Where can I withdraw money from a payoneer card. The most profitable way to withdraw money from Payoneer. Re-ordering a card


Residents of the Russian Federation are allowed to work with Payoneer without issuing a payment card - simply receive funds from foreign companies and individuals to their account and then withdraw them in a non-cash form to an account in any Russian bank. Therefore, in the Payoneer system, the first question that our compatriots have is: “ Do I need a physical payment card at all?» We suggest that you give the answer to it yourself, carefully weighing all the pros and cons.

It is important to note that the need for a physical payment card largely depends on the tasks that you set for yourself. Let's start weighing and sorting out together.

Cash withdrawal

You can get cash using an ATM or through a bank cash desk. The issuance fee has several components:

$3.15 (Payoneer fee)
+ 1.8% from withdrawal amount (MasterCard commission)
+ possible commission of the selected bank (warned about it in advance)

Total, upon removal of conditional $1000 , the commission will be: $3.15 + $18 = $21.15

The commission of the bank whose cash desk or ATM you use can be either zero or fixed, or it can be any percentage of the amount. But usually, if such a commission is present, then its size is small - within $ 2-3.


In the event that you intend to use an ATM to receive cash from a Payoneer card, you must decide in advance whether you need rubles (or the national currency of the country where you are) or whether you want to receive the currency in which the card is issued.

In the Russian Federation, unlike other countries - for example, neighboring Ukraine, you can get the currency directly from an ATM. However, there is a problem to find an ATM that will issue it. These are found in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and other large cities.

Therefore, before withdrawing cash, it will not be superfluous to ask which banks are represented nearby. By contacting the customer support service, you can get information about the availability of ATMs in your city that issue currency.

Payoneer has a $3.15 fee for a successful withdrawal and $1 for a failed withdrawal, so you must be aware of what you are doing when you withdraw. If there are not enough funds on the card, or the limit is exceeded, or the ATM cannot technically dispense the required amount, $1 will be debited each time the card is refused.

Remember that an ATM cannot dispense more than 40 bills of any denomination in one transaction. Therefore, if you plan to withdraw a large amount, choose ATMs in large shopping and office centers, bank branches - they are usually “charged” with large denomination banknotes, unlike their “street” counterparts, where banknote denominations are usually limited for security purposes.

For ATMs (especially currency ones), banks, for the same security purposes, usually set limits, the size of which is fundamentally different from those that operate in bank branches.

Unicredit ATMs (up to $300 per transaction, no commission), Raiffeisen Bank (up to $300 without commission), Citibank (up to $400 per transaction, 1% commission), BinBank (the largest limit) issue currency and are popular among Russian Payoneer users.

When issuing with conversion, good reviews about ATMs VTB24, Sberbank of Russia, Rosselkhozbank, Post Bank.

The most up-to-date information regarding Russian banks, their branches and ATMs is collected on the forum of the official website. Users here share information about withdrawals, fees and limits.

Bank cash desks

The main advantage of withdrawing cash at a bank branch is the ability to receive a large amount of cash in one transaction. At the cash desk, the teller will immediately provide you with information about the bank commission that is applied.

But many bank branches, especially on the periphery, being reinsured, refuse to work with foreign cards. The situation may differ from branch to branch and even from cashier to cashier. In the center, in big cities, as a rule, there are fewer problems.

Traditionally, branches of Binbank enjoy a good reputation.

Do not forget that at the bank branch the teller will ask you to show your passport.

Top up your Payoneer card

The peculiarity of the service is that independent replenishment of the card at the bank branch or through the terminal is not provided, but online replenishment is quite possible. You can top up your card in the following ways:

  • Receive funds from companies, including Payoneer partners, and individuals through the Global Payment Service. ACH (Direct Deposit) bank transfer in the USA, SEPA bank payments - European Union, as well as payments from the UK, Japan, China.
  • Top up your Payoneer card with another payment card through the PayNow service from Payoneer.
  • Payoneer transfer from one account to another, minimum $50, no commission. In your account, select "Pay", then "Make Payment" and enter the recipient's email address, which is an identifier in Payoneer.

