1s integrated automation 8.3 for which enterprises


Section "NSI and administration", item "Production"

The "Production" checkbox enables the functionality of using production in the program. If there is a need to detail direct production costs by product type, we set the sign "Analytical accounting by product type". Next, you need to select the currency of the planned production cost, as well as the type of planned prices. This type of prices will subsequently be used in the formation of planned product estimates, as well as a cost analysis report. In the last field, the currency for quoting types of work is selected (for cases when work is included in the cost of production).

2. Reference information

To determine the planned need for inventory and work in the production of products, it is necessary to create Resource Specifications for product cards

Go to the relevant section

In the form that opens, we see a hierarchical directory with resource specifications. For each specification, the main product (the result of the release of this specification) is indicated, as well as the status (active, in development, or closed). It is also possible to set the validity period for the specification.

To create a new specification, you need to click the "Create" button in the command panel, but we will press F2 and open the card of the existing specification.

This specification is available for viewing only, because. status is set to Active. Editing specifications is possible only in the status "In development".

If the validity period of the specification is not filled, this indicates that it is indefinite.

The table "Products" indicates the list of output products obtained as a result of the release according to this specification. The product indicated in the first line is highlighted in bold and is the main one. The lines indicate the card of the output product, the characteristic (if used), the quantity produced, and the share of the cost (what part of the total cost falls on the production of a given quantity of this product). If the field is left blank, the cost price will be distributed evenly across all rows of this table.

The table "Side and intermediate release" indicates those products / semi-finished products, the release of which accompanies the release of the main product, and the cost of which is known in advance. At the same time, the cost of by-products reduces the cost of output products.

Example: in the production of “glued timber” products (the main product), a by-product “Sawdust” appears.

The tabular section “Materials and Works” contains a list of materials and works required to produce the specified quantity of products (the quantity of materials is indicated for all output products. This tab can use an item with the type “Goods”, “Work” or “Reusable packaging”. For each material / work, the corresponding costing item is indicated. On this tab, you can also select semi-finished products, they can be taken from warehouse stocks, or produced in the process (in this case, you must set the appropriate flag in the line). Production of semi-finished products can be carried out within a separate specification (must be selected on the line), or such production can be carried out as a separate stage of this resource specification.

On the “Labor costs” tab, the standard labor intensity of this specification is indicated in the context of the types of work of employees. For each type of work, a costing item is also indicated. Those. this tab indicates all types of work, the cost of which should be included in the cost of production.

The list "Types of work of employees" is in the section "Production"

The work card looks like this:

The name, unit of measurement is indicated, and by clicking on the "Prices" button, you can specify the cost of this type of work (in terms of the base unit of measurement).

On the “Production process” tab of the resource specification, the settings for the stages and duration of production are set. Production can be single-stage (usually in the case of production within one department) or multi-stage (when the production process passes through several departments or one of the stages is carried out by the processor). In the settings, you must select the desired production unit and specify the duration of production. In order to be able to select the desired division, it is necessary that the sign “Production division” be set in the card of this division

On the same tab, you must select the work schedule for the department, as well as the material warehouse (by default, materials will be written off for production from this warehouse).

The second tab contains the settings for writing off the costs of this unit for the release. Because Since we also include labor costs as costs, the first item is selected.

On the "Additional" tab, the user responsible for creating/changing this specification is indicated. It is possible to specify an additional text description of the specification on the corresponding tab.

In order for the specification to be used in production documents, it must be set to the "Valid" status.

In production accounting, along with specifications, Costing Articles are also used; you can open this directory from the "Production" section. The article card looks like this:

Here, the “Identifier for formulas” is required to use the totals for this item in formulas, and the cost type indicates the nature of the costs for this item, you can choose from the following list:

3. Documentation of the production cycle

Unlike the "1C: Enterprise Management ERP 2.1" configuration, the complex one does not support:

Formation of production orders,

As a result, the formation of a production schedule,

Accounting for production in work centers (machines, machines, individual specialists).

Documentary accounting of production consists of several steps:

Formation of documents "Ordering materials for production",

Transfer of materials to production,

Registration of production, write-off of production costs,

Allocation of costs to the cost of production,

Reflection of employee performance

Closing the month, calculating the cost of production.

3.1. Formation of documents "Ordering materials for production"

Documents "Ordering materials for production" record the need of production units for materials. The list of these documents is in the "Production" section.

It is possible to fill in these documents manually, but it is much more convenient to generate these documents automatically on the basis of the “Customer Order” document - in this case, you must select the desired resource specification, and the system will automatically fill in the tabular part of the order based on it.

In the form that opens, the output product is shown, and all the materials needed for its production are listed below (in our case, there is only one material). For products, the warehouse is indicated to which the release will be made, and for materials, the warehouse is indicated from which these materials will be written off to production. The list of materials will be filled in due to the fact that the specification is filled for the product. We press "Next".

On the second tab, the program generates a list of materials for an order for production (with an indication of the quantity). If the orders were partially generated earlier, we can set the checkbox "Take into account previously generated orders" so that the program does not place several orders for the same need for materials. We press "Next".

On the third tab, we see the formed order of materials for production. Click "Finish" to close the form.

Let's go to the list of documents "Ordering materials for production" and open the created document.

The document is filled in, it remains only to set the status of the provision of goods "Ship"

It is also necessary to set the status of the document to “To be completed” so that the actual transfer of materials can be processed.

Note: To successfully post a document with changed statuses, the materials must be available in the selected warehouse. If there is not enough material, it is necessary to issue an available balance (either make a transfer or issue an incoming invoice to the warehouse).

3.2. Transfer of materials to production.

On the basis of the document "Order of materials for production", we create the document "Transfer to production". This document records the fact of the transfer of material assets to production (posting Dt20 Kt10 is formed)

The document has two statuses: "Shipped", "Accepted". In the first status, the document records the write-off of materials from the warehouse, and in the second status of the documents, the receipt of materials to the production unit is recorded. If necessary, you can print the M-11 invoice from the document.

3.3. Registration of production, write-off of production costs.

To register the release of products, the document “Product release and performance of work” is used (menu “Production”). At the same time, if an item with the type "Product" was selected as the output product in the resource specification, then the item in the release document will also be "Product", otherwise the item with the type "Work" must be indicated in the release document.

You can manually create a release document from scratch, but it is much faster to create one based on the original sales order. In this case, the document will be filled in automatically.

