frost resistance in accordance with GOST 31359. design and accept not lower than: F25 - for products intended for use in external walls; F15 - for other products. 4.3.7 Shrinkage during drying Shrinkage during drying of cellular concrete products should not exceed the values ​​established by GOST 31359. 4.3.8 Vapor permeability Vapor permeability of products is characterized by the coefficient of vapor permeability of cellular concrete used for the manufacture of products. The vapor permeability coefficient of cellular concrete must correspond to those given in GOST 31359. 4.3.9 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in products must not exceed 370 Bq/kg in accordance with GOST 30108. in accordance with GOST 30244. 4.5 Requirements for materials 4.5.1 For the manufacture of products, structural and heat-insulating cellular concrete according to GOST 31359 shall be used. 4.6 Marking 4.6.1 Marking of products - according to GOST 13015 with the following additions. 4.6.2 Marking is applied to each packaging unit. Markings must be legible and weather resistant. 4.6.3 The marking must contain: - trademark or name of the manufacturer; - class of cellular concrete products in terms of compressive strength; - brand of cellular concrete products by average density; - brand of cellular concrete products for frost resistance; - batch number; - a mark on the passage of technical control. 4.6.4 Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192. 4 GOST 31360-2007 4.7 Packaging 4.7.1 Products are placed on pallets in accordance with GOST 18343 and fixed with a heat-shrink film, bandaged with polyester or steel tape in accordance with GOST 3560 or in another way that ensures immobility and safety products during transportation. 4.7.2 Upon agreement with the consumer, other types of packaging are allowed to ensure the safety of products during transportation. 5 Requirements for safety and environmental protection 5.1 When processing products with tools and mechanisms that cause increased dust formation (wall chasers, grinders, etc.), it is necessary to take measures to protect the respiratory organs and skin. 5.2 Waste generated during the manufacture or use of products must be disposed of in accordance with the current legislation in the field of environmental protection. 6 Acceptance rules 6.1 Acceptance of products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13015, this standard. as well as contracts for the manufacture (supply) of products. 6.2 Products are accepted in batches. The batch is considered the number of products made from one raw material, according to one technology, one brand in average density, one class in compressive strength, in a volume not less than a shift, but not more than a daily output or order. A different batch size may be specified in the supply contract. 6.3 The manufacturer is responsible for the conformity of product quality with the requirements of this standard. The quality of products is ensured by: - ​​input control of raw materials used for the manufacture of products; - operational production (technological) control; - acceptance control of finished products; - constant statistical factory quality control of products. Acceptance control includes acceptance and periodic tests carried out in accordance with Table 3. T a b l e 3 Type of test Name of indicator Periodicity of control Test method Acceptance period Acceptance check Dimensions, straightness of ribs + - Each batch According to GOST 26433.1 Difference lengths of diagonals + - Each batch According to 7.1 Depth of corners and ribs chipping + - Each batch According to GOST 21520 Average density ♦ - Each batch According to GOST 12730.1 Compressive strength + - Each batch According to GOST 10180; Drying shrinkage - ♦ At least once per GOST 254 85 year. as well as when organizing Thermal conductivity - ♦ mass production According to GOST 7076 Frost resistance - ♦ water and change of raw materials According to GOST 31359. Appendix B Vapor permeability - ♦ According to GOST 25898 products, within the terms agreed with the consumer. 5 GOST 31360-2007 6.5 For testing, at least 12 products are selected from different places of the lot by random selection. If more than three of the specified number of products do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size, appearance and shape, 24 products are taken from the lot. If more than six products do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size, appearance and shape, a complete control of the batch of products is carried out for these indicators. 