Tourist tax in Greece. How will the new tax on accommodation in Greece affect tourists and the hotel business? What tourists are looking for in Greece


From January 1, 2018, a mandatory tourist tax will be introduced in Greece, which will be charged to all tourists when staying in a hotel or licensed apartments - separately from the price of the tour. With the details of the innovation - "Bulletin ATOR".


Despite all the negative assessments and forecasts for the decrease in the competitiveness of Greece as a tourist destination,. And be throughout the year, and not just.

So, from January 1, all foreign tourists in Greece will need to pay a tourist tax for each night of their stay - on the day of arrival or departure from the hotel. The amount of tax depends on the star rating of the hotel.

The hotel has the right to refuse accommodation if tourists have not paid the tourist tax.

The rates are as follows: for accommodation in a 5* hotel - 4 euros per day per room, in a 4* hotel - 3 euros per day per room, 3* - 1.50 euros per day per room, hotels 1* and 2* - 0, 50 euros per night per room.

In addition, those tourists who will live in apartments will have to fork out additionally. For apartments class 4 * - 1 euro per day, 3 * - 0.50 euros per day, 1 * and 2 * - 0.25 euros per day.


According to tour operators, organized tourists will pay the tax separately and independently. This fee is not included in the package price. “Tourists will pay on the spot at the hotel, like this, for example,” explained in.

According to the tour operator, on average new tax will lead to an increase in the price of 40 euros per tour. As emphasized by the company, "rather, it is more about temporary inconvenience, as tourists in Greece are not used to paying a fee."

Organized tourists will pay the tax separately and independently. This fee is not included in the package price

The Biblio-Globus company draws attention to the fact that the hotel has the right to refuse accommodation if tourists have not paid the tourist tax.

“It takes time for both hoteliers and tourists to get used to it. It should also be noted that in other European countries the practice of tax collection from tourists has existed for a long time. For experienced travelers, the Greek fee will not be new,” experts say.


True, there may be exceptions: a number of Greek hotels of high categories have already announced their readiness to attribute the tourist tax to their own account. As explained in "Mouzenidis Travel", we are talking mainly about hotels of the category 5 * Deluxe, Luxury.

This information is also confirmed in: according to the tour operator, several Deluxe level hotels will not charge fees from guests, on this moment this list is being updated.

Mouzenidis Travel says that the list of hotels where tax collection already included in the price, will be known after the New Year holidays.

On January 1, 2018, Greece introduced a mandatory tourist tax, which will be collected from all tourists when staying in a hotel or licensed apartment - separately from the price of the tour. Despite all the negative assessments and forecasts for the decrease in the competitiveness of Greece as a tourist destination, there will be a tax on accommodation in hotels in Greece. And to be throughout the year, and not just in the high season, as the Greek hoteliers have repeatedly asked.

So, from January 1, all foreign tourists in Greece will need to pay a tourist tax for each night of their stay - on the day of arrival or departure from the hotel. The amount of tax depends on the star rating of the hotel. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all if you bought a tour to Greece before or after January 1, 2018.

ATTENTION! The hotel has the right to refuse accommodation if tourists do not want to pay the tourist tax.

Ratesfor accommodation
in hotels in Greece:

Organized travelers will pay the tax separately and on their own at the hotel. This fee is not included in the package price.

On average, the new tax will lead to an increase in the price of about 40 euros per tour.

A number of Greek luxury hotels have already declared their readiness to take the tourist tax to their own account. The list of such hotels, in which the tax fee will already be included in the price, will be known after the New Year holidays.

Greece is a favorite place for tourists who want to cultivate and soak up the sea coast under the scorching Greek sun. Country with richest history, impressive remnants of an ancient civilization, many attractions and entertainment for travelers. Representatives of various countries of Europe, Asia, America and Russia flock here every year. Greece's experience of some economic turmoil makes it a pressing question for many businessmen how open a hotel in greece, and some are also interested in the question of how expedient it is to invest in existing hotels for sale. We will discuss this in this article.