The first tab contains information about the organization, department, warehouse, and the type of price is selected (to form the preliminary cost in the accounting entry). The "Direction of the issue" is also selected: if the fact of this issue needs to be recorded in the accounting. accounting, then you must select "To the warehouse". If this document registers the release of a semi-finished product / work, which will subsequently participate in the production process of other products (or will be transferred to another department), then you must select “To department” (in this case, no accounting entry will be generated).

On the Goods and Works tab, a nomenclature list of manufactured products/works is indicated with an indication of the quantity, specification used and the option for determining the cost of the output product.

Now you need to write off materials and work to the cost of production. To do this, you need to fill out the document "Write-off of production costs"

The opened form shows all the specifications according to which the product was released (in our case, one specification). In the command panel, select "Write off release costs".

The form of the new document "Write-off of release costs" was opened, the fields of the document were filled in automatically.

On the "Output Products" tab, data on products and the quantity of output are filled. The “Materials and Works” tab lists all material values ​​and works specified in the resource specification. If there is an actual overrun (compared to the resource specification), it is possible to manually correct the quantity data in the document.

The tab "Labor costs" lists all types of work that will be included in the cost as labor costs. Let's move the document and close it.

3.4. Allocation of costs to the cost of production.

To demonstrate the registration of additional costs in the cost of production, we will record the receipt of services "Water supply and electricity"

Now let's allocate these costs to the cost price

By clicking on the line, we will open the document "Distribution of costs for the cost of production"

This document allows you to allocate costs to several production units and to different stages. In our case, there is only one division, so we will draw the document and close it. Distribution results will be visible only after the close of the month.

3.5. Reflection of employee performance.

We will reflect the output of employees in the production of products (we take the data from the “Labor costs” tab of the resource specification).

Let's create a new document "Production of employees".

On the first tab, we indicate data about the organization, division, if necessary, you can set the application of distribution by KTU (the coefficient of labor participation of employees, is configured when forming the composition of the team (using the document of the same name). We indicate data about the team that took part in production.

On the “Types of work” tab, all types of work selected in the resource specification are indicated. The bottom table indicates the employees (according to the composition of the team), among whom the total amount is distributed for all types of work (according to KTU). Let's move the document and close it.

In order for the output of employees to be taken into account in the cost of production, it is imperative to formalize the calculation of salaries for employees for this output.

It is also necessary to issue a "Reflection of wages in financial accounting."

3.6. Closing the month, calculating the cost of production.

Let's open the processing of the closing of the month and click "Perform operations". After the end of the closing, we will make sure that all the necessary operations have been completed successfully.

In order to see the actual cost of production, go to "Production Reports", open the report "Cost of output".

Accounting for the production cycle is completed.

The software product "1C: Integrated Automation 8" was developed on the basis of the ERP-class application solution "1C: Production Enterprise Management 8" - the flagship product of the 1C company, which successfully operates in more than 6,000 enterprises in various industries (on the basis of this solution, automated over 150,000 jobs). The functional composition of "1C: Integrated Automation 8" includes the most popular functionality of this solution, taking into account the real needs of a wide range of users. "1C: Integrated Automation 8" creates a unified working environment for owners, managers and employees of an enterprise, convenient and efficient both for performing daily tasks and for analyzing and supporting management decisions.


The software product was developed on the technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8" and significantly exceeds the capabilities of similar complex solutions of version 7.7. Among the main advantages:

  • advanced functionality;
  • advanced tools for building economic and analytical reporting;
  • fundamentally new possibilities for analyzing financial and economic activities;
  • ergonomic interface;
  • high scalability and performance;
  • powerful means of differentiation of access rights.

Possessing wide and balanced functionality, "1C: Integrated Automation 8" creates a unified working environment for owners, managers and employees of an enterprise, convenient and efficient both for performing daily tasks and for analyzing and supporting management decisions.

"1C: Integrated Automation 8" was developed on the basis of an application solution - the flagship product of the ERP class of the company "1C", which successfully operates in more than 6,000 enterprises in various industries (more than 150,000 jobs were automated based on this solution). The functional composition of "1C: Integrated Automation 8" includes the most massively demanded functions, taking into account the real needs of a wide range of users.

Features 1C: Integrated Automation 8:

Trade management

The configuration allows you to automate the tasks of monitoring and analyzing trading operations in combination with related management accounting tasks:

  • sales planning and purchasing planning;
  • customer relationship management (CRM);
  • supply and inventory management;
  • management of mutual settlements with contractors.

This ensures the effective management of the trading business of a modern enterprise. The configuration supports the following types of trade: wholesale trade (sales on credit, sales on prepayment, trade by orders), retail trade (sales on the trading floor and remote non-automated points), commission trade (including the acceptance and transfer of goods for sale, as well as subcommission) .

Completion of orders on time and transparency of the progress of each order is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the activities of enterprises. Order management functionality, implemented in the configuration, allows you to optimally place customer orders and reflect them in the plans of enterprise departments in accordance with the company's order execution strategy and work schemes (work from a warehouse, on order). When registering an order, the necessary goods will be automatically reserved in the warehouses of the enterprise, and if the required number of goods is not available, an order can be generated to the supplier.

The efficiency of trade depends on the pricing policy. Pricing mechanisms allow the company to determine and implement a pricing policy in accordance with the available analytical data on supply and demand in the market.

The configuration has the following functionality:

  • construction of various schemes for pricing and discounts;
  • control over compliance with the established pricing policy by employees;
  • storage of information about the prices of competitors and suppliers;
  • comparison of selling prices of the enterprise with the prices of suppliers and competitors;
  • use of cumulative discounts on discount cards.

Automated accounting of operations for the receipt and sale of goods and services, including wholesale, commission and retail trade. All wholesale and commission trade operations are accounted for in the context of contracts with buyers and suppliers. When selling goods, invoices for payment are issued, invoices and invoices are issued. For imported goods, data on the country of origin and the number of the cargo customs declaration are taken into account. Reflection of returns of goods from the buyer and the supplier is automated.

For retail, technologies for working with both automated and non-automated outlets are supported.

Accounts are kept of returnable reusable containers as a special type of inventory items.

Provides automatic reflection of trading operations in accounting subsystem.