6.6 With satisfactory results of acceptance tests of products in terms of physical and mechanical indicators, the batch is accepted. In case of unsatisfactory results of acceptance tests of products in terms of physical and mechanical indicators, the stability of the technological process at the enterprise is assessed for the period during which unsatisfactory results were obtained, in accordance with the technological regulations. 6.7 The results of periodic tests are extended to all supplied batches of products until the next periodic tests are carried out. 6.8 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides L^f of products is controlled during the input control according to the documents of the enterprise - the supplier of raw materials. In the absence of data from the supplier of raw materials on the value Alff testing for this indicator should be carried out at least once a year and every time a supplier of raw materials is changed in accredited testing laboratories. 6.9 When organizing the production of products, changing the supplier of raw materials and before offering products for sale, tests are carried out to prove that the quality of products meets the requirements of this standard, including in terms of changed properties. The rules for selecting products for testing during the organization of production and independent control are given in Appendix A. section 7. In case of disagreement, a control check is carried out in the presence of a representative of the manufacturer. The list of controlled parameters is established by agreement of the parties. 6.11 The manufacturer must carry out quality control of materials and semi-finished products entering the enterprise and operational control of the production process. If significant changes occur in the raw materials or the production process that can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the finished product, then after eliminating these changes, the products are tested for all indicators in accordance with the requirements of this standard. 6.12 To assess the stability of the technological process at the enterprise, the results of quality control of finished products are monthly subjected to statistical processing and establish compliance with the requirements of the technological regulation. 6.13 The consumer has the right to check the conformity of the products specified in the order with the requirements of this standard, using the control procedure established by this standard. Checking products in terms of appearance is carried out before shipment from the manufacturer. 6.14 Each batch of products is accompanied by a quality document, which indicates: - name and address of the manufacturer: - purpose of products; - conditional designation of products; - volume of the supplied batch, m3; - product dimensions; - compressive strength class; - mark on average density; - brand for frost resistance; - specific effective activity of natural radionuclides; - coefficient of thermal conductivity of products in a dry state; - shrinkage during drying; - vapor permeability coefficient: - number and date of issue of the quality document; - batch number; - designation of this standard. 6 GOST 31360-2007 7 Test methods 7.1 The dimensions and straightness of the ribs are determined according to GOST 26433.1. The depth of broken corners and ribs is determined according to GOST 21520. clause 3.3. The difference in the lengths of the diagonals is determined by the values ​​of the lengths of the diagonals of the two largest faces of the product, measured with a metal tape measure according to GOST 7502 with an error of not more than 1 mm. The measurement result is taken as the largest of the two values ​​obtained. 7.2 The average density is determined according to GOST 12730.1. 7.3 Compressive strength is determined according to GOST 10180. 7.4 Drying shrinkage is determined according to GOST 25485. Appendix 2. 7.5 Thermal conductivity is determined according to GOST 7076. 7.6 Frost resistance is determined according to GOST 31359. Appendix B. radionuclides are determined in accordance with GOST 30108. 7.9 It is allowed to use other methods during testing (with the exception of tests when putting products into production and in case of disagreement between interested parties), provided that these methods meet the following conditions: - the presence of a correlation between the results, obtained by the main and alternative methods; - the availability of verification of information that is the basis for such a connection. 8 Transportation and storage 8.1 Loading into vehicles and transportation of products is carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for a particular type of transport. Products are transported in overpacks formed using pallets and fasteners. 8.2 When transporting products, products must be protected from mechanical damage and moisture. 