The act of handing over the fuel card to the driver. Fuel and lubricants purchased through fuel cards Certificate of acceptance of transfer of cards


But the most important thing is to record the fact of the transfer itself. Only if there is an acceptance document, values ​​are considered transferred and received. What are the features of drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of an object?

General aspects

In most cases, the act of acceptance and transfer of various types of property is an addition to the documents establishing the rights of the parties.

Any agreement merely defines the conditions that the parties to the agreement must fulfill. Signing an agreement for the transfer of property does not mean its execution.

It is the act that confirms the fulfillment of the conditions. This document must be signed by both the person transmitting and the person receiving. The act becomes an integral part of the contract. But such an act is also required in other cases.

For example, in any organization there are employees who are responsible for property, goods, valuable documents or other assets. Sometimes the persons in charge are replaced or.

Sometimes the movement of assets is related to production needs, etc. Whatever the reason, the transfer of the property involved must be recorded. For this purpose, an act of acceptance and transfer is used.

What it is

The act of acceptance and transfer of an object is a document confirming the transfer of property from one person to another. The act can be used in a variety of situations.

An object can mean any material value in the possession or disposal of a specific person. A transfer and acceptance certificate may be needed when transferring objects:

  • in case of sale;
  • under a lease agreement;
  • as collateral;
  • due to a change of person in charge, etc.

The transfer and acceptance certificate is a legal document. The need for it is due to the need to legally confirm the fact of the transfer of something and to record the exact moment of transfer of rights and obligations associated with the transferred object.

The acceptance document is always drawn up in at least two copies. One is received by the sending party, the second by the receiving party.

In this case, copying the document is considered unacceptable. Each party must receive the original deed. Otherwise the document is not valid.

Purpose of the document

Like any official document, the act of acceptance and transfer has legal force. If necessary, the act can become a compelling argument in protecting the interests of one of the parties to the process of transferring property or other valuables.

The form of the transfer and acceptance certificate is not approved by law. The document is drawn up in any form. But at the same time, the presence of certain mandatory details is considered a strict norm.

The following aspects are indicated in the act:

  • document's name;
  • date of its preparation;
  • place of registration;
  • names and details of the parties;
  • identification and description of the item being transferred.

The act of acceptance and transfer of the object first of all confirms the fact of transfer of the specified property. In no way can an act replace a contract or agreement that prescribes the terms of the upcoming transaction.

As a separate document, an act of transfer of valuables can appear within an organization when property is transferred between responsible persons.

But even in this case, the basis becomes an administrative document from higher management on the need to transfer the object.

In the external activities of an enterprise, an acceptance certificate is a mandatory appendix to various leases and other transactions related to the transfer of property assets.

The peculiarity of the act is that it displays all the nuances of the transferred objects. The document must indicate all defects and damage to the property.

If the act does not note the defects of the object, then even through the court it will hardly be possible to prove their presence in the future. Once the transfer deed is signed, it is considered that the property has actually been transferred and in exactly the condition shown in the deed.

Current regulatory framework

As such, the legislation does not provide for the form of the acceptance certificate. However, the law stipulates some cases when the presence of a transfer deed is considered mandatory.

For example, when transferring real estate or handing over affairs to a responsible person. In other cases, there is no need for an acceptance certificate as an obligation, but the very essence of the operation presupposes its presence.

In controversial situations related to the transfer of valuables, the court is based precisely on the existence of an act of acceptance and transfer. In its absence, even a signed agreement cannot be considered confirmation of the transfer of a specific object.

Entities have the right to develop their own form of acceptance certificate. Its content is determined based on pressing needs.

But in any case, the form must contain the mandatory details listed in the primary documentation.

Since the act confirms the implementation of a business transaction, which is considered to be the transfer of any valuables, the document is rightfully included in the primary documentation.

Nuances when drawing up the form of the acceptance certificate

When drawing up the form of the transfer and acceptance certificate, you should take into account various nuances regarding the essence of the document. First of all, one should not confuse the acceptance certificate and.

If the latter simply confirms receipt of something, then the act is a two-sided document. Its compilation assumes that the participants are two parties, one receiving, the other transmitting. A valid document must contain the signatures of both parties.

Another important fact is that the transfer and acceptance certificate is a document certifying that the parties have no mutual claims.

The act describes in detail the transferred object, its characteristics, features, and properties. The shortcomings identified during the adoption process are also displayed here.

