Quotes from the world elite about the decline in the world's population. Reducing the Earth's population is the goal of global demographic policy. Movie "Soylent Green"


Earth are associated with the assumption that there is some plan to reduce the population of our planet.

Overpopulation of the Earth, depletion of natural resources and evil intentions are some of the reasons why these theories arose. And the powers that be simply decided to get rid of the “extra mouths” to ensure their survival.

It's up to you to believe or not in these conspiracy theories about the depopulation of the Earth.

1. Hunger Pact

The first conspiracy theory is believed to have originated in France in the 18th century in connection with the "Famine Pact". During this period, food shortages arose in many areas of France due to unfavorable weather and poorly developed agriculture. As a result, prices for food and other goods increased.

Many of those in the middle or lower classes believed that the aristocracy or other shadowy group regulates grain prices to control growing population. This led to the "torment war" - riots and uprisings in the affected areas. Ultimately, the atmosphere of mistrust and fear gave rise to the French Revolution.

Population decline

2. Human Genome Project

The Human Genome Project is a major international project to decipher the human genome.

However, there is a theory that this project is nothing more than a cover for eugenicists who are developing methods to exterminate people, whom they consider "inferior" and unfit for this planet.

According to the theory, the ultimate goal of the project is to identify and destruction of "bad genes" throughout the world. Identification of the human genome would make it possible to create biological weapons for discreet sterilization and extermination of “inferior races.”

3. Global warming

The very existence of global warming is the subject of much debate. There are also those who believe that the campaign to curb global warming is just a ploy to implement a depopulation program.

The theory is that campaigning for the reduction of fossil fuels and substances harmful to the environment helps reduction in food and energy production around the world.

Such man-made hunger and poverty will lead to worldwide genocide and the destruction of the world economy, which will facilitate the implementation of a new world order.

4. Pandemics

We are accustomed to thinking of pandemics as naturally occurring outbreaks of diseases that have existed since time immemorial. However, there is a theory that pandemics are far from natural in origin, but in fact they are an attempt to exterminate the population of the Earth.

For example, it is argued that the Spanish flu, which led to the death of 20-100 million people from 1918 to 1920, was nothing more than a scheme to reduce the world's population.

Moreover, all disease outbreaks, including swine flu and Ebola, are considered artificial diseases created by those who want to reduce the world's population.

5. Georgia Tablets

The Georgia Tablets, also called America's "Stonehenge", are a monument whose origin and purpose remains a mystery.

The towering structure, which is located in Elbert County, Georgia, USA, contains 10 commandments written in 8 different languages, which are believed to be followed for the well-being of mankind.

However, there is a theory that the monument is a guide for the instigators of the extermination of the Earth's population. So, in the first commandment it is written that The world's population should not exceed 500 million in order to "be in constant balance with nature".

Proponents also believe that the remaining commandments also support the New World Order scenario.

Population Decline

6. Aliens

According to the defenders of this theory, the New World Order, the Illuminati and other organizations are just puppets in the hands of aliens who want to carry out a depopulation plan. Thus, exterminating the Earth's population will help them reduce resistance when the time comes to take over the world.

Presumably, people who cooperate with them will be saved or rewarded for their efforts.

Supporters believe that aliens have been working with these people since the Nazi Germany era. providing those with technologies to enslave the rest of the world. When the plan failed, the aliens went into hiding and began working with other secret groups to wipe out the world's population.

7. Movie "Soylent Green"

In the 1973 film Soylent Green, takes place in 2022, which shows an Earth with depleted natural resources and overpopulation. While rich people live in secluded enclaves and control everything, the rest live their lives in poverty, hunger and pollution.

The only thing that keeps them going is a mass-produced product from a large corporation called Soylent Green. At the end, a detective working on a murder case learns that Soylent green is made from the bodies of dead people, which is kept secret by the powers that be.

“If I had the opportunity to be reincarnated, I would like to return to Earth killer virus to reduce the population..."

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, President of the World Wildlife Fund, husband of Queen Elizabeth of EnglandII.

9 methods used today to reduce the world's population

Let me begin this extensive piece by clarifying that I am in no way trying to pass judgment on anyone [here] for what anyone believes or does not believe; what they may have experienced and what group/church/society they belong to. I would be grateful to you guys if you avoided calling each other names and throwing mud at each other in this trend. Please follow the forum rules ATS.