8.3 Products must be stored by the manufacturer and consumer on level prepared areas on linings or pallets in conditions that exclude product moisture. 8.4 When monitoring the storage of products in the warehouse of finished products, they check the correct sorting of products by types, categories, brands by average density, height of the stack of products in accordance with the technological regulations, as well as the implementation of measures to protect products from mechanical damage and moisture. 8.5 Products are stacked during storage. The height of the stack should ensure the safety of products. 8.6 Loading and unloading of products from vehicles should be carried out mechanically using special load gripping devices or in another way that excludes damage to products. Loading products "in bulk" and unloading them by dropping are not allowed. 8.7 The user is responsible for incorrect transport, unloading and storage on the construction site. 9 Instructions for use 9.1 Products are used in accordance with the requirements of current building codes, codes of practice or project documentation. 9.2 When installing products with the maximum dimensions specified in 4.2.2. small-scale mechanization should be used. 7 GOST 31360-2007 Appendix A (mandatory) Rules for the selection of products for control during the organization of production and independent control tests standard and declared by the manufacturer. A.2 Representatives of all interested parties may participate in the selection of controlled items and the conduct of proof tests. A.3 At least 12 items are selected for testing. The number of test specimens is taken from Table A.1. Sampling is carried out no earlier than 12 hours after the end of autoclaving and unloading products from the autoclave. Table A.1 Name of indicator Item number Test method Number of specimens Dimensions 4.2.2. 4.2.3 According to GOST 26433.1 6 Average density 4.3.3 According to GOST 12730.1 6 Compressive strength 4.3.4 According to GOST 10180 6 Thermal conductivity 4.3.5 According to GOST 7076 3 Frost resistance 4.3.6 According to GOST 31359 24 Drying shrinkage 4.3.7 According to GOST 25485 3 A.4 The following methods of product selection are used: random selection, representative selection, selection of products from a stack. A.5 Random selection is carried out in a manner in which all items have an equal probability of being selected in the sample. The required number of products is selected randomly, without paying attention to the appearance of the selected products, with the exception of products damaged during transportation, which are not allowed to be selected. NOTE Sampling of items in the above manner is possible if the items in the sample are transported unpackaged or if they are divided into a large number of small piles before use. A.6 If it is impossible to randomly select products, if there is access to a limited number of products, the method of representative selection is used. The stack is divided into at least six parts of equal size. From each part, an equal number of products is selected by random selection, but not more than four. so that a sample of the required size is obtained, regardless of the appearance of the products, with the exception of products damaged during transportation, which are not allowed to be selected. NOTE When picking up items, move away some parts of the stack to allow access to the items inside the stack. A.7 When selecting items from a stack of packaged items, select at least six packages. from each of which an equal number of randomly selected products are selected, but not more than four. so that a sample of the required size is obtained, regardless of the appearance of the products, with the exception of products. damaged during transportation, which are not allowed to be taken away. A.8 If selected devices are used in more than one test, subdivide the sample according to the number of devices used in a particular test. 8 GOST 31360-2007 UDC 691.327-412:006.354 MKS91.100.30 ZHZZ OKP574140 Key words: autoclaved cellular concrete, non-reinforced wall products, external walls of buildings and structures, internal walls and partitions, technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods 9 Р e yes who r V.N. Kopysoa T e ch n ic e r e d o r N.S. Grishanova C o r r e who r EM - Dulmvva C o m p u t e r I.A. Napeikina Given in set 2 3 .0 6 .2 0 0 8 . Signed in the seal 2 1 .0 7 .2 0 0 8 . Format 8 0 - 8 4 / . B um ata o f s e t n a i. Typeface Arial Offset printing. At el. p e h. l. 1.40. At h and s d. l. 1.10. Ti r a * 2 4 6 em. Z a k 912 . FGUP "S T A N D L R T I I F O R M", 123 995 Moscow 4 vk-ww.gos!info.ruin fo @ gos tin fo .iu T I I F O R M ”on a PC - type p. L i l i n p e. 8.GOST 31360-2007

GOST 31360-2007 Non-reinforced wall products made of autoclaved cellular concrete. Specifications