Supply and Inventory Management

Material flows are the basis of the economic activity of a trading or manufacturing enterprise. Rational management of inventories, minimization of stocks in combination with guaranteed support of economic activities are the key to the effective operation of the enterprise. Using the inventory management functionality allows you to effectively organize warehouse management, increase the productivity of warehouse workers, employees of supply and marketing structures.

The application solution implements detailed operational accounting of materials, products and goods in warehouses. Provides full control of stocks of inventory items at the enterprise.

The application solution allows:

  • manage inventory balances in various units of measurement in multiple warehouses;
  • keep separate records of own goods, goods accepted and transferred for sale, returnable packaging;
  • detail the location of goods in the warehouse by storage locations, which allows you to optimize the assembly of customer orders (goods in invoices) in the warehouse;
  • take into account serial numbers, expiration dates and certificates;
  • control the correctness of write-off of serial numbers and goods with certain expiration dates and certificates;
  • set arbitrary characteristics of the batch (color, size, etc.) and keep batch records in the context of warehouses;
  • take into account the customs declaration and the country of origin;
  • to complete and disassemble inventory items;
  • reserve inventories.

The organization of warehouse management can be different, the structure can be both simple and quite hierarchically complex. Warehouses or storage places can be both on the territory of the enterprise and located remotely.

Information about warehouse stocks can be entered into the information system with a high degree of detail: to the level of product characteristics (color, size, dimensions, etc.), to the level of serial numbers and expiration dates of goods. It is possible to obtain valuations of inventory at cost and potential sales at selling prices.

It is envisaged to carry out inventories of inventory items and automatic processing of their results. According to the results of the inventory, the difference between the accounting quantity (registered in the information base when posting receipt and shipment documents) and the actual quantity of valuables identified as a result of the inventory is automatically calculated. After that, write-off documents (in case of shortage) or capitalization (in case of surplus) are drawn up.

Statistical inventory analysis tools allow you to evaluate the attractiveness of each product by its share in the turnover or profit of the enterprise, sales stability, identify poorly sold products by criteria such as average shelf life, consumption per period and turnover ratio.

Production accounting

The "Complex Automation" configuration supports "simplified" accounting of production, which allows, without the use of complex mechanisms (in particular, complex cost allocation algorithms, shift planning, determining limits for the release of materials, etc.), to ensure the accounting of production processes from the moment of transfer of materials to production until release of finished products.

The application solution provides the following features:

  • maintaining arrays of regulatory "reference information necessary for accounting for finished products;
  • planning and accounting for the release of finished products;
  • accounting of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products;
  • registration of marriage;
  • accounting of overalls and special equipment;
  • accounting and analysis of production costs, calculation of planned and actual cost.

At the end of the month, according to the inventory, the balances of work in progress are indicated. The final operation of the month in production accounting is the calculation of the actual cost of manufactured products (semi-finished products, services).

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer relationship management, also known as CRM or Customer Relationship Management, is an integral functional area of ​​a modern integrated enterprise information system.

CRM is a concept of customer relationship management in a highly competitive environment, aimed at maximizing the potential of each client and partner in the interests of the enterprise.

The CRM concept involves the regular collection and analysis of information about each client, real and potential: how the client reacted to the business proposal, whether he is satisfied with the quality of service, whether his preferences change over time, how carefully he fulfills his obligations and, ultimately, how much income the client brings (or could bring) to the enterprise. All stages of the relationship with the client are tracked. Signs of a dangerous deterioration in relations are carefully detected, since, as you know, in a competitive market, the cost of attracting a new client is an order of magnitude higher than the cost of retaining an existing client.

The CRM concept provides for a harmonious combination of a formal approach and an individual approach to each client. But if the number of active customers of an enterprise is measured in tens or hundreds, and the number of potential customers is measured in hundreds or thousands, respectively, then the full implementation of the CRM concept will lead to the accumulation of huge amounts of information, which will simply be impossible to work with without the involvement of special automation tools.

The configuration contains the means of automating the CRM concept. The functionality of the configuration allows the enterprise to successfully manage relationships with buyers, suppliers, subcontractors and any other counterparties.

It provides for the registration of all actions for the conclusion and execution of transactions, the registration of all contacts with counterparties, both real and potential.

The configuration allows you to do the following:

  • use a personalized approach to the needs and requirements of each client;
  • store full contact information for counterparties and their employees, the history of interaction with them;
  • register information about suppliers: terms of delivery of goods, reliability, terms of execution of orders, range and prices of supplied goods and materials;
  • automatically notify users about upcoming contacts with counterparties and other events (in particular, about the birthdays of contact persons);
  • plan working hours and control the work plans of employees;
  • analyze pending and plan upcoming transactions with buyers and potential clients;
  • register each appeal of a potential client and further analyze the percentage of customer acquisition;
  • promptly monitor the status of planned contacts and transactions;
  • conduct an integrated analysis of customer relationships;
  • analyze the reasons for the failure to fulfill customer orders and the volume of closed orders;
  • analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and marketing campaigns.

Automated customer relationship management mechanisms can be used not only as an effective tool in the competition for profitable customers. A repository of information about counterparties of enterprises is provided with convenient means of access. An employee who has received a call from an unfamiliar client can get right in the middle of a telephone conversation by quickly scrolling through the information about the client and about the last contacts with him on the screen of his computer.

Configuration options for customer relationship management can be requested by the commercial director, marketing director, employees of the marketing, sales and supply departments of the enterprise.

Fixed asset management

Prudent management of fixed assets and other non-current assets is an essential element of a strategy to achieve long-term business performance.

The configuration provides for accounting for the following types of long-term tangible assets:

  • equipment received by the enterprise and not put into operation;
  • equipment transferred for installation;
  • construction objects;
  • fixed assets.

The following key features are provided:

  • automation of operations for the accounting of equipment and fixed assets;
  • accounting for the costs of construction, installation and repair work;
  • accounting for the costs of reconstruction and modernization of fixed assets;
  • reporting on the necessary sections;
  • reflection of operations with equipment and fixed assets in accounting;
  • depreciation for the purposes of tax accounting for income tax and the formation of tax accounting registers.

The configuration automates all typical fixed asset accounting operations:

  • acceptance of fixed assets for accounting;
  • movement control and inventory;
  • depreciation charge;
  • changing the parameters and ways of reflecting depreciation costs;
  • accounting for the actual production of fixed assets;
  • relocation, modernization, write-off and sale of fixed assets.