This study was written by me personally in order to draw some conclusions about what is happening. [Certain] names and organizations are mentioned throughout the work. It is quite well known that those who advocate the agenda are members of one or another secret order, and are followers of an ancient religion, including [the gods] Osiris, Isis and Horus, and [centuries-old] esoteric knowledge - in order to be among the “enlightened ones” . They regard the rest of the population as “uninitiated”, as something like [livestock]. They believe that people who do not share their teachings do not even have a soul - until they become adherents of their “order”.

If we consider that the long-standing goal of secret societies is to build a utopian and very boring (to live in) world, in which there is a race of “enlightened” gentlemen who in [current] society are the “builders” of this new world, then it becomes self-evident that “they” have some kind of “plan”. In fact, that is a well-documented fact. Just like the fact that the plan has been painstakingly implemented for 5,000 years and aims to build a new world order. I underline the word "painstakingly", to show that this plan is obviously very long term.

To make an analogy that fits my line of thinking, I remember an episode from the movie Stargate, Season 4, Episode 16, called “2010.” In this series, a race called “Ashen” makes peace with earthlings and, as part of the agreement, transfers to us its advanced medical technologies.

The result of this is the disappearance of diseases on earth. People get long life. This is the positive effect of the “vaccine” that they brought for the Earth. The side effect of this wonderful "vaccine" is infertility, and people realize too late that the Ashen are making a long-term plan to take over our world and turn it into farmland, which will be very easy to do when all the people die.

More about this:

So, my dear friends, here at ATS, ask yourself: Who will benefit from this? Who benefits from this? Stem cell researchers? Suppliers of human organs? Pharmaceutical companies? Cosmetics companies? Do you know what is happening in the name of medicine?

Pharmaceutical companies. There are 14 types of vaccines that are made using human fetuses obtained from abortions. And all of these [vaccines] are made by large pharmaceutical corporations. But the heartbreaking carnage doesn't stop there. There is a medical journal “The embryo as a donor for transplantation: scientific, social and ethical perspectives”. It is created by Peter McCullough, an immunologist at the University of Western Australia and published by the John Wiley Company in .

P. McCullough of the Australian International University in Canberra is probably the most knowledgeable person in the world on the use of fetal tissue. By the way, he is against abortion, and it is great that his book describes some of the technologies that were previously used to obtain fetal brain tissue. For example, he talks about how in Sweden they would pierce the placenta of a pregnant woman at, say, 14 to 16 weeks, then they would attach a clamp to the baby's head, pull the head into the cervix, drill holes into the baby's head, and then, with Using a special machine, brain cells were sucked out. These lines are taken directly from his book.

Healthy human fetuses between 7 and 21 weeks of age obtained through legal abortions were used. This happened in . Age was estimated by body length and so on. The fetal liver and kidneys were quickly removed and weighed. Such abortions at 7, 16 and 21 weeks are called prostaglandin abortions. A special substance is injected into the uterus, and, as a result of a “mini-birth,” the child is born prematurely. In 50% of cases, the child is born alive, but this does not stop anyone! They simply open the baby's tummy without any anesthesia to remove the liver and kidneys.

Here's another link where you can check out the disgusting things that "they" do in this big business that is essentially trafficking in human beings: www.ourchurch.com...By the way, stem cell research with the use of human embryos was approved by our beloved President Bush, who predicted the advent of a “new world order.”

How much has citizens spent on abortions over the past 30 years? If my data is correct, then more than 6 billion dollars. And this does not take into account the income that doctors receive from the sale of organs. All this reminds the author of the film “Soylent Green”. Dozens of anti-abortion groups are calling for a boycott of the food giant. PepsiCo, for the fact that this corporation cooperates with Senomyx, a biotech company that uses aborted fetal cells to develop artificial flavor enhancers.

In addition, they try to downplay the risks faced by any woman who has an abortion before a natural birth. In this case the risk of breast cancer increases by 800%!

In the fall of 1996, a new scientific work appeared, combining more than 23 studies of the relationship between abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy and the risk of breast cancer. It was published in the British Medical Journal. These studies have clearly shown the link between abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy and an increased risk of breast cancer.

In response to these publications, the American Medical Association (American Medical Association - AMA), American Cancer Society (American Cancer Society - ACS) and pro-abortion and pro-birth control lawyers have formed an unholy alliance to discredit the study's findings and prevent the information from being disseminated to American doctors.

