How to get rid of loan debt? How to get rid of debts - an algorithm for the debtor's actions to get out of the financial hole How to get rid of debts and problems


Financial debt and debt hole can lead to death! Today you will learn why it is so important to get rid of them, as well as how to give them away as quickly as possible.

I publish these materials at the numerous requests of our subscribers - so many people suffer from debt and the terrible consequences that debt imposes on them.

The course "68 Secrets: The Magic of Money" is the basic knowledge that any person who wants to change their financial condition should have.

The consequences of financial debt are very deplorable and dangerous!

After you have borrowed money, a hole forms in your energy field. Through this hole flows your well-being.

What are the consequences of debt?

  • lack of money;
  • drain of vitality;
  • failures;
  • unemployment.

The most deplorable consequences arising from the appearance of this energy hole are poverty and suicide¹.

You should know that a financial hole is formed not only for the one who borrows, but also for the one who lends!

How to destroy the hole and get rid of the consequences?

In this article, you will learn how you can repair the hole created by financial debt yourself. After that, you will again open cash flow joy will return to your life. But this requires some effort.

If you ask yourself how this debt karmic hole is formed and think logically about its appearance, then there is nothing mystical about it. Psychology plays a major role here.

For example, the unconscious worldview model of the debtor is as follows: “I owe money, so I must pay it back. To do this, I have to work, and this is difficult, because I do not work for myself. Because of this, my work is not going well, I earn little. And if I don't make enough money, then I'm a loser. If I'm a failure, then I don't want to live."

How to forget about financial debt?

In order to get rid of the debt karmic hole, you must first get rid of the worldview of the debtor².

You can get rid of this worldview if you convince yourself that you do not owe anything to anyone.

You must set yourself up: "I am free in financial matters and all the money that I have at my disposal belongs only to me, because I am free!"

After you have removed the financial debt on a conscious level and superficially convinced yourself, it is necessary to destroy the hole on the subconscious and unconscious levels.

Subconscious Debt Elimination Technique

Below is a technique that can be used to eliminate the debt hole at deeper levels of your psyche, but first read a few recommendations.

  • You need to move away from the worldly bustle and retire. This technique is recommended to be done in the evening.
  • It is important to convince yourself that you are not dependent on society, and you are indifferent to it.
  • Believe in yourself, believe that you can help yourself get rid of the debt hole.
  • Mentally imagine that the debt is no longer there, it has been given away. Bring to your mind the facts of this.

After that, you can proceed to the technique itself.

Execution Method

1. You should lie on your back and relax deeply.

2. Close your eyes and cover them with dense matter, creating absolute darkness.

3. Lie down and try to relax as much as possible; especially deeply it is necessary to relax the face.

4. Soon a drowsy state will appear: when dream visions begin to flash, but awareness will still remain. In this state, you need to start working with the subconscious and eliminate the “hole”.

5. It is necessary to imagine yourself from the outside and imagine that there is an energy debt "hole" in the aura. Usually it appears in the form of darkening in the region of the crown of the head.

6. Imagine a stream of golden color, feel the heat from it, which restores the aura and burns the debt hole.

7. Mentally direct this stream to the “hole” and imagine that it is washed away and burnt out from the heat emanating from the stream.

8. Meditate like this until you intuitively get the feeling that the “hole” has burned down. After meditation, you can get out of the trance with any slight movement of the body.

When you can set your brain to the fact that you do not owe anything to anyone; when you internally forget that you have a financial debt, you will very soon be able to get even with your debts. I assure you, the money for this will be found very quickly!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Suicide is the deliberate deprivation of one's life, as a rule, independent and voluntary (

Surely several times a day you spend money on things that you don't really need. A bottle of Coca-Cola from a vending machine, a cup of coffee from an expensive trendy coffee shop, lunch with colleagues, a new phone game… The list goes on. In any case, you spend a couple of hundred (or thousand) rubles on every little thing and immediately forget about it.

The reason for this behavior is the lack of financial self-control. Again and again, you make small expenses without thinking about the long term. But here's what the lack of self-control threatens:

  • you are not getting closer to achieving big financial goals;
  • you have to borrow money;
  • you do not know how much money you will have in a day or in a month;
  • you are constantly short of money.

Of course, it is not easy to give up the habitual way of life. Creating a long-term plan is more difficult than just overspending and indulging in small pleasures. But if you want to live in abundance and not worry about your own future, you will need the ability to control yourself and your spending. Therefore, we will tell you how to gain self-control in matters related to money.