A wide range of depreciation methods are supported:

  • linear way;
  • in proportion to the volume of production;
  • according to uniform norms of depreciation;
  • reducing balance method;
  • by the sum of numbers of years of useful life;
  • according to the individual depreciation schedule.

For fixed assets with a seasonal nature of operation, you can specify the need to apply a schedule for distributing the amount of annual depreciation by month.

The configuration allows you to receive detailed information about the state of fixed assets, analyze the degree of wear and tear and monitor the performance of equipment maintenance.

The implementation of the production program on time and the optimal use of resources requires high-quality planning of maintenance and repair of fixed assets of the enterprise. To solve this problem, the configuration provides the following options:

  • maintenance of the regulatory framework for the maintenance of fixed assets;
  • planning the maintenance of fixed assets and resources for its implementation;
  • accounting for the results of the maintenance of fixed assets;
  • analysis of deviations in terms and volumes of maintenance of fixed assets.


Planning is one of the most important conditions for organizing the effective operation of an enterprise. Planning covers the main areas of economic activity - sales, purchases, production, cash management in interaction with each other. Planning is based on forecasting demand, analysis and evaluation of available resources, prospects for the development of the enterprise.

Planning consists in setting the goals of the enterprise for a certain period of time, determining ways to achieve the goals set, resource provision. It provides for the development of a set of measures that determine the sequence of achieving specific goals, taking into account the capabilities of the enterprise.

In the planning process, a set of plans is compiled for areas of activity that cover the most important divisions of the enterprise. Planning is one of the most effective ways to reduce costs. In addition, planning is a means of coordinating the activities of business units.

As a result, it is possible to reduce the downtime of equipment and specialists, reduce the lead time for orders, optimize the movement of materials and stock balances, make the production process transparent and manageable, and generally increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

The scheduling mechanisms implemented in the configuration provide:

  • scenario planning for the development of various options for the development of the enterprise;
  • fixing planned data to protect against changes (by scenarios and periods).

The configuration provides for planning in the following areas of activity: sales, production, purchases. It is convenient to draw up plans in the following sequence: first of all, a sales plan is drawn up, then a production plan, and lastly, a procurement plan.

On the basis of plans for sales, production, purchases, plans are drawn up for individual areas of activity and individual planning objects.

In the planning process, several versions of the same plans are usually drawn up, the role of separators for which is played by scenarios. Different scenarios correspond to different strategies and different options for the development of the enterprise. Each scenario has its own set of enterprise plans.

Scenarios differ in the degree of elaboration of details. One scenario may be for up-scaling, another scenario for fine-grained plans.

The composition of the plan can be detailed by sub-periods of the main period of the plan:

  • each position of the composition of the plan can be attributed to a specific sub-period;
  • one of the periods can be used as a sub-period: year, half-year, quarter, month, decade, week, day.

Cash Management

An essential condition for the effective existence of an enterprise in a modern competitive environment is the creation of an effective cash flow management mechanism that ensures the formation of operational and reliable information, the regulation of mutual settlements, an increase in payment discipline and, ultimately, an acceleration of cash turnover.

The configuration contains automated enterprise cash management tools that perform the following main functions:

  • operational accounting of the actual movement of funds of the enterprise on settlement accounts and cash desks;
  • operational planning of receipts and expenditures of funds of the enterprise;
  • predictive planning of funds.

As part of the cash management functionality, an operational financial plan is maintained - a payment calendar. The payment calendar is a collection of applications for spending money and planned cash receipts. The payment calendar is compiled with details up to the places of storage of funds - bank accounts and cash desks of the enterprise. When compiling a payment calendar, its feasibility is automatically checked - the sufficiency of cash reserves in the places of their storage.

In the configuration, monetary documents are formed (payment orders, cash receipts and debit orders, etc.), interaction with specialized banking programs such as "Bank Client" is provided, financial flows are controlled, and the availability of funds in storage places is controlled. The possibility of cash settlements in foreign currencies is provided.


All economic activity of the enterprise is reflected in accounting. The accounting principles implemented in the configuration fully comply with Russian legislation and at the same time meet the needs of the business.

The configuration includes a chart of accounts set up in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation "On approval of the chart of accounts for financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its use" dated October 31, 2000. No. 94n. The composition of accounts, settings for analytical, currency, quantitative accounting allow you to take into account the requirements of the law. The user can also independently manage the accounting methodology as part of the accounting policy setting, create new sub-accounts and analytical accounting sections. This does not require special knowledge and configuration skills.

Accounting is maintained in accordance with Russian legislation for all areas:

  • bank and cash operations;
  • fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • accounting of materials, goods, products;
  • cost accounting and costing;
  • currency operations;
  • settlements with organizations;
  • calculations with accountable persons;
  • settlements with personnel for wages;
  • budget calculations.

Accounting automatically reflects all business transactions of the enterprise, registered in other subsystems, provides a high degree of formation of financial statements.

Accounting is one of the most important areas of an enterprise's activity. Accountants must be provided with a reliable and efficient automation tool.

The main way to register business transactions in accounting is to enter documents into the information base that correspond to primary accounting documents. Accounting entries for the document are generated automatically, provided that the document is set to reflect the business transaction of the document in accounting. Some documents in accounting may not be reflected.

You can directly enter individual accounting entries.

Supports accounting for several legal entities in a single information base. This will be convenient in a situation where the economic activities of these organizations are closely interconnected: at the same time, in the current work, you can use common lists of goods, contractors (business partners), employees, own warehouses, etc., and form mandatory reporting separately.

Tax accounting

The configuration implements all the requirements of the current tax legislation.

The payroll subsystem provides for the formation of paper and electronic reporting on taxes related to wages, in particular personal income tax and unified social tax. Implemented personalized accounting of contributions to the Pension Fund. For the calculation of taxes and fees and the formation of tax returns is used regulated reporting.

The requirements of the tax legislation on VAT accounting. Reflection of current VAT payments on accounting accounts, formation of invoices, purchase books and sales books is provided.

To meet the requirements of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code, the configuration implemented income tax accounting within the general system of taxation. Tax accounting is carried out in parallel with accounting and according to similar principles, for which the chart of accounts for tax accounting is included in the configuration. According to tax accounting data, they are automatically filled in tax registers.