“A strong relationship between and breast cancer has been identified”- Washington Times (Washington Times) October 12, 1996 Conspiracy?

Finally, there is a hidden connection between abortion (child sacrifice) and the cult of Baal. The remains of more than 20,000 children have been discovered in cemeteries recently discovered near sites of Baal worship. The Greek historian Clitarchus describes the ritual of sacrificing infants to Baal 300 years before the birth of Christ.

Returning to the conversation about secret societies, it is worth mentioning that there is evidence of a connection between the cult of Baal and Freemasonry. When initiated into the Royal Arch degree (13th degree), the Mason is given the three-syllable name of God. Each syllable symbolizes a different deity. The first syllable symbolizes the biblical god. The second is Baala. The third is the Chaldean (Babylonian) god (possibly Ea/Eya. - Translation.).

Initiation into the Royal Arch Degree shows that Freemasons do indeed worship Baal. Most Masons do this without realizing it, participating in rituals they don't really understand. However, a few higher level Masons (the highest degrees of initiation) know exactly what they are doing.

Remembering our friends on this forum, let's talk not about these people, but about the ideals of those who try to hide the truth from us and from them: “Freemasonry, like all religions, all mysteries, Hermeticism and alchemy, hides its secrets from all but the adepts and sages, the elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled. To hide the truth, which they call Light, from the "uninitiated", and to lead them away from it..." Albert Pike, "Morals and Dogma of the Great and Ancient Scottish Branch of Freemasonry"

I tried to remain objective, but how can one be objective when talking about the murder of over 50 million young Americans (plus millions of abortions in the rest of the world) sacrificed at the altar of convenience and prosperity, as well as the thriving trade in organs, vaccines, and ? Wake up please!

People, what is more important to you: the countless near-Earth objects that threaten life as we know it, or the silence that hides the methodical eradication of our race? How many false dangers are created to distract our attention from the fact that “someone” is trying to destroy us! “Someone” is masterfully trying to force us to do this ourselves, blaming us!

3. Miscarriages

Although we were all scared by reports that the H1N1 flu contains RFID chips (a technology for creating chips that do not require a battery. - Translation.), it turned out that when administered to pregnant women, this vaccine increases the chance of miscarriage by 700%. The use of an untested vaccine is evident: was this intentional or the result of blind stupidity?

Even when it was discovered, doctors who knew about the risks, continued to administer the “vaccine” to pregnant women

Of course, we can look closer and find many other examples of vaccines made from dead babies that have had a serious impact on the population, but here we have to ask ourselves, where does this specific effect of the flu vaccine come from? Coincidence or shameless murder?

There are many chemicals in our water and food that contribute to either miscarriage or infertility. I can speak with some knowledge as I have three children from five pregnancies. As a result of one of them, the child died in the womb, and had to be cut into pieces to remove it. More and more often we hear about cases of repeated miscarriages.

“Chromosomal abnormalities occur in 26% of human oocytes (eggs) and 10% of sperm. Recurrent miscarriages are associated with chromosomal abnormalities in the parents, antiphospholipid antibodies, and abnormal uterine cavities. Premature ovarian failure (the inability of the ovaries to produce eggs) may be genetically determined and associated with an autoimmune disease...”, Dr David Lindsay, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. - The Lancet, June 18, 1994.

Chemicals are everywhere!

What's worse than all these chemicals in our food, water and air that contribute to human sterilization? let's consider benzene, a very harmful substance used in the development of shale coal and gas deposits at the depth of artesian groundwater. It is also found in products as "preservative 211" or "sodium benzonate"- this chemical is actually found in everyone soft drinks, liqueurs and fruit juices that our children drink - except cola and some blackcurrant liqueurs.

If you look at supermarket labels, you'll be hard-pressed to find drinks without "211 benzene." In Australia, the Department of Health ordered manufacturers such as Pepsi, Coca Cola and Schweppes to stop using benzene in their drinks - the manufacturers responded that they would simply use "less" benzene. How so? Choosing the lesser of two evils, we drink cola - at least phosphoric acid won't cause as much damage as benzene!

Hello? Those magnificent ones that our children love so much can make them barren!

You can find a so-called "partial" list of reproductive toxins here - many of them are in your home and used every day, they are considered part of "modern life". Little is known about the effects of chemicals on reproductive function. Regarding the use of chemicals in the workplace: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development- OECD) and the European Economic Community ( European Economic Community- EEC), have prepared a list of several thousand chemicals produced in quantities of more than 1000 tons per year, and many are produced in quantities of 10,000 tons per year.