How to order a card

To order a Payoneer card, you need to go through a free registration procedure as a customer of the service. If you do this through our link, you will receive a motivating bonus from Payoneer, as well as our free help in resolving emerging issues.

After your account is approved, you can order a physical Payoneer card in USD. A card in euros is ordered only after receiving and activating a dollar one. Ordering cards is free. The fee is taken only for reissuing the card in case of loss or expiration.

Card delivery

Sending a Payoneer card to Russia is made in a paper envelope, by regular mail. Delivery takes 2-3 weeks. The account indicates the estimated delivery time. If during this period the card was not received, you will receive a link in your account to resend, which is also free.

You can get a card in Russia without any additional formalities: passport, signature are not needed. The envelope is dropped into the mailbox.

How to activate the card

Immediately after receiving the card, you can start using it, but before that you need to activate it. You log into your personal account, press the "activate card" button, enter the number of the received card, come up with a four-digit pin code, check the boxes, confirming your agreement with the terms and conditions.

Do not forget about activation: without going through this simple procedure, you will not be able to use the card! An email will be sent to confirm activation.

Internet banking

You can control all card transactions either through your account or using the free Payoneer mobile application, which is available on Google Play and the App Store.

When paying, the amount is first blocked on the card and appears in the “Pre-authorized transactions”, and then, after a few days, it is debited and goes to the “Transactions” section. Depending on fluctuations in the exchange rate, the amounts for blocking and debiting may differ.

Lost or stolen card claim

If your card is compromised, lost or stolen, you must report it immediately. The fastest and easiest way to do this is to call the Russian Payoneer support number: +7-499-918-72-02 or use the online chat, a link to which can be found on the support contact page.

Where and how to withdraw money from a Payoneer card in Russia in dollars and rubles? In which ATMs is it more profitable to withdraw dollars and rubles from a card in Russia? What are the commissions and the conversion rate when withdrawing funds from ATMs and bank cash desks?

I clarify that this article was written for residents of Russia, and if you suddenly came across it by accident and are a resident of another country, read our other articles:

If you do not yet have an account in the Payoneer system, we remind you that you can register using our system and. The registration process through our link must be completed continuously from the beginning to the end. If for some reason you terminated the registration, start it by clicking on our link from the very beginning.

So, let's move on to discussing the withdrawal of money from Payoneer in Russia.

How and where to withdraw dollars from a Payoneer card in Russia at the bank's cash desk.

As is already clear from the content, you can withdraw dollars from Payoneer in Russia either at the bank’s cash desk or at ATMs.

The advantage of withdrawing at the bank's cash desk is that there is a much higher one-time withdrawal limit than most ATMs and there are almost always dollars available. Considering that the limit of Payoneer itself is $ 7,500 per 24 hours, at most bank cash desks you can withdraw the entire amount several times.

The disadvantage is that when withdrawing from you, they will definitely require passport data, which will later be entered into the database, and theoretically this may create questions from financial control authorities in the future if you withdraw frequently and regularly. Also a disadvantage is additional commission, which the bank takes for withdrawing at the cash desk from someone else's card. Additional means that in addition to the 1.8% that you pay for the withdrawal in dollars, you will also pay from 1.5% to 4% to the bank itself. Sometimes it turns out to be quite a lot and the commission grows by 1.5-2 times in comparison with the one that you would pay by withdrawing several times at an ATM. Below we will provide information on commissions and limits for withdrawing dollars at the cash desk.

UPD October 2018: It has also become possible to withdraw dollars to a dollar bank account linked to the account. To do this, it must be specified either during registration or in the menu item Withdrawal: To a Bank account. Read more in our article:

The checkout process is as follows:

  • Come to the bank branch with a Payoneer card and a passport - you will definitely need it, as the cashier will ask you to rewrite your passport data in order to enter them into the database
  • Ask the cashier if it is possible to cash out dollars from a foreign MasterCard and be sure to immediately specify what the commission for withdrawal will be.

The table below provides information on the limits and commissions of banks when withdrawing dollars from the cash desk. Although we try to update the information, it may not always be up-to-date. Be sure to check with the cashier for this information.