Adopted November 21, 2007
Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction
  1. GOST 31360-2007
  2. Group G33
  6. Specifications
  7. Wall unreinforced products of cellular autoclave curing concrete.
  8. Specifications
  9. ISS 91.100.30
  10. OKP 57 4140
  11. Introduction date 2009-01-01
  12. Foreword
  13. The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and MSN 1.01-01-96 "System of interstate regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions"
  14. About the standard
  15. 1 DEVELOPED by the institute NIIZHB - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NIC Construction" with the participation of TsNIISK im. Kucherenko, MGSU, VGASU (Voronezh), JSC "LZID" (Lipetsk), JSC "NLMK" (Lipetsk), LLC "AEROK" (St. Lipetsk), LLC "Reftinskoe association "Teplit" (Sverdlovsk region), JSC "Glavnovosibirskstroy", JSC "Cottage" (Samara), FGUP "211 KZhBI" (Leningrad region)
  16. 2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"
  17. 3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) (Minutes No. 32 of November 21, 2007)
  18. Voted to accept:
  19. 4 This standard is in accordance with European Standard EN 771-4:2003 "Specification for masonry units. Part 4: Autoclaved aerated concrete masonry units" in terms of assessing the conformity of the quality of products made of cellular concrete
  20. 5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated May 21, 2008 N 109-st, the interstate standard GOST 31360-2007 was put into effect as the national standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2009.
  21. 6 TO REPLACE GOST 21520-89 in terms of autoclaved cellular concrete products
  22. Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National Standards".
  23. Information about changes to this standard is published in the "National Standards" index, and the text of the changes is published in the "National Standards" information indexes. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the information index "National Standards"
  24. 1 area of ​​use
  25. This standard applies to non-reinforced wall products made of autoclaved cellular structural and heat-insulating concrete (hereinafter referred to as products) intended for use as load-bearing and self-supporting elements in the outer walls of buildings and structures with dry, normal and wet operating conditions in a non-aggressive environment, as well as for internal walls and partitions in rooms with a relative humidity of not more than 75% and a non-aggressive environment. At a relative air humidity of more than 75%, the inner surfaces of the outer walls made of products must have a vapor barrier coating.
  26. This standard establishes technical requirements, test methods and assessment of the conformity of product quality with this standard based on test results.
  27. Note - Reinforced products from autoclaved cellular concrete are made in accordance with GOST 19010.
  28. 2 Normative references
  29. This standard uses references to the following interstate standards:
  30. GOST 4.212-80 System of product quality indicators. Construction. Concrete. Nomenclature of indicators
  31. GOST 3560-73 Steel packing tape. Specifications
  32. GOST 7076-99 Construction materials and products. Method for determining thermal conductivity and thermal resistance in a stationary thermal regime
  33. GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications
  34. GOST 10180-90 Methods for determining the strength of control samples
  35. GOST 12730.1-78 Concrete. Density determination method
  36. GOST 13015-2003 Reinforced concrete and concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, labeling, transportation and storage
  37. GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods
  38. GOST 18105-86 Concrete. Strength control rules
  39. GOST 18343-80 Pallets for bricks and ceramic stones. Specifications
  40. GOST 19010-82 Concrete and reinforced concrete wall blocks for buildings. General specifications
  41. GOST 21520-89 Small cellular concrete wall blocks. Specifications
  42. GOST 24104-2001 Laboratory balance. General technical requirements
  43. GOST 25485-86 Cellular concrete. Specifications*
  44. _______________
    *Probably an original error. You should read GOST 25485-89 Cellular concrete. Technical conditions, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

  45. GOST 25898-83 Building materials and products. Methods for determining the resistance to vapor permeation
  46. GOST 26433.1-89 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Prefabricated elements
  47. GOST 27005-86 Light and cellular concretes. Medium Density Control Rules
  48. GOST 27006-86 Concrete. Squad selection rules
  49. GOST 30244-94 Construction materials. Flammability test methods
  50. GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides
  51. GOST 31359-2007 Autoclaved cellular concrete. Specifications
  52. Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards according to the "National Standards" index, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (modified), then when using this standard, you should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the referenced standard is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.
  53. 3 Terms and definitions
  54. In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:
  55. 3.1 block: A product with a rectangular, as a rule, cross-section and a thickness slightly less than its width.
  56. 3.2 plate: A product with a rectangular cross-section, the thickness of which is significantly less than other dimensions and is unchanged throughout the product.
  57. 3.3 U-shaped block
  58. 3.4 grip pockets
  59. 3.5 technological void: A through or non-through cavity molded or drilled in a product.