And if the recipient has signed the act, then it is considered that he agrees to accept the object in the condition in which it exists. After signing the transfer and acceptance certificate, the recipient of the object has no right to make any claims regarding it. To the seller.

Thus, the fundamental points of any act of acceptance and transfer of property are the following:

  • indication of the parties involved in the transfer;
  • exact identification of the subject of transfer under the act;
  • detailed description of the object's state.

Certain nuances in the formation of an act of acceptance and transfer of an object also arise in connection with the characteristic features of the property being specifically transferred.

Cases upon dismissal

To the purchase and sale agreement

By concluding a purchase and sale agreement, the seller undertakes to transfer to the buyer the object specified in the agreement in the manner specified in the agreement. This can be any valuable property that the seller has by right of ownership.

An agreement may be concluded for us to buy and sell a certain cargo. The purpose of the deed is to confirm the validity of the transfer of property.

In some cases, the presence of a transfer deed is advisory in nature, in others it is mandatory. For example, when buying and selling real estate, the transfer deed is an integral part of the contract.

The transfer document is part of the package of documents submitted to register the owner's ownership of the purchased property.

The importance of the act of acceptance and transfer during the sale and purchase is also that when the act is signed, all rights and obligations regarding the object of the agreement are transferred to the new owner.

The act describes in detail the subject of the agreement. It is also necessary to display all the shortcomings of the subject of sale, since signing the deed means accepting the property without claims.

Special equipment for rent

When leasing special equipment, one agreement is not enough. It is the acceptance and transfer act that certifies the current characteristics of the equipment, and also determines in what condition the equipment should be returned.

The transfer act for special equipment for rent specifies:

  • description of the transferred special equipment;
  • presence of defects, damage or other defects;
  • discrepancy between the names of special equipment and those specified in the contract;
  • the period for which special equipment is leased;
  • signatures of the parties.

The role of the transfer deed when renting special equipment, such as a tractor, is also significant because the date of signing the deed begins the period of rental use.

Objects of non-financial assets

When transferring non-financial assets, you can be guided by the procedure approved by law for budgetary institutions.

Organizations that are part of the public sector are currently required to use unified forms, the design requirements of which are predetermined by the Appendices and accompanying Guidelines.

The act of acceptance and transfer of non-financial assets is drawn up according to the approved form 0504101 when transferring property between institutions, organizations and institutions.

At the same time, Order No. 52n does not indicate the mandatory use of form 0504101 when acquiring material assets. But the institution can consolidate this responsibility in.

Bills of exchange

The act of acceptance and transfer of bills of exchange is not a formally binding document. But its presence reduces the risks in case of legal disputes if the other party declares that there is no deal.

An act is drawn up with the expectation of entering a volume of information specifying the data on a transaction with securities. The act template includes the following data:

  • type of paper (transfer or plain);
  • date of compilation and place;
  • identification data of the paper (series, number, other details);
  • valuation of each individual bill;
  • the amount of valuation of all transferred securities;
  • term for payment of funds on bills.

The act also indicates information about the parties and provides a link to the agreement, if any. Example – standard form and example of filling out an act of acceptance and transfer of bills of exchange.

For safekeeping

A storage agreement involves the transfer of a thing with its subsequent return. In this case, the transfer, like the return, is carried out through the execution of traditional documents, which indicate that the transfer is taking place for safekeeping.

But the fact of transfer itself is confirmed by the act of acceptance and transfer. Signing the deed shifts responsibility for the safety of the property to the custodian for the entire storage period specified in the contract.

The form of the act can be arbitrary, but most often the approved form is used. The act is drawn up by the depositor and signed by the custodian in the presence of warehouse employees.

In general, all the features of the formation of the transfer and acceptance act come down to a mandatory detailed description of the transferred object and identification of the parties. This excludes possible claims by the parties regarding the improper condition of the transferred property.

The process of receiving or transferring any equipment requires documentation. The fact of movement is recorded by an appropriate act. What are the features of creating an equipment acceptance certificate? When accepting or transferring equipment, a transfer and acceptance certificate must be drawn up. This document is...

Today, there are many different documents related to the execution of a lease agreement, as well as the transfer of premises for use by a third party for other reasons. There are a large number of different nuances associated with the preparation of such documents. One of the mandatory documents is the transfer and acceptance certificate. He is not...

The act of transfer and acceptance of goods is an important document in economic relations. It is necessary to compare the goods received or services provided and the actions actually performed.

The acceptance and transfer certificate confirms the integrity of the goods, its redemption value and other important characteristics specific to this particular product (serial number, brand, etc.).