1. Stop making excuses

Every time you come up with an excuse for spending your money on useless purchases, you prevent yourself from starting to engage in financial planning.

When you buy something you don't need today, you are depriving yourself of something important in the future.

Maybe it's really just a little thing. Maybe you really really want to buy it. Maybe you need a purchase to impress someone.

But if you want to live securely, stop making excuses for yours. Just understand: when you buy some nonsense, you are taking a step back on the path to your financial well-being.

2. Before every purchase, ask yourself: “Can I live without this item?”

In order to control your financial life, you will have to develop a useful habit of evaluating each purchase. And it's not about cost.

Do you really need this item? Can you do without it? Is there a cheaper equivalent? Ask yourself these questions every time you are about to make a purchase.

Financial self-control is the ability to say “no” to things that you would have previously said “yes” without thinking.

Ask yourself: "Can I live without this thing?". If you answer “yes”, then you don’t need to buy anything, it’s better to save money for more important things. If the answer is "no", then ask yourself next question: "Is there an analogue cheaper?".

So you learn to evaluate and accept the consequences of each of your decisions and actions.

3. Use only cash, no credit cards

Credit cards are usually issued with very big limit, and this is no accident: with such a card in hand, it becomes more difficult for a person to control their expenses.

When you don't have real ones on your hands, paper money, when buying it is easy to disregard what you can actually afford. In such a situation, you only care about one thing: the main thing is to have enough. In addition, with a card without a limit, it is much easier to get into trouble like unsustainable bills or large debts.

The solution to the problem is very simple: use only cash. If you find that you don't have enough cash to make it to the next month, think about ways to save money. Spend smarter next month.

Financial self-control is like riding a bicycle. Learn to control yourself on cash, this is your old bike, which is not a pity. And when you feel confident in yourself, you can switch to fancy high-speed bikes - use credit and debit cards.

4. Go to places where you like to spend money without a card and with a little cash

Most people have places where they are unlikely to be able to resist the temptation and are very likely to spend a lot of money on what they want, without even thinking about the consequences. Cafe. Book store. Electronics store. Clothing store. Everyone has their weaknesses.

Perhaps you are expecting advice never to visit such places again. But this will not teach you self-control, but only the avoidance of problems.

Leave the card at home, you only need some cash. If you have not decided exactly what you will buy, go for the first time without money at all and take a closer look. Then go with a specific amount that you need to pay for a coveted purchase.

This process, especially repeated many times, teaches us to resist temptation. And resistance to temptation is the basis of self-control.

5. Focus on participation, not purchases

Often, busy people buy things just to keep in touch with their hobby or passion.

For example, a person passionately loves to read, but life has developed in such a way that almost always there is not enough time. But he continues to buy books that he would like to read (and hopes to read them sometime later). This is a psychological trap: this is how buying replaces execution.

Do something instead of buying substitutes. If the problem is lack of free time, start by reviewing your schedule.

Being involved in something that interests you is an incredibly effective way to get rid of the obsessive desire to spend more and more money on things that replace actual participation. First, read everything from the accumulated pile of books, and only then buy new ones.

6. Choose the right communication format

We all go out to meet other people, spend time away from home and participate in some kind of social activity. Most often, such meetings take place in clubs, restaurants, shops and other places where you have to spend a lot of money.

For example, you go to dinner with friends, then you go to the movies, and then you decide to go to a bar. And your wallet is already missing a couple of thousand rubles.

Beware of this form of communication. You don't have to spend a lot of money to have a good time with friends. For example, you can meet at someone's house. Or any other place where spending money is not a defining activity, but part of the experience: play football in a nearby park or go on a picnic.

Perhaps some of your friends will refuse such a pastime. Well, this is a great test to determine which of your contacts are more interested in going out and spending money and who wants to hang out with you.

7. Keep a close eye on your expenses and review them periodically

The biggest challenge when tracking expenses is that people usually don't have one place where they can collect data on all spending and see where the money goes.

The solution is simple: track your expenses and write down where you spend every penny. For convenience, you can break down all expenses into categories: food, entertainment, clothing, household chemicals, transport, large purchases, utility bills, and so on.

You can use one of the applications to control personal finance. For the same purposes, both a regular notepad and a spreadsheet on a laptop are suitable. No matter which tool you choose, the goal is the same: record your spending every day, sort it into categories, and analyze it to see which categories you overspend.