  60. 3.6 nominal size: The normalized size of the product, the actual size of which corresponds to the limits of permissible deviations.
  61. 4 Technical requirements
  62. 4.1 Products must comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to the technological documentation approved by the manufacturer.
  63. 4.2 Main types and dimensions
  64. 4.2.1 Products are made in the form of blocks and plates. Blocks can be made with tongue-and-groove (lock) elements and pockets for gripping, as well as U-shaped.
  65. Blocks can have technological through or non-through voids. The shape and dimensions of technological voids must correspond to those specified in the working documentation.
  66. 4.2.2 Products are manufactured with the maximum dimensions given in Table 1.
  67. Table 1
  68. In millimeters
  69. 4.2.3 Depending on the maximum deviations of dimensions, shape and appearance indicators, the products are divided into two categories, the requirements for which are given in table 2.
  70. table 2
  71. In millimeters
  72. Name of indicator Category I Category IIDeviation of geometric dimensions, no more than:- along the length ±3.0 ±4.0- in width ±2.0 ±3.0- in height ±1.0 ±4.0Deviation from rectangular shape (diagonal length difference), no more than 2 4Deviation from the straightness of the ribs, no more than 1 3Depth of broken corners, no more than two on one product, no more than 5 10Depth of broken ribs on one product with a total length of no more than twice the length of the longitudinal rib, no more than 5 10
    The value of the indicator for products
    Notes 1 Corners and ribs broken off with a depth of up to 3 mm for products of category I and up to 5 mm for products of category II are not rejection defects. 2 The number of products with maximum deviations of geometric dimensions, shape, corners and ribs that exceed the limit should not be more than 5% of the number of products in each packaged unit. 3 Products of category I are recommended for laying on glue, category II - on mortar. 4 The dimensions of the broken products along the groove and ridge should not exceed: in depth - 10 mm, in length - 30 mm.
  73. 4.2.4 The manufacturer, at the request of the consumer, can manufacture products with dimensions other than those given in table 1, taking into account the requirements of table 2, based on the capabilities of the available equipment.
  74. 4.2.5 The symbolic designation of products should consist of the name of the product (block, plate), category designation in accordance with Table 2, dimensions in length, width and height (thickness) in millimeters, brand in average density, class in compressive strength, brand for frost resistance and designations of this standard.
  75. An example of a symbol for a category I block, 600 long, 300 wide and 200 mm high, average density grade D500, compressive strength class B2.5, frost resistance grade F25:
  76. Block I/600x300x200/D500/B2.5/F25 GOST 31360-2007
  77. plates of category I, 1000 long, 600 wide and 150 mm thick, average density grade D500, compressive strength class B2.5, frost resistance grade F25:
  78. Plate I/1000x600x150/D500/B2.5/F25 GOST 31360-2007
  79. It is allowed to include additional information in the symbol for the complete identification of products.
  80. 4.3 Characteristics
  81. 4.3.1 For products, the following physical, mechanical and thermophysical characteristics are determined:
  82. - average density;
  83. - compressive strength;
  84. - thermal conductivity;
  85. - shrinkage during drying;
  86. - frost resistance;
  87. - vapor permeability.
  88. If necessary, establish other quality indicators in accordance with GOST 4.212 or the terms of the contract.
  89. 4.3.2 The manufacturer declares, and the customer chooses classes and grades of cellular concrete for the manufacture of products in terms of average density, compressive strength and frost resistance, as well as cellular concrete with the characteristics of thermal conductivity, drying shrinkage and vapor permeability in accordance with GOST 31359.
  90. 4.3.3 Average density
  91. The grade for the average density of cellular concrete products should not exceed D700.
  92. The actual average density of the cellular concrete of the products must correspond to the required one, determined in accordance with GOST 27005, depending on the normalized average density (average density grade) and the actual density uniformity of the cellular concrete.
  93. 4.3.4 Compressive strength
  94. The compressive strength class of cellular concrete products must be at least B1.5.
  95. The actual strength of cellular concrete products should not be lower than the required strength, determined in accordance with GOST 18105, depending on the normalized strength and the actual uniformity of cellular concrete in strength.
