Algeria: public holidays, bank holidays, school holidays. International Holidays and World Days: Algeria Is February 23 celebrated in Algeria


Obtaining a tourist or business visa from an Algerian embassy worldwide usually takes 2-3 days. This requires 4 forms in French or Russian, 4 photographs, an original invitation or fax (photocopies are not accepted) or a travel voucher. The entry visa is valid for 30 days. Consular fee - 8 US dollars. Visa-free transit is not permitted.

The visa can be renewed directly in Algeria!

A three-month multi-visit visa costs £32 and must be accompanied by an invitation and confirmation of a hotel reservation. A visa is required for all citizens of European countries.

Insurance- The country's main health problem is epidemics such as malaria and tuberculosis, as well as malnutrition and trachoma.

Customs- To enter the country, visitors must exchange foreign currency in the amount of 1000.00 Algerian dinars at the official rate. Exchange of the Algerian Dinar for other foreign currencies is very difficult and visitors are advised not to exchange more than is useful.

Visitors can bring with them up to 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco, as well as one bottle of alcohol or two bottles of wine.

All valuable personal property, including electrical appliances, jewelry, cameras, video cameras, etc. must be recorded on the Declaration Form upon entry. There were cases when those who ignored this rule had their property confiscated upon departure.

The Central Bank of Algeria was established in January 1963, replacing the Colonial Bank of Algeria and began to act on behalf of the state in carrying out financial transactions, issuing money and other functions of the Central Bank. In 1971, the Central Bank took over control of the country's three largest commercial banks, the most important of which is the National Bank of Algiers (Banque Nationale d'AlgIrie), which serves both the state and private clients and holds the bulk of all bank deposits in the country .

The other two - the Foreign Algerian Bank (Banque ExtИrieure d'AlgИrie) and the People's Bank of Algeria (CrИdit Populaire d'AlgИrie), are focused on individual sectors of the economy: they serve mainly the energy complex, and international trade and, lastly, finance smaller industry.

A special attraction of Algeria is the large number of carpets, the design and manufacturing methods of which differ from region to region. Jewelry and woodwork are also on the list of products to look out for.

Prices and quality vary greatly. In the major cities of Algeria you can find state-run shops selling every kind of handicraft item you can imagine. Even if these shops don't offer you a great price, wandering around is still a good way to spend time and find out what's in Algeria.

National holidays in Algeria

  • New Year's Day is January 1st.
  • Labor Day is May 1st.
  • Memorial Day is June 19.
  • Independence Day - July 5th.
  • The anniversary of the revolution is November 1.

Ramadan, Eid Al-Fitr, Eid Al-Ada, New Year and Mawlid An-Nabi are religious holidays.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the lunar calendar, the time of the first revelation to the Prophet Mohammed. This is also the month in which God asks his faithful to fast from dawn to dusk, as long as they are healthy and not traveling. After sunset, Muslims stop fasting and usually start with something sweet to raise their blood sugar levels, as Sunnah (one of the disciples of the Prophet Mohammed) commanded. The evening is filled with all sorts of joys - food, visiting close friends with family, prayers at the mosque.

Eid Al Fitr- the holiday of the end of fasting, which comes immediately after Ramadan. This is a cause for celebration. In addition to visiting the mosque, people can buy new clothes, children can receive gifts, usually in the form of money or things.

Eid al-Ada serves as a reminder of the time when God asked the prophet Abraham to sacrifice his son. So God decided to test the strength of Abraham's faith and allowed his son to remain alive, and a lamb was sacrificed in his place. Muslims kill lambs on this day and share them with those in need. However, due to the plight of many Algerians these days, continuing this tradition is becoming very difficult.

Mawlid An-Nabi- birthday of the Prophet Mohammed. The Muslim calendar begins with the day of Hijra (migration), when the prophet Mohammed left Mecca and went to Medina (622 AD), where he was received and where his followers could openly demonstrate their faith.

The electrical network complies with Russian standards of 220 volts. Plugs and sockets generally correspond to Russian ones; if necessary, an adapter for Western sockets is available in local hotels and stores.

Sanitary standards. No vaccinations required. When importing pets, you must present a veterinary certificate with a vaccination record.

Embassy, Moscow, Krapivinsky per. 1A,

tel.: (+7 095) 200-6642, fax: 923-0298 (+7 095) 200-0222

Sights of Algeria

The capital of country - ancient city of Algiers, spread out like an amphitheater on the hills near the bay of the same name. Most of the buildings are built from light-colored building materials, giving the city an elegant look. Peculiar Arabic Kasbah in the old part of the city with a quaint confusion of narrow streets and one-story houses with flat roofs, slender mosques and other buildings in oriental style. Among them, the mosque-tomb built in the 17th century stands out. Sidd Abdarrahman and the Jami al-Jadeed Mosque.

But still, if anyone dares to visit Algeria, they do it mostly to see Kasbah- an old city, the only one of its kind remaining on Earth. Full of dark dead ends and alleys, a mysterious city, heart Algeria. He shows only blank walls to strangers and the incurious. But, inhabited and lively, these old quarters have remained unchanged since the 16th century. This is the world of the Middle Ages, a world where night and day, shadow and light collide at every step.

Another pearl in the necklace of Algerian wonders - Constantine, one of the most beautiful and unusual cities in the world. Located in the northeast of the country, relatively close to the border with Tunisia. The city suddenly emerges and approaches due to a pile of rocks, gorges and steep cliffs.