In accordance with chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code, small organizations have the right to use the simplified taxation system (STS) instead of the general taxation system. Provided in the configuration accounting of income and expenses for such enterprises, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. Tax reporting, in particular income and expense ledger, is generated automatically.

In accordance with Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code, regional authorities have the right to transfer certain types of activities to the taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income (UTII). If an organization is engaged in several types of activities, then this may lead to the use of two taxation systems at the same time: the taxation system in the form of UTII will be used only for some types of activities, while the general taxation system or STS will be applied to other types of activities. In configuration separate accounting of income and expenses for activities subject to UTII and not taxed to UTII.

The taxation system used - general or simplified, the application of the UTII taxation system to certain types of activities is indicated in the organization's tax policy settings. Moreover, for different organizations of the infobase, you can specify different taxation systems.

Payroll preparation

For the successful development of the enterprise, methods of remuneration should be used that contribute to the creation of a business atmosphere and orient employees to increase their personal contribution to the success of the common cause. Mechanisms of financial motivation can be used as a basis for achieving these goals. In addition, the methods of remuneration used must comply with the requirements of the law.

The application solution provides automatic payroll and related taxes and fees in accordance with applicable law.

The application solution fully automates a complex of labor-intensive calculations with personnel, including payments for sick leaves and vacations and the formation of documents for the payment of salaries and reporting to state regulatory authorities. The calculation of accruals and deductions regulated by law, the reflection of the results of calculations in the costs of the enterprise is automated.

The scheme of the main data movements in payroll is shown below.

The following steps can be distinguished in the calculation of wages.

  • Occasionally, “conditionally permanent” personnel records information is entered into the information base, which is subsequently used in the calculations of accruals and deductions
  • Within a month, documents are entered that characterize the labor indicators of each employee, as well as other documents and information that affect accruals and deductions (sick leave, etc.).
  • After the end of the period, the actual calculation of the salary and related taxes and contributions is carried out. Based on the results of this calculation, data on the amounts payable to employees are generated.

The application solution provides the formation of the necessary paper documents, as well as paper and electronic reporting related to payroll.

Personnel Management

Personnel is the most valuable resource of any enterprise. The efficiency of the enterprise as a whole largely depends on competent personnel management. Qualified, proactive and loyal employees can significantly increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

Managing data on hundreds and thousands of employees, carrying out activities for the selection and training of personnel, assessing the qualifications of production and management staff, requires the use of software products that allow you to effectively plan and implement the personnel policy of the enterprise.

Personnel management is not limited to maintaining the personal files of employees and collecting relevant data. Business success requires a modern approach to the selection of personnel, the development of a system for motivating and evaluating the performance of employees. Regular analysis is required to identify general trends and to make rational use of the results obtained.

The applied solution is an automated tool for the personnel policy of an enterprise. The solution helps to evaluate the professional performance of each employee, identify the most promising people, rationally place personnel, establish effective incentives and a fair wage system.

The application solution automates the following areas of personnel management:

  • personnel needs planning;
  • solving the problems of providing business with personnel - selection, questioning and evaluation;
  • personnel records and analysis of personnel;
  • analysis of the level and causes of staff turnover;
  • maintaining a regulated document flow.

Automation of personnel management is useful for all employees of the enterprise.

  • The management will have full control over what is happening, set the structure of the enterprise and its constituent organizations, analyze the personnel, make management decisions based on complete and reliable information. Powerful analytical reports provide the user with information in arbitrary sections.
  • The personnel department will receive a valuable tool for automating routine tasks, the ability to generate flexible reports on employees with various selection and sorting conditions.
  • Employees of the enterprise will be sure that at any time they will be able to quickly receive the certificates they need, information about their vacation, personalized accounting data for the Pension Fund, etc.

Management reporting

To effectively manage an enterprise, you need to have a complete understanding of its activities. The configuration reporting system provides efficient processing of huge arrays of various information in order to present them in a generalized and comparable form suitable for analysis and management decision-making. The configuration provides the construction of a variety of reports designed to analyze all aspects of the enterprise. Reports are a powerful and flexible tool for selecting, summarizing and grouping data contained in an infobase. The user can not only print the report, but also work with it as an interactive document - change its parameters, rebuild, generate an additional report based on individual documents of an already generated report.

All reports contain a user-friendly management mechanism, with which the user can change the report time period, the set of displayed indicators, the level of detail, the grouping order, the form of information display, etc., if he is not satisfied with the default settings. Settings can be saved in the infobase for reuse.

Reports in the report configuration can be combined into sets according to the areas of the enterprise's activity. Reports differ from each other by selection criteria and principles of displaying information, the degree of detail.

Regulated reporting

The enterprise is obliged to periodically generate regulated reporting - sets of reports, the procedure for filling which is established by regulatory documents. The configuration makes this task as easy as possible.

Regulated reporting includes:

  • financial statements;
  • tax declarations and calculations;
  • IFRS reports;
  • reports to social off-budget funds;
  • statistical reporting;
  • certificates submitted to the tax authorities;
  • declarations on the production and circulation of alcoholic products.

Forms of regulated reporting are periodically changed by decisions of state bodies. Firm "1C" monitors these changes and provides its users with the ability to quickly update the forms of regulated reporting in the configurations used. To update forms, an efficient regular configuration update mechanism.

To access regulated reports, you can use the Regulatory and Financial Reporting form or the regulated reports directory form. Moreover, the "Regulated and financial reporting" form is more focused on the work on the formation of ready-made reports, and the reference form is more focused on setting up a list of reports. The procedure for filling out a regulated report can be launched from any form.

To manage the process of filling in a regulated report, use the dialog area located in the upper part of its screen form.

The completed report form is partially editable. The availability of individual form cells is shown by their background color. Some of the cells are colored white - such cells are not available for editing. Cells colored yellow are designed for the user to enter information into them. And the green cell data is calculated automatically based on the data of other cells, including those filled in by the user.

Regulated accounting reports provide a decryption mechanism, thanks to which you can see the indicator calculation algorithm or call a standard accounting report for a more detailed analysis.

Different coloring of the cells facilitates the user's interactive work with the report. But when preparing the report for printing, all cells of the form will turn white.

Those regulated reports for which such an opportunity is provided for by regulatory documents can be uploaded in electronic form.

Additional features

The applied solution provides reliable data storage, high performance and speed of calculations, scalability of the information system. The application solution platform contains effective tools for solving various problems of implementing, maintaining and expanding an information system.