  96. Compressive strength classes of cellular concrete products are assigned in accordance with building design standards, depending on the operating conditions of the structures in which these products are used.
  97. 4.3.5 Thermal conductivity
  98. For products intended for use in external enclosing structures of buildings and structures with normalized parameters of the internal microclimate, the thermal conductivity coefficient of cellular concrete products in a dry state should not exceed the values ​​established by GOST 31359.
  99. 4.3.6 Frost resistance
  100. For products subjected to alternating freezing and thawing, determine the brand of cellular concrete for frost resistance in accordance with GOST 31359.
  101. The grade of cellular concrete products for frost resistance is assigned depending on the operating conditions of the structure and the design winter temperatures of the outdoor air in the construction area in accordance with the building design standards and is taken not lower than:
  102. F25 - for products intended for use in external walls;
  103. F15 - for other products.
  104. 4.3.7 Dry shrinkage
  105. Shrinkage during drying of cellular concrete products should not exceed the values ​​established by GOST 31359.
  106. 4.3.8 Vapor permeability
  107. The vapor permeability of products is characterized by the coefficient of vapor permeability of cellular concrete used for the manufacture of products.
  108. The vapor permeability coefficient of cellular concrete must comply with those given in GOST 31359.
  109. 4.3.9 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in products should not exceed 370 Bq/kg in accordance with GOST 30108.
  110. 4.4 Fire performance data
  111. Products belong to the group of non-combustible materials (NG) in accordance with GOST 30244.
  112. 4.5 Material requirements
  113. 4.5.1 For the manufacture of products, structural and heat-insulating cellular concrete should be used in accordance with GOST 31359.
  114. 4.6 Marking
  115. 4.6.1 Marking of products - according to GOST 13015 with the following additions.
  116. 4.6.2 Marking is applied to each packaging unit. Markings must be legible and weather resistant.
  117. 4.6.3 The marking must contain:
  118. - trademark or name of the manufacturer;
  119. - class of cellular concrete products in terms of compressive strength;
  120. - brand of cellular concrete products by average density;
  121. - brand of cellular concrete products for frost resistance;
  122. - batch number;
  123. - a mark on the passage of technical control.
  124. 4.6.4 Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.
  125. 4.7 Packaging
  126. 4.7.1 Products are placed on pallets in accordance with GOST 18343 and fixed with a heat-shrink film, bandaged with polyester or steel tape in accordance with GOST 3560, or in another way that ensures the immobility and safety of products during transportation.
  127. 4.7.2 Upon agreement with the consumer, other types of packaging are allowed to ensure the safety of products during transportation.
  128. 5 Safety and environmental requirements
  129. 5.1 When processing products with tools and mechanisms that cause increased dust formation (wall chasers, grinders, etc.), it is necessary to take measures to protect the respiratory system and skin.
  130. 5.2 Waste generated during the manufacture or use of products must be disposed of in accordance with the current legislation in the field of environmental protection.
  131. 6 Acceptance rules
  132. 6.1 Acceptance of products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 13015, this standard, as well as the contract for the manufacture (supply) of products.
  133. 6.2 Products are accepted in batches. The batch is considered the number of products made from one raw material, according to one technology, one brand in average density, one class in compressive strength, in a volume not less than a shift, but not more than a daily output or order. A different batch size may be specified in the supply contract.
  134. 6.3 The manufacturer is responsible for the conformity of product quality with the requirements of this standard.
  135. The quality of products is ensured by:
  136. - input control of raw materials used for the manufacture of products;
  137. - operational production (technological) control;
  138. - acceptance control of finished products;
  139. - constant statistical factory quality control of products.