The prospect of opening their own hotel in Greece attracts entrepreneurs not only with the opportunity to make money on the tourist destination, but also to enjoy the delights of European civilization. The Greek land is washed by three seas at once: the Aegean, the Mediterranean and the Ionian. Needless to say, even the air there contributes to a comprehensive recovery.

What tourists are looking for in Greece

Greece is beautiful in many ways. Why do tourists choose Greece?

  1. Location. The flight from central Europe takes from three hours. From Moscow, you can fly to Crete in 4 hours.
  2. Climate. Gently washed by the seas, the islands are distinguished by cleanliness, a rich underwater world, summer heat that promotes tanning, as well as rich exotic nature.
  3. Interesting excursions. Sightseeing tours are very developed in Greece. Travelers are interested in the ancient temples of Zeus and Hera, the Acropolis, Monasteries, the ruins of an ancient civilization and much more.
  4. Ecology. The nature of the Greek islands contributes to longevity and healing from many ailments. For example, the inhabitants of the Crete peninsula can rightfully be proud of one of the lowest mortality rates from cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Rich cuisine. Describing the delights of Mediterranean cuisine is endless, and everyone knows about them. Many hotels emphasize the variety of food in their establishments.
  6. Family holiday. In this country, entertainment and pleasure can be found by everyone, from young to old, therefore, tourists from all over the world often choose this particular direction for a family vacation.
  7. Additional entertainment. Greece will not let even the most demanding customers get bored. There are diving, spearfishing, boat tours to enjoy the sunset with a glass of champagne, and the "ghost town" of Famagusta. In general, a million options for every taste and budget.

The advantages of Greece can be listed for a very long time. All the attractions allow the sharks of the tourism business to attract guests from all over the world and return those who have already visited again and again.

We have listed a lot of advantages of the Greek islands as an excellent base for the formation of a successful hotel business. However, before you open your hotel in Greece, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Cons of opening a hotel in Greece

Today, even an unprepared person can find on the net a lot of offers to buy a ready-made hotel business in Greece. Such sales advertisements excite the minds of businessmen with the attractiveness of capital investments. They promise a good annual profit on the basis of an existing hotel. So, for example, a hotel worth 850 thousand euros promises a yield of 120-150 thousand euros per year. The payback indicated in the ad is 7 years. However, one should not blindly believe the calculations of those who are trying to get rid of their business.

Simple arithmetic estimates allow you to calculate discrepancies. average cost a room in a hotel of this category is from 40 to 80 euros (prices depend on the season and room category). The average hotel occupancy is 70%. We spend simple calculations, which show us profitability in the region of 70,000 euros. This is already two times less than the promised prospects.

We take into account monthly expenses for employee salaries, permits, advertising campaigns, technical support, products, utilities And so on. Let's not forget about taxes. This is generally a sore subject for business in Greece. According to official statistics, at least 30% of enterprises go to the shadow part of the economy because they cannot withstand the tax burden. And for the operation of a hotel in Greece, a license is required, which cannot be obtained if you do not pay taxes and do not maintain a certain staff. Arithmetic calculations are not so life-affirming.

Pros of hotel business in Greece

Greece is in the top 10 most popular resorts in the world. Of course, in the absence of the necessary education and experience, the hotel business in any country will not meet the expectations of negligent businessmen. However, even in crisis Greece, a lot of hotels live and flourish, offering a good price-quality ratio, a number of exclusive services, good cuisine, and so on. Therefore, a business in capable hands can and should become profitable.

If an entrepreneur does not know the Greek taxation system, the features of obtaining a license and other criteria from the inside, the option of opening a small-format hotel in Greece, like a mini-hotel in a villa or a private house, will be a good test of the pen and will significantly reduce investment risks. A mini-hotel can meet the requirements that will allow you to switch to a simplified system of taxation and obtaining a license. This license is issued for the season, and the annual net profitability of the hotel can be 5-7%.

From January 1, 2018, a mandatory tourist tax will be introduced in Greece, which will be charged to all tourists when staying in a hotel or licensed apartments - separately from the price of the tour. With the details of the innovation - "Bulletin ATOR".


