Bankrupt "Norman. Norman: Even investors do not trust us Norman construction company what will happen


The object was erected in the village of Poroshkino, Bugrovsky rural settlement. The building permit for the first stage was obtained in early 2015. It's a 12 storey monolithic building consisting of seven sections. The total area of ​​the house is about 41,000 sq.m. It is designed for 1068 apartments. There are also two five-story parking lots for 211 cars each.

The permit was valid until January 2018, and then it was extended until the end of the year. But the developer will obviously not meet the new deadlines either: only three sections have “raised” up to the 12th floor.

In October 2016, the developer brought to market the second stage of the project - two 12-storey buildings with 1,030 apartments. These houses have just grown out of the ground.

Lawsuits for bankruptcy of the company were filed by several equity holders at once. The developer returned the money to some of them, but not to all. According to the next claim, the arbitration decided to declare the debtor bankrupt and open bankruptcy proceedings under a separate paragraph on the bankruptcy of developers. That is, bypassing the monitoring procedure, the company immediately appointed a bankruptcy trustee.

Shareholders who were present in court say that the decision came as a surprise to the developer's lawyers. In the spring, the companies of the Normann group, including the "western" branch, were going to file for their own bankruptcy. According to Boris Brosalin, General Director of Norman, in order to "be able to control the situation and avoid unfriendly actions, avoid bankruptcy, complete the construction of houses and transfer apartments to equity holders." Now the bankruptcy of "Normann-West" will be "steered" by the manager proposed by the equity holders. Although the decision of the court can still be challenged. It should be noted that the bankruptcy of various companies included in the group is being sought by contractors, tax authorities, etc., and the total debts are estimated at 15 billion rubles.

The authorities of the Leningrad region also believe that the bankruptcy of the developer and the creation of housing cooperatives by equity holders is the only option for completion. “Now the most important task for equity holders is to get into the register of creditors. They have three months to do this. The authorities are ready to provide free legal advice to citizens. Six months later, the manager must offer the equity holders to sell the object and divide the money or create a housing cooperative to complete the construction. If citizens choose the second option, the government will help find an investor. I would like to note that Moroshkino is Norman's most attractive facility for potential investors due to the large number of unsold apartments,” explains Mikhail Moskvin, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Leningrad Region.

She sold a small asset in St. Petersburg and is going to complete the construction of two objects with this money. The holding also found an investor who is ready to complete the rest of the houses. Will the parties sign the contract, it will be known on December 25.

A meeting was held in the regional government on the issue of completing the problematic facilities of the Norman Group of Companies, headed by the governor of the region Alexander Drozdenko. The owner of the Norman holding, Vladimir Smirnov, said that on November 30 he sold an asset in St. Petersburg, and the proceeds will be used to complete the construction of two objects in St. Petersburg: Izhora Park and Zarechnaya, perhaps something will fall on the regional residential complex Desyatkino . However, he explained that the money would come in installments. Moreover, Mr. Smirnov hopes one of these days to sign an agreement with an investor, with whom he has been negotiating for more than a year on the completion of facilities. The parties almost agreed whether the contract will be signed - it will become known on December 25, the developer said. Alexander Drozdenko suggested that members of the government meet within three working days after hour "X" and decide on the fate of the company's long-term construction.

The governor frankly admitted that he was more concerned about the facilities of the "Normann" in the territory of the Leningrad region. On the regional land, the company sells four LCDs - "Bright" in Yanino-1, "Moroshkino" in the village of Poroshkino, as well as "Desyatkino" and "Desyatkino", the second stage in western Murino. Apartments in them were purchased by 3862 equity holders.

The readiness is highest at the second stage of the Desyatkino residential complex. About 100 million rubles are required for its completion. True, there are almost no free apartments. About 1 billion rubles are needed to complete the Desyatkino residential complex, 43 out of 1,600 apartments are available in three buildings. The most attractive for investors is the Bright residential complex (1,360 vacant apartments in two phases, completion requires more than 2 billion rubles) and the Moroshkino residential complex (sold 650 apartments in two phases).

Since the economics of the projects are different, the governor suggested considering all four unfinished projects as a whole. If it does not work out with the investor found by Norman, the government offers its own option: to give all four objects to one hand. For example, LenOblAIZhK or another company trusted by the government.

The fact that the new developer, the governor of the region said in November.

“We have selected a donor for Bright and Moroshkino, from where we can get a profit, but we want the investor to use this profit to complete other Norman facilities. In this case, a positive balance is predicted. And if there are losses from the donor, the government will compensate with certain preferences. According to the same scheme, we are negotiating with the donor residential complex "Constellation" and "Shcheglovskaya Usadba" of the company "Navis", - says Alexander Drozdenko. - On December 13, we invite everyone to open parliamentary hearings. We are making further changes to the regional member support law shared construction. In particular, we are adding 12 new support points, including the first in the Russian Federation to introduce the concept of a donor-developer.”