Scalability and performance

secured efficient operation and reliable storage of information when working with tens and hundreds of users. Modern Information System Architecture maintains high performance with a significant increase in the load on the system and the volume of processed data, and also allows you to increase throughput by increasing the capacity of the equipment used without the cost of modifying or replacing the configuration.

Building geographically distributed systems

Through the use of various data exchange mechanisms, including mechanism "Autonomous solution", based on the configuration, it is possible to build solutions for enterprises of a network or holding structure with geographically dispersed divisions that will allow you to manage your business efficiently and with the necessary degree of efficiency.

Application of Internet technologies

Provided effective user support by 1C with the help of e-mail tools, as well as periodic configuration updates via the Internet.

Integration with other systems

Application solution contains mechanisms for data exchange with other solutions on the platforms "1C:Enterprise 8" and "1C:Enterprise 7.7".

In addition, the platform provides application solution integration tools with almost any external software and equipment based on generally recognized open standards and data transfer protocols.

Access rights

Application solution contains mechanism for restricting user access rights.

The mechanism allows:

  • hide confidential information from the user;
  • provide the user with access only to the data that is necessary for his work.

You can grant access to the user only to certain documents, directories, reports, etc. To do this, the user is assigned roles. The diagram shows the distribution of roles within the structure of the enterprise.

In addition, data access rights can be defined in detail down to individual records or even individual fields of these records. For example, a user can be allowed to operate with documents (invoices, invoices, etc.) only of certain counterparties, without giving him access to similar documents of other counterparties; in available documents, you can allow to operate only with certain values ​​of warehouses, etc.

For every successful entrepreneur or business leader, there comes a time when the scale of the activity outgrows the existing possibilities. Sales managers do not have time to process incoming requests, accountants stay up until midnight, but they still do not have time to process all the primary documents, the warehouse is full of goods, and it is not clear which ones.

The number of organizational and managerial issues is growing every day. At this moment, the entrepreneur realizes that he is no longer able to evaluate all the information that comes to him, and some of the processes taking place at the enterprise are beyond his control. At such a moment, they come to the conclusion that it is impossible to continue working with the old methods. And one of the solutions to the existing problems can be a comprehensive automation of the enterprise.

At the same time, the implementation of software that contributes to enterprise automation is a complex and expensive process. The wrong approach and overestimation of one's own capabilities can create even more difficulties. Before making a decision to automate the business processes of an enterprise, it is necessary to evaluate the following factors:

  • whether your employees are able to master the proposed software,
  • are you ready to bear the material costs associated with automation,
  • Is there a company in your area that will ensure proper implementation.

Once you've made your decision, it's time to start making your choice. There are several products on the market that allow you to automate the processes taking place in the enterprise. But the most commonly used is the products of the company "1C". The most advanced, but at the same time, relatively affordable solution among the programs offered by this company is 1C Enterprise 8 Integrated Automation.

This configuration, in fact, is nothing more than a simplified version of "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management". This explains its relative accessibility and attractiveness for small and medium enterprises. The program can be used both to manage one and several enterprises; both for managing the business of an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity. We will consider it in more detail.

Key Features

The principle of operation of the integrated automation system is to create a common working environment at the enterprise, in which all employees of the enterprise, from the manager to the storekeeper, work through automated workplaces. All information accumulated in the course of the enterprise's activities is stored in information databases. This allows the manager, or the owner, to see the numerical indicators of all processes taking place at the enterprise, and the employees to timely and quickly solve the tasks. In addition, it is possible to avoid duplication of many operations.

The result of the successful implementation of the software product "1C: Integrated Automation 8" will be the organization of the effective operation of the main business processes of the organization:

  • monitoring and analysis of key indicators,
  • planning
  • client database management,
  • management of purchases, stocks, sales,
  • pricing,
  • cash management and mutual settlements,
  • personnel management and payroll,
  • production accounting.

Consider the features of automating the main business processes in more detail.

Monitoring and analysis of key indicators

"Performance Monitor" makes it possible to evaluate all indicators of the enterprise. It is available only at workstations of managers or business owners. It is implemented in the form of a report that displays indicators of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. But it is effective, of course, if the information environment has indicators that can be collected and analyzed. Everything will be all right with this if the work of employees on their workstations is clearly established. In this case, using the performance monitor, the manager will be able to monitor the effectiveness of any service in the enterprise.

The report already includes fifty performance indicators. At the same time, the applied solution allows you to add new indicators at your discretion.

Performance Monitor provides the following features:

  • collection of indicators
  • analysis of indicators,
  • tracking their dynamics,
  • the possibility of clarifying information,
  • information is displayed in a visual and convenient form.


Competent planning is the main component of the success of entrepreneurial activity. Planning covers all areas of the enterprise:

  • procurement of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products,
  • production,
  • sales of finished products,
  • cash flow management,
  • Planning mechanisms implemented in the program allow:
  • develop several scenarios for the development of the enterprise;
  • saving the received scenario data and protecting it from changes.

The program provides the "Planning Assistant" function, which allows you to quickly and conveniently plan activities for any period of time.

Client database management

The application solution allows you to most effectively resolve issues related to customer relationships. The program implements the main functionality that allows you to accumulate and analyze information on all counterparties: buyers and suppliers, customers and contractors, tenants and landlords, etc.

The following operations are available:

  • entering and storing customer information,
  • formation of a history of relations with clients,
  • analysis of relationships with counterparties,
  • contract planning,
  • assessment of the success of the advertising activities.

Purchasing, inventory, sales management

The solution makes it possible to automate operations with material resources:

  • purchasing and sales planning,
  • inventory management,
  • management of accounts with clients.

The program makes it possible to efficiently process customer orders. Record them in executor service plans and track the progress of their implementation. The purchased goods are reserved at the time of receipt of the order, and if the products required by the client are not in stock, an order is placed for production or the supplier.


Pricing policy is of key importance in business management. The software product "1C Integrated Automation 8" makes it possible to carry out such a policy as efficiently as possible, based on analytical information on the cost of manufactured goods and data on supply and demand in the market.

The following options are available in the pricing subsystem:

  • accumulation and updating of data on the selling prices of the enterprise,
  • accumulation and updating of data on prices of suppliers,
  • installation of a discount system,
  • comparison of the current price of manufactured products with the prices of competitors,
  • formation of price lists,
  • control of price setting and discounts.