Bank Transaction limit Add. Commission of the bank
Rosselkhozbank 2500$ 2%
Bank Avangard 2500$ 2%
BinBank 3000$ 2%
Raiffeisenbank 3000$ 3%
Unicredit 5000$ 2%

In Rosselkhozbank, everything is quite stable, they do not take an additional commission, in Binbank it is worse, in one branch the cashier says that there is no commission, in another he says about 2%. If you have up-to-date information, help others - write in the comments, we will update the article.

Read also:

In which ATMs can I withdraw dollars from a Payoneer card in Russia.

Unlike withdrawals at the cash desk, there is always a fixed commission for withdrawals in dollars - 1.8% + 3.15$ , but lower limits per transaction.

Below is a list of ATMs where you can withdraw dollars in Russia. Considered criteria: limit per transaction, number of currency ATMs and availability of currency, as well as notes and our subjective assessment for each.


Update from September 2018: At the moment, there are interruptions in the issuance of currency on Payoneer cards at this ATM. It gives a message about the refusal of card service, does not issue money.

Limit per transaction: 400$.

Note: Currency ATMs are highlighted on the site, the number of approaches is unlimited, the amount is a multiple of $50.

Our assessment: 3/5.

Raiffeisen Bank.

Update from September 2018: At the moment, the most stable bank in terms of issuing dollars from Payoneer cards. For a $300 transaction, you will pay $308.55, which is $300 + 1.8% + $3.15. You can shoot an unlimited number of times.

Limit per transaction: 300$.

Number of ATMs and availability of currency: There are many ATMs, stable availability of currency.

Note: On the site, currency ATMs are highlighted, gives out a multiple of $ 100, an unlimited number of approaches.

Our assessment: 4/5.


Update from September 2018: At the moment, Citibank has increased the limit from $400 to $500 per transaction, but at the same time, it is possible to make only two transactions per day, that is, receive $1,000. An additional internal Citibank commission for a transaction using other people's cards of $5 has also been added. In total, for withdrawing $500, at the moment you will be charged $517.15 = $500 + 1.8% + $3.15 + $5. In our opinion, this is less profitable than renting at Raiffeisen Bank. There, for this commission, you can make 4 transactions of $300 instead of two of $500.

Limit per transaction: 500$.

Number of ATMs and availability of currency: There are fewer ATMs than the previous ones, stable availability of currency.

Note: There are no currency ATMs on the site, search only by clicking, the bank also has a small representative office (there is only in 10 cities).

Our assessment: 4/5.


Limit per transaction: 2000$.

Update from September 2018: At the moment, there is not enough currency in ATMs, it is difficult to find an ATM that will have dollars in stock. At the same time, there are many currency ATMs only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other cities it is problematic to find them, or they simply do not exist.

Number of ATMs and availability of currency: There are many ATMs only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, very often there is no currency in them. In other cities, finding a currency ATM with currency is problematic.

Note: Currency ATMs are not highlighted on the site, but can be found through the alphabank website,.

Our assessment: 3/5.

Russian Standard Bank.

Limit per transaction: 300$.

Number of ATMs and availability of currency: There are few currency ATMs, in some cities there are none at all, and there is often no currency.

Note: On the site, currency ATMs are highlighted, gives out the amount of a multiple of $ 100.

Our assessment: 2/5.

Credit Europe Bank.

Limit per transaction: 300$.

Number of ATMs and availability of currency: There are few ATMs, there is often no currency.

Note: It gives out money every other time, periodically giving an error, after 1-2 approaches it can stop issuing funds, $ 100 bills, currency ATMs are highlighted on the site.

Our assessment: 2/5.

Alfa Bank.

Limit per transaction: 100$.

Number of ATMs and availability of currency: There are many ATMs, stable availability of currency.

Note: On the site, currency ATMs are highlighted, due to the low transaction limit, it becomes unprofitable.

Our assessment: 1/5.

The situation is constantly changing. So, until recently, AlfaBank issued $1,000 per transaction and was the most convenient way, now the limit has been changed to $100. If you have any more relevant information than the one presented in the article, write it in the comments.