Such a revision of spending is almost always a discovery for a person. Think carefully about the categories of expenses that hit you the most. Were these purchases really that important to you? Probably not. What expenses or specific monthly purchases can you completely cut out? At least there are a few of them for sure.

8. Automatically transfer money to a savings account

There is one famous old rule - pay yourself first. This means that the first thing you should do is pay off your debts and save money for the future, and only then decide how to live on the remaining amount.

The easiest way to stick to this rule is to automate the process. As soon as the salary arrives on the card, immediately transfer 10% to your savings account. If your bank has such a service, make sure that utility bills and loans can also be paid immediately.

The more operations you can do on the machine, the better.

9. Ask close friends and family for help

A trusted circle of friends and family members can be very helpful when it comes to personal change, which includes gaining financial self-control.

At the very least, they can give you a very helpful tips that suit your situation and the qualities you have. They know you. They know almost everything about your affairs, and sometimes even better than you.

In addition, it is always great if there is a person nearby who cares about you, provides support in a difficult moment. Just talk to someone when things start to change in your life. It's great motivating.

Also, your friends and family can be great role models. Perhaps you have a friend who has reached the same financial goals that you are planning to achieve. Use him as a guide to follow the same path. Learn from his experience.

10. Don't give up when things don't work out.

You can make a mistake once or twice when planning your expenses. You can buy something without thinking. You can make a purchase that you will later regret. You may think that self-control is not about you at all and you should not even start.

Do not worry. Financial progress is the story of two steps forward and at least one step back.

The goal is to strive to be better than you were before. If you make a mistake, don't dwell on it. Instead, understand the reasons for your behavior and try to avoid it in the future.

A person who lives with a mountain of debt knows that borrowed money is empty, dust. How to find a way out?

The hardest part is taking the first step.

Often, something supernatural has to happen to realize that debt has created an emergency in life - that it's time to change. But where to start? How to get out of debt if there is no money.

When financial side life is bursting at the seams, you can barely keep the situation under control. Figuring out what to do first is the most difficult task leading to victory.. Sometimes, the complexity of the situation is paralyzing.

When there is debt, it's easy to stick your head in the sand and hope that everything will pass.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work.

The first step to a debt-free life: it will be different for everyone.

Anyone who has ever planned how to get out of debt when there is no money knows for sure that it is difficult to create a working plan to pay off a loan. How then to be?

To find the best working "first steps" to get out of debt, here are the stories of several Western bloggers who were in credit slavery. They share how they acted at the very beginning, and I will also talk about my first step in paying off a dollar mortgage.

Here's what they say:

Rank debts by interest rate or emotional component.

“The first thing I did to get out of debt was figure out how much I owe and look at the interest rates on loans,” says Melanie Lockert of

She began her debt-free journey by researching in detail everything she owed and writing down all her credit data. Listed them in order of decreasing interest rate.

This method allowed her to see the whole situation and allowed her to create an excellent plan of action.

“After I saw that the rates on one of the loans were significantly higher than the student loans, I decided to focus and get rid of the debt with the highest interest rate“ she says.

“It was important to me to save money even during loan repayment, so I knew the decision to pay off debt at a higher interest rate would work for me.”

This is one of the options for how to get rid of debt if there is no money, you need to understand where you are in order to get rid of debt.

Whether you choose an avalanche, snowball, or other method to repay your loans, seeing how much interest you are overpaying can be enough to get you going no matter what.

Paula Pant of took a completely different approach to paying loans.

In order to get out of debt faster, in addition to monthly payments, she began to make additional payments on the loan that annoyed her most emotionally.

It wasn't the loan with the highest interest rate, nor the one with the smallest debt, it was the debt she most wanted to get rid of. “For me, this strategy is motivating,” she says.

In other words, you can repay any loan you want. Pick one and get started.

I created a budget

“The first step I took to get out of debt was to create a budget,” says John Sshmall of “I had no idea where my money was going and that led to the current problems.

He realized he was using credit cards for a lifestyle he really couldn't afford. Small decided it was time to figure out where the money was going and create a budget that would record everything. For Sshmoll, this meant keeping track of expenses and creating a budget that his family would stick to.

I like zero budget. However, there are several other popular budgeting methods, each with their own set of pros and cons.

Regardless of your choice, you will win in the end. For Sshmoll and his family budgeting was "the beginning of a journey in which debt was done away with once and for all."