Once a wild river Rummel carved an island in the rocks. A city arose on the island - Xanthis. The river has gone, leaving emptiness as its eternal companion - right and left, above and below. Our Swallow's Nest very vaguely resembles this city flying above the earth. One of the streets is called: “Boulevard of the Abyss”. And the Constantineans joke: “In all cities, crows shit on people, but in Constantine, people shit on crows.”

Other attractions include a healing spring Hammam Meskoutine. They say it cures all diseases (including even diabetes). The water in it is the hottest after the Icelandic geysers - 98 degrees. Tourists are advised to take raw eggs with them and have them cook them in the spring as a snack. For non-believers who have previously put their hand or foot into the spring, there is a first aid station nearby.

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1311 - The Inquisition in France publicly executed 54 prominent figures of the Templar Order.
1364 - The Jagiellonian University was established in Krakow.
1394 - Malik Sarwar founded the Muslim kingdom of Jaunpur.
1497 - The Pope excommunicated the Florentine monk Girolamo Savonarola for heresy.
1551 - In Lima, on the basis of the monastic school of the Dominican Order, the University of San Marcos was founded - the first on the American continent.
1664 - premiere of Moliere's comedy "Tartuffe" at Versailles.
1731 - Navigation on the Ladoga Canal has begun.
1785 - Richard Crosby made a second attempt to fly across the Irish Sea in a balloon, but his balloon could only rise from the grounds of the Dublin barracks, and then sank back down.
1795 - Bratslav, Volyn and Podolsk provinces were created in Russia.
1830 - The formation of the Republic of Ecuador was proclaimed.
1870 - Manitoba is declared a province of Canada.
1881 - A French protectorate was established over Tunisia.
1888 - Charles Sherrill of the Yale track and field team stunned his race opponents with a low start.
1888 - British protectorate established over North Borneo.
1918 - The warship Olympic, accompanied by 4 destroyers, sinks the German submarine U-103, ramming it with its bow and cutting it in half.
1922 - Georgian Polytechnic Institute was founded.
1926 - Lincoln Ellsworth dropped Norwegian, Italian and American flags from the airship Norway to the North Pole.
1926 - Coup d'etat in Poland, the establishment of the regime of Jozef Pilsudski.
1927 - Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the creation of VOKhR (militarized security).
1927 - The first flight of the AIR-1 sports aircraft, on which the first Soviet world records were set (this date is considered the beginning of the activities of A.S. Yakovlev’s design bureau).
1929 - An organization of writers of Western Ukraine - “Grono” - was created in Lvov.
1931 - The People's Assembly of China adopted a constitution, which came into force on June 1.
1938 - Germany announced recognition of the pro-Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo in Manchuria.
1945 - The Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater was opened. The first production was M. Glinka’s opera “Ivan Susanin”.
1949 - The USSR officially ended the blockade of West Berlin.
1959 - Elizabeth Taylor married Eddie Fisher for the fourth time. They broke up after less than five years.
1961 - Mikhail Botvinnik defeated Riga resident Mikhail Tal in a rematch and regained the title of world chess champion.
1962 - South Africa has introduced the death penalty for sabotage.
1963 - Kenichi Horie began his voyage, who alone crossed the Pacific Ocean in northern latitudes in 93 days.
1965 - West Germany established diplomatic relations with Israel; Arab countries broke off relations with Bonn.
1967 - A new agreement on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance between the USSR and Bulgaria was signed in Sofia.
1969 - In Great Britain, a law was passed to reduce the voting age from 21 to 18 years.
1971 - In Saint-Tropez, Mick Jagger married Bianca Pérez-Mora Macías.
1975 - Sergei Bondarchuk’s film “They Fought for the Motherland” based on the novel by Mikhail Sholokhov was released. The film starred Vasily Shukshin, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Bondarchuk, Georgy Burkov, Yuri Nikulin, Ivan Lapikov, Nikolai Gubenko.
1976 - The Moscow Helsinki Group was created.
1980 - The first Soviet disaster film “Crew” was released, starring Georgy Zhzhenov, Leonid Filatov, Anatoly Vasilyev and Alexandra Yakovleva. Directed by Alexander Mitta.
1991 - M.S. Gorbachev and B.N. Yeltsin agreed to sign a new Union Treaty.
1993 - Estonia has been admitted to the Council of Europe.
1993 - The First Moscow International Festival of Computer Graphics and Animation Anigraph’93 has opened.
1998 - Russian President Boris Yeltsin spoke on the Internet for the first time and answered 14 questions received from all over the world. The online communication session with the public lasted 30 minutes.
1999 - the Moscow metro station “Leninskie Gory”, which is under reconstruction, has been renamed “Vorobyovy Gory”.
1999 - resignation of the government of Yevgeny Primakov, confirmed as Prime Minister in September 1998.
2001 - Estonian duo Tanel Padar and Dave Benton won the 46th international Eurovision music competition.
2001 - A rally against the Pope took place in Moscow.
2004 - The Anglican Church has introduced the position of a web priest, whose responsibilities include the care of a new parish that exists exclusively online.
2004 - The 57th Cannes Film Festival opened in France.
922 - Arrival in Volga Bulgaria of the embassy of the Baghdad Caliph Jafar al-Muqtadir to the king of the Volga Bulgarians Almush son of Shilki-eltabar. The secretary of the embassy was Ahmed ibn Fadlan ibn al-Abbas ibn Rashid ibn Hammad, who left diary entries about his journey.
996 - The first stone church in Rus', the Tithe Church, was consecrated in Kyiv.