Update from September 2018: Considering that ATMs are cutting limits on transactions and there are fewer and fewer ATMs that consistently dispense currency, we recommend paying attention to the method of withdrawing 100 thousand rubles at VTB24 at a time. If you need dollars, you can withdraw this amount in VTB24 and immediately buy dollars in some exchanger. At the time of updating the article, the total loss in this case will be about 3.5-4%.

Read also:

How to withdraw rubles from a Payoneer card in Russia. Limits, conversion rate, commissions.

If it is not important for you to withdraw exactly dollars, you can withdraw it in rubles at the conversion rate. Conversion takes place at the MasterCard rate, although some banks allow you to choose your own conversion rate.

Also, when withdrawing funds in a currency other than the card currency, you pay a commission for a cross-border payment. It is up to 3.5% and is charged instead of 1.8%, which are charged for withdrawals in card currency. Read more about this fee in this Payoneer answer.

I would like to note right away that there is less stability in the operation of ATMs for withdrawing rubles than for the situation that we described for withdrawing dollars. Often users complain that ATMs of the same banks either spit out a card with the message “the amount is too large”, or “the limit has been exceeded”, or normally allow them to withdraw funds.

The following is a table that lists banks, as well as their limits per transaction when withdrawing from a Payoneer card in rubles. But use these numbers as an approximation. In different ATMs, they may differ (depending on the availability of banknotes of certain denominations), since ATMs have restrictions on the number of banknotes issued at a time.

Bank Transaction limit
Alfa Bank 10000 rub.
Raiffeisen Bank 50000 rub.
BinBank 50000 rub.
VTB 24 100000 rub.
Home Credit Bank 50000 rub.
Russian standard 40000 rub.
Post Bank 50000 rub.
Promsvyazbank 40000 rub.

UPD September 2017: It also became possible to withdraw rubles from the account to the ruble bank account linked to the account. To do this, it must be specified either during registration or in the menu item Withdrawal: To a Bank account. Read more in our article:


In our opinion, withdrawing money from a Payoneer card is still more profitable in dollars. In addition to the fact that the MasterCard rate is usually worse than the local rate in the country, you also pay a commission for a cross-border payment, which can be up to 3.5%. These are quite significant losses. Plus, most banks have a small limit on withdrawals in rubles. When withdrawing a large amount, this will force you to make many approaches and pay Payoneer $ 3.15 transaction fees each time.

With regards to withdrawals in dollars, it seems to us that it is still more profitable to withdraw from ATMs, and not go to the bank's cash desk. Firstly, this way the bank will not charge you an additional commission, and secondly, you will be able to avoid presenting your documents and rewriting information about you in the bank's database.

Payoneer's daily limit is $5,000 for ATM withdrawals and $7,500 for bank cash withdrawals (payment online). Accordingly, if you urgently need to withdraw a large amount, it makes sense to withdraw both here and there.

Write comments if you can supplement the article with relevant information. We also remind you that you can register with Payoneer from us. At the same time, the registration process using our link must be completed continuously from the beginning to the end. If for some reason you terminated the registration, start it by clicking on our link from the very first step.

Details about the Payoneer payment system in Russia

Payoneer review in Russia in 2020 - how to use the payment system. Let's touch on the topics: how to withdraw money to an account in a Russian bank? Can I get a Pioneer card? How much does card and account maintenance cost: tariffs and commissions. Where is the best place to withdraw funds? What are the deposit and withdrawal limits? What is the advantage of Pioneer?

How convenient is the Pioneer payment system:

  • you will be able to buy goods in any store without a commission, moreover, at a good rate.
  • You won't pay any fees for transferring money between Pioneer accounts.
  • withdraw funds to a dollar or ruble account.

Payoneer review in Russia: how to use

The Payoneer payment system is used by both freelancers and large companies. You can receive payment in more than 200 countries. The system cooperates with popular exchanges: 99 designs, Upwork, ShutterStock, iStock, fiverr, Airbnb…

To start using your account, you need.
* Immediately after registration, you will be able to receive payments from clients and withdraw money from freelance exchanges to your account.
** Residents of Russia can register on RUB and USD bank account.