“Toxicological data of a single species exist for only a few hundred substances, and data for human reproductive toxicity exist for only about 100 substances...” Dr Frank Sullivan, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of London, Environmental Health Perspective 101 13-18, 1993. In our daily lives, we are surrounded by chemicals on all sides. Chemical hazards of an environmental or geographic nature include:

Work or live near a farm where pesticides are used.

Dry cleaning, dental work.

Exhibitions of paintings.

Accommodation in a house built before March 1988.

Coffee, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol (all our favorite things).

Nutritional supplements, drinking water, the kind that comes from the tap.

Car exhaust fumes, work in the rubber, plastic or synthetic industries.

“The risk of infertility increases in women who are exposed to textile dyes, dry cleaning chemicals, noise, lead, mercury and cadmium. There is a significant risk of fertility problems in women exposed to anti-corrosion agents, welding fumes, plastic production, lead, cadmium or anesthetics. There is also an increased risk of fertility problems in men exposed to textile dyes, waste products from plastics manufacturing and welding. Those who are exposed to or use antibiotics are at increased risk of having problems conceiving for at least 12 months after exposure to these chemicals." Dr. Boguslav Baranski, Institute of Occupational Medicine, Denmark, Conference on Environmental Influences and Reproductive Health held in Denmark, September 4, 1991

Wait! Do you mean that if we were in the hospital or the dentist, were given anesthesia, or took antibiotics, we could become infertile? What? Do you mean that the medical industry already knows what could happen to us? And they haven't changed the formula for these drugs? May I ask, Why?

There is an extensive list of possible causes of infertility, which can be found here - it's all right under our noses, friends! It seems like the lifestyle of the “Amish” (religious movement. - Translation.) is getting more and more attractive, huh?

Let me draw the only possible conclusion: "they" don't want you to have children. If you do manage to have a child in the modern world, consider it a privilege, so it is your responsibility to ensure that your children develop properly and hopefully they survive to have children of their own, which seems to be an increasingly difficult task.

4. Declining birth rate

This is scary and can only be a result of our "modern lifestyle" and the chemicals around us - the birth rate is falling. Currently, every woman worldwide has an average of 2.79 children, up from 4.95 in 1950. The level is predicted to be 2.03 by the end of the century. In the US, these figures were 1.8 in 1975-79. and are generally the lowest in the world. Why is this happening? I cannot name the reasons other than those I have already indicated above.

We constantly hear reports that the Earth is overpopulated, there are countries with huge populations, such as those where the “one child policy” has been introduced. Be that as it may, statistics suggest that the birth rate is declining and we may be witnessing a population decline.

The efforts of international political organizations and institutions of global mass culture (cinema, music, Internet) to reduce the number of inhabitants of planet Earth (depopulation) are visible to the naked eye today.

Feminism and emancipation kidnap a woman from her family so that she does not become a mother. Modern fashion requires a man to forget about his masculinity forever. The Western education system teaches young children to tolerate perversions. Mass global culture declares the main goal of human life to increase the quantity and improve the quality of pleasures. All this and much more bombards the psyche of modern man from morning to evening. The result is a state of permanent mental personality disorder, which does not allow you to create a strong family, give birth to healthy children, raise them, educate them and help them create their own families.

Overpopulation - a crafty myth or a terrible reality?

All this has an outwardly quite legitimate scientific veneer. Allegedly, the population of the Earth is growing at a rate that threatens the well-being of humanity. We are shown graphs of how many people there were in the distant past, how many people live now and how much the population will increase in the future. At the same time, no one asks where the figures for ancient and medieval demography come from? What calculation methods were used and how accurate are these methods? How accurate are the methods for estimating the current population size? Is there any real scientific basis for the “terrible” forecasts of human population growth? We invite you to take our word for it! All this gives the impression of global manipulation of public opinion. In other words, isn't this all a scam?

Who needed to reduce the world population?