As Mikhail Moskvin, deputy chairman of the government of the Leningrad Region, explained, the donor's entry into the project is still possible only with the voluntary consent of both parties. The donor should only complete the construction and connect the facility to the grid, he should not have other obligations. The developer must transfer a "clean" object, without accounts payable and receivable.

Officials offered Mr. Smirnov another way to complete long-term construction projects: to attract contractors and subcontractors with whom it would be possible to pay off square meters. Since August 1, Norman has been banned from selling apartments, but transactions between legal entities are possible, the government says. “If you bring a contractor who will complete the construction, we are ready to resolve transactions between legal entities. We have proposed amendments to the federal law and they were treated with understanding. Both the Rosreestr and the supervisory authorities are sympathetic,” Mr. Drozdenko explains.

Kasimov Khalmurat

Shareholders of the Norman Group of Companies, officials and company executives met in the administration of the Leningrad Region.

Mikhail Moskvin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Leningrad Region, said that the regional authorities, together with their St. Petersburg colleagues, had audited Norman's assets. It turned out that the company's debt is 15 billion rubles, the cash gap is about 1 billion. The main reason for financial troubles is the high costs of maintaining the customer service. Mr. Moskvin addressed the present owner of Norman, Vladimir Smirnov, with a request to provide additional information on the company's assets.

Representatives of the prosecutor's office said that the day before, on June 21, a criminal case was initiated under article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud), but they did not answer additional questions.

The authorities of the Leningrad region freed "Normann" from the need to build social infrastructure. In addition, officials take part in negotiations with potential investors and banks. The situation was discussed with Sberbank and with the leaders of the Liga Stroy construction company. According to Mikhail Moskvin, it is easier to sell assets within the framework of bankruptcy.

Vladimir Smirnov does not like the prospect of bankruptcy, he hopes to gain a savings amount by exercising the right to build the Normandia residential complex. Recall that recently "Normann" received permission to build another house in this complex. “This was done precisely in order to sell the asset,” Mr. Smirnov explained. He also expects to find an investor for the third phase LCD "Bright" and for two projects in St. Petersburg: the construction of an apart-hotel on Tovarishchesky Prospekt and a residential building on Yevgeny Schwartz Alley in Ruchiy. "Sell your cars, apartments ... kidneys," the equity holders suggested. The representative of the prosecutor's office said that it is still impossible to attract personal funds from the owners of the company.

According to Mr. Smirnov, in the near future "Normann" will complete the facilities at the stage of high readiness.

Several lawsuits were filed against the structures of the St. Petersburg developer "Normann" from individuals and legal entities, according to NSP. The amounts are relatively small, but the Arbitration has already accumulated claims against various subsidiaries of the developer.

A subsidiary of LSR Group, LSR. Concrete”, which requires the Norman-Stroy company to be declared insolvent. The amount of debt is more than 2.8 million rubles. By decision of the court, the company introduced a monitoring procedure. However, the motivational part has not yet been published, the publication reports.

Also, several equity holders of the company and PromSky LLC applied to the Arbitration - they have claims against the Norman-West company. A hearing in the case is scheduled for September 4. In addition, one of the equity holders filed a lawsuit against the Norman-South company in the amount of 3.8 million rubles. The lawsuit will be heard by the court next week.

Since the beginning of the year, bankruptcy claims have already been registered in the Arbitration against the subsidiaries of the developer - LLC Norman LO, LLC Norman-Stroy, NAO ISG Normann, LLC Normann. And at the end of April it became known that the Norman company itself, in order to avoid claims from creditors, initiated bankruptcy proceedings itself.

The developer's problem is the lack of working capital in the amount of 11 billion rubles. Norman is trying to replenish them in various ways. In particular, earlier the company intended to issue bonds for 10 billion rubles with subsequent listing on the stock exchange. At the end of last year, it became known about the company's intention to sell some sites and projects in order to complete current projects with the proceeds.

"Normann" implements eight residential projects - four in St. Petersburg (the low-rise complex "Normandy" in Kolomyagi, the complexes "On Zarechnaya" and "Three Oranges" on Parnassus and "Izhora Park" in Metallostroy) and the same number in the Leningrad Region (LCD "Bright" in Yanino-1, Moroshkino in the village of Poroshkino, as well as Desyatkino and Desyatkino 2.0 in western Murino). In total, the company has obligations to 6 thousand equity holders.

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