Can I order a Payoneer card

Updated March 2020: ordering a card for Russians is not available. Those who previously used the card can re-order a new card.

You can order a Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard debit card in three currencies: dollars, euros and British pounds - after you have a minimum of $30/€/£ in your account. You can withdraw cash from the card anywhere in the world where there are MasterCard ATMs.

For example:

  • With a Payoneer dollar card in Russia, you can withdraw rubles from a ruble ATM, and dollars to dollars.
  • if you withdraw funds in India with a Pioneer USD card, you will receive rupees.
  • in European countries, with a Pioneer EUR card, you can withdraw euros directly from an ATM.
  • in the UK you can withdraw pounds directly from the pound card.

Card delivery

There are two ways to get a Pioneer card: standard and fast. By default, the Pioneer card is delivered in the standard free way, through the national mail of Russia. Delivery time from 1 to 2 weeks. In some cases, delivery took a month.

Expedited delivery is carried out by DHL within 3-5 days. To order expedited delivery, you need to have $ 40 on your USD account / EUR 35 / GBP - 30 pounds, depending on the currency of the card you ordered. Then write a statement to the support service, and indicate that you need expedited courier delivery (below is the data that must be indicated in the appeal):

how to order a card: payoneer review in Russia

How to top up Payoneer in Russia

You cannot replenish your account yourself, such an attempt will be blocked. Here's how you can get paid with payoneer*:

  1. Withdraw money from freelance exchanges.
  2. Send "Payment Request" to customers worldwide.
  3. Receive payment from residents of China, Canada, Australia, USA, Europe and Japan to the details of the Global Payment Service.
  4. Receive payment from other Pioneer users.

*Received money to your Payoneer account appears on the card at the same time. Additional transfers are not required.

Withdrawal from Payoneer to a bank account in Russia

You can use your account without ordering a pioneer card. This saves you $30 on annual plastic maintenance. Let me remind you that you do not need to pay for servicing an account without a card.

  • In Russia, you can withdraw money from your Payoneer account to a bank account in rubles and dollars in any country.

What conditions:

  • commission 2% (commission of intermediary banks is possible);
  • minimum limit 300 USD;
  • you can add up to 3 bank accounts (which must be registered in your name).

Payoneer fees and charges in 2020

Account maintenance:

  • commission — $0.

Card service:

  • per year - $29.95.
  • reissue - $12.95.
  • refusal to issue funds/checking the balance at an ATM - $1.

Payment by card in rubles and dollars — $0.

Withdrawal of funds to a bank account — 2%.

Withdrawal fee:

  • rubles at an ATM - 3.5% + $3.15.
  • dollars at an ATM - 1.8% + $3.15.

Commission for receiving:

  • from a payoneer user - $0.
  • to the details of the Global Payment Service (EU countries, Australia, Great Britain, China, Canada, Japan) - 0%, from the USA - 1%.
  • through the "Request for payment" - 3%.


You can withdraw dollars at the bank's cash desk and through an ATM. In the first case, you can receive a large amount per day, the limit for issuing money is greater. But there is a big minus - for this procedure you will need to present your passport. When withdrawing from ATMs, the limit will be lower, and the commission will be more profitable.

  • Withdrawal from the card at the bank's cash desk + payment online - $ 7,500 per day.
  • ATM withdrawals - $5,000 per day.

Where to withdraw dollars from Payoneer in Russia

In this chapter, you will find information about where it is profitable to withdraw dollars from a Payoneer card in Russia.

Here are the three most profitable banks in terms of limits. Each of them takes a commission of 2% for ATM withdrawals:

  1. Unicredit— maximum 5000 USD/day. For one withdrawal you can get 400 USD.
    This bank receives the largest number of positive reviews, the availability of dollars is uninterrupted.
  2. Raiffeisen— 3000 USD per day and 300 for one withdrawal.
    *regular receipt of currency in ATMs.
  3. Binbank— limit 3000 USD per day and 3000 for one withdrawal.
    * Irregular receipt of currency in ATMs.