Cash management and mutual settlements

Effective cash flow management is the key to the profitability of any entrepreneur. 1C Integrated Automation 8 provides the following opportunities in this direction:

control of the movement of funds, both at the box office and in bank accounts;
planning of expenditure and receipt of funds
The "Payment calendar" is responsible for planning the expenditure and receipt of funds.

This function of the program allows you to keep a record of submitted applications for the expenditure of funds and expected payments from customers. When planning the spending of funds, the payment calendar will warn of insufficient funds in the cash register or on the accounts. Sharing of data with bank client programs is provided.

For each counterparty, information is available on the occurrence and fulfillment of obligations, which allows timely decisions to be made on the suspension of shipments to the client, or on sending cases to the arbitration court.

Fixed asset management, tax and accounting

The application provides an opportunity to receive detailed information about fixed assets and other non-current assets of the enterprise.

The following information is available for fixed assets:

  • on the state of fixed assets,
  • about the degree of wear,
  • information about the performance of service work.

The software solution supports accounting and tax accounting, preparation of financial (accounting) statements provided for by the current legislation.

All areas where accounting is carried out are automated:

  • fixed assets and intangible assets,
  • account and cash transactions,
  • materials and finished products,
  • mutual settlements with contractors, employees, the state,
  • costs and cost
  • trading operations.

The application of general and special taxation regimes is supported. Tax and accounting reports are automatically generated.

Human Resources and Payroll

The software solution fully provides automated personnel records and settlements with employees. Among the functions that facilitate the work of a personnel officer and an accountant-calculator, the following are available:

  • personnel records,
  • staffing planning,
  • HR administration,
  • scheduling shifts,
  • scheduling vacations for employees
  • payroll,
  • calculating and withholding taxes on employee income,
  • calculation of taxes and contributions from the wage fund.

production accounting

A feature of 1C Complex Automation 8 is the support for "simplified" production accounting. It does not use many complex production control mechanisms that are implemented in the older version of the program - 1C: SCP. But for most businesses, they are not necessary.

The following options are available:

  • planning the release of finished products,
  • accounting of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products,
  • production accounting,
  • marriage records,
  • accounting of special equipment and overalls,
  • accounting and analysis of production costs, calculation of the cost of finished products.

At the end of the month, a report is drawn up indicating the remains of work in progress and calculating the actual cost of finished products.

The developer provided for the possibility of simple and quick implementation and maintenance. In the presence of qualified specialists, support of the program can be carried out independently. In order not to suspend the activities of the enterprise during the implementation process, a phased implementation is possible. The application solution is constantly evolving towards expanding functionality and ease of use.

1C Accounting 8 - A clear and free tutorial


Often, business leaders are faced with a choice between "1C: Production Enterprise Management" (UPP) and (KA). Is the choice in relation to SCP always justified, especially since both products allow you to comprehensively automate business processes, and the cost of these products varies significantly? Let's figure it out!

KA - "1C: Complex automation"

However, the presence of a simplified production accounting scheme can be attributed to the additional advantages of KA, which in itself makes it the best solution for small enterprises.

If we compare the SC with the popular combination BU + ZUP + UT (BU = , ZUP = , UT = " ) which is often used in medium-sized businesses, then "Comprehensive Automation" allows you to create a single information space of the enterprise, thereby eliminating unnecessary movement of data flows between two adjacent databases.

We also recommend using as a tool for automating various types of accounting according to a "seamless pattern", and all this is carried out in the information environment of one or several different organizations.

Parallel accounting

The 1C Integrated Automation 2 software product (hereinafter referred to as 1C KA) was released by 1C back in 2015 and today the 1C Integrated Automation configuration is running the latest release of the 1C Enterprise 8.3 platform.

In the 1C product line, the system occupies an intermediate position between the flagship configuration 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2 (hereinafter referred to as 1C ERP) and the trading solution 1C Trade Management 11 (hereinafter referred to as 1C UT).

The system is positioned by 1C as a solution for automating medium and large enterprises that want to implement a comprehensive accounting of business activities in one information system with a minimum of investments.

Below we will give a detailed description of the functionality of the solution, consider the 1C Integrated Automation interface, the 1C Integrated Automation settings mechanisms, and separately dwell on the differences between 1C KA and the other two products.

Program 1C Integrated automation 8.3: general information

First of all, we note that today of the three systems listed above (1C UT, 1C ERP and 1C Integrated Automation 8.3), 1C is developing only one product - 1C ERP. The other two configurations are assembled from the original one by excluding some of the program code and objects from the developed ERP configuration. Those. in fact, both 1C KA and 1C UT are truncated versions of 1C ERP, and everything that is still being developed for these systems separately from 1C ERP is part of the integration mechanisms.

In light of this, it would seem, why not set the “maximum” 1C ERP configuration, especially since with the help of functional options (system settings) you can disable unused functions before starting work, but if necessary, return to them some time after implementation, when will the current processes be debugged in the system?

You can, of course, do so, but there are three reasons why it still makes sense to focus on the introduction of complex automation from 1C, if its current capabilities are quite enough for today:

  1. 1C KA costs half as much as 1C ERP;
  2. Due to the fact that the configuration takes up less space, the system itself is less demanding on hardware resources;
  3. There is always an opportunity to “upgrade” 1C KA to the level of 1C ERP using the standard upgrade mechanism.

Below we will not only give a brief overview of the 1C KA edition 2 system, but also compare the capabilities of 1C KA with 1C UT and 1C ERP, focusing on the important differences between these systems.

As an object of comparison, we will take the subsystems that make up the latest version of the listed configurations.

1C KA 2.0 implements powerful mechanisms for budgeting, primarily financial planning. Moreover, one of the significant advantages of 1C KA in terms of budgeting over other specialized systems is that 1C KA is designed for operational accounting, and the data of this type of accounting is reflected in budgeting on the fly, without the need to implement uploads to external systems.

Planning in 1C KA is understood as volume-calendar commodity planning, implemented through plans for sales, purchases, assembly / disassembly.

Despite such a division, nothing prevents budgeting from keeping records in terms of not only total indicators (which is mandatory), but also quantities, and in volume-calendar planning, taking into account the cost of planned commodity items.