There is no statutory template for this document. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the goods being transferred and the transaction being concluded. Despite this, the law establishes the minimum characteristics that must be on the form:

  1. Subject of the transaction (name);
  2. Product characteristics: article number, brand, etc.;
  3. The responsible or authorized person transferring the goods and receiving them;
  4. Name of the organization transferring the goods;
  5. Date of preparation and signing of the Act;
  6. Signatures and seals of the parties;
  7. Reference to the agreement in accordance with which this Act was drawn up (for example,);
  8. Information regarding claims regarding the quality of the transferred product;
  9. Cost according to the contract;
  10. Number of acts.

You should not automatically sign the acceptance certificate without first checking the product for quality. By signing the act, you agree that you have no claims and everything that happens in the future with the product is entirely your responsibility.

How to draw up a transfer and acceptance certificate

The form is drawn up in two copies.

If one of the parties is an individual, then it is important to indicate all his passport details and places of registration.

Acceptance and transfer certificates are drawn up both for individual goods and for a group of goods. In the latter case, it is important that there is relevant information in the act of completing the transferred cargo.

If desired or necessary, the actual place of transfer of the cargo is specified in the act.

The absence of an Act limits the rights of the parties regarding claims against each other in the future. That's why it's important to have this document in hand.

Download the acceptance certificate (samples)

You can download acceptance certificates of the 2019 sample from us:

  • Form of the act of acceptance and transfer of goods under the purchase and sale agreement
  • Form of the act of acceptance and transfer of goods for storage
  • Download the act of acceptance and transfer of property to the authorized capital
  • Download the Certificate of acceptance and transfer of services provided
  • Download the transfer deed under the lease agreement for non-residential premises
  • Download the Certificate of acceptance and transfer of work performed under the contract

The purpose for which such an act is drawn up is to formalize the process of transferring fuel cards to the client after programming. If the agreement provides for the return of the security card, a return certificate is drawn up in the same way.

Development and filling out the form

At the moment, no general norms and rules have been adopted at the state level according to which acts of acceptance and transfer of fuel cards should be drawn up. When forming the form of such a document, its developers proceed, first of all, from the logic and practice of drawing up other, similar documentation.

As a rule, suppliers selling Rosneft, TNK or other fuel cards post card acceptance certificate forms on their websites. Any client who is a legal entity can download a sample of this document for himself.

In different companies, such forms may have minor differences, but basically all fields are the same. In almost all cases, the client is required to indicate:

  • date, month and year of filling out the form;
  • name of the organization or its number;
  • surname, initials and position of the person who filled out the act;
  • number of the power of attorney or other legal document on the basis of which a representative of the organization can receive fuel cards;
  • number of cards ordered;
  • the names of the drivers to whom the issued cards will be assigned, as well as the license plates of their cars;
  • information about the bank representative;
  • type of issued fuel cards.

As a rule, finished fuel cards are handed over personally to the head of the organization that ordered them. At this point, the card acceptance and transfer certificate is signed.

Journal of issuing fuel cards to employees

An order (instruction) on assigning fuel cards to specific employees is drawn up in any form. For ease of control and ease of accounting, it is recommended to create a special journal in which to record the facts of issuing fuel cards to drivers and their return.

The journal contains standard information for documents of this kind:

  • driver's surname;
  • make and license plate number of the car;
  • type and brand of fuel being refilled;
  • card number;
  • the date of its issue;
  • return date;
  • driver's signature.

The RusPetrol company sells fuel cards to legal entities and provides information support to its clients. The company's employees will give detailed answers to all your questions.

Therefore, they cannot be taken into account in account “Monetary documents”. *The list of documents that are monetary documents is given in paragraph 169 of the Instructions to the Unified Chart of Accounts No. 157n. In particular, these are paid coupons for goods (services), paid vouchers, received notices for postal orders, postage stamps. This list is open. However, based on the documents given in the list, we can conclude that monetary documents include documents that have the following characteristics:

  • nominal value (i.e., how much a product (service) can be purchased for);
  • one-time receipt of goods (services) using one document.

The act of handing over the fuel card to the driver

Darpol Belarus #4 September 30, 2014, 14:35 and don’t forget the agreement on liability. I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent... scotch Belarus, Minsk #5 September 30, 2014, 17:00 Darpol wrote: and don’t forget the agreement on liability. I suppose if cars are assigned to them, then D o MO is also there.