It is important to note that the limits may differ from those presented. We advise you to double-check the data with bank representatives.

Recently, I learned and tried first hand a way to withdraw money from Payoneer with minimal fees. The method itself is not complicated, but involves going abroad. Further in the article I share information on how the output scheme works.

Very briefly, what is the essence of the method

We withdraw money in euros from a Payoneer euro card in the European Union.

Who is this method for?

For those who travel, live in the EU, or in the border areas, whose relatives travel abroad.

Main idea

With Payoneer, you can withdraw money as follows:

  • to a local bank account;

  • using a Payoneer card at an ATM or bank teller.

There are no other options. We are interested in the 2nd option - the Payoneer card.

In addition to Payoneer's own ATM withdrawal fee, there is a cross-border Mastercard fee if the card is used outside the country where it was issued.

Dollar cards are issued somewhere very far away, and therefore we always pay an additional 1.8% commission for each transaction in US dollars, and 3.5% for transactions in national currencies (hryvnia, ruble, etc.).

However, Payoneer also has cards in other currencies. We are interested in a card in euros.

Payoneer Euro cards are issued within the European Union, and therefore there should be no additional cross-border Mastercard fees.

For the first time I was convinced of this when I paid for purchases in Estonia. Unlike the dollar card, the amount debited from the euro card was exactly what was on the price tag.
On another occasion, I was withdrawing cash from an ATM in Finland. Withdrawn only €2.50 - Payoneer commission for each ATM transaction. The rule - to withdraw the maximum possible amount at a time, remains in force.

Thus, the main idea is to withdraw money from a Euro-card in the EU.

If you withdraw euros from ATMs outside the EU, then the commission will most likely appear again.

But I earn in dollars, it won't suit me

Will do.

Yes, most of us earn and withdraw money to our Payoneer account in dollars. And here the function comes to the rescue - currency conversion. This feature appeared in Payoneer relatively recently. And therefore, not everyone knows about it and actively uses it. The option is in your account, in the tab "History"

General scheme

The schema looks like this:

  1. We receive payments, as usual, in dollars to our Payoneer account;

  2. Convert USD to EUR in your Payoneer account;

  3. We withdraw money in EUR from a euro card in the EU.


For currency conversion, Payoneer takes a commission of 0.5% of the amount. The EUR/USD exchange rate corresponds to the current exchange rate.

More than once I compared the Payoneer course with the course on xe.com. The course coincided, and sometimes it turned out even a little more profitable.

How to get a Payoneer card in euros

If you do not yet have a Payoneer card in EUR, you can order it in your account.

The ability to order a card may not be available until you have a certain amount in euros on your balance. Usually from 50 euros.

Accordingly, we use the currency conversion service.

If you already have a dollar card, then you do not need to pay anything for issuing and annual maintenance of an additional euro card.


Compare commissions for withdrawing money from Payoneer:

  • withdrawal to a local bank account - 2%;

  • dollars from a card at an ATM - $3.15 + 1.8%;

  • dollars from the card at the bank's cash desk - $3.15 + 1.8% + possible bank commission;

  • national currency (ruble, hryvnia) from a card at an ATM - $3.15 + 3.5%;

  • euro from a euro card at an ATM in the EU - €2.50 + 0.5%.

Thus, the last method is the most profitable.

It is clear that this option is not for every day, since most of us do not live in the European Union. But going on a trip, it is worth taking a card in euros with you. It is also beneficial for her to pay for purchases on European sites.

With the help of a Payoneer card in euros, there is another way to profitably withdraw money without having to travel anywhere. More in this material:

If you are not already using Payoneer

Sign up now using the link below and get a $25 bonus to your account when you top up your Payoneer account within a year in the amount of $1000:

* Previously, it was enough to deposit $100 to receive the bonus. Now, unfortunately, conditions have changed. And if on other resources you see an offer of a bonus of $100, most likely the information there simply has not been updated.

I myself am an active Payoneer user. If you have any questions or want to make additions to the article, leave them in the comments. It is not necessary to have a livejournal account, you can log in through social networks. Also, in my blog there are other materials about this payment system.