But creating a budget isn't always enough, says's Chris Peach. While it sounds reasonable that you're going to pay off your debts, Chris states that it's smart not to.

“You have to channel your money, tell them what to do, or they will evaporate. You need to create a budget and start telling your money which direction to go and what to do."

Chris points out that the budget should not only allocate how much and for what expenses are spent (X ₽ for restaurants, Y ₽ for food, and Z ₽ for clothes).

We are talking about the fact that such items of expenditure as investment, a financial airbag, charity, a dream (or a vacation, or both), etc., must be allocated. That the cost of food, entertainment and transportation should be comparable to how much you spend on early loan repayment and on increasing assets.

You not only record from month to month how much you spent, but analyze expenses, direct cash flows.

I took a snapshot of our entire financial picture

For Deacon Hayes of and myself, getting out of debt meant looking into your family's finances and finding out exactly "where they (the finances) were."

“The first thing we did to get out of debt was take a snapshot of the big financial picture,” he says. “We created a spreadsheet that not only tracked our income and expenses, but also included our assets and debts.”

A close examination of finances allowed Deacon and his wife to see an accurate picture of money. They also got a clear idea of ​​where they are now (point A) in order to create a realistic action plan to get rid of loans (point B), he says.

I did the same when in 2008 I took currency mortgage, foreign exchange needs, I had a debt for credit card and I decided to save some more money.

How to get rid of debts if there is no money was a topical issue at that time. The overall picture of income, expenses, assets and my debts opened the curtain for further action.

Compiling your assets and liabilities is one of the most important steps towards improving your money situation and getting rid of credit.

Because you can't figure out where you'll be if you don't know where you are right now. You also cannot correct what you do not consider necessary to correct, you can do this only by writing down your financial situation.

Tai and Talaat McNeely are financial experts who talk about family finances on His and Her Money.
believe that the first step should be to analyze financial situation with the "big picture of all debt".

“After systematizing all debts, you will have a clear understanding of your credit load. Organize constant control over the list of debts, and work with it, ”they explain. “Now you have an accurate idea that there is a hole that needs to be filled. There are debts and you know your goal, so you can create an action plan accordingly.”

I admitted that I have a problem

Getting out of debt is impossible unless you admit that you have problems. This is exactly what happened to Shannon McClay of The Financial Gym before she figured out her finances.

“I used a credit card and expected to receive bonuses or cashback (refund of part of the amount spent),” she said. “I never thought I had a problem even though I paid with a credit card all the time.”

In the end, Shannon realized that she was creating problems for herself, and that the use of loans was crutches that helped her walk, but not her legs.

When you're able to make the minimum monthly payments, it's easy to think that everything is fine. But this is an illusion.

By allowing us to live beyond our means, credit cards and loans mask the real problem until it finally gets out of hand, and then the question of how to get rid of debt if there is no money will become an edge on the agenda.

“Once I realized that my spending was creating unnecessary debt and that I was part of the problem, I was able to start looking for a solution to change the situation,” she says.

I'm shocked at my spending

Much has been said about the importance of tracking expenses, it is important to note why this step is so powerful. Sometimes, in order for the situation to change, you have to experience a shock. If you have been emptying your wallet for quite some time and spending money on something that is not clear, analyzing your expenses can be the first step to change the situation.

This is exactly what happened to Jacob Wade of in the very beginning.

After studying Dave Ramsey's materials, he took bank statements for the last three months to assess what was happening with his money.

“I took all the expenses and categorized them to see where the money goes. I almost had a heart attack when I realized I was spending $600 a month on food at the mall!” Jacob says. “It opened my eyes, and from then on I immediately created a budget and tracked every dollar.”

This can be a little difficult, but not nearly as painful as allowing spending to go unchecked. You will experience the same shock if you dare to examine bank statements.

Stop being afraid of what you will see, this is reality, act. Hiding your head in the sand - see what happens (at the end of the article in a cartoon on this topic).

Final Thoughts

Living a life in debt is as easy as eating an apple, understanding this can make a difference. However, change always starts with the first step, the moment you make the decision to act. How to get out of debt if there is no money? Everything is the same, make a decision and your life will change in this moment.

Then take the first step, for everyone it is different, but there is one thing that matters - to take and do.

Taking the first step can be the hardest thing you'll ever do... just as hard for everyone who shared their story. But the longer you wait, the harder it will be to get started. Start now and your life will change for the better. Checked.

What was your first step out of debt? What progress have you made since then?