The differences in terms of budgeting and planning between the three systems under consideration are given in the table below:

1C traditionally pays a lot of attention to trading solutions, especially since the first configuration in the line was 1C Trade Management 11.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in the list of 1C KA features, special attention is paid to working with the main regulatory and reference information important for trading activities (reference books "Nomenclature", "Clients") and a number of changes and flexible settings have been made to reflect management information through these directories.

For example, the customer directory is divided into two: the "Partners" directory (storage of the interaction participant as a management entity) and "Counterparties" (legal entity). So for the first time in 1C products, it became possible to separate the actual structure of enterprises with which we conduct joint activities and their legal structure. A similar solution applies to "Contracts". And the “Nomenclature” reference book, although it is present in a single copy, has so many settings that it is quite possible to significantly change the appearance of product cards depending on which group they belong to.

Pricing (and marketing promotions) are also in the CRM and Marketing section, they include not only interconnected price lists (price types), but also discounts, and the ability to flexibly manage these discounts depending on a large number of predefined conditions by linking discounts to agreements with clients.

As for the capabilities of CRM itself as a customer relationship management system, it should be said that the system is configured primarily for b2b interactions and implements only the basic functionality of specialized systems, nevertheless allowing you to register all contacts with customers in the context of advertising interactions, initiate them depending on the conditions and, if necessary, strictly control the conduct of transactions, starting from the very first stages.

There are no differences in the capabilities of the CRM and Marketing subsystem between the three compared systems.

As we wrote above, sales are perhaps the strongest side of 1C systems: accounting for wholesale and retail sales is implemented, sales of goods transferred to the commission are kept, the latest legal requirements for working with EGAIS and VETIS are taken into account, integrations with services like 1C itself are implemented (1SPARK), as well as a number of other third-party systems.

Separately, it should be mentioned that the mechanism for conducting mutual settlements with buyers allows you to track not only mutual settlements from the point of accounting storage, but also managerial mutual settlements, taking into account payment schedules and deferrals provided. Allowable receivables are monitored, it is possible to create a list of partners who are prohibited from shipping (including for all legal entities belonging to them) and much more.

As in the case of the previous paragraph, the trading capabilities of the 1C KA solution are identical with the other two systems.

The purchasing block supports all processes typical for trading and manufacturing companies: purchasing goods from wholesale suppliers and individuals, supporting non-invoiced deliveries, working with returns, and much more.

In this block, it is worth mentioning separately the support for working with suppliers who each use their own name and marking of the same product. Thanks to a separate directory "Nomenclature of suppliers", it is possible, without duplicating the positions of the nomenclature in the main directory, to keep records of such goods in the context of different suppliers.

This functionality also coincides for all three compared systems.

This section in 1C KA can be divided into several, although interconnected, but still separate blocks:

  1. Warehouse Logistics. 1C KA allows you to keep records of goods in the context of not just different warehouses, but also premises within one warehouse with the allocation of storage areas. Work with order warehouses is supported, and this functionality (although it cannot compete with specialized solutions from market leaders) is likely to suit a company with a small / medium warehouse and not very intensive turnover.
  2. Transport logistics. In 1C KA, it became possible to automate a small private transport service. In this part, the capabilities of the system are quite simple, the emphasis is on the formation of route sheets and tracking the execution of transportation tasks.
  3. Satisfying needs allows you to set up supply schemes for each item of the nomenclature and automate the maintenance of the required amount of goods in warehouses.

The functionality of the Warehouse and Delivery subsystem of 1C KA is completely identical to the capabilities embedded in 1C UT and 1C ERP.

1C KA is not intended for large manufacturing companies, and although it allows you to process the transfer (and return) of materials to / from production, product releases, distribute costs for these releases, it lacks the functionality of product planning.

As part of this subsystem, 1C KA implements work with processors, it is possible to keep records of materials and semi-finished products transferred for processing, as well as receive finished products from the processor.

The method of implementing production accounting in 1C KA may well suit manufacturing companies that do not need automation of planning processes in the system. Those who still need such functionality should evaluate 1C ERP, where, among other things, both inter-shop and operational planning are implemented.

In 1C UT11, there is no “Production” section, and in this context it is worth mentioning only the ability to keep records of simple assembly / disassembly operations of goods.

In the cash management block in 1C KA, the key mechanisms are the planning and control of cash.

Control is implemented either through budgeting mechanisms (we talked about them above), using which you can specify the budgets for which funds will be limited, or through a separate limitation mechanism. At the same time, both mechanisms are mutually exclusive: if budgeting is enabled, then the limitation of funds is implemented on the basis of budgets, if not, by separate documents.

As for planning, it is implemented through the mechanism of payment requests reflected in the payment calendar.

The process of making payments is not very different from how it is done in other 1C products: integration with the bank can take place both through a direct connection to the bank services (direct bank) and through file exchange.

You can add a fly in the ointment by mentioning that the process of approving applications for payment is done in an extremely primitive way: through the statuses of application documents. But earlier, in the first versions of 1C UT, a coordination mechanism was implemented through business processes. Unfortunately, 1C decided to abandon the development of this mechanism and now offers organizations that want to implement complex processes for agreeing on payment requests (and other documents) to purchase a specialized product 1C Document Management, integrated with 1C KA.

The treasury block has identical functionality in 1C UT, 1C KA and 1C ERP systems.

Personnel, salary, regulated accounting and accounting of non-current assets

The 1C KA system has the ability to keep records of personnel, wages, accounting and tax accounting. True, here regulated and personnel records are implemented a little differently than in 1C Accounting 3 and 1C Payroll and personnel management systems, which can be an unpleasant surprise for those who are used to working with them.

In addition, the main limitation of 1C KA in comparison with specialized accounting systems is that data is transmitted to subsystems from the operational circuit, which imposes quite understandable restrictions on editing this data.

The functionality of the listed subsystems in 1C KA and 1C ERP has identical functionality, but is not available in 1C UT.


As a result, I would like to pay attention to one more difference between the systems being compared - the possibility of automating accounting according to IFRS standards. This functional block is present only in 1C ERP, absent in 1C KA and 1C UT.

The purpose of the article was to give an understanding of the main features of the 1C KA system, its place in the 1C product line and the main differences from the 1C ERP and 1C UT systems. In conclusion, we note that due to the democratic cost and rather rich functionality, this system can be safely recommended for purchase to trading / service companies that need, on the one hand, a functional, and on the other hand, a simple and quick implemented solution for the integrated automation of basic business processes. .