  140. Acceptance control includes acceptance and periodic tests carried out in accordance with Table 3.
  141. Table 3
  142. Name of indicator Inspection frequency Test methodAcceptance PeriodicDimensions, straightness of ribs + - Each batch According to GOST 26433.1Diagonal length difference + - Each batch According to 7.1Depth of broken corners and ribs + - Each batch In accordance with GOST 21520Average density + - Each batch According to GOST 12730.1Compressive strength + - Each batch In accordance with GOST 10180Shrinkage during drying - + At least once a year, as well as when organizing mass production and changing raw materials According to GOST 25485Thermal conductivity - + According to GOST 7076Frost resistance - + According to GOST 31359, Appendix BVapor permeability - + According to GOST 25898
    Type of test
  143. 6.4 The manufacturer conducts additional tests of products for quality indicators not established by this standard, based on the intended purpose of the product within the time period agreed with the consumer.
  144. 6.5 For testing, at least 12 products are selected from different places of the lot by random selection. If more than three of the specified number of products do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size, appearance and shape, 24 products are selected from the lot.
  145. If more than six products do not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size, appearance and shape, a complete control of the batch of products is carried out for these indicators.
  146. 6.6 With satisfactory results of acceptance tests of products in terms of physical and mechanical indicators, the batch is accepted.
  147. In case of unsatisfactory results of acceptance tests of products in terms of physical and mechanical indicators, an assessment is made of the stability of the technological process at the enterprise for the period during which unsatisfactory results were obtained, in accordance with the technological regulations.
  148. 6.7 The results of periodic tests are extended to all supplied batches of products until the next periodic tests are carried out.
  149. 6.8 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides of products is controlled during incoming inspection according to the documents of the enterprise - the supplier of raw materials. In the absence of data from the supplier of raw materials on the value, testing for this indicator should be carried out at least once a year and every time the supplier of raw materials is changed in accredited testing laboratories.
  150. 6.9 When organizing the production of products, changing the supplier of raw materials and before offering products for sale, tests are carried out to prove that the quality of products meets the requirements of this standard, including in terms of changed properties.
  151. The rules for selecting products for testing during the organization of production and independent control are given in Appendix A.
  152. 6.10 When testing products by the consumer, inspection control and certification tests, the sample size and the rules for evaluating the results of control are taken in accordance with the requirements of this section, using the control methods in section 7.
  153. In case of disagreement, a control check is carried out in the presence of a representative of the manufacturer. The list of controlled parameters is established by agreement of the parties.
  154. 6.11 The manufacturer must carry out quality control of materials and semi-finished products entering the enterprise and operational control of the production process. If significant changes occur in the starting materials or the production process that can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the finished product, then after eliminating these changes, the products are tested for all indicators in accordance with the requirements of this standard.
  155. 6.12 To assess the stability of the technological process at the enterprise, the results of quality control of finished products are monthly subjected to statistical processing and establish compliance with the requirements of the technological regulation.
  156. 6.13 The consumer has the right to check the compliance of the products specified in the order with the requirements of this standard, using the control procedure established by this standard. Checking products in terms of appearance is carried out before shipment from the manufacturer.
  157. 6.14 Each batch of products is accompanied by a quality document, which indicates:
  158. - name and address of the manufacturer;
  159. - purpose of products;
  160. - conditional designation of products;
  161. - the volume of the supplied batch, m;
  162. - product dimensions;
  163. - compressive strength class;
  164. - mark on average density;
  165. - brand for frost resistance;
  166. - specific effective activity of natural radionuclides;
  167. - coefficient of thermal conductivity of products in a dry state;
  168. - shrinkage during drying;
  169. - vapor permeability coefficient;
  170. - number and date of issue of the quality document;
  171. - batch number;
  172. - designation of this standard.
  173. 7 Test methods
  174. 7.1 The dimensions and straightness of the ribs are determined according to GOST 26433.1. The depth of broken corners and ribs is determined according to GOST 21520, clause 3.3.
  175. The difference in the lengths of the diagonals is determined by the values ​​of the lengths of the diagonals of the two largest faces of the product, measured with a metal tape measure according to GOST 7502 with an error of not more than 1 mm. The largest of the two obtained values ​​is taken as the measurement result.