The scale of today's depopulation projects in the world is quite comparable to global genocide, when some people systematically destroy others. Typically, genocide occurs during wars, when one nation attacks another nation, or after a war, when one nation has defeated another nation and destroys it in order to free up living space or to prevent future revenge from the grown-up children of now defeated warriors. This is how Genghis Khan did it, slaughtering all Tatar men taller than a cart wheel. This is what the Protestant Cromwell did when he destroyed the Irish Catholics. This is what Hitler did, exterminating the unfortunate Jews. There are many sad historical examples that can be cited. But who conquered planet Earth so much that it is now destroying its inhabitants?

It is interesting that according to US CIA data for 2016, which are published on their website and translated into Russian, among 18 countries in the world whose population is more than 80 million people, the only countries with a population decline are Germany and Japan. That is, unlike the other most numerous nations on Earth, only the Germans and Japanese are depopulating. The number of citizens of the remaining 18 largest countries in the world is growing at the very least.

Germany and Japan were defeated in World War II. Many researchers believe that these two states can still be considered as occupied countries. American military bases are located on the territory of these countries.

It can be assumed that Germany and Japan, being occupied by the United States, lack the will to resist and are susceptible to depopulation projects to a greater extent than other countries.

Then it’s worth taking a closer look at the USA. Maybe the Americans are the monsters who committed planetary genocide?

The USA really looks like a customer of global depopulation projects. In 1974, the now living (and still in diplomatic service) Henry Kissinger, as the American National Security Advisor, drew up a document for the US President, which was called “Memorandum 200”. The document stated that overpopulation in the countries of the world harms US national security. They say that an increase in the number of citizens leads to a lack of resources, discontent and unrest, which are fraught with the change of pro-American local governments to nationally oriented regimes. This in turn could deprive the US of access to the resources of these countries. Significantly, this “memorandum” was classified and adopted in 1975 by President Herald Ford as official government policy. This document was declassified in the 90s, when Russia, which was the only one that could really prevent the Americans from depopulating the countries of the world, was finally knocked out of the field of international politics. At that time, by the way, the Russian Federation was subjected to the same technologies of hidden genocide.

The US is clearly an important implementer of depopulation projects. But is Washington the customer of this global policy? After all, US citizens themselves suffer greatly from it, among other things.

It is important to remember here that the United States is a debtor state. As of 2016, the United States owed 106.4% of its GDP. This means that the entire US actually belongs to its creditors. The creditor of the United States is the Federal Reserve System, whose shareholders are the largest private international banks, whose owners are classified as trade secrets. There is no doubt that these are members of the oldest trading and financial families in Europe, some of which may have taken part in Venetian, Dutch and English international trade.

These people from ancient bourgeois families, with the help of finance, greatly influence international relations, finance mass culture and have all the tools to direct global demographic policy in the direction they need.

Why is this necessary?

If the customers are the top international financial bourgeoisie, then reducing the number of earthlings is somehow in their interests.

Staff reduction"

If the globalized world is a business corporation whose goal is to increase the profits of its owners, then the reduction of the Earth's population fits into the logic of business optimization in order to reduce costs, primarily on personnel. Only the most useful people remain in terms of profitability for the owners. Those who do not ensure income growth for the owners of the corporation are subject to “dismissal.”

Destruction of the robbed

Trade-usurious capitalism enriches the highest international financial bourgeoisie by robbing huge masses of citizens. A person is given a loan to purchase goods and services that he does not really need. But popular culture convinces people otherwise. Hypnotized by fashion, the “free individual” goes into debt and pays a large percentage of his income to the bank. There is no longer enough money to support a demanding wife and gluttonous children.

If a person does start a family, then sooner or later he comes to limit his needs and reduce his debt, since paying interest places an unbearable burden on the family budget. This way, a household can completely get out of credit dependence. Then the owners of credit institutions receive less profit. And lost profit in business language is called loss. Therefore, so that the financier does not receive a loss, and the person does not burden himself with his family, the latter is placed in the field of population reduction projects or, in other words, projects that create powerful obstacles to creating a family and having children.

Thus, the financial bourgeoisie robs the inhabitants of the planet and destroys that part of them that has already been robbed before their birth. In other words, a classic robbery followed by murder.

Solving environmental problems

Our planet is a sphere with a finite surface area. The prospect of space colonization is still illusory. And the environmental problems that are created by giant industrial production in order to ensure international trade and the growing mass lust for commodity consumption are very real.