Despite all the negative assessments and forecasts for the decrease in the competitiveness of Greece as a tourist destination,. And be throughout the year, and not just.

So, from January 1, all foreign tourists in Greece will need to pay a tourist tax for each night of their stay - on the day of arrival or departure from the hotel. The amount of tax depends on the star rating of the hotel.

The hotel has the right to refuse accommodation if tourists have not paid the tourist tax.

The rates are as follows: for accommodation in a 5* hotel - 4 euros per day per room, in a 4* hotel - 3 euros per day per room, 3* - 1.50 euros per day per room, hotels 1* and 2* - 0, 50 euros per night per room.

In addition, those tourists who will live in apartments will have to fork out additionally. For apartments class 4 * - 1 euro per day, 3 * - 0.50 euros per day, 1 * and 2 * - 0.25 euros per day.


According to tour operators, organized tourists will pay the tax separately and independently. This fee is not included in the package price. “Tourists will pay on the spot at the hotel, like this, for example,” explained in.

According to the tour operator, on average, the new tax will lead to an increase in the price of 40 euros per tour. As emphasized by the company, "rather, it is more about temporary inconvenience, as tourists in Greece are not used to paying a fee."

Organized tourists will pay the tax separately and independently. This fee is not included in the package price

The Biblio-Globus company draws attention to the fact that the hotel has the right to refuse accommodation if tourists have not paid the tourist tax.

“It takes time for both hoteliers and tourists to get used to it. It should also be noted that in other European countries the practice of tax collection from tourists has existed for a long time. For experienced travelers, the Greek fee will not be new,” experts say.


True, there may be exceptions: a number of Greek hotels of high categories have already announced their readiness to attribute the tourist tax to their own account. As explained in "Mouzenidis Travel", we are talking mainly about hotels of the category 5 * Deluxe, Luxury.

This information is also confirmed in: according to the tour operator, several Deluxe level hotels will not charge fees from guests, at the moment this list is being specified.

Mouzenidis Travel says that the list of hotels in which the tax fee is already included in the price will be known after the New Year holidays.

For example, in Italy the size of the accommodation tax varies from 2-7 euros per day, in Spain from 0.45-2.25 euros, and in Montenegro - 1 euro per day. In Serbia, the accommodation tax is 50-140.00 depending on the category of tourist destination.

The official answers of the Greek authorities to some questions:

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What type of tourist accommodation is subject to an accommodation tax?

The payment of accommodation tax is introduced in hotels of 1-5 stars, as well as in other residential premises (apartments, rooms, separate villas), which receive guests on one or several days. In the camps, and in particular in certain categories, accommodation tax is not paid.

How much is the accommodation tax? Is the fee for accommodation or per person?

The residence tax is calculated as a fixed amount per day and per unit of accommodation, such as a room, but not per person.

The tax amount depends on the type of accommodation:

  • 4 € per room per night for 5-star hotels
  • 3 € per room per night for 4-star hotels
  • 1.5 € per room per day for 3-star hotels
  • 0.5 € per room per night for 1-2 star hotels
  • 0.5 € per day for single rooms, studios and apartments.

When is the accommodation tax paid? Will I receive confirmation that I paid for it?

The residence tax is paid at the time of departure - immediately before departure. The owner or manager of the accommodation or hotel will give you a receipt that includes: date of issue, name of the person to whom the accommodation was issued, dates of stay, commission amount.

If we rest together with another family and stay in the same apartment, is it necessary for both families to pay the accommodation tax separately?

No. The fee is paid per accommodation unit per day, regardless of the number of people.

In agreement with the owner of the hotel or hotel, I plan to leave the room later (late check-out). Will there be an additional charge for the stay?

No. If the stay is extended within a few hours, this does not count as an additional stay and does not imply an obligation to pay a fee. However, if the length of the stay is such that it ultimately incurs the charge of an additional day of use of the room, then the accommodation tax will be charged.

I booked my stay in Greece online, but I canceled at the last minute. Do I have to pay residence tax?

No. Regardless of the cancellation policy or place of stay in Greece, the accommodation tax is charged exclusively on the days of the direct stay at the hotel: from arrival to departure.