  176. 7.2 The average density is determined according to GOST 12730.1.
  177. 7.3 Compressive strength is determined according to GOST 10180.
  178. 7.4 Drying shrinkage is determined according to GOST 25485, Appendix 2.
  179. 7.5 Thermal conductivity is determined according to GOST 7076.
  180. 7.6 Frost resistance is determined according to GOST 31359, Appendix B.
  181. 7.7 Vapor permeability is determined according to GOST 25898.
  182. 7.8 Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined according to GOST 30108.
  183. 7.9 It is allowed to use other methods during testing (with the exception of tests when putting products into production and in case of disagreement between interested parties), provided that these methods meet the following conditions:
  184. - the presence of a correlation between the results obtained by the main and alternative methods;
  185. - the availability of verification of information that is the basis for such a connection.
  186. 8 Transport and storage
  187. 8.1 Loading into vehicles and transportation of products is carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force on a specific type of transport.
  188. Products are transported in overpacks formed using pallets and fasteners.
  189. 8.2 When transporting products, products must be protected from mechanical damage and moisture.
  190. 8.3 Products must be stored by the manufacturer and consumer on level prepared areas on linings or pallets in conditions that exclude product moisture.
  191. 8.4 When monitoring the storage of products in the warehouse of finished products, they check the correct sorting of products by type, category, brand by average density, height of the stack of products in accordance with the technological regulations, as well as the implementation of measures to protect products from mechanical damage and moisture.
  192. 8.5 Products are stacked during storage. The height of the stack should ensure the safety of products.
  193. 8.6 Loading and unloading of products from vehicles must be carried out mechanically using special load gripping devices or in another way that excludes damage to products.
  194. Loading products "in bulk" and unloading them by dropping are not allowed.
  195. 8.7 The user is responsible for incorrect transport, unloading and storage on the construction site.
  196. 9 Instructions for use
  197. 9.1 Products are used in accordance with the requirements of current building codes, codes of practice or project documentation.
  198. 9.2 When installing products with the maximum dimensions specified in 4.2.2, small-scale mechanization should be used.
  199. Annex A (mandatory). Rules for the selection of products for control during the organization of production and independent control tests
  200. Annex A
  201. (mandatory)
  202. A.1 When organizing the production of products and during independent control tests, the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of products are evaluated in accordance with this standard and declared by the manufacturer.
  203. A.2 Representatives of all interested parties may participate in the selection of controlled items and the conduct of proof tests.
  204. A.3 At least 12 products are selected for testing.
  205. The number of test specimens is taken from Table A.1. Sampling is carried out no earlier than 12 hours after the end of autoclaving and unloading products from the autoclave.
  206. Table A.1
  207. A. 4 The following methods of product selection are used: random selection, representative selection, selection of products from a stack.
  208. A.5 Random selection is carried out in a manner in which all items have an equal probability of being selected in the sample. The required number of products is selected randomly, without paying attention to the appearance of the selected products, with the exception of products damaged during transportation, which are not allowed to be selected.
  209. NOTE Sampling of items in the above manner is possible if the items in the sample are transported unpackaged or if they are divided into a large number of small stacks before use.
  210. A.6 If it is impossible to randomly select products, if there is access to a limited number of products, the method of representative selection is used. The stack is divided into at least six parts of equal size. From each part, an equal number of products is selected by random selection, but not more than four, so that a sample of the required size is obtained, regardless of the appearance of the products, with the exception of products damaged during transportation, which are not allowed to be selected.
  211. NOTE When picking items, some parts of the stack should be moved aside to allow access to the items inside the stack.
  212. A. 7 When selecting products from a stack consisting of packaged products, select at least six packages, from each of which an equal number of randomly selected products is selected, but not more than four so that a sample of the required size is obtained, regardless of the appearance of the products , with the exception of products damaged during transportation, which are not allowed to be taken away.
  213. A.8 If the selected devices are used in more than one test, the sample is divided into parts depending on the number of devices used in a particular test.