The top international financial bourgeoisie understand that with the help of finance they have actually already taken possession of the entire world, which has become their property. And, oh horror, on the territory of their property they suddenly noticed people who, with their livelihoods, pollute the property of their owners. There is an understandable desire to get people off your property and clean up your lawn. But where to eliminate people? The entire globe is now the owner’s property. Solution: Reducing the human population. The extreme manifestation of this desire was eco-fascism, which declared the harm of humans to Mother Planet and the need to reduce the harmful population of Homo Sapiens.

Containment of space exploration

The time has passed when large Venetian or Dutch merchant houses willingly invested money in the risky sending of trading expeditions overseas. Today, the highest trade and financial international bourgeoisie has become lazy and does not want to invest money in space exploration. Give her something simpler and something less risky.

Space programs have always been the preserve of large and economically powerful states. One of the important elements of the Cold War and the Arms Race between the USSR and the USA was space programs, which were always associated with military developments.

In space programs, it is the government approach that is important from the point of view of human safety. This approach does not tolerate business savings and cost optimization. If you apply the principles of business optimization to space programs, people begin to die and equipment begins to fail.

For the above reasons, space projects increase the role of the state and the army. And this goes against the liberal course taken towards weakening sovereign states and transforming the entire populated world into a single market without political borders without state regulation. This is precisely the course taken by the highest international trade and financial bourgeoisie, which is the customer and sponsor of globalism.

Therefore, globalists, on the one hand, need to lead the process of space exploration and profane it. This task is carried out by PR illusionist Elon Musk with his unprofitable companies, which exist with the money of American taxpayers. And, on the other hand, eliminate the reason for the need for space projects. It is necessary to ensure that the inhabitants of planet Earth have enough living space on their home planet. It is impossible to enlarge the planet. Therefore, it was decided to fight overpopulation.

In addition to these three reasons described above, there are undoubtedly other reasons for the current global population policy. It is important to understand that this policy is inherently flawed. God said: be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth... And there is earth on other planets. Therefore, our spiritual task is not to follow the lead of greedy God-fighting merchants. We need to stop consuming unnecessary goods and services, reconfigure the economy to environmentally unprofitable production (without compromising the well-being of people), strengthen our states, explore space and create strong families with many children.

The bishop claims: there is an international conspiracy to reduce the world's population.

Juan Antonio Reig Pla, Bishop of Alcalá de Henares, accuses universities, political parties, trade unions, as well as the UN, UNESCO and some NGOs of financing projects aimed at reducing population. Thus, the cleric entered into the debate about the Spanish abortion law.

“This is the grand project of this whole international complex - to reduce the number of people eating so that the table does not become more crowded,” Reig Pla said in an interview, citing the words of Pope John Paul II in his 1995 encyclical Evangelium Vitae.

According to the bishop, the root cause is the paradigm generated by the "sexual revolution" and continued in the course of the "anthropological revolution, which wants to change human nature." In Spain, he counted 17 laws and decrees “against life, marriage and family.”

Many of the "global elite" believe that the growing population of the planet is the number one problem facing the world. Many of them are absolutely convinced that overpopulation is the main cause of “climate change,” destroying our environment and threatening to turn the entire planet into one giant slum of a third world country.

At the same time, Russian scientists - S.P. Kapitsa, A.V. Podlazov, A.D. Panov, A.V. Molchanov and others - convincingly showed that the planet's population itself will stabilize at 11 billion. But those who belong to a narrow ethnic-religious group raised on usury have real influence and occupy influential positions where they can really do a lot to implement their plans.

Here are quotes from open sources collected by the American Dream resource, which clearly emphasize what is being said “behind the closed doors of global political clubs.”

1) UN Population Division Policy Summary, March 2009: “What can we do to accelerate fertility decline in least developed countries?”

(compare with the above recommendations for the legalization of drugs, homosexuality and prostitution, while simultaneously refusing examination and compulsory treatment).

2) Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft: “There are 6.8 billion people in the world today. The population is rapidly approaching 9 billion. If we do a really good job now on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health care, maybe we can lower it by 10 to 15 percent.”

3) John P. John P. Holdren, science adviser to US President Barack Obama: “It would be easier to implement a program to sterilize women after giving birth to their second or third child, despite the relatively greater complexity of the operation compared to vasectomy, than to try to sterilize men. The development of a long-lasting sterilization capsule that could be sewn under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens up additional possibilities for forced birth control. The capsule would be sewn in at puberty and removed by official permission for a limited number of births.”

4) Paul Ehrlich, science advisor to former US President George W. Bush: “Every human being born today creates imbalances in the environment and the life support systems of the planet.”