And after receiving the first payments, you can withdraw funds from your personal account to an account opened in any Russian bank. This is very convenient because it gives you the freedom to plan large purchases and manage large amounts of cash. If a payment card is linked to a bank account, the received funds become available immediately.

Whether your Payoneer account has US dollars, British pounds, euros, Japanese yen or yuan in your currency, you can make a withdrawal to your local bank account. The payment will be converted into rubles at the average market rate at the time of withdrawal. In order to get your bearings, you can use the converter on XE.com.

The scheme is quite simple: you make an application in your personal account for the withdrawal of funds, having previously entered and confirmed the data on the bank account. Usual withdrawal terms: 2-3 working (banking) days.

Conditions for withdrawing to a bank account

Withdrawal is possible only to a bank account owned by the owner of the Payoneer account, sending to third parties is prohibited.

The commission fee is 2% of the amount translation.

Withdrawal currency - only Russian rubles.

Minimum amount to send $50, maximum 10 thousand dollars.

Transfer credit term: up to 3 business days.


You get cash almost without any restrictions, at a fixed commission of 2% of the amount. When withdrawing cash from a Payoneer card at ATMs and bank cash desks, there are always quite strict restrictions with a higher commission.

Payment card Payoneer MasterCard is not required.

No additional or hidden fees, only a fixed 2% of the amount.

No problems with ATMs, which very often accompany the withdrawal of cash (lack of the required amount, exceeding limits, paid balance viewing, payment for each operation, etc.).

When paying with a Payoneer card, the daily spending limit is limited to the equivalent of $2,500, withdrawing funds, and you you can plan and make larger purchases.


The bank can inquire about the origin of incoming funds, especially if the amount is large, and the account is opened for an individual. In banks, where the rules are particularly strict, they may require copies of the contract or other documents on the basis of which the funds are transferred. Therefore, if you plan to regularly withdraw significant amounts, then it is preferable to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur).

Withdrawal is possible only in Russian rubles, the conversion rate is defined as "average market". However, it is usually a few percent lower than the commercial rate offered by banks.

Once the funds reach the local bank account, they somehow come under the scrutiny of the fiscal authorities. While the money is on the Payoneer balance and the card, information about them is not available.

Entering Russian bank account details into your Payoneer account

If you do not currently have a bank account, then you will have to open it by visiting a bank branch with a passport and an individual tax number on hand. Select and arrange the proposed service or package. Do not rush with registration, if you have payment cards in your hands (salary, social, for payments), then bank accounts correspond to them and you should find out from the bank support service whether it is possible to use them to receive funds from other sources. Most likely, the answer will be positive. Then it remains to get information about account details and limits from the same service.

Having the details in hand, in your personal Payoneer account, go to "Settings" - "bank accounts", where information about the bank account (maximum two) that is linked to your account is stored.

If you already entered your account details when registering with Payoneer (this was not required before 2017), then you will see the entered data. If not, then click "Add bank account".

Now, select your country where the bank account is actually opened. If it is open to an individual, then mark “personal”, if the owner is an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, put a mark on “corporate”.

Follow the prompts and fill in the details carefully. Please note that some fields are filled in Latin, while others are filled in Cyrillic. If any data is missing, then you can easily find it online. In particular, the address and postal code of the bank branch (where you opened an account) or BIC.

Check all the numbers again, especially the account number, remember that a mistake can lead to the fact that the funds will not be credited. Check "I verify bank account details" and click "Next".

After this, you will receive a notification that the details have been accepted for verification and consideration.

The verification takes several hours, as soon as it is completed you will receive an email notification and you can immediately use the account to withdraw funds.

How to withdraw funds to a Russian bank account

Once the account is added and approved, submitting a withdrawal request will only take a couple of minutes. It is enough to log in to your account and select "To a bank account" in the "Withdrawal" tab.

Choose from which balance you want to withdraw funds - you can choose any, choose the desired bank account. At the stage of confirming the operation, you will immediately be informed about the exchange rate.

Check the box "confirm" and click "withdraw". Usually, funds arrive in the bank account the next day after the withdrawal request. Delays are rare.