Although the absence of an agreement does not exempt from MO for valuables that were transferred under signature, under a deed or invoice. I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent... « First ← Prev.1 Next.

Registration of acts of acceptance and transfer of fuel cards: basic recommendations

    • Enter the site
    • Sample act of handing over a fuel card to the driver
    • Sample Certificate of Acceptance of Transfer of Fuel Cards to the Driver
  • Sample act of handing over a fuel card to the driver
      • Documentation
      • Lukoil fuel card agreement
    • Registration of acts of acceptance and transfer of fuel cards: basic recommendations
      • Order on securing an electronic fuel card and establishing financial liability
  • Order on securing an electronic fuel card and establishing financial liability
    • Attachments to the document:
    • What other documents are there:

Login to the site 6. Establish that if an employee has not used the established fuel limit in the current month, the balance is carried over to the next month. 7.

Features of the formation of an act of acceptance and transfer of an object

RSS Print Category: Labor LawAnswers: 4 You can add a topic to your favorites list and subscribe to notifications by mail. « First ← Prev.1 Next → Last (1) » Dred #1 September 29, 2014, 12:14 No ratings Good afternoon! Our company has several cars that are refueled at gas stations using a magnetic card (chip). Each driver has chips, about 15 in total. Maybe there is a sample order for assigning poplar magnetic cards to drivers, and what needs to be indicated there?? I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent...

Dred #2 September 30, 2014, 10:12 am I want to draw the moderator’s attention to this message because: A notification is being sent... scotch Belarus, Minsk #3 September 30, 2014, 2:08 pm I ORDER: 1.

Issue fuel cards (or whatever they are called in your contract) to the following employees who use company cars while performing their duties, and set the following card limits: 1.1. Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, car driver, No. 00000002, limit - 300 liters per month.1.2. Petrov Petr Petrovich, car driver, No. 00000001, limit - 250 liters per month.1.3.


Semenov Semyon Semenovich, driver of the car, No. 00000003, without limit....2. Establish that the above-mentioned employees have the right to use fuel cards to refuel vehicles only when performing official duties and only to refuel the specified vehicles.3. Oblige workers to submit reports on fuel use and waybills by...4.

In case of exceeding the limit, oblige employees to justify the use of fuel in excess of the limit by submitting an explanatory note addressed to...

Certificate of acceptance and transfer of LUKOIL fuel cards

The log contains standard information for documents of this kind: the driver’s last name; make and license plate number of the car; type and brand of fuel being refilled; number; the date of its issue; return date; driver's signature. Order to attach an electronic fuel card and establish financial liability. Attachments to the document: What other documents are available: The employment contract defines the relationship between the employer and the employee. The compliance of the parties with the rights and obligations provided for by it depends on how thoroughly the terms of the relationship between the parties who entered into it are taken into account.

  • How to competently draw up a loan agreement It is no secret that a legally competent approach to drawing up an agreement or contract is a guarantee of the success of the transaction, its transparency and security for counterparties. Legal relations in the field of employment are no exception.

Enter the site

Legal registration procedure To ensure that the tax organization does not have questions regarding fuel costs, you can resort to the following mechanism for generating papers:

  1. Conclude an employment contract with each employee, which stipulates the use of fuel cards. If agreements were concluded earlier, then annexes can be made to them.
  2. Draw up a fuel card acceptance certificate for each employee.
  3. Introduce a fuel and lubricants accounting system in the form of drawing up waybills for each trip.
  4. In accounting, fuel consumption is reported according to the delivery note issued for each fuel card.
  5. Write off fuel and lubricants based on signed waybills.

An important nuance: cars should not be owned by drivers.

Sample act of accepting the transfer of a fuel card to an employee

Accounting: receiving a card for free* In this case, there is no need to reflect the card in accounting. At the same time, to control the safety of the fuel card, you can enter an additional off-balance sheet account, for example, account 27 “Fuel cards” in the context of financially responsible persons. Specify additional off-balance sheet accounts in the accounting policy for accounting purposes. When you receive a fuel card in your accounting, make the following entry: * Debit 27 – the fuel card received free of charge is recorded in the off-balance sheet account. * This procedure is established by part 3 of article 8 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, paragraphs 6, 332 of the Instructions to the Unified Chart of accounts No. 157n.2. Forms: Journal of acceptance and issuance of fuel cards<…Когда понадобится: если учреждение выдает карты водителям, по которым они заправляют автомобили. Выдачу карт нужно зарегистрировать.