5) US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “Frankly, I thought that when the Roe case was decided, there was a concern about population growth, and in particular the growth in that part of the population, in which we want the least.”

6) UN Population Fund report “Facing a Changing World: Women, Population and Climate”: “No person is truly carbon neutral, especially when all greenhouse gases are brought into balance.”

7) David Rockefeller: “The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming terrifyingly obvious.”

9) Founder of the CNN news agency Ted Turner (he is also a member of the so-called “Good club”, which, in addition to him, includes Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg and Oprah Winfrey ): “The entire population is 250 - 300 million people, reducing 95% from the current level would be ideal.”

10) Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First: “My top three goals would be to reduce the human population to 100 million worldwide, destroy industrial infrastructure, and see the desert and its full range of species return across to the whole world."

11) Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: “If I were reincarnated, I would want to return to earth as a killer virus to reduce human populations.”

12) David Brower, first executive director of the Sierra Club, an environmental NGO: "Childbirth [should be] a punishable crime against society unless the parents are licensed by the government... All potential parents [would be required to ] use contraceptive chemicals, the government provides antidotes to citizens selected for the birth of a child.”

13) Planned Parenthood Federation of America founder Margaret Sanger, sponsored by the Rockefeller clan: “The highest act of mercy a family can show to one of its young children is to kill him.”

14) Founder of Planned Parenthood Federation of America Margaret Sanger. "Woman, Morality, and Birth Control." NY. Ed. New York, 1922 Page 12): “Birth control must ultimately lead to a purer race.”

15) Princeton University philosopher Peter Singer: “So why don’t we be the last generation on the planet? If we all agreed to our sterilization, then no sacrifices would be required - we could celebrate our way into extinction!

16) Thomas Ferguson, former US State Department Population Affairs official: “There is only one theme in all our work - we must reduce the population. Either governments will do it our way, through good, clean methods, or they will get into trouble like we have in El Salvador, or Iran, or Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once the population is out of control, it demands an authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it...”

17) Dr. Sam Kean at the Mikhail Gorbachev roundtable, San Francisco, 1996: “We must talk more openly about sexuality, contraception, abortion, the importance of birth control, because the environmental crisis is, in short, a demographic crisis. Reduce the population by 90% and there simply won’t be enough people to cause an environmental disaster.”

18) John Guillebaud, professor of family planning at University College London: “On a planetary scale, the effect of having one less child in families is much greater than any other measure, such as turning off the lights . One more child is the equivalent of many flights around the planet.”

19) Eric Ahr, biology teacher at the University of Texas at Austin. Eric R. Pianka: “This planet could support half a billion people who would live in relative comfort without harming nature. The population must be greatly reduced and as quickly as possible to reduce environmental damage."

20) Head of the US State Department Hillary Clinton: “This year the US resumed funding for reproductive health through the UN Population Fund, and even more investment is expected. The US Congress recently allocated more than $648 million in foreign aid to family planning and reproductive health programs around the world. I should add that this is the largest allocation of funds in more than ten years - since we had a Democratic president."

21) Nina Fedoroff, advisor to Hillary Clinton: “We need to continue to slow down the rate of world population growth; The planet cannot support more people."

22) Let us remember what G.Kh. said. Popov, “foreman of perestroika”: “...to remove from national competence and transfer under international control nuclear weapons,...energy and all rocket and space technology...reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials...strict birth rate limits must be established taking into account...the wealth accumulated by each country...it is impossible , so that the poorest reproduce the fastest... genetic control at the embryonic stage and thereby the constant cleansing of the gene pool of humanity seems promising.”

23) Characteristically, all these statements coincide with the first of the “new 10 commandments” on the Georgia Tablets - a 6-meter, 100-ton granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. The monument contains a long inscription in eight modern languages, and at the top of the monument there is a shorter inscription in 4 dead languages.

In June 1979, an unknown person hiding under the mocking pseudonym R.S. Christian (R. C. Christian), ordered the construction of the monument from the Elberton Granite Finishing Company. The first of which reads: “Let the earth's population never exceed 500,000,000, being in constant balance with nature.” How they are going to do this is not reported.

The colossal wings, each weighing 28 tons, are embossed in eight languages, including Russian, with the following text:

1. Establish a human population of less than 500,000,000 people and a constant balance with nature.
2. Gently manage reproduction to improve health and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a new natural language
4. Manage patiently and honestly. traditional and reasonable in all things
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and fair trials.
6. Allow all nations to be governed from within and resolve external problems in the World Court
7. Eliminate unnecessary laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal freedoms with social responsibilities
9. Reward truth, beauty and love... seek harmony with infinity.
10 Be not a cancer of the earth -
- make room for nature
- make room for nature

The “limit” of 500 million people “worthy to stay alive” is associated with the mythology according to which 144 thousand representatives of “spiritual Israel” should remain (literally perceived by a number of sects that speak of “special” 12 tribes of 12 thousand people each), and the “concept of Moshiach,” where each of the Jews is promised 2,800 goyim slaves.

Website “King Moshiach”: “The sages taught: At the hour when Moshiach is revealed, he, standing on the roof of the Holy Temple, will say to all Jews: “Humble ones!” The time has come for your Liberation!.. And if you do not believe, look at My light that has risen above you." At that hour, the Most High Light of Moshiach shows and all the Jews go to it. And all the peoples of the world fall on their faces before Moshiach and exclaim: “We We will be your slaves." And every Jew will have 2800 slaves...” The number 2800 is calculated in this way: (70 nations, according to the Torah) x (10 people from each nation) x (grab the half of the Jew (4 edges of clothing, tzitzit - tassels are tied to them), this turns out 2800 slaves for each “chosen one”.

We understand that these plans are being implemented with amazing tenacity. In addition to savage vaccination, you need to wait for attacks and “freshly released” bacteria. And there is no doubt that they will stop at nothing - this is evidenced by the history of the emergence of “biomathematics”, and the practice of deliberately infecting “experimental Guatemalans” with sexually transmitted diseases, juvenile technologies and much more.

Based on materials from inopressa.ru, communitarian.ru

Many of the global elite of the Western democratic world are convinced of the need to significantly reduce the world's population. In their opinion, it should be reduced from the current 7 billion to 500 million. And they propose to start this vile procedure with developing countries. Below, read the most scandalous proposals of representatives of the Western democratic elite...

1) “There are 7 billion people in the world today. The population is rapidly approaching 9 billion. If we do a really good job now on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health care, we can bring this number down significantly." Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft).

2) “The negative impact of population growth on all our planetary ecosystems is becoming horrifyingly obvious” ( David Rockefeller)

3) “In order to stabilize the world population, we must kill 350 thousand people every day” ( Jacques Cousteau)

4) “My main goal: to reduce the human population to 100 million worldwide” ( Dave Forman, co-founder of the organization "Earth First!")

5) “The highest act of mercy that a family can show to one of its young children is to kill him” ( Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood Federation of America).

6) “Population is a political problem. Once the population is out of control, it demands an authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it..." ( Thomas Ferguson, US State Department Population Affairs Official).

7) “The United States began significant funding for reproductive health care this year, and more investment is expected. The planet cannot support so many people" ( Hillary Clinton, US presidential candidate).

8) “It is necessary to reduce the world population by 90%, starting this work with third world countries” ( Melinda Gates, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).

9) “Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society unless the parents are licensed by the government...” ( David Brower, executive director of the Sierra Club).

10) “If I were reincarnated, I would like to return to earth as a killer virus in order to significantly reduce the number of people” ( Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh).

The interest of Gates, Buffett, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros and other famous American oligarchs in significantly reducing the number of people on our planet is well known. However, in recent years, well-known politicians from the Democratic Party - Hillary Clinton and John Peay - began to make statements in unison with them. Holdren (science advisor to US President Barack Obama) is alarming... And there is no doubt that Western democracy will stop at nothing - this is evidenced by the history of the emergence of “biomathematics” and the practice of deliberately infecting “experimental Guatemalans” with sexually transmitted diseases, juvenile technology, the emergence of AIDS and much more. “Color revolutions”, preparation and financing of Islamic terrorism, creation of artificial contradictions between countries and pitting them against each other in various wars - all this is from the same opera, which is aimed at significantly reducing the number of people.

Russian scientists - S.P. Kapitsa, A.V. Podlazov, A.D. Panov, A.V. Molchanov and others - convincingly showed that the planet's population itself will stabilize at 9-11 billion. But those who belong to a narrow ethnic-religious group raised on usury have real influence and occupy influential positions where they can really do a lot to implement their plans, including a nuclear disaster.